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Chapter 6: Oscar's Rescue

As soon as the Crimson Волки were gone, the group raced back to the pack, hoping to capture a волк before they escaped. They arrived back to see the Crimson Pack in full retreat.

“Stop them!” Stinky yelled, rushing toward the retreating wolves. “We can’t let them get away!”

Unfortunately, they were too slow, and the Crimson Pack retreated into the forest. Emily came rushing up to the group.

“Adam!” she exclaimed. “What happened out there?”

“We got ambushed by another group of Волки and they took Oscar,” Adam explained quickly.

“Now we need to catch one of them so we can find out where they’re going,” Stinky said.

“Oh, like this guy?” came a voice behind them.

They turned to see Jonas with a crimson волк laying at his feet, exhausted. Everyone stared at him in shock and disbelief.

“Wait,” Martin said. “How did you-“

“What, capture him?” Jonas finished. “I may be an omega, but I can still fight.”

“So,” Claudette said. “What do we do with him?”

“I think we should let Jax and Jonas handle this one,” Stinky said. “We wouldn’t have this lead if it wasn’t for them.”

“Alright,” Jax сказал(-а) excitedly.

“But try and work fast,” Stinky said. “We don’t have much time. So see what Ты can get out of this guy.”

“We’re on it,” Jonas replied.

As Stinky was walking away, he shouted one last remark.

“Oh, and no torturing the prisoner!”

“Ugh,” Jax sighed. “How does he always know?”

“So, what should we do to him?” Jonas asked.

“Wait, what?” the волк said, surprised. “I thought your boss сказал(-а) Ты couldn’t torture me.”

“We’re not gonna torture you,” Jax reassured him.

“We just have a few Вопросы for you,” Jonas finished. “First, how’s the job?”

“The job?” the волк said, confused.

“Being a murderous волк who kills for fun,” Jonas replied.

“Oh,” the волк said. “Well, I mean it’s okay. They mostly leave Ты alone, as long as Ты follow orders and don’t screw up, или else they kill you.”

“What about vacation?” Jax asked. “Do Ты get days off?”

“No,” the волк answered. “They say we can’t afford to lose focus. Gotta keep the mind sharp, Ты know.”

“What’s up with those scars?” Jonas asked, referencing the V-shaped scar on his face.

“Those are our initiation scars,” the волк explained. “Everyone gets them. The mark of the Crimson Pack. It symbolizes severing the ties to your past, your family. The Crimson Pack becomes your Главная and Ты can never go back. There’s only one way Ты leave the Crimson Pack.”

“And how do Ты get them?” Jax asked.

“The Wolfslayer,” the волк replied, calmly. “He personally gives them to us. Every single one.”

“Okay, and what about where Ты live?” Jonas asked. “I would think that constantly moving around and never settling in one place would be a bit stressful.”

“It is at first,” the волк replied. “But Ты get used to it. We don’t really Переместить around a whole lot, actually.”

“Hmm,” Jonas wondered. “Well, in that case…where have Ты taken Oscar!? Huh!? Tell us! Where!?”

“Ahem,” Jax said.

“What?” Jonas whispered, walking over to him. “Can we talk about this later? I’m kinda in the middle of something.”

“No,” Jax replied. “We’ll do this now.”

“Fine,” Jonas gave in. “Every time we do this, you’re always bad волк and I’m always good wolf. It’s my turn to be bad wolf.”

“What about last time?” Jax continued. “You were bad волк last time.”

“No,” Jonas said. “Last time, I made Друзья with the suspect while Ты threatened to torture him.”

“That’s not how I remember it,” Jax replied.

“Oh, so now you’re all about remembering things?” Jonas asked.

It was at that time that Steven approached them to check on their progress and wasn’t surprised to find them arguing.

“Have Ты two dimwits gotten any information out of this guy yet?” he asked.

“He was just about to crack,” Jonas said. “But someone ruined it.”

“Oh, please,” Jax replied. “He was never going to spill the beans the way Ты were grilling him. Ты shouldn’t be grilling beans anyway. Weird.”

Steven sighed.

“Why do we trust Ты two with anything?”

“I’ll get him to talk,” Jax said, confidently. “Just watch.”

Jax turned to the волк and got right in his face.

“Where have Ты taken-“

He stopped when he heard someone else approaching.

“Oh, come on!”

Lisa came running up to the group.

“Another волк just gave up where Oscar is being held,” she said. “Come on, let’s go.”

“What?!” Jax exclaimed. “Are Ты serious? I was so close-“

“Were not,” Jonas argued.

“Yes, I was,” Jax replied.

“Were not.”

“Yes, I was.”

“Were not.”

“He was gonna be spillin’ and grillin’.”

“Would Ты two just go?!” Steven shouted.

“He was gonna grill and spill those beans,” Jax remarked as they began walking away.

As they met up with Runt and the others, they noticed King and the Rogues approaching them.

“What are Ты doing here?” Runt asked.

“We’ve been under attack from the same pack of Волки that’s been attacking you,” King explained. “We’ve come to help.”

“They’re called the Crimson Pack,” Runt replied. “And they work for the Wolfslayer.”

A look of fear suddenly came over King’s face.

“Whoa,” Runt said, surprised at King’s reaction. “I didn’t think Ты were afraid of anything.”

“That name instills fear in all wolves,” King said. “Don’t throw it around so loosely Далее time. I heard about your friend, Oscar. What’s your plan?”

“Yes,” Runt said, nervously. “My plan. My plan.”

“You have no plan, do you?” Lisa asked.

“Nope,” Runt replied. “I have no plan.”

“You’re too gullible, Runt,” King said. “That’s your problem. I should know. I’ve tricked Ты plenty of times.”

“Yeah, well, I’m still here,” Runt said.

“Okay, enough talk,” Stinky said. “Let’s go.”

“Go where?” Steven asked. “Jax and Jonas got nothing out of the wolf.”

“They didn’t have to,” Lisa replied.

“Oh,” Jax said. “I get it. Lisa lied to that wolf, knowing he would return to the pack to warn them so Stinky could track his scent. That’s brilliant.”

“That’s why I Любовь you,” Runt сказал(-а) to Lisa.

“Ew,” Steven exclaimed. “Get a room.”

“Okay, let’s go, people,” Stinky urged. “We’ll discuss the plan on the way.”

“Wait, are we bringing the whole pack?” Martin asked.

“The whole pack,” Stinky replied.

The entire pack, plus the Rogues moved out with Stinky leading the way. They traveled through the forest for a bit until Stinky stopped.

“Okay,” he said. “We’re here. Runt, what’s the plan?”

“Oscar’s rescue is essential to our fight against the Crimson Pack,” Runt began. “He’s one of the strongest Волки we’ve seen, and we can’t afford not to have him on our side. So, here’s the plan. They’re not going to leave Oscar alone like we did, even with an escort. Right now, they’re probably keeping him in the center of the pack. We’ll never be able to fight through them all if we attack them head on. They wouldn’t risk Oscar being in the middle of the fight, so they’ll Переместить him to the back. They also know we’re coming, so they’re going to be moving away from us. We’ll send some Волки ahead to trick them into thinking we’re ahead of them and drive them back here where the rest of the pack will be waiting.”

“You do realize that Oscar’s going to be very heavily guarded, right?” Steven asked. “I’m sorry, but there’s no way I’m charging head first into an entire pack of bloodthirsty wolves.”

“Don’t worry,” Runt replied. “Stinky and I will get Oscar.”

“Good. I like that plan,” Steven said.

“And how do Ты expect to do that?” Mick asked. “I mean the idiot does have a point, Ты can’t fight through all those wolves.”

“I’m standing right here,” Steven said, annoyed.

“Trust me,” Runt reassured them. “Now, Adam will lead the charge against the pack.”

“Oh, keep going,” Steven said. “This is the best plan ever.”

“And what about us?” Jax asked. “What are we doing?”

“Creating a diversion, by sneaking around the pack and driving them toward us,” Runt said, smiling.

“Oh, Ты idiots!” Steven exclaimed. “Why did Ты open your big, fat-“

“And Steven, you’re going with them,” Runt said. “Congratulations.”

“This is the worst plan ever,” Steven grumpily said.

“Okay, everyone get into position,” Stinky said. “We gotta work fast if we want to save Oscar.”

Stinky and Runt left the group and entered the forest a few yards away from the pack.

“So, how do we get through the pack to Oscar?” Stinky asked.

Runt looked up at a nearby дерево and Stinky began to object.

“No way.”

“I taught Ты how to climb a tree,” Runt reassured him. “You’ll be fine.”

“That дерево will never hold me,” Stinky said.

“We don’t have to climb up very far,” Runt replied. “Just high enough so they won’t see us when they pass under us. Stinky, you’re a leader now. And sometimes, a leader’s gotta be a little crazy.”

Runt began climbing the tree, leaving Stinky below.

“I hate it when he’s right,” Stinky сказал(-а) to himself as he followed Runt up the tree.

“How come we always get the fun jobs?” Stinky asked as he tried his best to hold onto the tree.

“Oh, this isn’t the fun part,” Runt replied, smiling. “Getting Oscar out of the pack is the fun part.”

It wasn’t long before they heard howling in front of them as Jax, Jonas, and Steven sent the Crimson Pack back toward the others. The pack passed under Stinky and Runt as they rushed to escape. Just as planned, Oscar and his escort were the last to pass and Stinky and Runt dropped out of the tree. Oscar pushed past the few Волки behind him and rushed over to them while some of the Волки turned and began to attack. Stinky and Runt rushed to defend Oscar, but he stayed behind. Stinky turned and looked at Oscar.

“Oscar, what are Ты doing?” Stinky asked. “Come on, get up here and fight.”

“I…can’t,” Oscar said, frightened.

“What, why not?” Stinky asked.

“I’ve never been in an actual fight before,” Oscar replied. “I’m afraid. I know I’m a red волк and I’m supposed to be this badass fighter and all, but I can’t do it.”

“Listen to me, Oscar,” Runt said. “You’re a red wolf, one of the most dangerous and feared Волки on the planet. Ты can do it, and Ты will do it. These Волки tried to kill Ты for a reason. It’s because they see Ты as a threat. They’re afraid of you. It’s time Ты remind them why.”

A sense of determination filled Oscar.

“You know what?” he said. “I will do it.”

“Good,” Runt said. “Now get in there.”

Oscar rushed into battle as Stinky looked at Runt in surprise.

“What?” Runt asked.

“Nothing,” Stinky replied. “It’s just, I didn’t know Ты were such a badass.”
 my son(demonform)
my son(demonform)
when i woke up i was bleeding bad.
Hybred: what the fuck, why am i bleeding.
then it hit me like a brick.
Hybred: how am i still alive, Katie!
i ran Главная to find my son dead.
Hybred: NO, IT CANT BE!?
i ran up staris and saw katie, my wife on the ground with her throat slit.
Hybred: KATIE!!!
i heard a voice come from the other room, I broke off one of my spikes out of my back wich are razor sharp, then i heard anouther voice it sounded like Humphrey and Kate.
Humphrey: hybred where the fuck are you?
i jumpped down and pinned him to the ground.
Hybred: What happend to katie humphrey.
Humphreys eyes then...
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Mini Story 1. “Kate’s big Journey!” Part 2 of 2.

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( this takes place the morning after the dream and the nightmare)

Opening my eyes was such a chore after last nights horrible nightmares;: the hellish fires, the rape and death of my beloved and the vision of the evil scar wolf. as difficult as it was to open my eyes the world made sure i did; the gleaming sun shine bursting through my window and onto my face, the birds Пение there beautiful songs outside in the trees and a beautiful волк lying in my постель, кровати and in my arms right Далее to me; her мех tickling my face in a way that made me shiver.

i looked around after struggling to open my weary...
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Kate: Wh-Where am I?

???: Your in the inferno, the Главная of the damned and Lucifer himself

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Kate: Who's there?

A man,...
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"You can ask the Masters that one." Humphreys voice deepened and startd to sound like leaves rustling in the wind as the white in his eyes began to glow. "I'd suggest that Ты make ammends for what Ты did to me and the packs, Ты flee and tick ridden worm infested sack of scum unworthy to even be on the floors of Hell."

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"Aleu. Shadow wanted me to tell Ты he was sorry and that he loved you. He wouldn't want Ты to go crying over him." I told her. She sniffled.

"Then what should I do?" She asked. Her eye's were red. I just stared at her.

"What do Ты think Ты should do?" I told her. She thought for a moment. She then looked back at me and nodded. She then got up and walked up to Humphrey.

"Sir we need to destroy...
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Humphrey's POV.

I looked at my brother standing across from me. Kate taped my shoulder. I looked at her.
"Humphrey, he looks just like you." she said. I nodded.
"I know. He's my brother." I told her. Seth started laughing.
"Remeber when we used to trick mom and dad so many times Humhrey?" He laughed. I shook my head. I could not remeber all that. Too much pain.
"Just give me back my pups, Seth." I ordered putting anger in it.
"And what if I don't?" He snarled.
"Then I will have to kill you." I said. I got into a fighting position.
"Then let's fight little brother." Seth snarled. He got down...
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Humphrey's POV

I was so happy to be home. I looked at my pups and Garth and Lilly's. Shadow looked excatly like me. звезда looked like Kate a little. Fang looked like Garth but had Lilly's Eye's. Rose had a mixture of both Lilly and Garth. I sighed. I was trying to get some sleep that morning. But my children thought different. They were bouncing off the walls and everything. I've been watching and everything. I looked at Kate and saw her smiling.
"What are Ты smiling about?" I asked.
"Oh just remebering when we decided to have these pups." She said. I groaned.
"From now on they are your kids from...
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“Oh i left the TV on”i say grabbing the remote to turn off the TV
As i went to turn it off i heard a Gunshot i immediately ran outside to investigate then i seen a Poacher that was holding a Shotgun on the floor was Jacob who was bleeding heavily
“YOU WILL DIE”i say angrily
A rage inside me made me Pounce And Bite So hard on the neck that is broken...
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Humphrey's POV

Me and Garth walked back into the den. Kate and Lilly were glad that me and him talked. Kate came over and gave me a kiss. I smiled since that helped me cheer up.
"so do we have anything planned today?"She asked. I thought for a moment.
"Since it's so warm out why don't we go swimming?" I suggested. Garth and Lilly agreed to this. as did Kate. "Well why don't Ты guys start heading to the waterfall and I will meet Ты there?" I told them. They then started heading there. I turned around with a smile on my face.
End of Humphrey's POV.
Garth was walking toward the swimming hole with...
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He finally сказал(-а) “Maybe this will work,” to Michael who was the leader of the Eastern pack.
“Oh,” Michael hesitated. He knew Jacky was right behind him and he didn’t want to get jumped if he сказал(-а) no. Not only that but he himself also like happy endings. He heard a growl from Jacky, looked back and сказал(-а) “Alright.”
Jackson and Michael saw Jeremy and Jessica...
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Kate and humphrey came Главная after a long день of hunting and shit like that and they were tired so they went to постель, кровати and kate fell asleep having a nightmare [Night mare begin's Lately Kate was scared about this killer that she heard about on the news his name was fukaro and she had heard the legend] Kate wake's up in her dream and she get's up to get a glass of water and on her way to the кухня she hears a loud scraping noise and she Thinks oh its just my imagination and she pours the glass of water from the sink but instead she gets blood and she screams and goes and turn on the television...
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"Well," The large black wolf, Otto began his observations, "He's not weak. Thats a certainty. He knows what he's talking about, at least a little. At most, I imagine that he'll be a decent enough combat или hunt member."
The others nodded in agreement as Deogee piped up,...
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