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What vitamin are you?



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ecpjll said:
You Are Vitamin D

You're a naturally strong person. You've always had a lot of endurance.(YEAH)
You can survive what would make most people crumble. You have both mental and physical strength.(YEAH I'VE BEEN TOLD.)

You don't do a lot to stay healthy - you just live a pretty natural lifestyle.(TRUE)
You stay away from processed junk, sleep like a baby, and get plenty of sunshine! (I TRY)
posted Больше года.
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You Are Vitamin A

You see the world vividly. You are a very visual person, and you pay special attention to colors.
And while you appreciate a sunny, beautiful day - you also like the subtle visuals of night.

You are youthful both in appearance and spirit. You are likely healthier than average.
You shine brightly and are best in small doses. Too much of your company can be overwhelming and even dangerous.

posted Больше года.
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You Are Vitamin A

You see the world vividly. You are a very visual person, and you pay special attention to colors.
And while you appreciate a sunny, beautiful day - you also like the subtle visuals of night.

You are youthful both in appearance and spirit. You are likely healthier than average.
You shine brightly and are best in small doses. Too much of your company can be overwhelming and even dangerous.

posted Больше года.