Sujumuffin Mosley

На Fanpop с April 2011

  • Female, 27 years old
  • New York , United States of America
  • Favorite TV Show: Young Justice,Ellen Degenourse, Adventer time, Sponge bob, Monster High, Genarator Rex, Iron Man: Amarod Adventures, Iris 1 and 2
    Favorite Movie: The clique, Zookeeper,Athur chirstmas, Pacific Rim,Jureny 2 the mystiouse Island
    Favorite Musician: Ke$ha, Nicky Manja, бас, бас-гитара hunter, Brittney Spears, Thound Foot Kruch, Lm.c
    Favorite Book or Author: Mangas:Salor Moon , Shojo cara, Full Metal Alchemist, Ultra Maniac, Soul Eater.The clique, World war Z, гусь Bumps, Gunner Court, бирючина, привилегия, привет
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Любовь Tokyo Ghoul anime. I will read the Манга since a lot of people сказал(-а) it was just as good. Опубликовано Больше года
big smile
lolfan88 сказал(-а) …
yearly check in again wooo!!!
I should come on here еще :/ Опубликовано Больше года
lolfan88 сказал(-а) …
oooo. Yearly check in!! Опубликовано Больше года