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The Dark Curse или The Underling Cause

People often use "The Curse of the Dark One" to justify ALL of Rumple's evil deeds. I'll be the first to admit that this is a very good argument. From what we've seen of him pre-curse it is clear the poor dear didn't have a malicious bone in his body. However if Ты are going to apply this argument to Rumple Ты have to apply it to Gina as well.

The way I see Dark Magic is not unlike the way I see Meth addiction. Long term Meth abuse restricts your ability to feel emotion including empathy and a result those suffering from severe meth addiction will often do the most horrendous things (animal abuse, child pornography ect.) without thinking they are doing anything wrong. They also became very signal minded, fixated on one goal. Usually this goal is obtaining еще meth, but sometimes in addition to that their paranoia and twisted brain will find something to target, something someone in their right mind could never understand. For Gina it was Snow. For Rumple it was the Curse. After awhile they even lose the ability to recognize Любовь and will turn on those that Любовь them if they feel they are getting in the way of this goal. (Sound familiar?)

Even when someone stops using these affect never truly go away, their brain is permanently damaged. I think we can all agree that Gina's condition got better when she came to our world, a world without magic, same goes for Rumple but they were still damaged. It takes and incredible amount of therapy and willpower to get back the humanity meth addiction takes from you. Some never find the strength. The fact that Gina has come so far is an amazing testament to her strength. That is why I Любовь her.

I get that there is a difference between Rumple and Regina when it concerns dark magic. Sticking to my Meth analogy, Rumple became an addict all at once. It's like when he became the Dark One all the darkness that had infected what's-his-name (Grub?) was transferred to him. As for Gina... I'm not going to say she started out clean and pure because there was some darkness in her, darkness that had been nurtured since birth my her sociopath mother, but she was mostly good. Unlike Rumple the transfer from goodness to darkness happened gradually as she became еще and еще dependent on magic. I don't defend either of their actions, I just find them intriguing and complex characters. No character worth Письмо about is all good или all evil they should have the capacity for both.

Her Decent into Darkness

When we meet Gina for the first time in the pilot she crashed a wedding, attempted to kill the bride and swore that there would never be a happy ending for the two Влюбленные as long as she still drew breath. She then set about to seeing that that came true killing her father, orphaning a child and dooming an entire kingdom to everlasting purgatory in the process. There was no doubt at that point that she was indeed the Evil Queen. But how did it happen? What made her hate Snow so much that she would cast such a devastating curse? To answer that Вопрос we have to go back centuries before her birth to a desperate and devastated man alone in the woods.

Rumpelstiltskin had just Остаться в живых his child. He had to get him back. The Blue Fairy could not help him so he called upon the only person that might know, a seer with the power of foresight. She told him that a curse must be cast but not by him. It was written so he knew it must be true. His diseased mind seized hold of the objective. He only had to find, или create, the person that must cast the curse.

Centuries later he had found the person. She still was yet to be born but he knew the woman who was to give birth to her. If he could get her to give him the child it would be easy to mold her into the monster he needed. However the woman proved to be as sly and manipulative as him. She tricked him out of the bargain that would have grated him the child. No matter the woman's own ruthlessness and ambition would surely produce a monster just as dispicable as any h could have created.

Some years later Regina was born and despite all the olds she grew up with kindness and Любовь in her heart. WIth that Любовь came hope, hope that she would one день escape the control of her mother and marry the boy that she loved.

Then on a gorgeous sunny день when she has almost reached womanhood one impulsive action ruined it all. A girl came streaking by on a runaway horse without thinking she swooped in to save her. The girl was a princess and her rescue lead to a proposal from the king something that would ruin her chances at freedom and love. She meant to escape but she made a секунда mistake and entrusted her secret plan to the girl she had rescued. The girl then told the one person that could ruin it all. Her mother. That night as they are trying to escape her mother waylays them and kills her lover before her eyes. As he lays dying it her arms her mother tells her what she must do. The shock of the tragedy leaves her completely defenseless and she does as her mother says. As the shock begins to wear off she goes over in mind all the ways this could have been prevented.

.....If she hadn't have saved the girl.
.........If she had let her die.
..............If the king hadn't have proposed.
.................If the girl hadn't seen.
...........If she hadn't told her.
....If the girl hadn't told her mother.

....................Then Daniel wouldn't be dead

She tried to be happy with the king, he was a good man after all, but being there with the people responsible for her Влюбленные death was to much. She couldn't just leave. Her mother would stop her. She had to get rid of her first.

She recalled her mother talking about a man that could help Ты out of any predicament using magic. She called him and he helped her rid herself of her mother. In a way her mother was lucky she received her punishment when Regina's need for vengeance was still in it's infancy, before she became consumed by the darkness.

With her mother gone she was finally free but what could she do. Her quite pleasant life with Daniel was Остаться в живых to her. The happiness of a young girl in Любовь would be forever denied to her. She searched her mind for another time in her life that she had felt happy. Her miserable childhood gave her nothing to work with. Her time with Daniel had only ended in tragedy. The only bright point in her life was when she had finally rid herself of her mother, the woman that had made her feel so helpless. When she had banished her to a world far away she had felt powerful and magic had helped her do that. Perhaps it was magic that could make her happy.

Now Rumpelstiltskin had her. All he needed to do was to let the magic turn her soul dark, but something was preventing it from consuming her. She still had hope. Gina had convinced herself that magic was the key to returning her Остаться в живых Любовь to life. That hope had to be extinguished and Rumpelstiltskin did just that. With hope gone darkness could fill the void.

Vengeance was her only mission now. After all hadn't the banishment of her mother once made her happy. Who else was to blame? She had dealt with her mother. The king. If he hadn't proposed... she killed him, but it didn't make her happy. Who else? The girl... Snow White. She was the cause of it all. A quick death would not do. She would have to suffer and then Gina could at last be happy.

Rumpelstiltskin saw his goal within his grasp he presented her with the curse, but she was not yet willing to doom and entire kingdom of innocents to such a fate. She would get her revenge on Snow some other way. Anything would be kinder then a curse that prevented Ты from feeling happiness. She knew because she had been suffering under that curse for her entire adult life. She would do what she had to do, but not that.

After long centuries of waiting Rumpelstiltskin was within a hair breath of his hearts desire. What was keeping him from it? What was keeping Regina from giving in to the darkness?

Perhaps, she thought, she could force the people to Любовь her. She would be their Queen and the admiration of her subjects would make her happy.

That was easy. He had only to Показать her what they thought of her to disillusion her on that idea. But the сердце is stronger then Ты can imagine and it refused to give up hope. When two Храбрая сердцем children arrived in her life it gathered up it's last bit of strength and reached out to them pining the Queen's last spark of humanity on their response. They turned her down. That is when the Evil Queen was truly born.

"Well if I can not have their love. Then I shall have their fear."

Vengeance and fear became her only priority, but Ты need not fear a Queen with no power. So he took that from her too, until all she had left was.. the curse.

Her Struggle to Find the Light

The Curse did not make her happy. As promised it merely left a hole in her heart. She tried to fill it with the sexual affections of the sheriff/huntsman but she felt nothing. Then one день a boy arrived in town. He made her smile and she remembered what it was like to smile. The child could make her happy! She needed him to be in her life but he got away. He did not Любовь her. It mattered little she knew now what she needed to be happy. A boy. She found that boy in Henry and she loved him and she remembered what it was like to love.

Then one день his true mother came and she wanted to take him, take the only person in the world that she loved. She would not let that happen again. She would not not let this woman take anything from her. Much like before she was single minded in her goal she would do anything to keep Henry to herself, but in the end she only drove him away.

She realized this to late and the curse was broken and Henry went to live with Emma and his grandparents. Once again what she loved had been taken from her but this time she could get it back. This became her new goal. She would become what Henry wanted her to be. She would become good and she would win him back.

There were a few relapses but all in all she did well. She slowly began to win back his trust and started to make allies in her struggle for redemption in the form of Archie and Emma. For the first time in her life she was making decisions based on what her сердце told her to do and not what those around her had planned for her.

Then her mother returned. In one stroke she she severed the ties that Regina had worked so hard to build. She convinced her daughter that struggling to gain back Henry's trust, to be "good", was futile. What she needed was magic. What she needed was her mother. Her mother that had always loved her and tried to do right by her.

Love... this was it was like to be loved. She remembered. She can make me happy. I can have a family, like the Charmings, and be happy. She gave in.

Her mother told her they needed power and she knew where to get it. The Dark One. She would become the Dark One and get Gina her son back. So focused on Henry, was Gina, that she didn't see или didn't care about her mothers arterial motives. But Snow did.

She had to be stopped. This woman had once tricked her into doing something that had plagued her her entire life. She wouldn't let her do it a секунда time. Snow was so focused on Regina's mother that she was unwitting duped by another equally manipulative force. Rumpelstiltskin. In an effort to save his own life he convinced Snow that the only way to stop Cora was to kill her by placing a hex on her сердце that would exchange his life for hers.

She completed this task with ruthless efficiency, realizing too late that she had once again been tricked into hurting the woman that had long назад saved her life. This time however, she did not have the excuse of childhood innocence to fall back on. Regina could now blame her without guilt. She would not spare her или her family when it came time to take her son back.

Regina concocted a plan that would rid her of anyone that might stand between her and her son. At the last possible moment she realized that in doing so she would be dooming her son to the loveless existence she had so long been cursed with. It was then that she gave up on her quest for happiness and put his happiness above hers. In doing so she was finally gratified with Henry's unconditional Любовь and trust… and she remembered what happiness felt like.

If you'd like recap of any of the other characters stories go ahead and check out TDDD's articles.



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