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What are they up to?
Episode 14- The Un-Usual Suspects

Gossip Girl: # Still no sign of recovery или release for Miss Waldorf and it looks like the Queen B crown is up for the way we've recieved some suspicious reports of Chuck and Nate sneaking around....seems like they're up to no good...! Comon Gossiper's give me something concrete! xoxo #

It has been two days. Serena has been visiting Blair as much as she could but visiting has been restricted by
the centre.

Blair was begging the doctors to let her out, begging her mother to get her out of there. She tried to convince them that there was nothing wrong with her and that she was better. But of course, she wasn't. She was suffering from bulimia, and according to initial observations made by doctors she was Показ signs of depression.

But she wanted to get out. She hated the thought of everyone thinking she was crazy, Blair Waldorf the psychopath!
It drove her crazy. But she knew deep down that she wasn't going to get out of there. Not for a long time.
Her life was over, she'd Остаться в живых everything, her freedom, her friends, her love. She'd Остаться в живых Yale.
There was no chance she'd catch up on her work now, Yale would never accept her! It was over.
All because of one mistake, her whole life came crashing down. She knew it was time to think ahead.
She had to prove to them that she was going to get better, she would get out of this place eventually, she could go to Yale after Далее year, she would fix herself and prove that she could change. But she knew it wouldn't be easy. In fact it would be impossible for her to do it alone. After her reputation as a bulimic, Yale would never accept her. She had no control over the bulimia, she had no idea how she'd recover. She lay down on the постель, кровати and couldn't stop the tears running down her face, no one else was there...she was all alone. She could finally cry.

Dan Serena and Vanessa are at the Humphrey house. Serena is really upset about Blair, she has just returned from visiting her and is worried that things are going to keep getting worse, especially since Eleanor has told her that Constance Billiard are holding back her application too Yale and it means Blair will miss out on her dream. She is also еще concerned about Blair's Любовь for Chuck, there seems to be no signs of Blair getting over him and no signs of Chuck remembering his Любовь for Blair. Dan and Vanessa try to assure Serena that Blair will get better and that the Ostroff centre is the best place for her now. But Serena is adamant that Blair doesn't belong there. She knows Blair better than anyone and she is sure that what Blair needs is to be with the people that Любовь and care about her. But she knows that legally, Blair has no chance of getting out of there until she completes her rehabilitation program, which is contracted for a minimum of 8 months. Any her stay can be extended for longer than that due to the seriousness of her eating disorder and alledged mental health problems, which Serena totally rejects.

S: There is no way that she's crazy! I know her! she just needs to get out of there. Eleanor needs to get her out of there! I want her out!
V: Look even if she got out, they'd put her straight back in again....she has to be in there for atleast those 8 months. If she tried to get out it would just strengthen their case for keeping her in there.
D: Babe, there's nothing we can do other than wait for her to get better. It's for the best.
S: I cant believe it....this is all Chuck's fault!
V: It's not his fault Serena.....It was a combination of things....i'm probably as much to blame for this as he is...
S: No, they could have recovered from the break's the ignorance after the accident...if he wanted to remember he would, he's just afraid of losing his freedom to be....himself...a self-conceited pig!...In fact i need to speak to him...(gets up to leave)

Dan attempts to stop her but she goes to see Chuck at his house. He isnt there so she goes to Victrola....she finds him.

S: I was looking for stupid of me to try your house first...i should have known this is your first home. your sick.
C: And it's nice to see Ты to.
S: How can Ты come to this place...while she's......she's in that centre!
C: I assume your talking about Blair...?
S: Ты have no soul do you!
C: Calm down, i was called here for business....not pleasure....i just had to sign some documents...i was leaving....
S: Really...? I find that hard to believe.
C: Well the limo is waiting if Ты haven't got anything productive to say....then excuse me (he walks past her she follows him outside to the limo)
S: Do Ты not even feel the least bit guilty?
C: About what?
S: Ты know what im talking about! The way you've neglected drove her crazy! She already had her eating disorder and everyhting that happened with Ты guys it spiralled the Bulimia out of control....the accident...she spent день and night in the hospital with you....she held your hand the whole way through....she blamed herself! She was elated to hear that you'd woken up and then Ты Остаться в живых your memory and it broke her сердце that you'd forgotton her!
C: that..(interrupted)
S: An even if Ты couldn't remember could have had the least bit of compassion and gone easy on knew how much she loved Ты and Ты didnt even attempt to empathise with treated her with disrespect and now look how things turned out! Shes locked up in the Ostroff centre....she doesnt even need to be in there! And now she cant get out because Ты know what they say....once Ты go Ostr-OFF Ты never go back ON, shes going to go crazy in there! And it's your fault! YOu could have stopped all this...if Ты had just been there for her...! And i bet Ты dont even wont even think about her...or visit her....because your......Chuck Bass.
C: I only (interrupted)
S: I dont want to hear it! (walks off)

Later on that day. Chuck is in his limo. Gets a text from Nate.

Nate Text: I got it...she believed every word & it's sorted!
Chuck Text: Gr8. Meet me in 20 mins...i'll get the others.
Nate Text: Good luck!

A week later.

Ostroff centre. It's past midnight and Blair is in her room. She opens her window and looks out of it, she can see the moon and feel the fresh air stroke her face, she smiles. the window is big enough for her to get out. She knows that becasue she's escaped from there a couple of times when she first got there. the centre is only a three story building so it's only a small jump from the window to the ground. They built it that way becasue the Назад building was notorious for suicide jumpers from the roof of the old 15 story building. The times she had escaped from the window she'd realised there was no where to go, there were security fences all around and barbed wire she'd need a very large plier to get throught that fence and the Ostroff staff were very careful of leaving dangerous tools lying around particularly in case patients harmed themselves или others. The staff acted like they cared but she knew that they didn't. They were friendly. In fact there was a male trainee who seemed pretty nice. David. He always came and checked up on her, had a chat and just kept her company. One of the other nurses thought he was quite smitten for her. Blair had become used to being in this place. She has дана up on getting out and realised that it was going to be a long haul...she'd just have to deal with it.

She lies back down on her bed. She closes her eyes and has flashbacks to the good times in her life. She often does this, where she'll close her eyes and thing about the good times just to make herself happy, but her good memories always get wiped away by the bad ones....and there always seemed to be еще bad memories. Because that was her life. Bad.

Her eyes are slightly ajar...flicking open now and again...she start seeing faces....all the people in her life who have come and that stands out....Chuck. She can see it so clearly....his eyes....his smile...those lips....they were almost speakung to her....she could even imagine his sweet voice calling her seemed so real......she felt him breathing on her.....she could feel someone pulling her shoulders....her eyes opened fully now, she could see that she wasn't imagining things...he was really there....Chuck was standing infront of her....saying something....she was confused...she wasn't sure if she was dreaming или not...

B: (whispers) Chuck....? Is that.....really you...?
C: (smiles) Ye it's me.
B: How.....did you....(interrupted)
C: Sshhh, keep your voice down....thats not important right getting Ты out of here (walks around the room, gathering her things)
B: (is fully awake now, gets off her bed) What? What do Ты
C: Sshhh, dont worry, i have a me (walks to her and holds her face in his hands) Do Ты trust me....?
B: (smiles) Of course...i..(interrupted)
C: Then just do what i say....get all Ты things and put them in your bag.....then throw them carefully out of the window...after that we'll climb out too.
B: But we cant....i've tried theres security everywhere...the fences...
C: Im here aren'rt I? I came through the window, carved a whole through the fence....we're going out the way i came in....
B: But...they'll find me...i cant go home....
C: Ssshhh...i told Ты i have a plan....and Ты сказал(-а) Ты trusted me.....? (she nods) then lets go....throw the bag.....

Blair picks her bag and goes to the window....she is about to throw it when she sees Nate outside below her window....

B: Oh my Gosh Nate? what are you...
N: Эй, Blair....throw me Ты things.....
B: (she smiles and throws her things) I dont believe this! (she turns to Chuck)
C: Well believe this..(holds her face in his hand and gently kisses her on the lips)
B: (they smile at eachother, Blair has tears running down her face and Chuck wipes them away) I.....missed you..
C: (smiles and cuddles her) I missed Ты too. and im so sorry for everything......right now we have to go....we can talk later....ok?

Blair nods and Chuck instructs her to climb out first. Once they are both out, Nate hugs Blair. Nate leads Chuck and Blair to the fence where an opening has been cut out for them....they manage to escape from the Ostroff Centre and come to the road. in the distace a jeep is parked up. Their get away vehicle.

Once they get to the jeep, Blair is shocked by what she sees.
Waiting in the Jeep, are Serena, Dan and Vanessa, Vanessa is in the drivers seat.

S: (jumps out the car and hugs Blair tightly) Oh my God B! I Любовь Ты to bits!
B: (crying) I Любовь Ты too! What are Ты all doing here!
S: We knew we had to get Ты out....when Chuck and Nate came to me and told me their plan i was shocked becasue it was crzy! But i couldn't leave Ты in there!
N: It was Chuck's idea....
D: And im just here for the fun of it...
V: I provided the get away vehicle! Welcome back.
D: Ye...nice to have Ты back Blair. Now i suggest Ты all get in and we get this thing on the road.
V: Time for phase four!
B: Whats phase four?
N: Get in and we'll tell Ты everything.

Serena, Nate, Blair and Chuck get in the car, Vanessa begins to drive. Chuck is sitting on the left to Blair, Serena on Blairs Right behind the driver seat, Nate is at the back and Dan in the front passenger сиденье, место, сиденья Далее to Vanessa the driver.)

S: Ok maybe we should start with phase 1!

Blair looks intrigued to hear about their plan.

N: Ok so phase 1 was me and Chuck....Chucks idea....

Nate picks up a file from behind his seat. Hands it to Blair and she opens it. She flicks through the documents and is surprised to see what it there.

N: Every full fact i think you'll have the best портфолио out of everyone applying to Yale this year.
B: (in tears) Oh my gosh....i cant belive on earth did Ты get this...
C: With the help of Headmistress Queller...
N: еще like blackmail...! (they laugh)
C: I'd say bribery.
N: Basically, let's just say a bit of dirt on someone can make them do whatever Ты ask!
S: Ты have dirt on headmistress Quellar!?
D: I dont even want to know!
N: Then it was just a matter of waiting for her to put together your портфолио and send off your application.....Chuck helped her with that...
C: Not that she had much of a choice!
B: But all of my work...i had so much work missing....
N: Thats phase 2.

Dan holds out another couple of files to Blair who looks through them and finds all of the work she had not done....

D: I'm always happy to help.
B: Wait a minute...all of this....Dan? Ты did this?
D: Guilty...
B: Oh my Gosh....i dont believe did my assignments for me...!
D: Well we couldn't let Chuck do them....we actually needed Ты to pass! (they all laugh...even Chuck!) and Vanessa helped me out to, we worked on them together...
B: omg! (she leans вперед and hugs Dan and touches V's arm!) Thank Ты so much, both of you! I was wrong about you, sorry...and Serena...i approve, Ты can дата him.
S: (laughs) Aaaw yay! Ты like Dan!
D: And all the work has been graded and put on to your it's as if Ты didnt miss a день of school.
S: B! Your going to Yale! You'll definately get in! Your application has been sent and i'm expecting a phonecall from the Deen to arrange an interview for Ты any день now!

They both get excited and hug.

B: I don't believe in shock....really guys i never thought.....(she crys and Serena cuddles her) I never knew Ты cared.
N: Well what are Друзья for?
S: And Ты didnt deserve to be locked up in that place. Your not Ostroff material! Which brings me on to Phase 3. The great escape!
D: That was mainly Nate and Chuck, and Vanessa with the transport, we needed her jeep, i mean could Ты really imagine us speeding away in Chuck's limo?!!
B: (laughs) So how did Ты do it?
N: Chuck paid off an employee to tone down on security tonight so that we didnt get spotted. Me and Dan cut through the fence while Chuck moon-bathed on the bonnet of the car...(interrupted)
C: I was preparing myself....mentally. (they laugh)
N: So, when the opening was big enough for us to fit through we came and got Ты out.
B: (looks into Chuck's eyes) I thought.....i was dreaming when i saw were the last person i expected to see....and all of this...getting me out of there (sobs, chuck holds her in his arms) i never thought you'd come through for me...
C: Эй, (picks her head up and wipes her tears away) i've been an idiot....a big one....and im sorry....i...needed a kick up the backside...and i got one...funnily enough from Dorota! But еще importantly...that my meant's after that when i realised how i really felt....once i knew that i needed Ты with me....i wasn't going to let anyone take Ты away from one can break us now...and i'm going to make it up to Ты i promise....all the hurt...the pain....i'll make it better....(he kisses her) We'll talk later, when we're alone...(he kisses her again)
B: I missed Ты so much...
C: I missed Ты to...and i missed this....holding you...kissing Ты (they giggle and Kiss again)
S: Aaaaw i missed it too! (she pats Chucks leg) Im so glad Ты finally saw have no idea how relieved i was when Ты and Nate told me about this plan....but i was so happy that Ты realised your feelings for Blair and that Ты came through for her! Ты have no idea how happy i am!
B: (her and chuck are in eachothers arms) When they realise that im gone...they'll come after me....they'll send me back ....I dont want to go back...
S: Thats phase 4....Vanessa how long?
V: Not long now...5 минуты или so.
S: We're going to the train station. Yo wont be going Главная tonight...nor will Ты be coming to my house..or'r going to Connecticut, Chuck already has a place sorted and i've got a load of your things packed ready to sent Ты off! And it's perfect because Ты can get settled there and when it comes to going to wont be too far away! It;l be like your new home, and no one knows where you'll be except they'll never find you....and when Ты want to visit Eleanor Ты can come unannounced...and im sure once Eleanor sees your better she wont have an issue with Ты running away....and Ты will get better because this is your first step to recovery.
B: But i....i've never lived anywhere away from Главная before on my own....i dont know if i can do it...
C: Your not doing it moving with you...
B: (surprised look on her face) Ты are?
C: What? Did Ты really think i was going to let Ты out of my sight again? (they cuddle and kiss) I've sorted it all out...we have our own place and extra room for when these guys want to come an stay and visit...
N: Ye, we'll be visiting all the wont be able to get rid of us.
S: Ye, dont have to worry about not seeing us again...and Эй, when we start at Yale, it wont be a problem anyway.
B: So, im moving to Connecticut..
C: We're moving to Connecticut. (they smile at each other)
B: What about school, i haven't even finished school yet...not properly...
S: Oh dont worry, when Chuck and Nate were taking care of your Yale application they took care of that too.
B: How?
C: Ты shouldn't ask too many questions....(he laughs) i'll tell Ты all about it on the train.
D: So thats the story of how us, the unlikely ally's worked together to help out a friend.
S: Ye, and i think we all did a great job....look at us...the plan was flawless and executed perfectly!
V: And we are at the station.
S: Oh no....time to say goodbye!

They come to a standstill. they all get out of the car and gather together.

N: So, it's the end of the road for us guys...... and a new beginning for Chuck and Blair.
S: I soooo gonna miss Ты babe (she hugs Blair who is crying)
B: Im going to miss Ты too....i wish it didnt have to be like this.
V: Эй, everything happens for a least now Ты and Chuck are a lot stronger than before.
Blair turns to Vanessa.
B: Hey, im really sorry for judging you. your a nice person and im gratefull for all of your help. it means a lot to me.
V: No problem....i owed you...after the trouble i sorry for giving Ты the wrong idea...(they smile and hug)
B: Friends?
V: Sure...friends (they hug again)
Blair turns to Dan.
D: Hi.
B: (laughs) Oh Dan...your wit never ceases to amaze me....(laughs again) but really...your a great guy and Ты proved that today....after what you've done for have no idea how grateful i've made my Yale dream come true and i'll never forget your part in this....(she hugs him) and im sorry for judging Ты and for criticising Ты all the time...i never really had anything against you....
D: Ye i was just friendly's glad your ok.
B: (smile) thanks....and Ты better treat Serena right или you'll have me to answer to! (they all laugh) as much as it makes me cringe to say this....but Daniel Humphrey im going to miss you. (they laugh)
D: Well im sure it wont be long before we see each other again, unfortunately! (they laugh)
Blair turns to Nate. She starts to cry and Nate has tears in his eyes too.
N: Hey, (he hugs her) stop's not goodbye ok....its see Ты soon...hey...look at me (she looks at him still crying) Im so glad your ok....i was worried about you...we all were...and your out now...starting over...this time things will be different...they'll be better Ты just have to be strong...
Blair still crying, Serena is also in tears. Chuck is saying his goodbyes to Vanessa Dan and Nate.
B: Im so were a good friend to me and .....i'll never forget how Ты helped me....thankyou for being there for me...
N:'s ok.....hey...cheer going to come visit Ты soon...and im telling Ты now...your going to have a house warming party and your going to invite us all to connecticut ok!
B: Of course! Im going to miss....just being here in Manhattan...with Ты going to miss it all....i feel like im leaving my whole life behind. (turns to Serena and bursts into tears again, so does Serena)
S: Эй, stop it...your making me cry now too! your not going away for long....i'm gonna be joining Ты soon...we're going to go Yale together remember! and Ты only a train journey away...we'l see eachother all the time! Shopping sprees, breakfast at tiffanies, gossiping on the steps of the met...torchering freshman! (they both laugh through the tears)
B: I feel like im leaving it all behind.
S: It was going to happen one day.
B: I always dreamed we'd do it and Ты Blair and Serena...we do everything going to miss it.
S: (hugs her again, in tears, then turns to Chuck) If Ты ever do anything to hurt my girl again, i swear i will kill you!
C: I've killed before(i.e referring to the murder of peter, season 1)....(everyone looks shocked) ooops....sorry i..didnt mean that...
S: Seriously Chuck....she is the most amazing woman Ты will ever know...dont ruin better make her happy.
C: Dont worry S, things will be different this time....everything will be perfect and Blair will be happier than ever. i promise.
Serena and Chuck hug.
S: Im actually going to miss Ты Chuck. Your charm, your wit, the evil plots to ruin peoples going to miss having both of Ты around! And i always wanted to see Ты two together as a couple, because seeeing Ты two happy made me so happy!
C: Ты will see us again....we're not too far away. Ты can visit any time.
B: And we can visit Ты too!
D: The train is here...make it fast.
B: Oh my Gosh....(looks to Chuck) is this it...are we going...?
C: (picks up the bags) Ye ...this is it. Lets go. (he turns to look at the has stopped and they're just a few steps away from their new life.)
Blair hugs everyone once еще and Chuck also says his final goodbyes. they walk through the checkpoint and the others watch as they see Chuck and Blair dissapear into the train. Dan is cuddling Serena who is crying. A few moments later, the train moves off and the others get back into the jeep.
The journey Главная is a quite one but deep down everyone is just happy that things worked out, particularly for Blair.

Later that night, in their new home, Chuck and Blair have unpacked after returning from dinner. They finally decide to go to bed, they want an early night so that they can talk.
Chuck is already in постель, кровати and Blair joins him. The moonlight sparkles through the window and the lights are turned off, but they are both visible to each other.

B: It's finally over.
C: No, (he pulls her towards him and wraps his arms and legs around her) this is just the beginning....(they kiss)
B: What happened Chuck....why did Ты come back to me?
C: (short silence) ever since i got out of the hospital......i...began to remember things....the memories they would pop up all the time, in my dreams, during the day....i wasn't sure if they were real или not....
B: Why didnt Ты tell me..?
C: I was....afraid....
B: Of what?
C: I didnt know what i wanted....whether i wanted to remember 'us' или whether i just wanted to have fun and stay single.....i just wasn't sure if i wanted to tie myself down......and i didnt actually remember my feelings for you...i had flashbacks of the times we spent together but i couldn't recreate the feelings and emotions...i couldn't pretend that i remembered the Любовь i had for you...
B: What about now?
C: Now is different.....after that the car....i had a great was a revelation....i'd never felt like that before....well actually made me realise that i had felt like that before....the last time we'd slept together...before the made me realise that i missed you....i know i сказал(-а) that i wasnt sure if i wanted to have a proper girlfriend...but that night i realised that Ты were the one who changed me in the first place...i must have loved Ты to have wanted to spend the rest of my life with you....when i heard you'd been admitted into Ostroff...i didnt know what i had lost....i wanted to do something but i didnt know what to do....should i ignore it, should i visit you, should i admit that i had feelings for you...but i chose to ignore it becasue i couldn't admit it to myself....
B: Admit what?
C: That i had feelings for you.....thats where Dorota comes into the story! (they both giggle)
B: What did she do?
C: She came to see me.....she showed me a note that i wrote to Ты when i first fell in Любовь with you. thats when i knew that i couldn't let that wish go unfulfilled....after that i just wanted to hold Ты again, like i did in the car...i wanted to feel that way again....and i want to feel the way i did before the accident.
B: Angry and betrayed?
C: What?
B: I cheated on you.....i thought you'd cheated on me with Vanessa and i tried to get back at Ты by Поцелуи Nate...when Ты found out Ты hated me.
C: (short silence) I know about all that.....and...
B: (almost in tears) and?
C: ..........and i dont care...(he kisses her) It's in the past.....
B: But i caused Ты so much pain...and the accident that was because of me!
C: Ssshh (kisses her) i caused Ты much еще pain and im going to make it up to you...and dont Ты dare blame your self for the wasn't your fault at all....none of that matters anymore....only this matters....(he kisses her) I want to make things right....starting now...(they kiss)
B: (in tears) I missed Ты so much...i was so scared that id Остаться в живых Ты for good.
C: Ты wont lose me again.....hey (puts his hand on her face) Three Words Eight Letters...
B:....Say it....and i'm your's...
C: I Любовь You...(kisses her)
B: Chuck..(in tears) I Любовь Ты too. I Любовь Ты so much...(they Kiss and begin to have sex)

This was the moment they had both been longing for....just to be reunited once more. Everything they had been seemed so irrelevant now....they had come through it one piece. They were finally together. The Chuck and Blair that once clashed as high school frenemies, then through the games they played they found a friend in one another....a comfort zone they both shared...the comfort that led to affection and love....the Любовь that made them both happy like they had never been happy before, the way no one else could ever make them happy....that was the deep intimacy they felt for each other ...the same intimacy they share once more, even after the agony they experienced, the separation, the pain. They were finally able to reconcile and be together. Blair was able to have have her saviour with her, to hold her, to care for her, to protect and look after her, to Любовь her truly. She would never feel insecure again, she would never feel the lack of control over her life which led to so many problems like the Bulimia, she would never feel rejected and unloved again. And Chuck, he would never be lonely again, he would never feel Остаться в живых and confused, he would have a companion for life, he would have someone there when he woke up every morning and came Главная everyday...something he's never had before, all the lonely nights, he would have someone there to care for him, to tell him he was special and that he was worth it, someone to be proud of him, someone who relied and depended on him, someone who made him feel as though his life was worth living, someone who truly loved him. They would enjoy this time еще than ever because this was the moment their lives began....throughout their lives they had never felt true happiness and now that they had found each other they could finally create their own happiness together, without feeling lost. They could set the foundations for a good life and eventually have their own family and work hard for their own future. That was all they both needed. Love. And they knew their Любовь would always get them through anything. Because they were soul mates. They were Chuck and Blair. Blair and Chuck.

Gossip Girl: # Aaaaw! Looks like a happy ending after all....well all good things come to an end right? I'm not so sure how long the euphoria will last....but for now Gossip Girl is signing off and hoping that you've enjoyed the ride...I know i have! Feel free to leave your Комментарии and goodbyes, Ты Know Ты Любовь Me xoxo Your One and Only Gossip Girl!

As Ты can probably guess this was THE FINALE!!!!
The last episode of Chair Tales, I have really enjoyed Письмо these episodes and have loved sharing them with Gossip Girl fans!
GOODBYE & THANKYOU SOOOOOOO MUCH FOR Чтение and thanks for rating and leaving comments!.....XOXO
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Gossip Girls and Boys...
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