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 Lavender Розы for who?
Lavender roses for who?
A/N: this fast forwards a month. please review, your thoughts are always welcome

***one месяц later***

jenny had been busy through her last месяц of the pregnancy. she had to cook ужин and clean the house. she had to go to a few dinners and her brothers wife had died. she had to be ther for dan and the two girls. johnny wasnt old enough to understand the concept of death and he kept asking where his mother was. it upset dan and the girls every time he asked so jenny had to help.
Damien walked in the door from work and seen jenny sitting on the chair near the door, with a tiny suitcase.

Da: have Ты been waiting for me?
Je: i think it's time.
Da: ti... the baby?
Je: duh.
Da: well then why are we still here! (grabs her suitcase and helps her up)
Je: i need Ты to... (has a contraction) call tyler and niamh.
Da: i'll do that in the care. right now we need to go.
Je: ok ok. look the contraction had only started a while ago, i didnt even notice them at first.
Da: well your lucky Ты did notice.
Je: like i wasnt going to notice eventually (rolls her eyes)
Da: dont roll Ты eyes at me.
(jenny laughs)


Victoria was sitting in the courtyard of the school revising. she had been avoiding going Главная alot as her mother was having pregnancy moods swings which tired out her dad who then got cranky. followed by madeline asking Вопросы 24/7. the only thing missing that normally added to her annoyace was gregory. he had been quite alot this month. she could tell it was because of how rachel was. even if he wouldnt admit it to himself he really cared about her.
nathan came over and sat down Далее to victoria.

V: what do Ты want Archibald?
Na: Patrick Baizen...
V: really? didnt know Ты swinged that way.
Na: Ты know i didnt mean it like that.
V: oh then what did Ты mean?
Na: i havent got revenge on him from what he did to you.
V: Tyler beat the shit out of him. i'll be fine. (doesnt look at nathan when she says tyler)
Na: what happened with Ты and tyler?
V: nothing... (nathan gives victoria a i know Ты look) we slept together after the concert.
Na: and... oh come on it isnt like Ты too havent had one night stands before.
V: yeah but... but we have been getting along better now and i think... i know we are falling back into old patterns.
Na: maybe it would be different this time. Ты might get along better.
V: and if we dont it could screw up our friendship!
Na: ok ok dont get Ты knickers in a twist.
V: lets get off this subject. maybe a take down would clear my head. what did Ты have in mind?
Na: now you're talking.
V:(rolls her eyes) are Ты going to tell me или not?
Na: fine.


Gregory walked up to the humphrey house and knocked the door. rachel opened it forced a smile and hugged him.

R: hey.
G: hey. how's it going?
R: great.
G: dont lie to me.
R: same as every other day.
G: want to go for a walk and talk about it?
R: some fresh air might be good.
(the close the door and leave)
G: so how is the rest of the family?
R: the same, brooke keeps throwing tantrums to pretend like this isnt happening, to avoid talking about it. johnny keeps asking dad where is mom and dad then stays quite for most of the day.
G: so not good.
R: no, i was wondering if Ты would ask tristan to ask brooke to talk about it. they're like us, they tell each other everything.
G: sure i'll ask him.
R: thank you.
G: how are Ты coping?
R: Ты know me, try to fix everyone elses problems so i dont have to think about my own. but you're helping, talking with Ты like this is... well it lifts a great weight off of my shoulders.
G: Ты know im always here for you, and brooke if she want to talk to me. last time i tried i nearly Остаться в живых me head though.
R: it is the same for everyone who is around her right now.
G: then i really need to get tristan to try to get her talking.
R: yeah.
G: are Ты looking to talk about something Ты know i'll listen?
R: i dont know... its just like the family is missing someone now, Ты dont know how it feels to lose a close family member. so i dont expect Ты to understand.
G: i do actually.
R: Ты do?
G: i never talk about this with anyone, but i had another little sister.
R: Ты did?
G: yeah, charlie. she was maddie's twin, but charlie only survived for 2 weeks. her lungs were to small they kept her alive on life support for as long as they could but the doctors told my mother and father the only thing kepping her alive was the machien. she would never be stong enough to breath on her own. so they turned off the machien and we spent her last минуты together as a family. that's why i make sure i spend alot of time with maddie before she grows up and hates her big brother for ruining her relationships.
R: Was she named after your father?
G: yeah Charlie Evelyn Bass.
R: that must have been terrible for Ты and your family. why havent i ever heard any of this though you'd think it would come up somewhere in a newspaper или something.
G: when mom and dad found out it was twins they decide to suprise people. well serena and nate knew because she had already had her twins and could tell my mother wasnt the normal size of a pregnant woman having on child. me and vicky knew because we were their kids and mom's parents and lily. everyone who knew went to the funeral and it was kept quite. hospital staff we paid not to say a word. on maddies birthday we put out the two birth certificate and a picture of maddie and charlie together. and a picture of charlie on her own. maddie knows about her twin and loves celebrating her sister. she makes a new poem every год for her and makes us go to the grave and put lavender Розы on her grave. maddie say she knows lavender Розы would be her sisters favourite because purple is dad's favourite colour and Grandmother Evelyn like yellow roses.
R: that's really sweet.
G: maybe it would work for Ты to get your family together and talk about things. and Ты could do it on aniverserys, like the sad day, her birthday, Ты mom and dad's wedding date.
R: do Ты do something on the день charlie...(trails off not looking to upset gregory)
G: died. yeah we do. we go down to the grave and sit for a минута in silence. even maddie can keep her mouth closed then. we talk about how charlie might have turned out when she grew up and later we go for ужин in memory of her. we then go to the park and throw a lavender rose petals into the river and watch them flow down.
R: wow. charlie would have been lucky to have Ты as a family. she would have been happy.
G: it's coming near time again. Ты could do it with us this time.
R: i dont know i dont want to intrude.
G: it would be no problem rachel... but first Ты need to get your family to talk. it's the only way Ты can get things a close to normal again. if Ты dont talk about it Ты might never feel proper relief.
R: i think your right. and if it isnt a problem with your parents i'll come to the aniversary for charlie.
G: great.
R: i'll talk to Ты later. but before my family can talk i need tristan to talk to brooke. she'll bite my head off if i try to convince her to talk with me dad and johnny.
G: i'll get tristan to talk to her.
R: thank you. i got to go.
G: ok, call me if Ты need anything.
R: i will. bye greg.
G: bye rach.


blair was walking around the house, she was 7 months pregnant and liked bossing the maids in the house about as she couldnt go into work and boss around her employees. she had got jenny to look after the Магазин and blair done as much paper work and catlogue orering as possible to help out. she was very hormonal and bossy. chuck just arrived Главная after she had ordered him to go get her a box of macroons.

C: here Ты go darling.
B: thank Ты sweetie.(smiles sadly and looks away)
C: what's wrong? not up to bossing people around today.
B:(laughs but doesnt sound cheery) i was thinking it was coming close to that time again.
C: what ti... Charlie?
B: yeah, i cant lose another baby chuck, i would give anything to bring charlie back. (starts to tear up)
C: is that why Ты are trying to keep busy?
B: the less i think about the aniversery coming up the less i worry about faling another child.
C: failing another child? blair Ты did not fail charlie.
B: my body fail her. (starts to cry and a sob escapes her lips)
C:(chuck hugs blair to his chest)blair Ты did not fail charlie, your body did not fail her ok?
B: but...
C: no. this was not Ты fault ok? it is a common thing that can happen when having twins. it was tragic when it happened but Ты cannot blame yourself ok?
B: ok. but what if i lose this child? i cant bare that. i would want to die if that happened.
C: it wont happen and never tell me you'd want to die ever again. if by chance it did happen i would help Ты through it. but Ты heard from our last check up our little boy is healthy. nothing to worry about.
B: i still miss charlie, and i know Ты wont like me saying this but i'd give me life to bring her back.
C: so would i, but we cant and all we can do is remember the short time she did have.
B: she didnt even get out of the hospital. (crys more)
C: i know (closes his eyes to stop the tears running down his face) i know.
B: do remember i insisted on the nurse giving her a hat and a headband just for the pictures? (laughs and lets out a sob)
C: yes.
B: Ты could tell from the seperate pictures i took that maddie was the healthy one.
C: did Ты notice we give charlie and maddie long names?
B: madeline and charlotte. yes i did i also remember why we named her шарлотка, шарлотта evelyn bass.
C: because we thought she looked like my mother and because of the situation.
B: шарлотка, шарлотта would have been like our other two girls. heartbreakers. (smiles)
C: yep and i could tell she would have been the one with the rebellious attitude when she was a teenager.
B:(smiles) i Любовь you.
C: i Любовь Ты too. now it is time for Ты to rest.
B: but i have so much bossing to catch up on.
C: или i could light the огонь and we could put the tiffanies on. as much pain as it will bring me i would do it for you.
B: champagne could of topped it off it i wasnt pregnant.
C: well i could have champagne for the both of us?
B: no way, plus i got dorota to go buy Ты еще scotch and me some клюква juice. now i can eat my macroons have something to drink and watch the tiffianies in front of the огонь with my husband.
C: sounds perfect.


Jenny was smiling down at the beautiful little girl in her arms, blue eyes looked up at jenny and she smiled down at the baby. Jenny and Damien had already decided on names. she lloked beisde her to see damien smiling at his little girl. Kelly Alison Delgard was beautiful in her розовый outfit. tyler and niamh then walked in the door. tyler sat down beside his mum and looked at his little sister while niamh went to the other side beside her dad.

Ty: so this is the newest member to the family huh?
Je: yeah this is Ты little sister, kelly alison delgard.
Ty: i guess shes worth enough of being my sister. (smiles)
Je: Tyler she looks just like you.
Ty: can i hold her?
Je: sure sweetie. (hands her over to tyler)
Ni: she's beautiful.
Ty: and hopefully wont be like Ты when she's older.
Je: tyler that's not nice.
Ty: she's not nice.
Da: what happened?
Ty: what do Ты care? i dont even think of Ты as a father anymore.
Je: tyler please dont start this. just tell us what happened.
Ty: she used the fact that chuck left victoria, to destoy vicky and become Queen of high school. she even backstabbed her only friend. she used hannah, who is the only one of my Друзья who was ever nice to her until now.
Ni: and the plan failed. now im paying for what i did, i dont even know when she's going to get me back. i regret what i did, im sorry.
Ty: sorry doesnt cut it.
Je: suprise attack. (said quitely and she smiles, people still heard her)
Ty: what?
Je: it's an old blair waldorf trick, или should i say blair бас, бас-гитара now. anyway it was one of the first things blair taught me when i was going to become the Далее constance queen.
Ni: Ты were queen?
Je: the first brooklyn Queen to be presise.
Ni: i've read about blair how did Ты convice her to do that?
Je: no need to convice her we had a negotiaiton. i helped her scare her unloyal minions and put them back in their place,i had information blair needed and she offered me the crown to help her.
Ni: wow.
Je: me and blair have been Друзья for a while now even though we werent at the time.
Ty: i'd say kelly could be the Queen around her time since blair is having a boy he would be еще like chuck.
Je: yes she would have a good chance.
Da: she'd be just like her mother.


Tristan walked into Brooke's room and sat on the постель, кровати beside her. she didnt look pleased and it looked like she was about to shout.

T: i come in peace. (holds up his hands)
Br: what do Ты want?
T: to see how Ты are.
Br: Im Fine! (she snaps)
T: brooke Ты know Ты can talk to me we have been doing it since we were 5 years old. it wont change depending on the circumstance. i cant say i know how Ты feel because i dont. but i can say i know this has been hard on you. but shouting will not change what happened. but it might give Ты some peace in mind if Ты told me about it. lift a weight off Ты shoulders. healing is a long process but it can be done, Ты just take baby steps.
Br: she just left us (tears run down brooke's face) she got a stupid нож and she killed herself. now she has left my dad broken, he hardly talks the only reason i shout at him is because if i start an argument at least he'll say something. i puch people away because im usually the strong one. i hate her for doing this to us. johnny doesnt understand what has happened and dad doesnt even try to explain. rachel tells him shes gone away but everyday he asks to she if she has came back. i shouted at him for asking, i made my three год old brother cry. my stupid mother left us without thinking what it would do to me. what it would do to this family!
T: nobody knows why she did it but i can tell Ты that your mother loved you. we dont know what was running through her head when she did it but she probably didnt think about the consquences of her actions.
Br: the worst part is, i miss her. she left us and i miss her. it isnt fair! she hurt us i still Любовь her, but i hate her all at the same time. (starts crying)
T:(hugs her) it's ok to be angry, Ты have every right to be. but it's better to talk to someone.
Br: people have been trying all week, i just wouldnt let them help me.
T: Ты always have me brooke humphrey.
Br: Ты always have me too tristan archibald.


rachel had called her sister brooke, brother johnny and dad dan into the living room. on the coffee таблица she had lit a candle and around it was a picture of her mum and some of her most memorable ans tresurable items.

Br: what's going on?
J: yeah what's going on?
D: is everything ok?
R: no everything is not ok dad, Ты have hardly talked for a month, brooke has been going off at people for no good reason and johnny is picking up on her bad behaviour. it's time for this to come to an end. i dont expect things to go back to normal straight away but i expect people to try. i was talking to gregory today like every friday and he give me the idea that we need to talk about this. so that's what we're going to do. but dad first Ты have to try and explain things to johnny i can only do so much.
D: your right rachel. Johnny come here please. (johnny walks over and sits on his dad's knee) Johnny, your mother has gone away and she wont be coming back here again. Ты see she went to a nicer place where she'll be treated really nice and in the very very very far away future you'll see her again. but Ты wont see her for a long long time.
J: Ok. (looks sad) why did mommy leave?
D: because it was time for her to go. we all have to leave sometime.
J: Ты not going to go are Ты daddy?
D: no im going to stay right here. with Ты and your sisters.
J: ok. (puts his face in his fathers chest)
R: Далее topic is how we feel about this happening i'll start and we can go around from there. im upset because i just felt like mom, was happy but i guess Ты cant control everything. i dont like the thought of her not being here. to see johnny grow up, to see me and brooke get married in the future but... i know i'll always have a pice of her. i am a piece of her.
Br: im upset because she left us, she didnt think about the consquences how this would effect us. it isnt fair on johnny and it isnt fair on dad and it sant fair on rachel and i. she just left, she was meant to be here to help me get my prom dress in the future. i may not be a girly girl but is till something i want to do with my mother.
D: well im upset because i loved her, she give me my family and now she just isnt here anymore. she should be here for all the milestones Ты girls go throught and all the ones she'll miss with johnny. she probably shouldnt have left like she did she should have told us if she was feeling sad или depressed and we could have got through it but she never told us. which meant she did the worst possible thing she could and she left her family behind. and Ты all remind me of her so it hurt to see Ты all, brooke acts the way annie acted when she grieved by puching people away but also like rachel by helping others out. she give johnny he giggle and now she is gone and i dont know how it happened или why? i just wish i knew why.


gregory opened the door the Далее день ti be attacked by a hug from rachel. she smiled at him.

R: it worked.
G: what worked?
R: i got my family together and we talked about it, we're making it a regular thing. dad is speaking again, brooke hasnt been huffy this morning i think some of that is due to her speaking with tristan but it worked. dad explained to johnny sweetly that mom wont be coming back and now we are just trying to Переместить on. it may be difficult but i can feel some sort of relief.
G: good.
R: look i never fully apoligised for running off when Ты told me Ты liked me last month.
G: it's fine.
R: no it's not fine, i should have been nicer. i just was shocked and im so so sorry for running off.
G: Ты running off wasnt that big of a deal.
R: close your eyes.
G: why?
R: just do it.

gregory closed his eye and all of a sudden he felt another pair of lips on his. rachel slid her arms around gregory's neck and gregory set his hands on her waist.

R: i like Ты too...
A/N: i know there was no gossip girl blast in this one but i just wanted a full story for this one. please review and tell me what Ты thought about the charlie story. Любовь ya. xoxo.

 Aww Charlie and Maddie how sweet!!!
Aww Charlie and Maddie how sweet!!!
 Madeline Serena бас, бас-гитара
Madeline Serena Bass
 шарлотка, шарлотта Evelyn бас, бас-гитара
Charlotte Evelyn Bass
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