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Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story is a 2024 documentary film that's about Christopher Reeve.

The documentary explains who Christopher Reeve was. Christopher Reeve, who played Супермен in four Супермен films, was much еще than just an actor that played one of the most iconic versions of one of the most iconic superheroes. Christopher Reeve was a wonderful, inspirational person that helped lots of people. He went through an accident that cost him to lose the ability to walk and also led to him passing away at an early age. However, he did so many great things during his lifetime that he...
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posted by whatsupbugs
1988's Beetlejuice finally got a sequel in 2024. The sequel has Michael Keaton, Winona Ryder and Catherine O'Hara reprise their roles and has Tim полиспаст, бертон returning as director.

I'm a huge Фан of Tim Burton's directing and Michael Keaton's acting, because of the work that they did for the Бэтмен films. I eventually saw the first Beetlejuice film and ended up becoming a Фан of it, so I felt excited for the Beetlejuice sequel. The presence of Jenna Ortega, the звезда of Wednesday, added to my excitement. Despite a lot of films coming out in 2024, I felt most excited for the Beetlejuice sequel.

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For a long time, I've been wanting to figure out who my Избранное superheroes are. There are a lot of superheroes that mean a lot to me, so figuring out who my избранное are hasn't been easy. However, it's been a fun experience to work on.

One of the most difficult aspects has been trying to decide if Elsa should be on my list. I don't think that Elsa counts, because she isn't regularly seen saving people from villains. That could change if Elsa becomes a crimefighter in one of the sequels.

Some superheroes that mean a lot to me but aren't one of my ten избранное include Batgirl, Supergirl, Wolverine,...
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posted by whatsupbugs
For a long time, I've been wanting to finally figure out something that means a lot to me. I've been working on deciding who my Избранное superheroes are. Granted, I have made lists about who my Избранное superheroes are, but my opinions often change. Superheroes are one of the first things that I ever became a Фан of, so I've been spending a lot of time experiencing superhero comics, shows and films.

Over the years, my interests changed a lot. There was even a time where superheroes weren't something that I was a big Фан of. However, superheroes mean a lot to me. There are some superheroes that...
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Batman: Caped Crusader is the newest Бэтмен cartoon series. Although Бэтмен has appeared in various shows, he hasn't had his own solo series since Beware the Batman, which was over a decade ago.

What helps Batman: Caped Crusader stand out from other Бэтмен cartoon shows is that it's a period piece. It's meant to look and feel like the time period that Бэтмен was created in. I've read a lot of Bill Finger's early Бэтмен comics, so I can Подтвердить that Caped Crusader feels like an authentic adaptation of Bill Finger's earliest Бэтмен stories. Even though Caped Crusader came out in 2024, the series...
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Kevin Conroy was an actor that became a huge part of Batman's history. Kevin Conroy's Бэтмен first appeared in 1992's Batman: The Animated Series. After that, Kevin Conroy went on to do Batman's voice for a wide variety of projects. Adam West still retains the honor of being the actor that's played the live-action version of Бэтмен the most. However, Kevin Conroy is the actor that's done Batman's voice еще times than anybody else.

Kevin Conroy's Бэтмен starred in several cartoon shows, including Batman: The Animated Series, The New Бэтмен Adventures, Justice League, Justice League Unlimited...
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posted by whatsupbugs
Blue's Clues is a franchise that means a lot to me, so I know a lot about it. It's easy for even the biggest Фаны to get some facts wrong, which is something that I've done in the past. There are some big things about Blue's Clues that people, including me, have gotten wrong.

Blue is a female puppy.

Blue's often thought of as a male puppy, but that's not true. From the beginning, Blue has been a female puppy. Blue is considered a color for male characters, but Blue goes against expectations in a meaningful way.

Magenta is also a female puppy.

There are people that think that since Blue is a female...
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John Ritter was an actor that became Популярное for starring in Three's Company. I didn't grow up watching that show, but I and a lot of other people found out about John Ritter thanks to Clifford the Big Red Dog.

In the early 2000s, Clifford the Big Red Dog had a cartoon Показать that lots of kids grew up watching. The cartoon series focused on the innocent adventures of Clifford. Clifford used to be a small puppy, but Emily-Elizabeth Howard's Любовь for him was big enough to make Clifford grow into the world's biggest dog. Clifford was often accompanied by his dog friends, which included Cleo and T-Bone....
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posted by whatsupbugs
Blue, the titular character of the Blue's Clues franchise, has never been shown meeting her biological parents. In fact, her biological brother is the only biological relative that she's ever gotten to meet in any of the shows. Despite that, Blue has some parental figures that she loves like family.

Blue's parents:

Steve: Steve is the first human that Blue ever met. When Steve was a kid, he desperately wanted to have a puppy. He ended up getting a book about Blue. Blue was a magical puppy, so she was able to jump out of her book and meet Steve. Blue felt lonely in the book, so she put the book...
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posted by whatsupbugs
How to change Spider-Man's origin:

Peter Parker is a college student that is often bullied by Flash Thompson. Flash often pulls pranks and vandalizes school property. However, he doesn't want to get in trouble, so he tells people that Peter did the bad stuff. The school staff look down on Peter for his alleged bad behavior, while the Популярное students look down on Peter for being a meek nerd. The beautiful, elusive Gwen Stacy feels sympathy for Peter and his nerdy best friend, Harry Osborn. Harry wants to become a brilliant inventor, so he can impress his strict father, who is Norman Osborn....
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posted by whatsupbugs
I'm a huge Бэтмен fan, so I've spent a lot of time thinking about who I want to play the Бэтмен characters.

My Бэтмен cast list:

Steve Burns as Бэтмен

Donovan Patton as Nightwing

Josh Dela Cruz as Bat-Mite

Katherine Barrell as Batgirl

Bill Nighy as Alfred Pennyworth

Mandy Patinkin as Commissioner Gordon

Keith David as Lucius Fox

Anya Taylor-Joy as Spoiler

Jack Black as Detective Bullock

Liam Neeson as Chief O'Hara

Robert Carlyle as Joker

David пересекать, крест as Hugo Strange

Jenna Ortega as Catwoman

Sophie Turner as Poison Ivy

David Tennant as Clock King

Evanna Lynch as Harley Quinn

Timothée Chalamet as Mad Hatter

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posted by PopPixie----
He's a great Fanpop member. He's a shy person, but, he's a very smart and kind person. He's a great friend.

Whatsupbugs makes our bad days better. He cares about everyone. He's a good guy. He maybe a shy person, but, it's definitely doesn't mean that he don't Любовь people. He's a really nice guy. I feel really lucky to know him.

Everyone needs happiness and Whatsupbugs makes everyone happy. I'm really proud of him.

He's becoming a better person and that's why I'm proud of him. He's a good, wonderful and sweet person.

Thank you, Whatsupbugs, for being a wonderful person. I appreciate you.
Well I finally watched Hazbin Hotel, and I must say. It's much better than Helluva Boss, much as I like that Показать I don't really like the approach it was going, constantly throwing in еще and еще characters and getting away from it's simply premise of being sit com about assassins.

It works better in Hazbin, as it has room for all that world building much better in my opinion..

But I'll be honest, when I first watched the pilot back in thhe day, I thought it "okay".. Reminded me of those weird adult swim shows and I had mixed feelings about. Espically Энджел Dust, and ironically Pentious who...
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In 1984, the Ghostbusters franchise began. Four decades later, the iconic franchise still isn't over. The passing of Harold Ramis in 2014 seemed to lead to the end of the original era of Ghostbusters. However, after 2016's reboot failed to impress audiences, the original cast joined a new cast for 2021's Ghostbusters: Afterlife. The film served as a tribute to Harold Ramis. The film was directed by Jason Reitman. Jason Reitman's the son of Ivan Reitman, who directed the first two Ghostbusters films and produced the other films. He passed away in 2022, so the newest film, Ghostbusters: Frozen...
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Outside of films starring Vincent Price, I'm not a big Фан или horror films. However, I understand that horror is a Популярное film genre that means a lot to people. The big horror franchises aren't for me, but I understand that they have an important place in pop culture. However, there's a Популярное horror trend that I don't approve of. There have been horror films based off of franchises that are meant for families.

I'm not against the idea of franchises that are made for adults. For example, I recently reviewed Hazbin Hotel. There are lots of great franchises that are made for adults, but I'm...
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posted by whatsupbugs
Hazbin Hotel's an animated series that has a wide variety of memorable, amazing characters. In order to help people know and remember the characters, I have decided to make a character guide.

Charlie Morningstar: Charlie's the protagonist of the series. She's the princess of Hell, but she isn't evil. In fact, she's actually an inspirational visionary that wants to help sinners redeem themselves. She created the titular hotel, so that people can go to a place that'll help them get the redemption that they need. Charlie's a very optimistic person that believes in others and works hard to make...
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Note: I need to stress that Hazbin Hotel is not for kids. Мультики are often considered to be for kids, but Hazbin Hotel serves as proof that some Мультики are for adults. The Показать features topics, content and language that are еще adult than material from a lot of films that are еще intense than material from a lot of other adult cartoons.

Hazbin Hotel started off as a YouTube pilot in 2019. The pilot had an intriguing premise, interesting characters and amazing animation. The pilot was enough to get several people to become fans. The Фаны knew that they would have to wait a long time for...
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Blue's Clues & You! is the third series in the Blue's Clues franchise. The секунда series, Blue's Room, was a spin-off of the original series, so it took place in the same continuity. However, it's been very hard to tell if Blue's Clues & You! takes place in that continuity. A lot of the show's aspects seem to indicate that it's a reboot, but other aspects make the Показать look like a sequel.

Reasons why Blue's Clues & You! could be a considered a reboot:

Blue and Magenta appear to be the same age that they were in the original series. The talking objects, except for Paprika and Cinnamon,...
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Something to remember before Чтение the article: It's important to remember that Bill Finger really created Batman. Without Bill, Бэтмен wouldn't have become one of the most Популярное fictional Герои of all time. However, I have forgiven Bob Kane for taking full credit for Batman's creation, and I don't encourage Бэтмен Фаны to give him posthumous hate.

A lot of creative people have done amazing work that has permanently changed comics history in addition to inspiring filmmakers to make superhero films. My personal Избранное comics creator is Bill Finger. Bill Finger is Batman's primary creator....
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posted by whatsupbugs
Thank you, my friends, for asking me questions.

Answering Вопросы from NectariaKiritsi:

1. How old was I when I became a Фан of Batman, Superman, Masters of the Universe, Покемон and Code Geass?

Batman and Супермен are two of the first things that I remember becoming a Фан of. Shortly after I was born, I was дана large Бэтмен and Супермен toys that I still have in my collection. Бэтмен is the first franchise that I can remember having an active interest in collecting.

Masters of the Universe was something that I got into at a young age. I watched the original series and the 2000s reboot...
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