Ofri A

На Fanpop с September 2012

  • Female, 25 years old
  • Brookline, United States of America
  • Favorite TV Show: Beatles cartoon Показать
    Favorite Movie: A hard day's night, Help!
    Favorite Musician: The Beatles
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abcjkl выразил(-а) мне благодарность за my polls
hi! thanks for the add back and nice to meet you!
would Ты like to Присоединиться my club?

link Опубликовано Больше года
hetalianstella выразил(-а) мне благодарность за my comments
Merry Christmas~!!! ^ ^ Опубликовано Больше года
OfriA сказал(-а) о The Beatles
Rest in peace John! Ты will always be remembered in our hearts, and we will keep listening to and appreciating your music! Ты are one of the greatest musicians the world has ever seen, and I don't know what I would've have been like if I hadn't known you, and your influence on the Музыка world. I hope Ты know how great Ты are, and that Ты are the greatest working-class hero! Опубликовано Больше года