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“The wake-up”

Alexander Rybak is no longer dependant of sleeping- pills. Now, he dreams of being able to trust people again.

Currently: Has released an album of songs in swedish: ” Visa vid vindens ängar”
Family: An onely child. In relationship with Maria Slyngstad.
Drives: "I usually borrow cars from my friends, so I drive a lot of different cars"
Избранное gadgets: – I play a lot of TV-games. Perhaps, I should answer that?
Last cultural experience: – I watched “Mad Men” on DVD. It is fantastic. I dream about being Don Draper.

-I don´t trust people. -

Alexander Rybak has large rings under his eyes, as he watches the other guests in the restaurant at Aker Brygge in Oslo. He came Главная at 2 in the night, wrote autographs for almost 3 hours after a show, drove the E18 alone in the dark.
- I can be fond of people, but I can never trust anybody. For me, it works best, not to get closely attached to people. I dont want to be dependant.
- That sounds lonely
- It is not.

Pretty unnoticed, Alexander Rybak has released a new album this summer. He sings swedish songs in collaboration with the old singer/songwriter Mats Paulson, “Visa vid vindens ängar”.
The young girls still scream, no matter what he does, even 2 years after the Grand Prix-victory.
‎- No matter how much, the music-snobs, wish to tear me down, it is the people, who matters. I was in Hønefoss saturday and signed the new album. In one hour, I sold 150 albums! I sign everywhere. That is, what is so lovely: The people decides!

- And they are fond of you?-
-Yes, или maybe, it is a little up and down. But I can´t blame the media, if they wish to give Космос to others, a little. It gets boring, only to write about my sucesses in the long run.-
He smiles.
- I can feel, that some doesnt like me, because I have had, a little too much, sucess. I was a little like that, when I was younger. I stepped on people, because I did not have sucess myself.
- What do Ты think, the people think of you?-

-The people are трещина, сплит in two halves. Either, they Любовь everything I do или they are sceptic. But the sceptics are often people, who have dreeamed of doing, what I do, but havent made it или lack the economic freedom to do it.
Rybak yawns and sets his hoodie right.

- If I have a bad day, I can´t go out on town. That is a part of the celebrity-job. It is always sweet, when guys, 10 cm shorter than me, tells me, I am not as tall, as I look on TV. I guess they hope, that since I have crushed some violins and such, it only takes one sentence to get me into a fight. But I dont give a damn, what people say about me, behind my back. The important thing is that I don´t disappoint anyone, when I meet them. Once, I passed by a child, who had an autograph-book and-…He stops, cant find the words, he is searching for.
- That will never happen again, to say it plain.-

This winter, it became too much.

Rybak was pendling between the recordings of “Lets dance” in Sweden- and an ukranian variant of “X-factor”. At the same time, he gave concerts around Europe. In the end, he was vomiting in the breaks of the TV-recordings.

- My girlfriend was on holiday in Latin-America, without a phone and I was so scared, that something would happen to her, that she would get kidnapped. I couldn´t sleep,- Rybak tells.

He started, taking sleeping-pills.

- I can´t describe, how scared, I was. It was like, I had Остаться в живых all control over the world. I started using еще and еще sleeping-pills, became addicted to nose-spray, got stomach-pains, became so stressed, that I started throwing up, during the recordings in Sweden.

He stops to catch his breath. – I visited a bunch of psychologists in that period, but that was a bit of a disappointing project. I ended up, sitting and listening to them. One of the psychologists started telling about her ex-husband and asked me, what she should do.
He smiles widely.

- I guess, we are all just human beings. The psychologists helped a little, but I believe, people in your life can be potential psychologists. Ты dont necessarily need a professional.-

He ducks down into the hoodie.

The restaurant is empty. The lunch-guests have gone back to their jobs.

- I read somewhere, that my big idol, Heath Ledger, died from an overdose of sleeping-pills. In a period, I took quite many every night, and then, I thought of him. And I thought of James Dean.. all those, who died young, the mystique they gain around them. People Любовь them forever, they become heroes, legends.-

- Did Ты see yourself, becoming a legend?-
- No. It is еще important, that my parents are well, than if I become a legend and sell some collectors albums. -

The glances on the street, the way his name gets whispered along the pavements, she, who grabs for her cellphone-camera: Alexander Rybak loves to be a celebrity.
- I have got a much easier celebrity-life than many others, because I am not afraid of scandals. The only exception was that kissing-photo of me and the dancer, says Rybak and makes a grimace.
During the participation of ” Lets Dance” in Sweden, he was photographed on town, with the dancepartner Malin Johansson. The rumors of infidelity flourished.

- Ты know, I know what I am like!. I know, I make out a little, out on town. The bad thing about it was, that I hurt a girl who is close to me- and her family.

The girlfriend Maria Slyngstad, lives in Hammerfest.
- But I have realized, that I really should not speak about my love-life to the media. Actually, it is only those, who have a strong story to tell, that should get in the media. Those, who have been together since they were 14 and still are together. Those, with good values.

- Ты dont have good values?
- My values are a little еще odd. They say, that I should avoid hurting those, who are closest to me in the room.
I can´t manage to be empathic to that guy in Australia, who hasn´t got a greeting-letter from me, but if he calls me, I would do anything to get it done.

- Don´t Ты get bad conscience?-
- As I said, I should not speak about this.-
- But are Ты a conscientious guy ?-
-Absolutely! And then, Ты make your own rules along the way. I get a very bad conscience, if I know, there are 5 children in the line, who haven´t got my autograph yet.-

Alexander was a child once, too – A wonderchild. He has absolute pitch. The tones have always appeared before him, clear and shining.
- It is very few, who understand me. They dont understand, that I feel the best, when it is raining a little. That is the belarussian in me.-
When he was little, his mother sang lullabys in minor. They cried themselves to sleep with the sad songs. Then, they woke up and rehearsed.
- I think very much, but I am not smart in any way. That is a dreadful combination. I can´t handle long rows of thoughts. It is like, there is so much inside me and I think of everything at the same time,- says Rybak and pushes the fuzzy hair down on his head.

- Are you, a bit of a weird guy?
- No. I have normal reactions on most things, though some of my values, might be a little different.

- How?
- I am concerned with balance – with never leaving a person, I have met. Everybody, who has been nice to me, I carry with me. It becomes a large harddisk after a while.
- Ты have a big heart?
- I have a big brain.

The waitress wipes off the tables, one еще time. Rybak checks his phone, puts his hands in his pockets.

- Has it been healthy for Ты - all, what Ты have experienced the last 2 years?-
- Healthy for the man или for the artist? Those are two different things. It is not healthy, to be far away from those, Ты care about and not see mom and dad for a whole year. But it has made me extra fond of them.

- Is it a lonely life?
- Yes and no. I am afraid of letting people get too close to me. I have had so many break-ups, it will take many years, before I do it again. I always need to Переместить on.-

A couple of weeks ago, he performed in a childrens-show in Kristianssand.
- And I got so fond of those kids, I wanted to adopt half of them. When I left, the last day, there were some, who couldn´t let go of me. They hugged me harder and harder.-
He stops, holds on to the bananasplit.

- I am an onely child, so I get very touched. It was real love. Children dare to tell the truth, they are not superficial. But I can not get attached to them. I know, I have to Переместить on. I can not visit them again.-

Last week, an ukranian offered him a quarter of a million, for playing a few songs at a wedding. Alexander declined. He needs to rest now. This evening, he will get into the car again, drive to some small town, where people are already standing in a line, waiting for him.

- Why did Ты stop trusting people?-
- Because I have done it in the past and got hurt, in business, in love, in everything. I have put my entire life in the hands of people, who have left me.-

He walks across the empty square of one of the most expensive neighborhoods in the city, points up to the appartment, where he lives, tells about his TV-games. Then he stops.
- If only, I had trusted people a little less, it would not have been so painful.

Статья is found here:link
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added by Александр Рыбак
Source: alexrybak.blogspot.com
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sooo adorablee! <333
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Source: http://www.alexanderrybak.com/
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Source: http://vkontakte.ru/club7732161
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