Ikumi Любовь

На Fanpop с September 2011

  • Female, 30 years old
  • Pedmont, mo
  • Favorite TV Show: true blood, Elfin lied, American horror stories, blood+,vampire knight, and spongebob squarpants
    Favorite Movie: Любовь guru, chrismas card
    Favorite Musician: Claudio Sanchez , Creature feature , black vail bride, Marilyn mansion, amberlin, blood on the dance floor, within temptation, and The Gaztte
    Favorite Book or Author: Morpheus road The light
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kitsune52 сказал(-а) о Gay Rights
Любовь is Любовь people need to grow up and relize that. Blood from a straight person and a gay persons is the same thing why would they do that to us. I Любовь who i am and what i stand for and im excited that they are starting to allow gays to get married. They funny thing is that there is nothing different about us adn straight people to tell Ты the truth they would never know that we are not straight unless we say that we are. we are all normal we bleed we Любовь and we have familys. Опубликовано Больше года
IM-A-DEPP выразил(-а) мне благодарность за my articles
Hello hun..how are Ты ? ^_^
thanx 4 adding me back ! :) Опубликовано Больше года
kitsune52 прокомментировал(-а)…
Your welcome ^^ Больше года
kitsune52 прокомментировал(-а)…
im great :) u Больше года
kitsune52 сказал(-а) о Gay Rights
we are people to we diserve the righ to do things sure we are not perfect no one is god made us who we are if god had not we would not be who we are today i Любовь my girlfriend to death and no law или discrimanation agenst us well change my feelings for her. if people have so much problem then Ты know screw them we are who we are and god made us that way. Опубликовано Больше года
kitsune52 прокомментировал(-а)…
people who put gays down have no idea how sweet we really can be Больше года
Blackrose26 прокомментировал(-а)…
its called prejudice. which seriously is trash. people just need to stop judging others. Больше года
britneyspears1f прокомментировал(-а)…
i totally agree Больше года