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Last time in this series, the crew solved the case of the myterious creatue hiding underneath the sewers and have had quite a blow from the Cyniclons and their creation. While things appear to be going quite alright for the rest of the Mew Mews, the Cyniclons are still in torcher and must prepare themselves for another attempt to destory the planet and the Герои as well.

In episode 5, an ordinary attraction at the city museum turns into chaos when the Cyniclons have украл, палантин everything in this special exhibit to be used as part of their Далее plan. If that is far from enough, they send series of giant mutants down to Earth to attack the city as well as taking care of the Mew Mews and Kasey. Only the Храбрая сердцем and the bold will be able to stop this invasion and the Mew team are on it.

And the jounrey starts now...

It was a lovely день in the beautiful city, with so many things to go out and do as well as enjoying the beauty of it all. This is just what Zoey and the crew are doing- they all are at the downtown museum.

Zoey: Elliot, thanks for taking us this place.

Elliot: Ah, it's no proublem..besides, Ты girls desrve a break.

Bridget: I hope we get to see the new exhibit they just opend up.

Kikki: Ты mean the frog exhibit? I want to see that so bad!!! *Jumps with exciment*

Corina: *Stops her* Chill it. We are going to see it.

Zoey: I feel bad Kasey didn't come with us. He really would enjoy this.

Elliot: Ты can't bring Животные inside a museum.

Zoey: Gee, thanks for telling me...*Sarcasm*

Bridget: We better get the tickets before the line gets too long.

Everyone went in the ticket line and each got their own museum ticket. For the whole hour, they explored every part of the museum until they got to the exhibit they have long been waitng for- The Amphibians of the Rainforest.

Kikki: *Runs around, looking at most of the amphibians* This is so cool! Ты guys really must look at these!

Corina: I don't care much for these types of creatures. They look creepy, they feel creepy, and they're just plain weird.

Elliot: Well, those are good reasons to dislike them but they acutally play an important role in nature.

Bridget: Excatly. If we didn't have any frogs или toads,the entire world would be dominated by insects.

Zoey: *Gave a disgusted look* And I really don't like bugs...

Corina: *Jokes with her* Эй, Zoey, isn't that a паук on your shoulder?

Zoey: *Screamed and wiped her shoulder quickly*

Corina: *Laughed*

Zoey: *Blushes with embarssment and anger* CORINA!!!!

Elliot: Alright now cool it. We're in a museum.

Zoey: But Elliot, she-

Elliot: I сказал(-а) cool it.

Zoey: *Sighed with anger*

Corina: *Walks passed her* Don't get tangled.

Zoey: *Laughs sarcasticly while following behind her*

They explored through the whole exhibit and saw some exotic species- from the Poison Frogs of South America, to the Cane Toad. After exploring the exhibit, it was time to head out. They had to stop by the gift Магазин first.

Kikki: *Puts on a frog mask* Lookie! I'm a frog!

Everyone: *Laughs at her*

Kikki: *Takes it off and smiles*

Zoey: I really feel like I need to get something for Mark. *Explores through a shelf* But what would he like?

Bridget: Эй, Zoey, Ты need to come look at this.

Zoey: Coming. *Runs to her and gasps by the beauty of the necklaces* They're....precious!

Bridget: *Holds some in her hands while Показ them* I know! And they have diffrent color types on each one.

Zoey: *Explores through them and found a beauitful розовый one* Ah! My favortie color!

Bridget: Ты should buy it, they're only $5.00.

Zoey: I wish I could, but I was really saving my money to buy Mark something.

Bridget: It's okay. I was just Показ Ты because they are so beautiful and I thought Ты would want one.

Zoey: Thanks Bridget. But I'm okay. *Smiles*

Corina: *Comes by* What are Ты two looking at?

Bridget: Oh Эй, Corina. Check out these cheap necklaces.

Corina: *Admires them* They are so beauitful!

Bridget: I know.

While the two were chatting about them Zoey walked around hoping to find something perfect to buy for her boyfriend. That's when she came across something that caught her eye- it was a pair of stuffed animal frogs Поцелуи each other.

Zoey: *Sparkles in her eyes* That is what he needs! *Points to it*

She finally found the perfect gift she was looking for. The others have found some things to buy as well- Bridget and Corina each bought one of the cheap necklaces, Kikki bought a set of toy frogs, and Renee bought a book based on the biology of amphibians. Everyone had a great time except for Kasey, for he had to wait outside the entire time.

Kasey: *Sighed with depression*

Everyone: *Walked out of the museum exist and walked to him*

Kasey: *Notices them*

Zoey: Kasey, before Ты get mad I just wanted to say that I am super sorry for not letting Ты Присоединиться in. Elliot told me not to let Ты come.

Elliot: *Angered* Because it's a museum! You're not allowed to bring Животные into a museum!

Kasey: It's quite alright. I'm over it. Lets just say that I wasted a perfectly good couple of hours waiting out here,doing nothing.

Bridget: I'm sure Ты did something fun.

Kasey: Not excatly...

Corina: And Ты missed the biggest joke I ever played on Zoey.

Zoey: *Growled softy and then increased it to louder*

Kasey: *Sweat drop*

Elliot: Enough Zoey!

Zoey: *Relaxes*

Elliot: Lets just go on and leave happy.

While everyone went out happy, three new vistors have also dropped by. Up in the sky, the Cyniclons have came for a reason.

Sardon: I really would like to know why Ты made us come down to Earth with you.

Tarb: I know! We've got bigger and better things to do right now then enjoy the view.

Dren: Calm down...I brought Ты two here because I have devised a new plan and an ultimate way to get those little Mew rascals once and for all. See that big building down there? *Points them to the museum*

Tarb and Sardon: *Looks at the building with confusion*

Dren: *Looks at them with an annoying smirk*

Sardon: You're loosing us Dren...what could be еще important inside that building?

Dren: *Sighed* I went inside last night and discovered something very usefull to us. See, there is this large section that contains a lot of frogs, toads, and other creepy creatures.

Tarb: Ты mean "Amphibians"? And what good will those things do for us?

Dren: Well, if Ты weren't so immature Ты would understand by now that these things will come in good use for us to take over this world and get rid of the Mew Mews.

Sardon: That is a very good plan. We should probably start as soon as night arrives.

Dren: I don't think so Sardon...

Sardon: What?

Dren: I think we should give this a few days. The few days we wait, the better chance of this being a success.

Tarb: *Pouts* But I want some action today!!!

Sardon: He has a point Tarb- the little time we wait, the better chance of this being a great plan.

Dren: Good, I am glade Ты two agree with this. *Looks up* Shows Deep Blue what I know. *Floats up while disappering*

Sardon: *Follows*

Tarb: *Looks up, but looked down at the city* Get ready for power world! Cause we'll be coming for you! *Floats and disappers*

With the Cyniclon's plan now finally revealed, it'll take a couple of days just to get them started with it. But only one thing is on Sardon and Tarb's mind- can Dren really pull this off this time?

Back down on the streets,everyone ended up having to return back to the cafe on short notice which displeased everyone.

Zoey: I don't see why we have to get working when Ты just took us on a surprise trip to the museum. *Talking to Elliot*

Elliot: I want Ты guys back because I need to share what's coming up tonight. The cafe is having a huge celebration and we are going to be very busy.

Everyone: *Surprised*

Bridget: A celebration?

Elliot: Yes. The people who are the creators of that amphibians exhibit are coming by, so it's going to be a one time thing.

Kikki: No way!!! Do Ты suppose they will bring over some live frogs for us to pet??

Elliot: They might. I wanted to let Ты guys know about this ahead of time.

Kasey: If Ты don't mind me asking, what do I have to do?

Elliot: *Looks down at him* Well, Ты have two options- Ты can either perform for these people или Ты don't have to Показать yourself. Your choice.

Kasey: *Thinks* I think I might as well give the perforiming thing a chance.

Elliot: Alright. But these people don't take jokes, so Ты need to do this right okay?

Kikki: Don't be worried guys, I'll be happy to train him!

Kasey: *Laughs nervously* Yeah sure..

Elliot: Alright. We better get going now. Wesley is probably through with the decorating by now and needs help with the rest.

Zoey: Wesley is doing everything? I feel bad for him now.

Bridget: Me too. It's like he did all of this and never got chance to have any fun.

Elliot: He will be alright guys. Besides he offered to do it all.

Corina: I wonder if I can wear the new dress I got to this party.

Zoey: Ты never told me Ты bought a new dress.

Corina: That's because when I tell Ты these things Ты always insist on barrowing it and Ты end up destroying или loosing my things.

Zoey: For your infromation Corina I am not anything like a walking destruction girl!

Corina: Oh yeah? Then what happend to the ring I let Ты barrow from me last month?

Zoey: That doesn't even count!!

The two were at it once again. But it wasn't long until when they arrived at the cafe. When they entered, they were amazmed by the lack of decorating.

Everyone: *Admiring the decorations*

Kikki: There's nothing but frogs, frogs, and frogs!!! *Laughs*

Zoey: *Looks around* I think Wesley over did it.

Elliot: *Humphed* Well, these people do Любовь amphibians Ты know.

Bridget: I think this is going to be a great celebration. *Smiles*

Wesley: *Walks in* Oh hi. How was the museum?

Elliot: It was great.

Wesely: What did Ты think of the frog exhibit?

Kikki: It totally ruled!!! *Jumps with happiness*

Wesley: *Sweat drop while laughing* I'm glade Ты enjoyed it. Did Elliot explained what's happning?

Zoey: Yes he did. Is it true that these people are coming down here for a celebratory party?

Wesley: Yes they are. They wanted to celebrate their opening to the city so they have decided to come to us.

Bridget: Why couldn't they have it at the museum? I mean, isnt that where parties like these are formed?

Wesley: They thought about the museum but they really wanted to celebrate it here. They came by a few hours ago.

Elliot: Oh.

Wesley: Yeah. So they offered us a chance to bring the party here. It's not a proublem is it?

Elliot: *Shook his head* No it's not. I just hope we won't have any troubles.

Wesley: Me too.

Zoey: So, do we get to wear dresses to this thing?

Wesley: Sure Ты can.

Zoey: Awsome! I'm going to wear my beauitful розовый dress.

Corina: I already know what outfit I'm wearing- the one I just bought last week.

Kikki: I might wear something pretty too. Though I might have to go shopping.

Bridget: Ты don't have to Kikki. Ты can barrow one of my dresses if Ты like.

Kikki: Really?! *Hugs her tightly* Thanks! You're the best!

Bridget: *Giggled while trying to get her off*

Renee: I'm not sure if I want to come to this party...

Everyone: Huh?! *Looks at her with shock*

Renee: I mean, what's the point? It's just a party based on a couple of people who own that exhibit.

Wesley: The only reason we're doing this is for their sake.

Elliot: And besides Renee, Ты have to participate- it's just part of the way we do things.

Renee: *Sighed* Okay.

Kasey: *Coughed to get their attention* What do I have to do in this party?

Wesley: Oh! I forgot about Ты Kasey! I'm so sorry.

Kasey: It's alright. Besides, I think I know what I want to do...

Zoey: What is it?

Kasey: Well, let me ask ya'll a question- does anyone know how to handel a bird?

Corina: I'm infused with a bird, so I could try it out.

Kasey: Good, because my plan is to turn into an exotic bird like a попугай или a toucan and I could sit on your shoulder или hand and Показать me around to the guests that come.

Wesley: That is not a bad idea Kasey.

Elliot: Well, these people aren't fond of other animals. But it's worth a try.

Kasey: Good. I still have yet to decide what kind of exotic bird I want to be...maybe a cockatoo?

Zoey: That would be beauitful! Those birds are so exotic!

Bridget: I agree. It would be beauitful to see a real cockatoo.

Kasey: Alright then, *Truns into a cockatoo* Cockatoo it is!

Everyone: *Admires his apperance and beauty*

Wesley: I think we got everything planned out. *Smiles*

Elliot: Yeah. Lets just hope we don't screw things up.

As the hours went by, night has fallen. In the cafe the party was continuing and everyone was happy and satisfied.

Elliot: Everything appears to be going as said.

Zoey: Why are Ты so nervous about this?

Elliot: Well, the thing I never told Ты about these people is that they also don't appericate accidents.

Zoey: They don't?

Elliot: No.

Zoey: Well, I sure hope they don't sue us или anything like that.

Elliot: Probably not. Everything seems to be going alright.

Corina: *Approaches them while Kasey is on her right hand* This is going wonderfully.

Kasey: *Never spoke, but made bird noises*

Zoey: *Smiles at him* He sure is doing a terrifice job in keeping quite.

Elliot: Yeah. Good for him.

Kikki: *Runs to them* Guys! Ты must come see what they brought- they brought real live toads!

Zoey: Cool! *Follows her*

Corina: I think I'll pass. *Turns her head to Elliot* Are Ты alright?

Elliot: Yeah. I'm just a bit nervous is all.

Corina: What's there to be nervous about? I mean, everything is going great.

Elliot: I know. I'm just nervous because I'm worried that something will go wrong.

Corina: Why are Ты worried about that? Is it like they are going to sue us if we make a mistake?

Elliot: There is a good chance they will.

Just then, one of the people who created the exhibit approached them.

Dr. Hammond: This has been a delightful party Elliot. I must say Ты have quite a place here and your co-workers are so nice.

Elliot: Thank Ты Dr. Hammond. I'm glade we could have it here.

Dr. Hammond: *Looked at the cockatoo* I must say these birds are magnificent.

Corina: Do Ты like these types of birds?

Dr. Hammond: Do I? I have some as pets- two Scarlet Macaws, a Grey Parrot, and a pair of Lovebirds.

Corina: Wow! Ты must really be into them.

Dr. Hammond: Indeed I am dear, but amphibians are primary things that I enjoy researching. I wanted to Показать the world on what discovers I've seen and decided to open up my own exhibit dedicated to what I have discovered.

Corina: Don't take this the wrong way, but I'm not too attatched to them.

Elliot: *Stopped her* Okay Corina. I think Ты had enough break time. Go and Показать the bird to some еще guests.

Corina: Okay? *Walks away and stared at him with a freak look*

Elliot: Ты will have to forgive her sir..

Dr. Hammond: Ah it's quite alright lad. I have talked to many people who also dislike amphibians. I'm use to it.

Elliot: Indeed Ты are. I'll be right back. *Walks away*

Dr. Hammond: *Watched as he walked and smiled* That man definitely has a great life.

Elliot: *Went into the kitchen*

Wesley: *Notcies him and wondered inside too* Is everything okay Elliot?

Elliot: *Sigh* I don't know about you, but I think Dr. Hammond is hiding something from us.

Wesley: What are Ты talking about? He has nothing to hide. At lease I don't think he does.

Elliot: I don't know either Wesley, but I think something weird is going on.

Wesley: Speaking of weird things, I think the Cyniclons have returned.

Elliot: What?! Now?!

Wesley: Calm down and I don't know. I just went to the back room and my computer had sginals of activity at the downtown area. I think Dren is up to something.

Elliot: This is perfect- a great party is going on and now he shows up. What am I going to do?

Wesley: Relax. I'll go call the gang and explain everything to them.

Elliot: But who is going to keep in charge of the party?

Wesley: It's alright- we will stay with the party. Kasey will be going with them anyway so he will keep an eye out for them.

Elliot: Oh, right. Thanks Wesley. I'll go round the girls up for you.

Wesley: It's no trouble at all. And thank you.

Elliot: *Races out of the kitchen*

Wesley: I hope we're not too late...

Elliot gathered the gang around and were somewhere in the cafe where no people would come in.

Everyone: Huh?!

Elliot: *Nodds* According to what Wesley explained to me, Dren and the Cyniclons have returned and have been reported to be in the downtown area.

Zoey: *Growled* That jerk! Thinking he can ruin our fun just to do some dirty work!

Bridget: Wait a second! Ты son't suppose they are going to the museum..

Corina: To steal all of the amphibians from that exhibit! *Gasped*

Elliot: *Gasped as well* We don't have much time! Ты guys must go now!

Renee: What about the party?

Elliot: Don't worry about that- Wesley and I will take care of it. Ты guys go down to the museum now before they get there.

Everyone: Okay!

With their mission now in order, the team made their way to the museum- in their regular clothes of course. Meanwhile, Dren,Sardon, and Tarb have made it inside the museum on short notice.

Tarb: And Ты сказал(-а) we could give this a couple of days!

Dren: Don't blame it on me! Besides, it is Deep Blue who demanded us to return as soon as possible.

Tarb: Well, either way it's still your fault. Ты always make up excuses and lies to us all the time.

Dren: Bite your tounge short stock! I never break up promises and lies! I try doing them the best I can!

Tarb: Well, you're just such a push over! Ты always want what's best for Ты and Ты don't even care about what Sardon and I want. Ты never even let us figure our own plans out!

The two started to engange in a fight. Sardon meanwhile was looking around the first sector of the museum, trying to find directions или a clue to what they are after.

Sardon: *Looks around* And where are these things at Ты say? *Looks back and notcied Dren and Tarb where fighting* Enough!!!

Dren and Tarb: *Stopped while looking at him*

Sardon: I just about had enough of this nonsense! I know we should be angry because our master sent us down on here when our original plan back fired, but we must now be in working bussiness okay? Now Dren, where are these special things located?

Dren: They're on the fourth floor.

Tarb: *Sighed* Why do they always put the good stuff up high?

Dren: If Ты never knew which Ты probably didn't, most of the big exhibits that only are displayed for a whole год или few months are always on the вверх floors. That's just how museums play.

Sardon: We really should be focusing on getting to these amphibans right now.

Tarb: Whatever, I'll beat Ты two to the fourth floor! *Bursts up at full speed*

Dren: Ohh no Ты don't!! *Races*

Sardon: *Sighed while shaking his head* Why do I have to put up with them? *Floats up slowly*

Once they all reached the fourth floor, they soon notcied the exhibit.

Sardon: "Amphibians of the Rainforest". Pretty classy name for a museum attraction. Dren, are Ты sure this is what we are after?

Dren: What makes Ты think that I would be lying Sardon?

Sardon: Because every time Ты Показать us something like this we always end up like fools because it's not as bizzar as we think and our plans always end up destroyed или not so great.

Dren: *Shocked* I can't beleive Ты would say such nonsense! Do Ты think I trick Ты two on purpose?

Tarb: Well, there was that one time when we tried to find some living creatures to turn into Predacytes but they turned out to be fakes.

Dren: Oh..well, that one doesn't count. At lease I try my hardest to make things right for all of us. Now come on, I'm sure our prizes are in here somewhere.

As they ventured into the exhibit, Sardon and Tarb were indeed surpised by seeing so many amphibians.

Tarb: *Looks at one of the enclousers* Hey! Aren't these the venomus types?

Sardon: *Walks to it and looks* Why yes, they are.

Tarb: Sweetness! We should be able to get rid of those Mew Mews in no time with these things.

Dren: Patience oh little one.

Tarb: Huh??

Dren: Ты heard what I said- patience. I've got a plan on what we are going to do with all of them. But first, break those cages and get every amphibian Ты see.

Sardon: What do we do about these? They have posion in their Молокососы Ты know.

Dren: Then wear gloves if Ты have to. *Turns and walks striaght*

Sardon: Gloves?

Tarb: He is so weird...

While the aliens were doing their work, the Mew Team arrived just in the nick of time.

Zoey: We better transforme now.

Everyone transformed into their hero forms and Kasey turned into the best attacking form- a raptor with a shining skin texture.

Mew Corina: Kasey, there's something wrong with your skin.

Kasey: No there isn't. I put this on me to protect me from posion and venom.

Mew Kikki: You've got defense powers too?! No way!!!

Mew Zoey: Alright gang, we're going inside.

As everyone went inside, the place was darker and quite until the sound of shatter glass was heard.

Kasey: It appears to be coming from the fourth floor.

Mew Bridget: Oh no! They must have stolen the amphibians and I think we're too late to stop them!

When they got the fourth floor, they were shocked by what they saw- shattered glass everywhere, cages empty, and the exhibit torn down.

Mew Zoey: them all..

With the Cyniclons having a huge collection of exotic creatures in their side, the crew's only concern is to get them all back and safely. But it's not easier сказал(-а) then done...

In part 2, the Cyniclons will finally have an army of amphibian-like Predacytes ready to attack. But the only concern for our heros lies ahead- what will the chances be of the exhibit getting back together.