caitlin t

На Fanpop с January 2009

  • Female, 30 years old
  • Philippines
  • Favorite TV Show: Glee, Kyle XY, Gossip Girl, Privileged, How I Met Your Mother
    Favorite Movie: ***Every movie I've seen is my favorite***
    Favorite Musician: Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, Superchic, Daivd Cook, Carrie Underwood, Meiko, Lenka, Shawn Hlookoff, Lifehouse, Coldplay, Ariel Lin, Green день
    Favorite Book or Author: Twilight Series, Everything is not Enough, The Boy who Dared, Wuthering Heights, Pride and Prejudice, Esperanza Rising ...etc
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samantha-delena выразил(-а) мне благодарность за my videos
hi! do Ты think Ты can change the banner at Kahlan's spot? it's really old.. ;) Опубликовано Больше года
stephsalvatore выразил(-а) мне благодарность за my polls
Sure I will Любовь to send me the link Опубликовано Больше года
stephsalvatore выразил(-а) мне благодарность за my polls
Yes I saw the pictures so cute Опубликовано Больше года