Director Of Книги old shows and new series

На Fanpop с October 2011

  • Favorite TV Show: the middle,kim possible,monk and the other postive клубы Ты see on my Профиль
    Favorite Movie: narnia! courageous,facing the giants
    Favorite Musician: Skillet,Red
    Favorite Book or Author: narnia,courageous,facing the giants,kingdom's series knights of A series
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Моя стена

skilletfreak291 сказал(-а) о Red vs. Blue
i am on Team Кока-кола So i am Supporting Team RED Опубликовано Больше года
i don't own a bunny but my Brother does
his name is Oliver
but sometimes we called him chum-chum,bun-bun and chumthehut Опубликовано Больше года
skilletfreak291 сказал(-а) о Lizzie McGuire
My neighbor,Dyanna and i used to watch Lizzie McGuire
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