
На Fanpop с May 2011

  • Female, 27 years old
  • St.Louis, MO
  • Favorite TV Show: bones,merlin,wipe out
    Favorite Movie: action/comidies/heroicc/classic/good stuff
    Favorite Musician: anyone country,backstreet boys
    Favorite Book or Author: eragon, Книги by R.R.,shiver,song of sparrow
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hey, if black пантера uses vibranium, isn't captain's sheild made of that? Опубликовано Больше года
Robin_Love прокомментировал(-а)…
Vibranium and adimantium metal alloy Больше года
the best avenger. i think his uniform was better n this Переместить than in the Avengers. Опубликовано Больше года
furzeypop прокомментировал(-а)…
Yup his uniform is much better in the movie, I cannot wait for his Далее movie to come out. I've watched the trailer so many times, its as if I think its gonna change every time I watch it... XD Больше года
APWBD112 сказал(-а) …
your answer Young Justice season 2 episode 6 Bloodlines. :) Опубликовано Больше года