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На Fanpop с October 2012

  • Female, 25 years old
  • Other
  • Favorite TV Show: no
    Favorite Movie: no
    Favorite Musician: no
    Favorite Book or Author: no
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Die-Hard Fan in 2 clubs Die-Hard (2)

Моя стена

Hey, I'm ten and this whole story started as a small dream. Then, it turned into a book! And please don't go walking around saying "Oh this was all my idea!" Cause it's not! And my uncle plays two of he voices in two Дисней movies! I'll have him Сообщить Ты if Ты steal it! Just don't steal it please. I've worked so hard on it, and I'm only ten years old. Please? Thank you. 😢 Опубликовано Больше года
Эй, everyone!!! There's a TinkerBell and the Quest for the Queen fapop!!! The new TinkerBell movie go check it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hurry! Опубликовано Больше года
I like your picture of Pascal it's cute!❤ Опубликовано Больше года