Accessories are key when it comes to creating a '70s look. Some things to keep in mind:
-The right handbag completes a look. Try for smart, high quality bags like a leather ранец, сумка for day, and a small bag with a long strap for night.
-Big, statement leather belts slung over mini skirts или макси dresses add impact and fair to a seventies-inspired outfit.
-A pair of on-trend thigh high boots are probably already be in your wardrobe by now - pair them with hot pants или a юбка for a decidedly sexed-up yet sophisticated '70s look.
-Wear lots of jewellery - but keep it a little cleaner than for a boho look. Try lots of rings with bold stones, neat piles of bangles, and long pendant necklaces and strings of beads.
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Loooooooooooooooooooooooove!!! <3