omg my bestie herman his gurl is mad mean she always hittin him and he says she always jealous and i saw it wit my own eyes!!! she smacked him jst cuz he stopped walkin wit her to walk me Главная and his arm was around me and she smacked him!!! i was so mad like i cant believe she did dat!!!
Опубликовано Больше года
omg my new alter ego is BONQUIQUI!!! yup dats me and if u dont like it idc cuz u kno u hate cuz u secretly luv meh but u dont hav to hide it cuz i wont tel. ill jst post it and laff in yo face makin everybody think u hate me. hahahahahahaaha i so happy i gots mes allowance and i is goin to da fair on monday and goin to see Трансформеры on saturday.
Опубликовано Больше года