Kaoru Matsubara Club
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posted by KaoruRocks123
 An image of Kaoru
An image of Kaoru
Kaoru a awesome person. A tomboy that doesn't take nothing from anyone. She has two brother Dai Matsubara and Shou Matsubara. She inpsires me to go out to the world and say I dont care what Ты think of me, and even though she's part of an Аниме Показать I still think of her as my friend. Silly right? But she's so cool and that's why I joined this club. I had to see what people thought of Kaoru. Well now Ты know what I think of her. Now go and Комментарий and tell me what Ты thing of Kaoru. Thank Ты very much for reading. Later.
 One of my faverite pictures of Kaoru and Butch
One of my faverite pictures of Kaoru and Butch