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быстрый, стремительный, свифт Justice: Ace Attorney

Case 1-3

Heartbroken Turnabout

Lilly: I-I didn't do it. I swear
Police: LIAR!!! Ты had every right to
Lilly: I swear I didn't
Police: We found evidence that Ты were there. There's no use denying it
Lilly: Please. Ты have to believe me
Police: Well just see how the Judge thinks of this tomorrow. Your going to pay for what Ты did
Lilly: I didn't do it. I didn't kill him
Police: you'll get your just desserts. A bit of cold, hard быстрый, стремительный, свифт justice, to be exact

Court Lobby
April 2nd 10:27 a.m.

Swift: *Okay, Swift. Ты can do this. Its just like the old days, only your on the opposite side
Lilly: Oh... Hey... Ты must be my defense attorney
Swift: Oh, yeah. I'm Swift. быстрый, стремительный, свифт Justice
Lilly: ...Pleased to meet you... My name is Lilly Benign
Swift: *Boy, she sure seems gloomy* Don't worry, Ms. Benign. I'll prove your innocents или my names not Swift
Lilly: ...Then I suppose it isn't
Swift: *Sheesh. Talk about a buzz kill*
Swift: *My name is быстрый, стремительный, свифт Justice. I am a rookie defense attorney. This is only my first case as a defense attorney. Of course, I was once a prosecutor. But after a certain case, I wanted to become a defense attorney and find the guy who was really the killer, but I let slip away. I'll find him someday, but for now, I need to help Ms. Benign... No matter what.

Courtroom No. 4

Judge: Court is now in session for the trial of Lilly Benign
Swift: The defense is ready your honor *Never thought I'd say that*
Winston: The prosecution is ready your honor
Judge: So, if the prosecution would state there opening opinion
Winston: Gladly your honor. Watch closely, rookie. I'm going to Показать Ты how a lawyer really handles a case
Swift: *What was that all about*
Winston: Well, your honor, it would seem that on the night of the murder, the victim, Eddie Dawn, was found by his current lover at the time, the defendant, that he was cheating on her with another woman
Judge: Quite an awful man to have in a relationship
Winston: Yes, well, the defendant then went into a blind rage and killed the victim while he was in his car
Judge: Hmm, so it would seem that the defendant had a perfect motive to kill the victim... Hmm... Yes... I can see that it is quite clear what happened. I believe I am ready to hand down my verdict
Swift: WHAT! But your honor, there must be еще explaining then that
Judge: Well, I really don't see much to talk about
Swift: But, there was something odd. How was the victim murdered? That wasn't explained
Judge: Ah, your quite right, Mr. Justice
Winston: OBJECTION! Ha, I knew you'd come up with that lame excuse sooner или later, young lawyer
Swift: *Jeez. Is that what I used to sound like when I was a prosecutor*
Winston: We have here, the exact weapon the defendant used to murder the victim... Here it is your honor
Judge: That just looks like some old rope
Winston: Exactly, your honor. As it seems, the victim was strangled to death with this rope. And I can prove it as well. It would appear that there were fingerprints all over the rope. Fingerprints that belonged to none other than the defendant
Swift: WHAT!!! B-BUT HOW!!!
Judge: Well, I can gladly say that I am now ready to hand down my verdict
Swift: Your honor, wait. There must be something were leaving out
Judge: And what would that be, Mr. Justice
Swift: Why did the defendant want to follow the victim. How did she know about all this
Judge: Your quite right, Mr. Justice. I do believe we should let someone explain this
Winston: Ha. Very well then. Its been a while since I've broken a new defense attorney
Swift: *I swear, I am going to throttle him if I don't stay calm*
Winston: I believe the detective for this case is present. I would like him to tell us about the crime
Judge: Very well. So called detective. Please make your wat to the stand
Swift: *Well, here we go*
Winston: Sir. Please state your name and occupation
Marshall: Officer John Marshall, sir. Though everyone calls me Officer Marshall. I am the detective for this case
Judge: So, could Ты tell us what Ты saw on the night of the murder
Marshall: Umm... no
Judge: W-WHAT! But why
Marshall: Because I didn't see the murder occur. I am only the detective for this case
Winston: Please, your honor. This man is a very tenacious detective. He'll do whatever it takes to find a criminal. I can assure you, he is very reliable
Judge: ...Well I suppose we could ask him a few questions
Marshall: Yeah, good. Ask away. I'm ready
Swift: *This guy looks very enthusiastic*
Judge: Mr. Marshall, please tell us how Ты found out the victim was murdered
Marshall: Alright. I was in the office finishing up some work when I got a call. It was from a scared woman. She told me that someone was murdered and I and the other officers rushed to the scene. We were too late to save the guy, but we were able to catch the defendant over there for questioning
Judge: Hmm, so it would appear that there was a witness to the crime
Winston: Yes your honor. But we'll bring them in later
Judge: Very well. Alright, Mr. Justice. Ты may begin your cross-examination
Swift: Huh. C-cross-examination *Okay, Swift. Just calm down. Just try to remember what Ты studied for. Lets see. If I remember correctly, cross-examining is where I look through the witnesses testimony and try to find something that is not the same as the evidence in the Court Record and I just need to present that evidence to prove the witness is wrong или lying. Okay, I think I got this*
Marshall: I was in my office finishing up some work when I got a call
Swift: HOLD IT! What were Ты working on, exactly
Marshall: ...Detective stuff. I thought that would be obvious
Swift: Mr. Marshall, I'm going to need еще than-
Winston: OBJECTION! What the detective did on the night of the murder has nothing to do with the case at hand. Stop staling and Переместить it along, Swift
Judge: *glare*
Swift: Ahh *I don't like the way the Judge is staring at me*
Marshall: The call was from a scared woman
Swift: HOLD IT! Did Ты find out who the woman was
Marshall: Yes, her name was Mariah Malroie. She was so scared when we got there
Swift: Did Ты at all Вопрос her as to what happened
Marshall: ... Well... I was about to until the other officers caught the defendant. I really didn't think it was necessary
Swift: *Sigh. Now I know how the other defense attorneys felt*
Marshall: She told me that someone was murdered and I and the other officers rushed to the scene
Swift: HOLD IT! There were other police
Marshall: Of course. Crime never sleeps, so why should justice sleep
Judge: Quiet true
Winston: If we may continue please
Marshall: We were too late to save the guy, but we were able to catch the defendant over there for questioning
Swift: HOLD IT! So Ты were able to catch the defendant?
Marshall: Didn't I just say that
Swift: I'm just wondering. How did Ты find the accused
Marshall: Huh... Oh, right. Well, other than the rope we found, there was also tire tracks from a stolen car
Judge: What. A stolen car
Marshall: Yeah, the accused must have broken into the car and drove off. But she left one mistake. She accidently left skid marks on the road. We took a picture of it to take as evidence
Judge: So, the accused is also a car thief. Mr. Marshall, I would like for Ты to add this new information to your testimony
Marshall: Sure. The accused seemed to had stolen a car and drove off back to her home
Swift: OBJECTION! Ты honor, something about what he сказал(-а) just now doesn't seem right
Judge: And what would that be, Mr. Justice
Swift: He сказал(-а) that the accused drove home. Take another look at this photo. As Ты can see, the skid marks enter into an alleyway. She couldn't have driven Главная if she was parked in the alley
Marshall: Ah
Swift: Now, Mr. Marshall. Is that alley a dead end
Marshall: Umm.. Uhh... Well... Y-yes it is
Swift: So that just raises one question. If my client had killed the victim, why would she stay near the crime scene
Winston: OBJECTION! Ha, Ты can't possibly be this dim, rookie
Swift: What do Ты mean
Winston: I mean that their were police cars on there way to the crime scene already. If she were to leave, she would be caught. Not that did a lot of good, because thanks to the witness, we were able to find her at her home.
Judge: Why, this just makes the defense statement null and void
Swift: N-No. I don't believe this
Judge: But, what I don't understand is what happened during the time of the murder
Winston: Well, I have an idea. I say we bring in Lilly Benign
Judge: The defendant. Well... does the defense have any objections
Swift: *If I'm going to get out of the mess I'm in, I'll need all the evidence I can get* No, your honor.
Judge: Very well. Mr. Marshall, Ты may go now
Marshall: Got it. Always glad to help the law
Swift: *Now, I just need to be sure to find something wrong with the testimony. If I can compare it to the evidence, I may have a chance*
Winston: Defendant. Please state your name and occupation
Lilly: ...My name is Lilly Benign... And I'm an Ivy университет student
Judge: So, Ты were сказал(-а) to have been near the victim on the night of the murder
Lilly: ...I don't see what telling Ты the truth would do...
Swift: *Poor Ms. Benign. I sure hope there's something this evidence I have can help
Judge: Now, Ms. Benign. Could Ты tell us what happened on the night of the murder
Lilly: ...Very well. I was following Eddie to where he was going. He seemed to leave a lot and I was getting suspicious. I then saw him talking to another woman, and they were drinking red wine. I knew that he was cheating on me then and I just couldn't control myself
Judge: So your admitting that Ты did kill him
Lilly: I know Ты won't believe me... So yes, I did kill him
Winston: Well, I think this case is pretty open and shut
Swift: HOLD IT! I still need to preform my cross-examination. I don't think this is over just yet
Winston: W-what in the... Why are Ты making that smug grin
Judge: Well, Mr. Justice. Please, do go on with your cross-examination
Lilly: I was following Eddie to where he was going
Swift: HOLD IT! how long would Ты say Ты were following him
Lilly: About twenty минуты или so
Swift: Did he happen to see you
Lilly: No. I took the opposite roads so he wouldn't suspect me
Swift: *Well, I guess I won't be getting anything here*
Lilly: He seemed to leave a lot and I was getting suspicious
Swift: HOLD IT! how many times did he leave
Lilly: About once everyday for two weeks. I was wondering where he was going, so I decided to follow him
Swift: *Well, I guess that's understandable*
Lilly: I then saw him talking to another woman, and they were drinking red wine
Swift: HOLD IT! how were Ты able to see them
Winston: Incase Ты haven't been told, the witness has a large window on the side of her house. The defendant had many chances to see the witness and victim
Swift: *Well, that seems legit. But, should I try my luck and ask for еще questions...* Ms. Benign. Did Ты notice anything strange about how they were talking
Lilly: No, just that they were talking and drinking and... Wait a minute. Now that Ты mention it...
Swift: Yes, what is it
Lilly: I noticed that neither one looked too happy. In fact, they looked like they were about to yell at each other. Also, I noticed that the girl seemed to have her hand over Eddie's wine glass the whole time. But I don't know why
Judge: Well, I am starting to think that this girl has a part in this trial as well
Swift: Agreed
Judge: Mr. Payne. Would Ты mind finding this young woman and bring her back
Winston: Very well, your honor
Judge: The court will take a fifteen минута recess.

Court Lobby

Swift: Dear lord, that was too close
Lilly: Don't worry. It could have been worse
Swift: Worse?! I don't have much evidence and were bringing in a witness who saw Ты commit the crime. If I can't get any actual proof, were going to lose this case
Lilly: Don't worry. I know Ты can do it
Swift: !! W-what
Lilly: Here, I have this
Swift: What's this? A letter... I would like to see Ты tonight. I only want Ты to help me bring back the good old days. Please don't refuse. Come to my house at 10:00 on April 1st. Come alone. Signed... MARIAH
Lilly: Yeah, I was a little surprised too
Swift: Why didn't Ты Показать me this before?!
Lilly: Because I Остаться в живых all hope and was ready to except my fate. But now, I know you'll win
Swift: ! *Did she just... Smile*
Bailiff: Court is about to continue. may the defense please make there way to the court room
Swift: Well, here we go *I just hope I can win this... For her sake*
 Eddie Dawn. Victim for the case
Eddie Dawn. Victim for the case
Ты know what I can’t fucking stand? All these Jeff the Killer ripoffs. Jane the Killer, Nina the Killer, Jenn the Killer, Jenny the Killer. Killer this. Killer that. ARE Ты FUCKING KIDDING?! What is it with the emotional teenage girls liking this pathetic little сука of a serial killer. He’s not even attractive, unless Ты find someone who just got done tounging a weedwhacker attractive. And his story is fucking awful, so why do people like this pale little shit so much to the point where there are ripoffs. And no, the ripoffs are just as bad. A perfect example is this one I am reading...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
This is a parody of My Little Pony. The voice actors for the mane 6 are..

Ice Cube - Twilight Sparkle
Kath Soucie - радуга Dash
Sargent Schultz from Hogan's Герои - Pinkie Pie
Wally from The Cleveland Показать - Fluttershy
Tabitha St. Germain - Rarity
Ashleigh Ball - яблочная водка, яблоко, кальвадоса

Now, let's begin. радуга Dash was with Fluttershy in a parking lot full of Buicks.

Rainbow Dash: Now, what have we learned?
Fluttershy: Nothing.
Rainbow Dash: No! We learned something.
Fluttershy: Lots of control.
Rainbow Dash: Good.
Fluttershy: Screaming, and hollering.
Rainbow Dash: Yes, and most importantly...
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So, there is only one last Bong Chong Dong story. The last one. Will this one be better than the first, или will it be just as bad as the second. Only one way to find out.
So, this story starts with the girl from the first story… Ты know… That girl from the first story. So, she is on a bus, in what has to be the reddest tunnel in existence. I mean, seriously, why is there so much red in one tunnel. Is this some sort of Korean belief I don’t know about. I don’t know.
So, the girl falls asleep, only to wake up, to see that everyone else is asleep. Yeah, because, red is such an amazing sleeping...
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Well, this one has been on the chopping block for a while, and, since its October, and since this Аниме is kind of a horror Аниме (Thought, that's debatable) I think now is the best time to talk about the anime, Highschool of the Dead.
Now, this is the first Аниме that has zombies in it. Now, I Любовь anything with zombies, from games, like Left 4 Dead, Zombies Ate My Neighbors, and Dead Rising, Фильмы like Shaun of the Dead, Zombieland, and Land of the Dead, and Телевидение shows like The Walking Dead........ Okay, so thats the only Показать I know that has zombies in it. But, when I heard there was...
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Hello everyone and welcome to Boss Bits. Today, we'll be looking at the bosses from the game that people say is the greatest game ever made... That would be Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for the N64.... Then remade fro Gamecube.... Then remade again for the 3DS.. Ты get the idea. Ocarina of Time is a game that supposedly turned the gaming world on its head. It's pretty good. It had great story, great overworld, and great graphics (At the time). But, what I think makes this game unique are the bosses... Lets take a look at them
(Warning: Spoilers)

Boss: Gohma
Now, this boss is pretty much one...
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Song: link

Commander Kane: This sounds like Музыка for a New Yorker.
Sean: I pulled trains to New York City on a daily basis. Does that mean I like this music?
Commander Kane: Yeah. You're a New Yorker.
Sean: I'm also hosting tonight's segment of Sean's Spectacular Saturday of Stories. I'm in one of these stories actually. Here's the lineup.

8 PM - Now

Johnny Lightning

8:30 PM - Later

Anata No Tenkei-Tekina Аниме Bak2Bak

Theme Song: link

Welcome to a place called The Island Of Errol. A place that is run by five railroads. It has hundreds of engines, and lots of trains in the four towns, Mossberg,...
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Welcome to the секунда episode of Cultober II: The Return. Yesterday, we looked at a classic horror film that is regarded for its Письмо and effects. Now we will be looking at a classic B-monster film that is known for its cheese but loved for its premise nonetheless. Today we will be looking at what many consider the king of classic b-movies, 1958’s The Blob. The original, of course.

Young Влюбленные Steve and Jane are at Lover’s Lane when a meteorite crashes into earth. From within, a gelatinous creature known only as The Blob emerges from within and begins to devour residents of the...
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When I was twelve years old, I remember my older brother playing the hell out of Batman: Arkham Knight. It looked so cool and a ton of fun to play, but when I played it, I got my жопа, попка kicked. Because character action game. But I still liked what I had (Not enough to put on the list, clearly), but I thought, “What if other superheroes got this kind of treatment”. And then Spider-Man came out.
Okay, so I won’t explain much of the plot. Ты know Spider-Man. I know Spider-Man. We all know Spider-Man. The plot involves Spider-Man getting involved with a terrorist attack and as to fight...
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So remember when I talked about how a David Cage game, despite how much of a hack he is, has a better concept of mattering choices than Telltale? Yeah, I still stand by that, despite Cage's lack to tell a story. But that's not to say Telltale games are bad. At least, not all of them. One of my избранное is the very stylish and narrative griping murder mystery of The волк Among Us. So let's talk about-

Hi everyone this is DisneyPrince88 and I’ll be doing one of WindWakerGuy430’s вверх 100 video games for his anniversary

The video game that I’ll be reviewing is one of WindwakerGuy...
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posted by Windwakerguy430

So let’s be really clear here. As far as Письмо goes, and an interesting story, I prefer the GTA games over any other sandbox game. But for replayability, for massive fun, for an overworld that is brimming with personality just begging to be fucked around in, I always prefer the Saints Row games, and none of them is еще insane and fun to play than Saints Row IV
So the game is far different from the past games, which was about a small улица, уличный gang becoming a massive criminal empire. Now сказал(-а) улица, уличный gang’s leader has become president of the United States. And there’s aliens, espionage,...
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Remember back when I talked about Lollipop Chainsaw and сказал(-а) that it was the most decisive game from кузнечик before another game. Well, this is the now most decisive. Travis Strikes Again, a spin off, not No еще Герои 3, that people either like или hate. And in case it wasn’t super obvious, I Любовь this game
I feel like it is important to remember that this game is a spin-off and not a main series game, and yet everyone still thinks this is NMH3 and a bad continuation. If this game spits on the legacy of the franchise, then Smash Bros, Pokemon Snap, and the entire Persona franchise...
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Well this one is certainly going to be a blast from the past, assuming anyone from that time is even alive или even Чтение this article. In 1920, when Фильмы were still silent films with only a line of text appearing afterward, not much was thought about being done in the horror genre. But low and behold, here comes Germany with one of the most influential horror films ever made, 1920’s The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. What makes this film such a standout from almost a hundred years ago? Let’s find out.

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari is told from the perspective of an interesting person by...
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This is a film I only heard about in hushed whispers. 1988’s Maniac Cop was a slasher film that, among other slasher film titles, went unnoticed when it first came out. Low critical reception sure didn’t help. But it eventually gained a following and many people came to enjoy the film. And so, what do I think of the movie. Is it a possible underrated slasher classic или is it not good. Well, I do like the idea of a police officer being a serial killer, and making it a lot еще of a hidden threat, so there is definitely potential here. Let’s give it a shot.

In the middle of the night,...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
Hello, everyone, and welcome to Whatever Happened To…, where we take a look at gaming's biggest busts, disastrous disappointments, and all of it’s failures, flops, and other alliterations. Games that could’ve been something, only to turn into nothing. And today, we’ll be talking about a little game that shouldn’t even be allowed to exist for reasons we will be getting into on this episode of Whatever Happened To…, and that game, in question, is Too Human.

Too Human was a game created by Silicon Knights, a company founded by the amazing Denis Dyack, and by amazing, I mean he’s...
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Song: link

Duck: Black Sabbath ladies, and gentlemen.
Henry: What's Black Sabbath?
Duck: *Gives an annoyed look at Henry*
Gordon: I wish I was the Gordon hosting this show.
Duck: Didn't Ты already host with James? Besides, I don't Ты think Ты want to be this Gordon.
Gordon: *Using a magic shield to protect himself from еще rocks* I'm safe. Now to continue hosting. Adventures of Thomas & Друзья will be up Далее followed by Gran Turismo.

Episode 15

The Little Engine That Could

One день at the wharf, Mr. Percival recieved a letter from Sir Robert Norramby. He wanted an engine from the Narrow Gauge...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
 Ты must look at this picture for 20 секунды before continuing onto the Далее part of this Фан fiction
You must look at this picture for 20 секунды before continuing onto the Далее part of this Фан fiction

Song: link

 The following is an STH/AM6663 Фан Fiction
The following is an STH/AM6663 Фан Fiction

 Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see. *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see.
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see. *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see.

Pinkie Pie: *Talking into a radio, recording a casette tape* Entry 749020, I have just joined three ponies in a new group formed by Celestia. This group is called 935. I do not trust the other members in my group, so I will brain wash them, and go into a teleporter I built personally. Celestia has an important job to complete in a...
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posted by Windwakerguy430

In the town of Camren, there is a shopping center known as Final Stop, a store known for it’s poor products, high prices, and with employees who seem to have еще common sense than anyone else around. The employes, Malcolm, Emilia, June, Roland, Benedict, and Thomas, all deal with the worst of working in retail, such as idiotic customers, poor pay, the devil as the manager, the end of the world on a known as Black Friday, The Back being a portal to Hell, and a rival company owned by a holy manager with dreads.


A new member to the Final Stop Cult Family, Malcolm is...
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радуга Dash, and Pinkie Pie are friends, but sometimes Pinkie likes to tease Dash about the time she fooled her by thinking she was a ghost. радуга Dash doesn't like that.

One night, they were having a sleepover at Sugarcube Corner.

Pinkie Pie: Wake up Dashie! Are Ты dreaming about the time Ты thought I was a ghost?
Rainbow Dash: Certainly not. Anyway, I was just pretending to be afraid. I knew it was you.
Pinkie Pie: I hope Ты don't mind the room being dark.
Rainbow Dash: Why?
Pinkie Pie: Just checking to make sure Ты don't get scared.
Rainbow Dash: *Ignores Pinkie, and goes back to...
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Wind: But why do I have to do this
Teacher: Because at the last ballgame, your so called “National Anthem” caused a full scale riot
Wind: Oh, it wasn’t that bad
Teacher: Forty-six people died
Wind: Oh… well that what they get for going to a ballgame
Teacher: Okay, the way I see it, Ты have two options. Ты can either play a game of baseball and win this school a victory, или Ты can spend a день with Austin over there
Austin: (Draws a penis on the board) HA HA HA HA!
Wind: I’ll play
Teacher: Your damn right Ты will
(That night)
Dave: Hello, Oxford. It is a beautiful день here at the...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Running from Chicacolt to San Franciscolt is a railroad called the Union Pacific. It's the largest railroad in the United States, and is run by thousands of ponies. This is the story of some of those ponies that run the rails, aka railroading.

Episode 2: To Lease, или not to lease

August 1, 1950

It has been half a week since Coffee Creme's first день working on the Union Pacific. She's a hard worker, and normally works with Hawkeye, and together, they would have a special assignment. They were recieving it in Cheyenne at 9 O clock in the morning

Pete: Attention everypony! Listen up.
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