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posted by BeforeItWasCool
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Thanks for tuning back in to the House Fanisode: “It’s About Time….” I’m enjoying Письмо it and hope Ты are all enjoying Чтение it. Thanks for the reviews.

DISCLAIMER: I own the first five seasons of House on DVD and own a reservation for season six. I own a couple of Книги about House and еще than a couple of pictures of the man called House. My TiVo owns a preset time to record any new House episode regardless of whatever else is being watched on television. But alas, I do not own House. Sigh.

It’s About Time…
Chapter Eight

House entered the office and saw 13 waiting for him by his desk. He sat down at his chair and motioned for 13 to take a сиденье, место, сиденья across from him. She sat down and placed a box of personal items she had gathered to take Главная with her on the сиденье, место, сиденья Далее to her. House leaned back and rubbed his thigh. It hadn’t bothered him as much as he had expected it to, what with all the exercise it had received lately. Crawling through collapsed buildings followed by many passionate moments would have taxed a healthy leg, but it had been surprisingly painless. Of course, a pain-less день meant a pain level of around 4 или 5, but that was manageable. So he was surprised to be experiencing some pain now. He was only talking to 13 about her future. What physical или emotional toll would be taken with that? He found a bottle of ibuprofen in his drawer and quickly popped a couple.
13 just sat and watched him. She had been wondering about his leg pain. She knew he had managed to stay off Vicodin for the past year. She was proud of him. She had also seen the efforts he had taken to improve….things over the past year. She sincerely hoped everything would work out for him.
House sensed her watching him. He put the ibuprofen away before saying anything. “So did Ты mean what Ты сказал(-а) in the letter?” he asked.
“Which part?”
“Pick one and we’ll start there.”
13 smiled. It was never easy with House. “I am indeed turning in my resignation.” She smiled slightly. “I meant that.”
House nodded. “Yeah, I figured that one. Why? Are Ты pregnant?”
13 smiled. She shook her head no.
“Still in Любовь with Foreman and can’t handle working so closely with him?”
Again 13 shook her head.
“That leaves only one option,” House said, grinning at her. “You must be in Любовь with me and can’t handle working so closely with me.” He waggled his eyebrows at her.
13 actually laughed out loud at that one. “Yes, that’s it,” she said. “I was hoping Ты wouldn’t figure it out, but alas, my secret is out.”
“Thought so,” House said. “But I’m afraid I’m taken.” 13 cocked her head. House ignored the unspoken inquiry and continued. “Aside from that, Ты won’t be hired by anyone else if your condition has worsened.” He ducked his head then just lifted his eyes to look at her. “Is that what’s happened?”
So much for going quietly, 13 thought to herself. She was unsure how much to share with the man who had been her boss for the past three years, but who had ended up being a mentor as well. Well, a loose interpretation of mentor. There certainly hadn’t been any handholding and the Совет had come usually in sharp, cutting remarks, but all of it had made her a better doctor. 13 shrugged her shoulders. “In a way. I was at therapy two weeks назад and my reaction tests results weren’t so great. Last week they were worse. The день of the accident I had had a tremor while brushing my teeth.” She folded her hands together and looked down at them. “My mom had about 2 years after her first tremors.”
House nodded. Understanding. “You still have some time left. Stay.”
13 was touched that he wanted her to stay. House wasn’t the sort to be sentimental. “I don’t want to spend the time I have left in a hospital. I’ll spend plenty of time in the hospital at the end, I imagine.”
House again nodded. “So are Ты going to go on the Wild Life Rampage again?” House leaned вперед and looked right at 13. “You know, drinking, drugging and sleeping your way to fulfillment? I hope so. I kept a journal during the first round and if I can figure out a super awesome ending I can try to sell the screenplay to someone. I think the part of the caring mentor, Dr. House, should be played by Harrison Ford. What do Ты think?”
“I think I’ll stay off that path,” 13 replied quietly. “And I think we both know that is not the best way to ‘live life to its fullest.’”
The two shared a look of empathetic understanding. Both knew that path well and both knew that it only led to еще of the same and while that was great when Ты are 21, it became less appealing with maturity. No one could tread water forever.
“Okay,” House said. “Then what are Ты planning?”
“I’ve taken a job at a small clinic in Italy.” 13 laughed as House’s eyebrow arched. “Yes, they know my medical history, but they need someone who’ll work for almost nothing. It’ll be mostly small time stuff.” She tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear. “I’ll have plenty of time to explore Европа on my days off.”
“Then what?”
    “Asia,” came 13’s quick reply. “Then Africa. I don’t know. I’m just going to keep moving until I can’t control my movement any more.” She smiled sadly.
House didn’t really have anything to say. It sounded like a perfectly reasonable plan. He thought that maybe she might get bored, might not feel challenged, but then realized her perspective had changed dramatically. Her priorities had changed. He was not going to stand in her way или make it еще difficult.
“Well,” he simply said, “I wish Ты luck.” 13 nodded. The phone on House’s стол письменный, стол rang, breaking the friendly silence. House was going to ignore it, but glanced at the caller ID. He didn’t even know he had smiled when he picked up the phone receiver.
“Good morning, boss,” House сказал(-а) enthusiastically. “Is it time for your monthly buddy check. I’m all about the розовый Ribbon.” He chuckled as he heard the reply then listened to the person on the other line.
13 watched her boss talk to who she assumed was Dr. Cuddy. She had seen his face light up when he saw who was calling him and his eyes continued to dance as he listened to what she was telling him. 13 had long known that House had a thing for Cuddy. Everyone played his behavior off to House just being a sexist jerk, but 13 had seen the little boy on the playground tripping the pretty girl he had a crush on. But now as she listened to House interact with Cuddy on the phone she noticed a distinct difference. House was saying the type of things he had сказал(-а) in the past, but before House had сказал(-а) things in a harsh way to keep his attraction to Cuddy hidden; to keep his feelings protected. He was now talking to her in a tone that implied a shared attraction, a playful tease between lovers.
Something had happened between the two of them, she was sure of it.
House offered again to be a Breast Buddy as he сказал(-а) goodbye and hung up the phone. He looked at 13. “Sorry, that was Cuddy.” 13 smiled. Bingo. “Taub is being questioned by the police and my patient may have some еще internal complications.”
“Typical day, then,” 13 said.
“Yup, typical day,” House said.
They both stood at the same time, both knowing and accepting that it was time to Переместить on. There was an awkward moment before 13 stepped over to House and embraced him. He hesitantly put one arm around her shoulders and squeezed quickly. He broke the embrace and grabbed his cane. He walked around her towards the door, but 13 called to him.
“I also meant what I сказал(-а) in my letter about Ты and Cuddy,” she сказал(-а) quietly. “But it looks like you’ve already taken care of that.”
House whipped around and looked at her. His eyes narrowed as he tried to figure out how to react. Realizing his very body language gave away the secret he had told Cuddy he’d keep, he forced his body to relax.
“Yeah, your Совет is pure fantasy,” House said, leaning heavily on his cane. “But if you’re interested in her Ты have my blessing. Now that’s my fantasy…” House made eye contact with 13 and held it. 13 understood.
“Absolutely,” 13 responded. “Pure fantasy.” House gave a small nod. “Have a good life, House,” she said, sincerely, “Good luck to you, too. And if I see Harrison Ford I’ll let him know about your screenplay.”
“I would appreciate that.” House gave her a small smile then turned quickly and walked out of his office. He didn’t look back at 13.
13 gathered up her кошелек and box of personal stuff and after taking a lingering look around the Diagnostics Department, walked out the same door House had. She too, didn’t look back.


    “Seriously, Officer, I am Jacob Peerson’s doctor. I’m trying to find his father.” Taub was sitting in the back сиденье, место, сиденья of a squad car. An officer stood over him, keeping him where he was while another officer was calling Princeton Plainsboro Hospital to get verification. Taub had taken off his white пальто before leaving the hospital. It was only after he had been stopped by the officer that he realized his hospital ID and wallet were tucked in the side pocket. The officer was not buying Taub’s story. He was curious as to how Taub knew so much about Jacob Peerson. And just why he would need to speak to his father. Taub knew he would never hear the end of this from House. The only way to redeem himself was to find and bring in Jacob’s dad. He had дана the officer Cuddy’s direct phone number, hoping to postpone the public flogging from House.
    “Yes, ma’am,” Taub heard the officer say. “He’s about 5’6”, balding, says his name is Dr. Christopher Taub.” Taub wanted to interject that he was 5’8” but thought better of it. He couldn’t deny the balding part. The officer suddenly chuckled into the phone. “Yes, ma’am,” he сказал(-а) smiling. “I’ll be sure to let him know. Sorry to bother you. Thanks.”
    The officer closed the cell phone and joined his partner at the squad car. He looked down at Taub and gave him a serious look. “Your boss, Dr. Cuddy, verifies your story. She told me to tell Ты to Сообщить to her when Ты returned so she could tattoo an image of your hospital ID onto your forehead. That way Ты won’t leave it behind the Далее time Ты go to the scene of a possible kidnapping and ask a bunch of questions.”
    Taub chuckled feebly. “Ah, thank you, sir. I’ll be sure to do that.” He started to get out of the car, but the first officer gently placed a hand on his shoulder.
    “I’m going to have to ask Ты to leave the premises immediately, Doctor Taub,” he said. “This is being handled by the police. We don’t need your help.”
    “Look, guys,” Taub said, holding his hands up in surrender. “There is nothing better I would like to do then leave here but my boss sent me out here to find the kid’s dad and I need to look around a bit longer.”
    “You don’t know my boss. He expects it.”
    “We just spoke to your boss. SHE wants Ты back at the hospital.”
    Taub shook his head. “She’s the nice boss. My immediate boss expects me to find the father.”
    “Your NICE boss wants to tattoo your ID on your forehead and you’re еще afraid of your immediate boss,” the секунда officer commented.
    “Sucks to be you,” the секунда officer said.
    “You have no idea,” Taub replied quietly.
The first officer spoke again. “Well, we’re expecting Ты to leave this area now. We have officers out asking neighbors now. We’ve passed on your suspicions about the possibility of the father living here and we’ll handle things.”
Taub was going to argue again when he saw a beat-up Ford Taurus pull into a parking spot in the lot by the apartment building. The man driving it had light blond hair. It’s the same color as Jacob’s hair, thought Taub. Just then the first officer grabbed onto Taub’s shoulder and pulled him up and out of the squad car. The officer took a hold of his elbow and was “escorting” him back to his car, away from the apartment building. Taub tried to get his eye on the man in the car again. He spun around to find the man. The officer grabbed his arm tightly
causing Taub to grimace in pain.
“Where do Ты think you’re going, Dr. Taub?” the officer asked roughly. “You were asked to leave the area.”
Taub watched as the man grab a backpack off the back сиденье, место, сиденья of his car, close the car door and walk toward the apartment building; his gait hindered by an obvious limp caused by a shorter right leg. Taub smiled. “I will leave the area, Officer, as soon as I talk to Jacob Peerman’s father.”


Cuddy looked out through the large pane of glass of the observation room in Operating Room 2. Chase and Foreman had the little four-year-old boy, Jacob, opened up on the table. As if watching the real operation from only twenty feet away wasn’t enough, multiple cameras recorded their deliberate movements and streamed the live feed to the two Телевидение screens in the room. The team had been prepared to remove the damaged kidney, but saw some irregularities they thought House should take a look at and so they waited. As they waited for House to arrive, Chase and Foreman gently probed Jacob’s abdomen. They had found some abnormalities in the stomach Стена and an old scar from a hernia repair. Now if only they had a parent of the boy to explain what was going on.
Cuddy had just spoken with House, asking him to please come to the Observation Room. Cuddy was anxious to have him there. Seeing the young boy, who was only a couple of years older than Rachel in such dire straits, had frazzled her already stressed-out nerves. She had an iron сердце when it came to hospital matters, but the sight of a child in pain rocked her these days. She knew she wasn’t the perfect mother and no one had to tell her she should probably spend еще time with Rachel, but she had never misplaced her или not realized she was missing for over five hours. How could a parent do that? She thought. Better, how could a parent justify that? Her arms were wrapped tightly around herself as she stared down at the boy, his blond hair escaping the surgical кепка, колпачок over the ears.
House opened the door to see her staring down at the patient, her brow creased with stress and her eyes dark with worry. He had seen her this way many times and each time it affected him the same way. He wanted nothing еще than to take her in his arms and assure her that it would be okay. He was still amazed that now he could actually do that. And he would have right then if two of his fellows hadn’t been standing so close on the other side of a large window. He closed the door, staying in front of it and away from the direct view of the window.
“Hey,” he сказал(-а) softly. “Don’t start thinking about adopting him too. As far as we know he still has at least one parent out there who still loves him.”
Cuddy turned at his voice and gave a sad smile. She stopped herself from immediately going to him and letting him embrace her although she knew that would help weaken the feelings of sadness she was feeling. “Maybe,” she replied, trying to put on a Храбрая сердцем face. “But if not, every little girl needs a big brother.” She laughed, but it didn’t reach her eyes.
Seemingly Чтение her thoughts, House spoke softly, “You’re a good mother.”
Cuddy returned her gaze to Jacob. “I’m sure that’s what his mom thinks too, but here he is alone and no one rushing to claim him.” She paused. “He has no one. What if that was Rachel?”
“It was. Until Ты went out and saved her.”
Cuddy turned to face him again. Her worry was too much for him. House couldn’t stand it. House stepped back against the Стена and further from the window. He сказал(-а) nothing but only held open his arms, his cane dangling from his right hand. She didn’t need another invitation. She walked around the row of chairs and into House’s embrace. He enfolded her in his arms and placed soft kisses on her dark hair. They stood like that for only a few секунды then Cuddy stepped back and away from House. She smiled up at House.
“Thank you,” she said.
“You’re welcome,” House replied. He stared at her and then before she could react he leaned вперед and placed a soft Kiss on her lips, followed by a еще ardent one. He straightened up just as quickly and took a step back from her. He had just pictured her in a matched set of red underwear. He looked over at the door wondering if these observation rooms came with inside locks.
“House,” Cuddy said. She had seen his blue eyes облако over and followed his gaze to the door lock. “Not here.”
“Then stop telling me about your мужское нижнее белье, пловцы, skivvies at work. That does not help keep me focused.” He stepped over to the door and clicked the lock.
Cuddy couldn’t help but smile. This was all still so new that her professionalism was getting a thorough testing as well. “Look, this is hard for me as well,” she stopped at his fiendish grin. “Don’t say it. We can’t. Especially here.” She motioned around the room, ending at the window.
“Fine, “ House said, his voice husky with passion. “You got lucky, but Далее time there won’t be big glass window with 15 people on the other side.” He smiled. “And really, even if there is, I won’t care.”
“I’ll remember to stop asking Ты to come observe a surgery then,” Cuddy replied as the teasing lilt returned to her voice. “I didn’t know it had such an effect on you, Dr. House.”
House’s bright blue eyes made direct contact with Cuddy’s blue-grey ones. His mind was racing with thoughts of the two of them together and every image seem to make its way through his ardent stare to her mind. Cuddy slowly ran her tongue along her bottom lip. It was too much for House. He started to пересекать, крест the distance to her when the locked doorknob rattled. House stopped in midstride. He turned to look through the small window in the door and saw Taub’s excited face on the other side. Taub rattled the door again and shouted something through the door. House made no effort to unlock the door. Taub knocked on the door just as House took another step towards Cuddy. House was already undressing Cuddy in his mind and he was only about two steps away from doing it in reality.
Cuddy held up her hands, “Stop! House!”
He froze in place. A smile crept across his lips. “I’m gonna kill Taub for interrupting.”
Cuddy’s blue eyes danced. “Wait until Ты hear what he has to say. After all he was looking for Jacob’s dad.”
    “Taub couldn’t find Jacob’s dad unless he walked past Taub while holding a sign that read, ‘I’m Jacob’s dad’.”
    All Cuddy had to do was cock her head.
    “Fine,” he replied. “I’ll give him 90 секунды and then Ты and I are finding the closest private room to this OR. Got it.” It wasn’t a question. It was a statement of fact.
    Cuddy didn’t respond. She had actually thought of doing that very thing. And not for the first time today, but House was delusion if he thought it would actually happen. She walked around House and unlocked the door, letting Taub in.
    Taub felt the tension the секунда Cuddy opened the door. He had seen them arguing through the little window on the door. He had taken a step toward her and she had yelled at him to stop. Taub had been able to talk to some еще people about the night of the accident. He had asked the EMT’s the nature of the conversation Cuddy and House had had at the accident site. Everyone had сказал(-а) the same thing: Cuddy had told House to Переместить on with his life and leave her out of it. Even Taub hadn’t thought Cuddy could be so cold. The EMT’s then сказал(-а) that House had gone quiet and simply crawled into the hole where the girl was trapped and cut off her leg. Cuddy and House didn’t speak again. Well, they were speaking now and Taub was afraid to open his mouth.
    He looked nervously from Cuddy to House. “Is everything okay?” he asked timidly.
    “Depends on your answer,” House replied. “If Ты have good news then you’ll live. Bad news and then well, everything is not okay.”
    Taub looked quickly at Cuddy, hoping she was in a better mood. She smiled at him, but it was forced, as though she was thinking of something else entirely. These two seemed ready to go another round, Taub thought.
    “I found Jacob’s dad,” Taub said. He smiled proudly at House’s look of amazement. “The police are questioning him right now. Then they’ll bring him to Jacob’s room where we can talk to him.”
    Cuddy stepped closer to Taub. “Where has he been? Does he know where the mother is? или what happened?”
    Taub was surprised at the machine gun spray of questions. He did his best to tell Cuddy what he knew.
    The officers that had held Taub walked over to the man and asked for his ID. Taub had blurted out from his place by the squad car if he was Jacob Peerson’s dad. The man looked surprised then immediately concerned. He acknowledged who he was and provided identification to the officers. Taub hurried over to him and assured him that Jacob was stable right now, then filled him in Jacob’s condition. Jacob’s father had been extremely shocked to find out his son had been found wandering the neighborhood.
    Taub told Cuddy and House what Jacob’s dad, Nathan, had said. “Appearently, the divorce is still fresh. He has custody. He сказал(-а) his ex-wife, Annie, was supposed to come pick up Jacob at for the weekend. He works the night shift at the Steel Pipe factory. A neighbor’s daughter Далее door stays with Jacob during the night. He often takes extra shifts and had been called in to work that morning. Annie was supposedly on her way, Jacob was still asleep so he left him in the locked apartment,” Taub said. He shook his head at Cuddy’s look of disgust. “Jacob hadn’t ever been able to unlock the apartment before and Annie was минуты away.”
    “Did Annie know Jacob was alone?” Cuddy asked. Her anger level was increasing.
    Taub lowered his head in Nathan’s defense. “Not exactly. He had left a message on her cell, but didn’t know for sure. She’s never been late before.”
    “So the kid wakes up. Finds no one and figures out how to use his opposable thumb on the locked door,” House says.
Taub looked at him. House was still staring at Cuddy, his eyes ablaze. Man, he’s pissed at her, thought Taub. “Yeah, in a nutshell. He’s been trying to get a hold of his ex-wife since the cops told him. He’s pretty freaked out and worried. I think it was an honest, but totally stupid mistake.” He looked at Cuddy, “I don’t think there’s any basis for abuse.”
    “Except for the leaving a 4-year-old alone part,” Cuddy muttered. Taub watched House walk up beside Cuddy. Taub tensed, remembering House’s menacing approach on Cuddy he had seen through the window. Taub stepped вперед as well.
“Are Ты okay?” Taub asked Cuddy.
Cuddy seemed confused. Why was Taub suddenly getting so personal? She knew House had come up beside her and she begged him mentally to keep his distance. She glanced nervously at House out of the corner of her eye. “Yeah, I’m fine,” she said. “Go wait for the police to finish questioning Nathan and then bring him immediately to my office, not Jacob’s room. I want a word with him first.”
Taub had heard Cuddy, but he had seen the nervous glance Cuddy had дана House. She was afraid of him. Taub didn’t think that House would ever hurt her, but with the events of the past few days and the possibility that House was back on drugs Taub was immediately concerned. Taub nodded and began to leave. He stopped and turned to Cuddy. “Do Ты need me to stay?” he asked. He took a step toward House and looked up at him. House was staring down at Taub now and Taub knew that look of angry displeasure well. “Or do Ты want me to walk Ты to your office?”
“No,” barked House. “She’s fine.”
Cuddy looked at House and then Taub. And then it dawned on her. Taub thought House was physically threatening her. Well, it wasn’t far from the truth. She smiled reassuringly at Taub. She was surprised, but touched that Taub was actually worried about her safety. “Yes, I’m fine. Ignore him. Go take Jacob’s father to my office. I’m on my way now.”
Taub hesitated. Then House literally growled at him. Without another sound Taub tucked his tail between his legs and scampered from the room. Cuddy turned towards House. Her back was now towards the window. She looked up at House.
“Seriously, House,” she said. “Do Ты have to scare people like that. I think Taub thought Ты and I were about to go a round или two.’
House leaned towards her. “We were.”
“I know that professionalism is not high on your priority list, but it’s important to me,” Cuddy said. “I need Ты to behave at work. Please.”
House watched her expression. It went from one of leadership and authority to one of acquiescence. House immediately nodded. “Sure. I understand.” An raised eyebrow from Cuddy earned another nod and assurance from House. He had worked for a год for this relationship to even have a chance and we wasn’t going to mess it up now.
“Thank you,” Cuddy сказал(-а) sincerely.
“Your welcome, but I’m gonna need some misbehavior from Ты later.”
“Done,” came the soft reply. “Now find out what Chase and Foreman wanted to Показать Ты and then come find me.”
“Absolutely,” House started to push the button to speak to the people in the operating room when he remembered the request from Wilson. “Uh,” he hesitated and tried to find a spot elsewhere in the room besides Cuddy’s lovely face to focus on. “Wilson and Sam want to go out to ужин with us. Tonight.”
Cuddy’s chin jutted out. “Seriously?” She shook her head. “Tonight? The two of us haven’t even gone out on a first дата yet.”
    “Yes, and thank Ты for still letting me hit a Главная run without buying Ты dinner.” House smiled and then laughed as Cuddy’s hand flew up to slap his shoulder. “I told Wilson it was entirely up to you. I’m not thrilled either, but at least it would be over with quickly. With Wilson it was bound to happen sooner или later.”
    “I know,” she said. “But later sounds better.”
    “Okay, I’ll tell him it’s a no go.”
“No. Let’s just get it over with.” House was surprised, but just nodded. “Tell him to meet us early like 5:30p over at Gerrardo’s. We can get in before the rush and then we can get home.”
    House grinned. “I like your thinking.”
Cuddy shook her head. “To be with Rachel.” Seeing House’s face fall she took House’s hand and held it in hers. “You’re invited.” House’s return smile gave her his RSVP. “Now, go save a life,” she сказал(-а) in her mock serious voice.
“Absolutely,” House said. Cuddy turned and walked towards the door. As she did House tightened his grip on her hand and squeezed it once before letting it go. As always, House watched her backside as she walked out of the room.
Down below, Foreman had been holding a tray for Chase to put the destroyed kidney in. Chase dropped it into the tray and Foreman turned from the таблица and walked to the microscope sitting on the таблица against the far Стена of the operating room. He saw movement out of the corner of his eye and looked up into the observation room. He saw House there with Cuddy, talking. Foreman turned back to the таблица and put the kidney under the microscope. It took a matter of секунды to determine that it had not only been one blown cyst but at least 3 that Foreman could see that had decimated the kidney. He quickly saw another cyst on the verge of bursting. PTK was still a sound diagnosis, but he’d have to wait for the insulin tests to confirm. He turned back to the observation room hoping to catch House’s attention so he could tell him what they had found. Looking up, he saw House nodding at Cuddy and then Cuddy stepping away from House. He also saw a split-second glance of their hands clasped together before they both let go and Cuddy walked out of the room. Foreman wasn’t sure he had seen what he thought he saw. The angle he was standing at impeded much of the view of the room and both House and Cuddy were standing far enough back from the window that no one else would have seen anything. Foreman’s quick analytical brain processed the events of the past 48 hours. It replayed the visit to House’s apartment and House’s actions since. House wasn’t on any drugs prescribed by man. He was using the most natural drug out there: endorphins.
“I’ll be damned,” Foreman muttered. His first thought was to call House out on it then and there, but he hesitated. This could be a Золото mine, he thought, but maybe he shouldn’t say anything at all. A relationship between House and Cuddy would probably self-implode, but in the mean time, House might possibly be happy. The idea was as unknown to Foreman as the cause of the cysts on the kidney still sitting under the microscope. Foreman turned back to the таблица quickly just as House pushed the intercom button.
“What’s taking so long on that kidney I ordered. And don’t tell me Ты have a new chef back in the kitchen,” House said, breaking the silence.
Foreman turned around and looked up at the booth. Chase did too. Foreman decided to hold onto his suspicions for the time being. He told House about the cysts.
“There’s a couple еще on his other right kidney as well,” Chase said, drawing everyone’s attention back to the boy on the operating table. Chase delicately moved the boy’s intestines out of the way to Показать House via the camera and televisions. “PTK is still a possibility.”
“No tumors?” House asked.
“None on the kidneys that we can find, but with all these cysts something is wrong with this kid’s cells,” Foreman said. “This many abnormal growths point to something else going on.”
    “Such as…,” House leaded.
    “Lipomatosis is a possibility,” Foreman responded hesitantly.
    “No, “ Chase disagreed. “These are not fatty deposits. And I’m not seeing anything wrong with his adrenal glands so it’s not adrendocortical carcinoma.” Chase took another look. “Sheesh, the kid’s still swollen from the арахис allergy. Look at this gland.”
    House looked at the television. “Pull the camera back a bit,” he instructed. With the camera back further he could compare the size of both adrenal glands and the two kidneys that remained. “Hmmmmm.”
    “What?” Foreman said, joining Chase at the table. “What do Ты see?”
    House smiled knowingly. “Ah, grasshopper, I will tell Ты in time. Get a biopsy of the cysts on the other kidney and then close him up. I’ll be in my office. And hurry up. I have a ужин дата to get to.” And with that House sauntered out of the observation room, leaving Chase and Foreman to stare at Jacob’s abdomen and try to figure out what House saw that they didn’t.

Okay, kiddos! Thanks for reading. The final part of this fanisode will be published Далее week before I head out on vacation. I am that dedicated. I hope Ты are all liking this. I am working on a секунда fanisode for Далее month.
added by mimika_s
added by oldmovie
Source: jukebox_grad
added by Louara
Source: house_dailly e ladybluelake
added by misanthrope86
Source: лиса, фокс (screencaps: comforting lie)
added by misanthrope86
Source: лиса, фокс (screencaps: comforting lie)
added by misanthrope86
Source: лиса, фокс (screencaps: comforting lie)
added by mimika_s
added by mimika_s
Ok, so first of all, thank Ты for finding few минуты to read this :)

The first thing I want to say is, that I'm completely disappointed by current state between our fandom.
Many people started bashing each other, others completely went nuts because of the spoilers and everyone has become really inconsiderable.

There are еще than 18000 Фаны around here, some еще active than others.
But that means that all those 18000 people can have different opinion.
No person acts and believe the same.

The latest happening really got to me.
I thought we were a nice, tolerant group of fans.
but, I guess I was wrong....
continue reading...
added by mimika_s
added by mimika_s
...with one new bit =) Credit goes to 'marykir.com' and 'mshousefan' on YT.
house md
Предварительный просмотр
the down low
episode 11
added by Laura90
added by misanthrope86
Source: foxestacado
house md
Хью Лори
Оливия Уайлд
remy hadley
house md
лиса, фокс
added by PotterGal
Hugh interviewed on the SAG red carpet! :)
Хью Лори
red carpet
sag awards
added by Fashion_life
made by cuttingonions