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vanillamoon08 выразил(-а) мне благодарность за my images
hey!!!! :D I'm sooooo sorry that I haven't been on in a long time!!! I had no computer for a while. :/ But, are Ты doing well? And, I Опубликовано up a new chapter of the True сердце if Ты wanna check it out. :) Опубликовано Больше года
vanillamoon08 выразил(-а) мне благодарность за my links
:( it's okay. :/ And OH YES!!!! He's totally goregous!!!!!!!! :D And, that's okay! I'll understand. I haven't been getting on Fanpop as much as I used to... :/ Опубликовано Больше года
vanillamoon08 выразил(-а) мне благодарность за my comments
Aw, that's not good! D: My life hasn't been doing that great either. The guy I like doesn't know i exist, even though I've been trying to meet him almost everyday for two months now. My mom took away the internet from my computer and my MP3, I have a term paper to do, and so on. :/ Опубликовано Больше года