2 lifetime gold
Work Hard, Stay Humble.
На Fanpop с April 2012
- Соединенные Штаты Америки
- My Websites: My Relay for Life Website, My Fanpop Club: hgfan56o2
- Favorite Movie: The Hunger Games, Captain America: The First Avenger, Mission Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol, Jack ReacherFavorite Musician: Walk the Moon, Twenty One Pilots, MisterwivesFavorite Book or Author: The Hunger Games Trilogy, Divergent, The Outsiders, Walk Two Moons, Maximum Ride, The Westing Game, Legend
Моя стена

I have Опубликовано a poem called "Let Us Try." Please read and let me know what Ты think of it!
Опубликовано Больше года



сказал(-а) о True Writers …
Опубликовано a new Фан fic... dunno if Ты all like it... but critique and Комментарий on it! Please! It is called "No еще Unicorns." LOL bad name? does anyone have a better Название if u think its bad
Опубликовано Больше года