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Web Humor If someone falls down by accident,do Ты die laughing?

34 fans picked:
I only giggle....
haha xDD yeah when i caught they're look on they're faces! it's priceless!
well,no I mean...I feel bad for them
 R33n33sm3 posted Больше года
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ded99 picked I only giggle....:
Sweet baby.
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nessienjake picked haha xDD yeah when i caught they're look on they're faces! it's priceless!:
awww I love that baby :DD
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sugarcane15 picked I only giggle....:
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edwardcarlisle picked haha xDD yeah when i caught they're look on they're faces! it's priceless!:
I laugh a lot at the same time that I help the person
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7things picked haha xDD yeah when i caught they're look on they're faces! it's priceless!:
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KezzMorris picked well,no I mean...I feel bad for them:
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MusicIsMyNature picked I only giggle....:
Um, if they're hurt, I won't. If not, I'll giggle.
posted Больше года.