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VHS What do Ты think of Blu-rays?

5 fans picked:
Neutral/They're the same as regular DVDs
Like them
Don't like them
 opaquemystique posted Больше года
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padani53 picked Neutral/They're the same as regular DVDs:
I don't own a Blu-ray player or the discs, but have seen them at friends homes. Someday I'll probably get one.
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HarleySkywalker picked Like them:
I like them. l bought a Led Zeppelin abum which includes a concert in blu-ray and it's a much better picture..
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CF_the_Kid2 picked Neutral/They're the same as regular DVDs:
thinkin' about getting one.
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sunnyfields picked Neutral/They're the same as regular DVDs:
I usually just get the DVD because they are cheaper, but I have some on Blu-ray
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