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If I were to look at your ipod, what are the singers I would find the most?

39 answers | my answer: As in artists with the most songs? Within Tempta...

What song..

22 answers | my answer: Ghost Любовь Score by Nightwish. It has triple the am...

need help!

8 answers | my answer: It's okay if the Музыка Ты listen to isn't Christia...

Are Christians not encouraged to read the Harry Potter books?

16 answers | my answer: There's nothing wrong with Harry Potter. My PASTOR...

Post a video of your Избранное CHRISTIAN SONG!!!!! :D :D

11 answers | my answer: The Disease and the Cure- Kutless I also really...

Choice in music??

10 answers | my answer: I listen to a variety of music; from rock, to symph...

What is your opinion on Katy perry?

10 answers | my answer: Meh, I don't really like her music. Not because her...

Do Ты hate gays and lesbians?

87 answers | my answer: Why would I have reason to? It doesn't make them ba...

Is anyway else here against drinking, drugs and smoking?

9 answers | my answer: I am, but not because of religion. I'm against anyt...

Do Ты think someone who is gay can still be a Cristian? Do Ты think they will go to Heaven?

10 answers | my answer: I believe God doesn't care about someone's sexual o...