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The air was becoming thick with moisture as the earth cooled with the coming of the night. The moon, climbing in the sky slowly, steadily.
The stoic situation Eight found himself in currently had quite a tension in it. These Волки didn't seem to want him here, and who could blame them, a trespasser is a trespasser, didn't matter the reason.
Eight's muscles tensed, his мех stood just a bit, his ears layed down just slightly and his eyes darted back and forth between the two as they took their starting positions on either side. He thought to try to explain himself but decided against it, remembering that his Назад statement, accompanied with apology was shot down abruptly and spit upon.
All he could safely do now was just wait.
"Well, mutt? Got nothing to say?" The stout, dark furred волк barked.
Apparently he couldn't even safely wait. It seemed that every time he turned his attention to the world around him today he found himself in some situation или another. Quite the eventful day, to say the least, although by this point, Eight was longing for a little dullness in his routine.
Since Eight couldn't think of a way to word his sentences in a way as to do without a verbal lashback, he remained silent, opting for this verbose, short stack of a волк to spout off again.

"Alright then." The dark furred bully stated, almost in approval of Eight's silence, his stance took a gentler lean, but his partner remained stark.
"Lets start at the beginning with a little game I like to call, 'what are Ты doing here?'." He stated, demanding and snide to say the least. This волк was younger than Eight, just smaller and he had a complex, anyone could see that. Eight would have to dance very lightly to stay out of trouble here.
He mulled his answer for long enough to start speaking and let it form as he tried to talk his way out of this,
"I'm only wandering through is all. I hadn't intended on trespassing. For that, I apologize."

"We're aware that you're just wandering through." The short волк stated, "Shade here's been tracking Ты since Ты hit our territory. And, now that I've seen Ты for myself... Well, Ты can't be from anywhere around here."
The dark grey волк sauntered over to him, imposingly to get a better look. He was cocky, even in his body language Ты could see it. He leaned this way and that, tilting his head as he talked, looking into Eight's eyes. And Eight stared right back.
"You don't look like any волк I've seen. And Ты wreak of cedar and... dirt."
His observation made clear, he casually strolled to his position and allowed an answer.

"I'm from the southern territories." Eight informed the волк before him, keeping a watch on his partner from time to time.
"Southern Territories?" The волк asked him, "What, like, New Mexico? Oklahoma?"
"Further than that." Eight replied, his stance growing lighter now, as he was being interrogated. There didn't seem to be any reason to stay tense, but he kept his mind on the situation, just in case.
"Further? No, no way, I don't buy it. волк like you, making it this far north? You're yanking my tail." The statement was forward, but Eight could understand the reluctance of his belief.

"True enough." Eight let his drawl out a little to accentuate his point further.
"Well I don't believe you, mutt." His interrogator swelled up a bit and took a step forward, almost in challenge. Unfortunately, it was getting harder and harder for Eight to contain each of his thoughts as this game grew tiresome.
"Well," Eight began, "Its true whether Ты like или don't, partner. And telling me that Ты don't believe me is practically calling me a liar."
"Yeah and what if I am?" The волк scowled with a low growl, both he and his partner took a step вперед and bowed their chests.
Eight took a moment to consider this, he was heading the very direction he hadn't wanted to. It may not be too late though, he'd try to explain himself. Maybe a very mild joke to break the tension. A smile, something.

"I've been walking for еще than 3 weeks now." Eight began, "I've seen bears, boar, bobcats, highways, freeways, hunters, campers, cougars and one other волк pack... hmmmm...." He thought for a moment before continuing, "... Yeah, about a week and a half ago. Pretty savage too, they were... well... lets just say, this lot weren't as cuddly as y'all fellas." He smiled and chuckled, this last joke was sure to do the job.
The small волк looked to his counterpart and then back to Eight.
"Cuddly?" he demanded, apparently taken back. He was a touchy sort.
Only one thought filtered through Eight's mind as his smile faded, his сердце sank and his stance tightened again. The phrase leaked straight out of his brain with no restriction to the Источник of words with a sigh,
"... Damn it."

The two Волки inched to either side of him, one to keep his attention and one to flank him, each growling, snarling and barking at him. The one called 'Shade' nipped at his front quarters, causing Eight to growl and take a step back.
He knew this had to be it. His luck was bound to run out at some point, right? Thats what he thought for a moment, then he heard a voice boom out from over them, somewhere behind the trees.
"Thats enough, boys." It was deep, loud, demanding. The kind of voice that commands the winds themselves.

All three of them stopped immediately. Eight remained half between his stance, and a dumbfounded look plastered on his face as he scanned the trees. The other two stood back to either side of eight, facing each other and looking to the Источник of the voice.
It took only a moment for him to materialize from the trees and shadows.
And what a beast he was. A stout, tall, thick, statuesque figure. He had an aged look about him, but not old - wise, seasoned, learned. His dark, ash gray пальто shimmered in the moonlight as he stepped forward, and eight noticed a few light silver markings across his face to accompany the rest of the silver that peppered his fur.
He walked between the two and they looked to him only, he clearly commanded their respect.
He looked to Eight, sizing him up.
Eight felt like his body was being pierced, this wolf's dark yellow eyes seemed to rip past the fur, the flesh and bone and see straight into him. He could kill him with a stare, Eight knew it, he thought it, thats exactly what he was feeling at that moment.
When the large волк was finished, he abruptly turned to Shade and the lead wolf, nodding to them both,
"Good find, boys."
"Thank you, sir." Their voices came in unison. Not out of fear, out of discipline and respect.
"What do we do with him, sir?" The lead волк asked.
The old волк looked to him and shook out his neck a bit,
"Tell Ты what, Stern," He started, standing tall above the other, "Why don't Ты two head back up and enjoy yourselves?"
"Sir?" the one called 'Stern' inquired.
The big волк looked back over Eight for a moment, feigning observation,
"It seems that this is only a mistake, he's just one волк and he seems genuinely Остаться в живых to me. Ты two head back up to the Howl. There's no danger here tonight, no sense in having Ты patrol any further."
The two younger Волки thanked him. Before turning to leave Stern eyed Eight one last time and began his walk.
"You should stop and speak with Trinity, she's been asking around for you." The old волк suggested over his shoulder to Stern, who turned back for a moment, his кислый expression seeming to melt from his face.
With that, the only two inhabitants of that area were Eight, and this towering волк before him.
Eight began to apologize, stepping forward, but was cut off abruptly, being reassured that there was no need for an apology.
"What's your name, Lad?" The large волк asked, somehow far less intimidating now, after he had dismissed the others. He sat and scratched the scruff of his neck casually with his hind claws.
"...E-Eight. Sir."
The old волк stopped, caught off guard, but by which part of his response, Eight couldn't tell.
"Such manners!" His voice boomed and a smile took over his face. "Well, Eight, was it? Thats a peculiar Название for a pup..."
At last, Eight had the opportunity to do what he was best at. Talk. His demeanor changed immediately, he limbered up, moved and swayed this way and that as he explained his name,
"Thats a funny story, actually, y'see... I have seven brothers and sisters ahead of me, I was the last of the litter. My parents have told me that they simply ran out of names, and thought that it sounded good." He laughed lightly as relieved as he'd been all day. It seemed he was in friendly company now.
The older волк laughed loudly. His voice even sounding old, but deep ant tough, his face wrinkled around his eyes as he expressed himself.
"Thats quite a story, but Ты know, I can relate to that... Mhmm Ты see- my parents, many, many years назад blessed me with the name Deogee." He sat in waiting as Eight processed how that was in relation of a strange name. Eight shook his head lightly with a smile and inquired further,
"I-I'm afraid I don't-"
"My name, its Deogee. De-O-Gee. Dog. Hmm?"
Eight almost immediately laughed aloud, unintentionaly, he caught himself, trying not to offend his host. He didn't mean offense so he stifled his laugh the best he could, spitting and spewing with chuckles no matter how tight he pursed his lips.
"Oh, its fine, fine. Most Волки don't pick up on that, Ты know. So you're in a select group who knows that little secret, ah, lets keep that between us, shall we?"
Eight nodded and gave a "Yes, sir."
"Oh there it is again! 'Sir.'" Deogee reiterated. "You're parents must be quite proud of you, son. I'll tell Ты what, its getting quite late, the Howl will be over in an hour, or... whenever those hooligans decide to turn in, why don't Ты and I take a quick walk, hmm? Maybe Ты can tell me your story."

They walked and Eight talked, his сердце as happy as it had been way back, what seemed like ages ago. He explained his situation, he explained why he left home, that he had no real plan или destination. He even regaled the old волк with some of his Избранное stories. Eight was certainly in his element. They stopped off for a moment and Deogee pondered for a moment, very seriously.

"Thats quite a story, son. And so well told." Again, his voice sounded wise with age. This волк may be a hulking brute to look at, but he was as gentle and quiet as a downy feather floating on the breeze. He spoke with command, confidence. He spoke with truth in his voice when he articulated.
"Well, if its a place to lay that Ты need, we can certainly accommodated you. There's a kind of hitch though. I can't just invite Ты into the den."
He looked down to Eight. Eight nodded in understanding.
"But," Deogee continued, "I have a little place set aside, a sort of bachelor's den. I head there whenever I need time apart from the missus." He chuckled and snorted to himself, "I tell her I'm going hunting. That, That is also between us only.
But on a serious note," His voice carried his intent perfectly, this is what serious sounded like, "I will discuss this issue with the pack tomorrow. WE will put it to a vote and, depending on what they decide, and what Ты decide, Ты can rest here for as long as Ты need, until Ты decide to pick up on your travels, hmm?"

It sounded like a fantastic plan to Eight, sleeping in a real shelter had a hell of an appeal to it after all this time away from anything that resembled structure in his life. Eight nodded.
"That sounds like a fine idea, sir, and I greatly appreciate it."

"Think nothing of it, young one, I know what its like to be off across the country, though my travels only took me a few counties." He chuckled.
"Now, if Ты head east about 200 yards you'll come to a clearing with a pile of rocks facing you. Just the other side of that pile of stone, you'll see where its been dug under. Ты can sleep there for the evening and I will retrieve Ты in the morning."
"Yes sir, Ты got it." Eight сказал(-а) and stood.
"Well, I best be on my way. From the sound of things, those yahoos are still at it... I better go see what sort of trouble I can get into." Deogee smiled and nodded before turning and heading on his way.

Eight stood for a moment and watched his dark мех disappear in and out of the shadows as he walked. It was no wonder how he was able to come upon them earlier so easily undetected.
With that, Eight headed back the way he was instructed and found the dugout with relative ease. There was plenty of room, since it was dug out for a волк twice his size. Chewed Кости were strewn about here или there. Oh yeah. Definitely a bachelor's pad.
He sat and pondered for much of the night before turning in as he stared at the moon, listening to the howls from the other wolves. He swore he heard Deogee's distinct howl among them. The later it got, the еще they thinned out until there was only the sound of the wind passing cool air through his fur.
The silence of the world was peaceful unlike any night he'd felt the entire time he was traveling. His body felt weary and sore, his head throbbed and his eyes stung as the breeze passed over them. He couldn't remember feeling this tired. He took one last gaze at the moon as it hung huge in the sky and gave a brief howl of his own, it sounded somber and alone, but it was filled also with happiness and a very real relief as it echoed though the dense night air. Then, smiling, he turned to lay down, the shadow of the small логово, ден creeping into his eyes and into his body.
He fell fast asleep.
I decided to add a section for references and callbacks since these stories have quite a few of them. There are a couple of things that I don’t really count as references since they’re pretty much a constant in the movies. One of them is Runt climbing a дерево and the other is Humphrey logboarding, both of which I tried to include at least once in the stories that I could include them in.

Newest Additions

Right away, I made a reference to the секунда movie by addressing the fact that Garth and Lilly were living in the tall grass. There’s a reference to the first movie after Kate finds out...
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Now it was time to start the секунда part of Viggo’s plan, which was also based off something else that I made a lot of changes to. Again, it started similar to the piece that had inspired it and relied on Viggo’s main campsite in the Northern Region being destroyed and Viggo looking horribly defeated and in a state that we have never seen him in.

Robert going rogue was an idea I got from the piece that inspired this секунда part of Viggo’s plan, except instead of it being an actual mutiny, it ends up being another massive deception by Viggo, hence why I called this part of the story, “His...
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I had also decided to tell the story of what happened to Garth’s mother. I had very briefly touched on it in Missing Parents, but now, I had еще ideas for еще detail and really wanted to tell that part of the story too. First, I had to introduce Garth’s mother before she died so the readers could establish some kind of connection to her and over the course of Письмо the секунда chapter, I found myself emphasizing that Garth had a very special bond with his mother, which I knew would make her death even еще painful.

Since this was essentially Humphrey’s origin story, I couldn’t not...
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Chapter 25: The Betrayal

Viggo had just barely gotten back to his base in time. After escaping from the valley, he ran as fast as he could through the woods toward what remained of his campsite in the Northern Region. By the time he finally arrived, half of his upper arm was swollen and the skin was just starting to turn dark.

He stumbled into his tent and immediately began digging through the chest behind his стол письменный, стол where he kept the antivenom he had specially gotten for this very scenario. The antivenom did the job and for a месяц или so afterward, Viggo took the time he needed to recover from...
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posted by PurpleDragon02
Finally! The exerpt for the newest and upcoming story in the A&O franchise. In one year, the story will be released in full, but not as one article. Each chapter will have its own article. Starting today или maybe tomorrow, I'll be releasing character profiles, going into some detail about the new characters in the story. I might also release the first chapter a week или two before the 10 год anniversary just to reignite the hype around it since we'll be waiting another year, which works out fine since I'm about halfway done with Письмо the story. I hope Ты enjoy this little bit of Chapter...
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The night sky was dark that night, the light of the stars and moon hidden by a thick blanket of jet-black clouds. From the clouds drifted hundreds of thousands of snowflakes, the winter winds guiding them on their journey to the ground. From the soil, a forest of lodgepole pines stood tall, looming over the snowy, Canadian landscape. A brotherly pair of Волки traveled within their shadows, the eldest of the two in the lead. The younger male stuck closely behind his companion, using him as a shield against the blustering wind. Despite this, snow still managed to cling onto his coat. He growled....
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Chapter 10: Ride to Victory

As they retreated through the woods and back towards the valley, Humphrey and the others did so in a way so as not to lose the enemy, but also didn't let them get too close. They just needed to lure them back to the pack and then the real battle would begin.

As they reentered the territory, the Волки stopped and turned around to face back into the woods as the humans and the remaining Собаки emerged. Humphrey and the others stood with a proud, disciplined, almost militaristic stance, waiting for the trap to be sprung. When the humans appeared out of the woods, they...
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Chapter 4: Revenge of a King

The rest of the group was hiding in the bushes just outside the pack borders when they heard Humphrey's terrible scream. The worst part was the fact that they couldn't do anything about it.

Back in the den, one of King's henchwolves entered the cave.

"Sir," he said.

King looked up with a furious look on his face.

"I thought I asked for complete privacy!"

"Sorry sir," the волк said. "But there are several Волки approaching through the trees."

"Ahh!" King growled in frustration. The волк quickly left the cave so as to avoid his master's fury.

King looked down at Humphrey,...
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Special thanks to:

TimberHumphrey for the idea that Winston and Eve took him in.

jhilton0907 for the idea that Humphrey was relocated as a pup.

Chidori1334 for idea to bring Hutch back, the idea that Humphrey was an orphan, the idea to bring Daria back, and for the idea that Cando and Hutch found Humphrey.

Chapter 2: Pack Meeting

That night, Humphrey didn't sleep too well. He was continuing to think about his parents and was talking in his sleep as he did so.

"Mom. Dad. No, don't leave. Help!"

Outside the den, Kate and Winston were quietly talking.

"We can't keep it a secret any longer," Winston said...
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added by Zach-Coley
Source: Google
added by HUMPHREY8
added by Chidori1334
added by FunLovinTucker
added by 112702
Source: волк marker
added by AlphaGirl55
added by Chidori1334
added by TheGodEgg12
added by katewolf22158
added by wolfik125
Source: Assemblage