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BiteMeDamon99 сказал(-а) о Damon & Elena
I understand why everyone (incuding myself!) is abit pissed with elenas descision but there is no need for all the deat/threatshate mail julie plec is recieving! c'mon guys we're better than that! Опубликовано Больше года
BiteMeDamon99 прокомментировал(-а)…
meant to say death threats/ hate mail Больше года
jenay прокомментировал(-а)…
I actually sent Julie Plec a tweet and thanked her for the tears,goosebumps and memories/damon before I read the interview.Because like most others I assumed that her meeting Damon would change things in season 4 .We are being led on which is what makes me mad.However I would never send a death threat или hate mail.I like Damon I'm all for Damon I just hope that at some point the writers will respect his character and give him someone to love. Больше года
ggdelena прокомментировал(-а)…
agree Больше года
BiteMeDamon99 сказал(-а) о Damon & Elena
Guys,guys guys! whats with all the negativity?! Season 4 is going to be aaamzing for Delena! It will leave elena so confused, when she remembers 2x08, and the first time she met him! Human elena may have needed gentleness and sweetness(Stefan) but Vampire Elena will need passion and a Любовь that consumes her (Damon!).... Опубликовано Больше года
RLjustice прокомментировал(-а)…
Damon consumes her but still Julie plec сказал(-а) even with Elena becoming a vampy she will remember everything Damon has compelled her to forget ad how she met him first and the Любовь confession. But she will still be with Stefan in s4 for a little while. Damon shafted again. Больше года
ameasylikethat прокомментировал(-а)…
Yea did u read JP interview she сказал(-а) in s4,SE going to be together for a while Больше года
ggdelena прокомментировал(-а)…
agree Больше года
BiteMeDamon99 сказал(-а) о Damon & Elena
Sh*t TVD Фаны say....
- @julie plec...
-@ian somerhalder...its my birthday....will Ты plz retweet?
-Who's ernesto riley?
-KISS Kiss KISS...oh damn *sits back down*
-Oh my salvatore
-Google images...hmm "ian somerhalder"
-Vampire diaries is on in two minutes!!
-Does jeremy ever have a shower?
-Oh here they go about the moonstone again...
-I miss Aunt jenna
-Omg...matt has no health insurance!
-Whats up with Damons hair?!
Come on,own up...who's guilty for saying any of these?? Haha Опубликовано Больше года
BiteMeDamon99 сказал(-а) о Damon & Elena
It gets me soo annoyed when people say they supposdly ship DE but then rant about how much they hate elena! If Ты only ship delena because of Damon then please do the honour of joining and ranting on the "Damon Salvatore" page im pretty damn sure we have on FanPop! Phew *rant over* haha sorry for the negativity guys it just really ticks me off... Опубликовано Больше года
chelle11 прокомментировал(-а)…
LOL is ok. I do agree with this. I dont like it either. Больше года
BiteMeDamon99 сказал(-а) о Damon & Elena
everyone visit TVDaddicitons, their site/blog is amazing for spoilers and gossip and фото of our this amazing show! All up to дата info! Опубликовано Больше года
MissElmeh прокомментировал(-а)…
Link please. Thankyou honey! :) Больше года
BiteMeDamon99 прокомментировал(-а)…
Im sorry I can't! soo sorry, just type into Google and the one that has in the Ссылка is definettly the right site! Больше года
BiteMeDamon99 сказал(-а) о Damon & Elena
Bamon Shippers are in denial? I mean seriously damon and bonnie?! disrespect или anything they make great freinds but nott lovers! Опубликовано Больше года
lovesobrev прокомментировал(-а)…
yup agree DAMON AND bonnie can be "just Друзья " Больше года
BiteMeDamon99 прокомментировал(-а)…
Hehe thank you, someone agrees!<333 Больше года
nell79 прокомментировал(-а)…
they didn't really have a thing. Damon did feel protective of her because she was so....weak. She wasn't the strong Bonnie on the TV show. But he would never have chosen Bonnie over Elena. Elena was his love, and Bonnie....well, not sure how to put it. He felt protective, but not desirous of her. She amused him, but he never ached for her. Больше года
BiteMeDamon99 сказал(-а) о Damon & Elena
I'll admit i was a stelena shipper, but watching s3 opened my eyes to a relationship that isnt all rainbows and unicorns, a relationship with chemistry and passion, a relationship where both can't медведь to lose the other...a relationship that can only be Delena!<3 Опубликовано Больше года
lovesobrev прокомментировал(-а)…
congratulations for becoming a delena shipper .welcome hunny Больше года
nell79 прокомментировал(-а)…
Welcome! I was a Stelena shipper the first part of S1 but moved to the other side by the middle of that season and there's no budging me now! LOL In the Книги though, I was Delena all the way! :) Больше года
nell79 прокомментировал(-а)…
correction I AM Delena all the way ;) LOL No past tense! Больше года
BiteMeDamon99 сказал(-а) о Damon & Elena
Just joined fanpop, just so i could Комментарий on this Стена and tell Ты DE shippers how freaking amazing Ты all are! Опубликовано Больше года
chelle11 прокомментировал(-а)…
awww. Thank Ты so much for joining. Welcome!! <3 Больше года
BiteMeDamon99 прокомментировал(-а)…
Hehe your welcome guys! glad i could put a smile on your faces especially with this "troll" hanging around! Больше года
MissElmeh прокомментировал(-а)…
Wow. It's our pleasure to have Ты now! Welcome to DE Family :) Больше года