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posted by Alex_XcullenX
The moment that Bella told me that she wanted to tell Charlie about us getting married I was speechless. When I placed her ring on her third finger it sent wonderful warmth down my cold spine.
As we sat on the loveseat, I heard Bella’s сердце race and fresh blood ran through her body. I figured that telling Charlie about us getting married couldn’t be easy for Bella. I heard Charlie’s крейсер turn the corner and headed down their street. At this point, I heard Charlie thoughts
Man, it was a good день at work today. Boy, I ‘m tired. I wonder what Bella is making for ужин tonight? OH MAN! Ты have to be kidding me! HE is here again! I swear he spends еще time here then I do. Now what is the reason for him being here? When Bella is not around, I am going to have a talk with him, about spending less time here at our house. или has Bella asked him to Переместить in without telling me?
I chuckled to myself quietly so Bella wouldn’t hear. I didn’t want to make her feel еще nervous then she already felt at the moment. I heard Charlie park the крейсер and step out. I saw him slug his way towards the door. I saw the keys rattling in the door and Charlie stomped his boots at the door. I saw Bella Переместить her hand with the ring on to her side. If I hadn’t known better, I could have sworn that Bella was trying to hide her hand from Charlie.
“Stop fidgeting, Bella. Please try to remember that you’re not confessing to a murder here.”
“Easy for Ты to say.” I grabbed her warm hand and placed it in my stone cold hand. I placed both of our hands to where Charlie could see the reason why we were here. Once the door opened, Bella’s сердце rate jumped and her breathing became uneven. She started to hyperventilate. “Calm down, Bella”.
At this point, Charlie Остаться в живых control of the front door and it slammed against the wall. Bella jumped from where we were seating.
I hope they heard that. Why is it that every time I ‘m here, he always has to be here? Doesn’t he have a house of his own and family too!
“Hey, Charlie,” I said, with ease in my voice.
“No!” I heard Bella tell me under her uneven breath.
“What?” I turned to face her with narrow eyes. The fear engraved in her eyes and her сердце racing told me that she was worried about the outcome of the matter.
“Wait till he hangs up his gun!” I couldn’t help but laugh under my breath. How silly my Bella was being. If she only knew what Charlie was thinking at this moment?
Oh God! What does he want now? Something does not seem right…I have a strange feeling in my gut right now. Maybe I should keep my gun on my just in case.
I smiled to myself and ran my free hand through my hair. Charlie came around the corner with narrow eyes. With even еще narrower eyes he spotted us sitting in the loveseat with our hands together. I saw that he quickly changed his facial expression before Bella noticed.
This is really starting to get old. Why does he always have to touch her…? “Hey kids, what’s up?”
“We’d like to talk to you.” I сказал(-а) to Charlie. I had a gut feeling that Bella was not going to talk first about the wonderful news.
“We have some good news to tell you.”
In my eyes, good wouldn‘t be the perfect word to use at this moment. It was wonderful news. It was Невероятное news. Endless words couldn’t describe what I was feeling at this moment. My sweet Bella would be my wife. Finally, today would be the день that I could say it aloud. If Bella weren’t so embarrassed by the idea, I would shout it from the mountaintops или buildings. I would even post it on a huge bulletin board for the whole world to know.
I don’t like where this is going. I knew it! I felt something different! I was right to have my gun on me. I have one thing going through my head right and it’s not good. Not good at all! I am going to let Bella say it first before jumping to the wrong…or should I say right conclusion.” Good new?” He said, as he looked straight at Bella.
“Have a seat, Dad”
Charlie stomped his way to the recliner and sat at the very edge.
Okay, Ill have a сиденье, место, сиденья but you, better get to the point young lady! I do not have time for tricks или silly riddles today. Not while HE is here!
“Don’t get worked up, Dad.” she сказал(-а) to him. “Everything is okay.”
I grimaced to myself and tried my best not to look at Bella. Once more, I was thinking about the way she used the word okay. As I was thinking before, the best word to describe what was about to happen would have to be wonderful. I knew the way Bella viewed the world, it was must еще different then the way I viewed the world. I have gone ninety год или еще walking this lonely damned world and now I found the one I wanted spend forever with. Priceless was all that really came to mind everything time I thought about it. If Bella, Charlie или Renee only really knew how much that meant to me.
“Sure it is Bella, sure it is. If everything is so great then why are Ты sweating bullets?”
“I’m not sweating.”
I took a peak out the corner of my eye and sure enough Bella was sweating. Her сердце rate showed no sign of slowing down. The еще Charlie looked at her the еще it spiked. If only I could колыбель her in my arms right now and let her know that everything was going to be just fine. My silly Bella was making everything еще harder then it had to be for her. She was making a mountain out of mud pile. I resisted touching her anymore then just holding her hand. I didn’t want to give her a сердце attack in front of Charlie.
“You’re pregnant!” he said, as he jumped up and down like a child. “You’re pregnant, aren’t you?”
For all that was holy…why was he thinking that?! Why couldn’t two people who are deeply in Любовь just be with one another? I swore the crap that humans think about! After all, doesn’t he understand what Bella meant to me? I already told Bella and myself that I couldn’t… NO! I wouldn’t live without her. I wouldn’t rest until she was truly mine. My Bella! I could feel Charlie’s eyes burning a hole right through me.
“NO! Of course I’m not!”
Oh, thank God! Okay then! Then if Bella is not pregnant…um, then what is the good new? “Oh. Sorry.”
“Apology accepted.”
As Charlie sat back down in the recliner and the colour to his face came back. I knew that he believed Bella. I didn’t need to read his thoughts for that. Just the look in his eyes and the sincerely in his voice сказал(-а) it all. Bella once еще started to sweat again and now her blood pressure was going up. Charlie and I gave her a few минуты to collect herself. After that I became worried that Bella might not have the guts to tell her father. After all she was human and fear was always the one reason not to follow through with things in life. Bella turned to me and I just smiled back at her.
I don’t think that Bella plans to tell me. I can tell that he is planning to tell me. However, I rather hear it from my daughter! THEREFORE, I guess I have no choice but to hear it from Edward!
“Charlie, I realize that I’ve gone about this out of order. Traditionally, I should have asked Ты first. -What does a 17-year-old teenage boy know about traditions-I mean no disrespect, but since Bella has already сказал(-а) yes and I didn’t want to diminish her choice on the matter, - I can’t see why? After what happened last year- instead of asking Ты for her hand, I am asking Ты for your blessing. We’re getting married, Charlie. I Любовь her еще than anything in the world, еще than my own life, and--by some miracle--she loves me that way, too.-Yea I can't see why either on why she loves you!!!- Will Ты give us your blessing?”
MY BLESSING! FOR GETTING MARRIED? This has to be some joke! I ‘m waiting for someone to jump out and say ‘Just joking Charlie’! After everything that HE has put her through last year! Leaving her all last год and nearly causing her to lose her mind! All the crying she did when HE left! Then after nearly 6 months walks into MY HOUSE and she just forgives HIM for all of that!
I saw Charlie quickly scanning us before he spotted the ring on Bella’s finger. I saw that Charlie was holding his breath the whole time. First colour to hit Charlie’s face was red, red to purple, purple to blue. I could hear that Bella was holding her breath as she watched Charlie. Bella started to get up and I quickly grabbed her hand. I gave her a light squeezes. “Give him a minute.” I сказал(-а) to her. I сказал(-а) it so low that Charlie didn’t even notice that I сказал(-а) anything to Bella.
The silence grew in the room.
The colour and fresh blood was returning to Charlie’s face. I saw his lips pursed and his eyebrows drew together.
Okay…I got three options. Option one I could shot him. I could ask Bella to give us a moment alone outside and then shot him. But then again that would only hurt Bella and I really do respect Carlisle. Option 2 is that I say no and make her wait by locking her in her room until I fell that she is ready. Make her drop out of school and keep her Главная school. However, what would really stop Bella and Edward from running away together and then never see her again. I guess that really, I will go with option three and just give her what she wants.
“I guess am not surprised…I knew I’d have to deal with something like this soon enough.”
I felt Bella exhale and for once her сердце rate slowed down.
“You sure about this?” Charlie demand.
“I’m one hundred percent sure about Edward.”
Once еще again Bella surprised me by being so sure in her answer. There was now confidence in how she answered Charlie and she was relaxed at this point.
“Getting married, though? What’s the rush?” Because after everything that he has put Ты through I don’t want Ты to feel that Ты own him anything. I mean he owes Ты еще after all.
I knew that Bella knew the answer as well as I did. I knew the only way to make Bella be my wife was if I agreed to damn her to this lifestyle. Bella believed that I had a soul. Furthermore, I had a plan and my plan would be to Показать Bella the benefits of being human. I knew that once I married her I would be able to Показать her all the human experiences that she would miss. I didn’t want her to miss anything like I did. After all, I had to think about keeping Bella human. In addition, for some reason she believed that she would miss nothing. However, the very thought of Bella not being human…cut me еще then anything else in the world.
I knew that when I asked Bella to marry me I hadn't been wrong in making that option. However, she thought that she had to give up being human to be with me forever. How selfish was I being? Bella never really understood that I would be with her forever. I knew how Bella felt at the thought of growing old around me and it pained her. Moreover, the though of her in pain hurt me even more. Hmmm… I had a plan and once the wedding was over I would put that plan into effect.
“We’re going away to Dartmouth together in the fall, Charlie,” I сказал(-а) to him. “I’d like to do that, well the right way. It’s how I was raised.”Hm? The right way? I guess…
“Knew this was coming” Charlie сказал(-а) еще to himself then Bella или me. On the other hand, maybe…
“Dad?” Bella сказал(-а) to Charlie. I felt her eyes on me, but I had my facial emotions in order. I didn’t look at her. I continued to listen to Charlie thoughts.
I got it!Option four… Renee. I know how Renee feels about Bella. Moreover, for her to hear that Bella is getting married at a young age. She would back me up on this matter. YES! She would! I will be able to stop this. Maybe not stop this all together but stop this for quite some time. I GOT IT! Hehe…
“Ha!” Charlie сказал(-а) aloud.
When Charlie shouted Bella jumped in her seat. I watched Charlie laugh about the matter and it made me want to laugh. Moreover, the very thought of how he was counting on Renee to stop the wedding from going вперед made me even want to laugh more. Come on, was he serious about having Renee stop us? I knew how she felt about me but she also knew how I truly felt about Bella. Bella told her how she felt about me. I knew that Renee would want to see her daughter happy and if that meant being with me…no way would Renee talk Bella out it.
“Okay fine” Charlie said, through his laugher. “Get married”. Let us see how she handles this one. “But…”
“But what?” Bella demand.
Bella’s сердце rate jumped a little by the time Charlie сказал(-а) But. I knew that his plan was to have Bella tell Renee, but no worries. Bella had nothing to fear, I knew Renee would be happy by the wonderful news.
“But Ты have to be the one tell your mom! I am not saying one word to Renee! That is all you!." Oh, man! I like option four! Yup! She can tell Renee. Renee will help me on this one! Ha! Ha, ha, ha…
I knew at that moment that I had nothing to worry about from here on out
If there were ever a heaven in the world it would be right here with Bella. Bella’s sweet, sinful kisses send me floating away. Never before in my existence have I felt anything so great. I felt light as a feather every single минута that I spend in Bella’s arms, in her sweet scent. I had never felt as high as I did now, Поцелуи Bella the night before our wedding. Listening to her сердце hammering against her chest was like a melody to my ears.
I don’t deserve you. I don’t deserve you.
The only thought running through my head every time I was with my sweet Bella.
I had never believed that there was a God, but having Bella in my life…there was a God. This God had delivered a flawless, priceless, so forgivable creature into my world. A creature with Шоколад brown eyes, and every time I looked into her eyes I saw heaven. When she looked at me, in her smile was the most amazing dream. A dream that everyday I had to remind myself was real. The warmth of her skin against my cold skin felt like I was sitting in the sun all day. The way her skin felt like touching fresh-blossomed raised petals. Touching her hair was like touching silk, fluffy like white clouds in the sky.
I don’t deserve you. I don’t deserve you.
I didn’t deserve this perfect human in my world. I could feel her on my skin and taste her on my tongue. She was the sweet taste of sin. The еще and еще I kissed this creature, the еще I wanted of Bella. Moreover, I had to keep in mind that Bella was human. Just the slightest change in my soft kisses against her lips could hurt her. Even the slight changes in my body weight could crush Bella like a paperweight.
I stopped Поцелуи her for a moment and gazed over at Bella. Just looking at her sends the world spinning, and I couldn't feel the ground. Our eyes meet, and I felt so light headed. She was so much better than I was. I was so unworthy of her in my life, in my world. She pulled my face closer to her and breathes her warm scent on my face.
“Definitely staying,” I whispered back to her.
“No, no. It’s your bachelor party. Ты have to go.” I knew that Bella was just being Храбрая сердцем and modest. I knew that the thought of leaving Bella pained me еще then it did her.
She moved one hand to my back and the other hand coiled in my hair. I don’t deserve you. “Bachelor parties are designed for those who are sad to see the passing of their single days. I couldn’t be еще eager to have mine behind me. So there’s really no point.”
Please tell me what human или creature like me could even think about having a bachelor party? I mean, was getting married to the one person Ты planned to spend your life with that bad?
“True,” my sweet Энджел сказал(-а) back to me.
I knew that I had to spend as much time as possible with my sweet Bella before leaving with Jasper and Emmett. I would be leaving in a while to hunt and then return, not even able to see Bella until the wedding begins. Alice was not making things fair for me. Being away from Bella for еще then a couple of hours drove me insane. Although, I knew that if I even tried to пересекать, крест Alice tomorrow, I would definitely be in a dilemma with еще than one person in my family.
Moreover, a part of me thought that seeing Bella all dressed in white for our wedding would be worth it. Then again, I had waited this long to be with someone like Bella. I think that waiting a little longer wouldn't really hurt.
I brought myself back to my angel, bundled in an афганец, афганский, афганские in front of me. I knew that Bella hated being rolled up in something warm and would rather be in my arms. Yet, with my bare chest, I knew that the temperature of my skin in such close contact with Bella’s warm skin would cause her to shiver. I loved it when Bella took her warm index finger and traced circles on my chest. If my сердце could beat, even once, it would be hammering harder against my chest than Bella’s usually did.
I found my lips Поцелуи Bella’s огонь burning lips again. She carefully traced my stone lips with her warm tongue. I sighed to myself. If only we could continue this evening of romance before it ended. I began pulling myself away for her. I knew that if I continued Поцелуи her lips, it would lead down her jaw line and so forth. To finally come all this way and lose my self-control over something so silly and so virtuous.
“Wait,” my angel, сказал(-а) to me.
Bella gripped my shoulders and hugged herself to me. I felt her warm leg kick up against my waist.
“Practice makes perfect.”
I couldn’t help but laugh. How easy it was to be overpowered by human hormones.
“Well, we should be fairly close to perfection by this point, then, shouldn’t we? Have Ты slept at all in the last month?”
“But this is the dress rehearsal,” Bella сказал(-а) to me, “and we’ve only practiced certain scenes. It’s no time for playing safe.”
Bella was hoping the last part of her sentence would make me smile или laugh. I stiffened and my body became motionless. Moreover, she had no real idea of the danger I could put her in by not playing safe. Bella seemed to easily forget how fragile she was to someone like me.
“Bella…,” I had begun whispering to her.
“Don’t start with this again.” She told me. “A deal is a deal.”
“I don’t know. It’s too hard to concentrate when you’re with me like this. I--I can’t think straight. I won’t be able to control myself. You’ll get hurt.”
I wanted dreadfully to explain to her how serious our situation would really be when it came down to it.
“I’ll be fine,” she reminds me with such coincidence.
“Bella…,” If Bella only really knew how she made me feel every moment we spend together. Something unexplainable happens when she looks at me. I forget to speak. When she kisses my mouth, I become so weak.
She placed her sweet, warm lips against my lips. She always had the upper hand when she kissed me. Like her, I would agree to anything she wanted. Even if it meant the very thought of putting her in danger. Moreover, I couldn’t really put so much passion into this kiss. It petrified every nerve in my body. I yearned for Bella to understand.
“How are your feet?” I asked her, trying to keep ease in my voice.
“Toasty warm.”
“Really? No секунда thoughts? It’s not too late to change Ты mind.”
The thought of Bella wanting to change her mind broke my already lifeless heart. I knew that Bella would never change her mind. My beautiful Bella was еще stubborn than any creature I have ever met in my existence. Once her mind was set to anything, she was undeniably moving forward. Nevertheless, a gentleman would ask anyway.
“Are Ты trying to ditch me?”
“Just making sure. I don’t want Ты to do anything you’re not sure about,” I сказал(-а) trying to control my laughing.
“I’m sure about you. The rest I can live through.”
I didn’t like the sound of that last past. I didn’t want her to just live with the rest of it. I wanted Bella to have it all. I wanedt her to have so much that it sickened her to the point of wanting to give it all away. I felt еще selfish then any other time before. Why was I asking so much of the priceless woman? Why, why does she choose to stay?
“Can you?” I сказал(-а) quietly to her. “I don’t mean the wedding--which I am positive Ты will survive despite your qualms--but afterward…what about Renee, what about Charlie?”
“I will miss them.”
“Angela and Ben and Jessica and Mike.”
“I will miss my Друзья too.” I could see that she was smiling about something. “Especially Mike. Oh, Mike! How will I go on?”
I growled just hearing Mike’s name. I knew that Bella was just playing around with me. Besides, I didn’t like the way Bella сказал(-а) his name with just a little bit of appeal. At least I was thankful that she didn’t mention that mutt’s name. I saw that Bella took pleasure with my reaction and once еще became serious.
“Edward, we’ve been through this and through this. I know it will be hard, but this is what I want. I want you, and I want Ты forever. One lifetime is simply not enough for me.”
I couldn’t believe what Bella was still asking for, for this damned life.
“Frozen forever at eighteen,” I teased
“Every woman’s dream come true.” she сказал(-а) back to me.
Every woman’s dream, huh? Maybe every woman’s dream was to forever look eighteen, but not Холодное сердце forever at eighteen. No person, man или woman, could possibility want this forever.
“Never changing…never moving forward?”
“What does that mean?”
I had to think about how exactly I would say what I was about to say to Bella. I didn’t want to upset her или frighten her.
“Do Ты remember when we told Charlie we were getting married? And he thought Ты were…pregnant?” Just saying the last part, I could feel a lump in my throat.
“And he thought about shooting you,” she сказал(-а) laughing. “Admit it--for one second, he honestly considered it.”
I knew that Charlie was thinking about it, but that wasn’t really the point.
“What, Edward?”
Oh man, I hope I didn‘t frighten her with the idea.
“I just wish…well, I wish that he’d been right.”
“Gah,” was all that escaped out of Bella , I was right. I frightened her with that idea.
“More that there was some way he could have been. That we had that kind of potential. I hate taking that way from you, too.”
At this point, I wanted to read Bella thoughts. I wanted to know what she was really thinking. It took Bella a минута или less to think it over.
“I know what I’m doing.”
“How could Ты know that, Bella? Look at my mother, look at my sister. It’s not as easy a sacrifice as Ты imagine.”
“Esme and Rosalie get by just fine. If it’s a problem later, we can do what Esme did--we’ll adopt.”
Adoption? I didn’t think that adoption would really be the best idea here. I knew and I had seen the bond between parents and their children. I saw the bond between Bella and Renee. The unbreakable bonds between a mother and child. Even adoption couldn't make up for what any woman would be losing.
I sighed and сказал(-а) with fierceness in my voice, “It’s not right! I don’t want Ты to have to make sacrifices for me. I want to give Ты things, not take things away from you. I don’t want to steal your future. If I were human--”
Bella placed her hand over my lips, “You are my future. Now stop. No moping или I’m calling your brothers to come and get you. Maybe Ты need a bachelor party.”
I was making Bella unhappy, the very last thing I wanted to do before leaving her alone.
“I’m sorry. I am moping, aren’t I? Must be nerves.” I knew clearly well that it was not my nerves.
“Are your feet cold?”
“Not in that sense. I’ve been waiting a century to marry you, Miss Swan. The wedding ceremony is the one thing I can’t wait--”
“Oh, for the Любовь of all that’s holy!”
Edward, we have дана Ты еще than enough time to be with your Bella. I’m asking Ты nicely in my head to get down here или am coming in. Now!
Man, Emmett sometimes could be a big pain in the жопа, попка when he wanted something.
“What’s wrong?” Bella asked.
“You don’t have to call my brothers. Apparently Emmett and Jasper are not going to let me bow out tonight.”
Edward, I did my best to relax Emmett. I swear. Jasper сказал(-а) in his head.
I knew that Jasper did do his best. Considering, the wrestling match that the two were having, I’m guessing Jasper couldn’t take much more.
Bella pulled me closer to her. I took one deep breath of her scent and as she slowly let me go she said, “Have fun.”
How would I possibly be able to have fun? I hated leaving Bella alone all night long. I knew that nothing could go wrong with Alice, promising me that she would keep an extra close eye on Bella tonight. Before I could Kiss her once more, I felt Emmett standing just outside Bella’s.
Time is up and I going to get Ты out of there one way или another. Have some pride man and come out on Ты own.
He placed his fingernail against her window and moves downward, causing a horrible cover Ты eyes, гусь bumps down your spine noise.
Okay, I am done playing nice.“If Ты don’t send Edward out, we’re coming in after him!”
Ugh! Damn it, Emmett. He would regret this night. Even if I had to wrestle with him until the wedding starts the Далее day! I rolled my eyes and started getting up from Bella’s side.
“Go, before they break my house,” Bella сказал(-а) laughing. At least she found humor in Emmett’s playing around.
With my vampire reflexes, I quickly got my рубашка from the floor and put it back on.
Oh, I’m sorry! Did I interrupt something? Emmett сказал(-а) again in his head.
What a damn smart- ass!I rolled my eyes at Emmett and leaned into Bella. I placed a Kiss on her forehead.
“Get to sleep. You’re got a big день tomorrow.”
“Thanks! That’s sure to help me wind down.”
“I’ll meet Ты at the altar.”
Edward, you’ve got less then 30 секунда to say your final goodbye или I am breaking something on Bella’s house to let Charlie know you’re in there! Emmett сказал(-а) to me again
I hissed under my breath at Emmett. I knew Bella wouldn’t be able to hear.
“I’ll be the one in white.” Bella сказал(-а) smiling at me.
“Very convincing,” I сказал(-а) laughing. I crouched down and sprang out the window toward Emmett. I was able to catch him off guard and pounced on him.
“Shit!” Emmett said, hitting the cold ground. I couldn’t help but laugh hard under my breath. People rarely caught Emmett of guard
“You’d better not make him late.” I heard Bella whisper out of her window. She knew that we could hear her with no problem. I panicked a little and with that emotion coming off me I heard Japer say, “Don’t worry Edward. I’ll go reassure her.”
He took one step forward, landing lightly on Bella’s house. I saw him stick his head through her window. “Don’t worry, Bella. We’ll get him Главная in plenty of time.’’
“Jasper? What do Вампиры do for bachelor parties? You’re not taking him to a strip club, are you?” I heard Bella ask Jasper.
Shit! Jasper better not a say a word! Even if we don’t go, this is a bachelor party! Just for the boys, the men. Besides, Rose would kill me if I even dared go in one.
“Don’t tell her anything!” Emmett growled at the window. There would no growling at the woman I love. Man, he was going to be sorry. I backed away from him, got into my crouch position again, and once еще pounced on Emmett. I rolled over laughing. That was twice in one night.
“Relax. We Cullens have our own version. Just a few mountain lions, a couple of grizzly bears. Pretty much an ordinary night out.” I heard Jasper tell Bella.
With of course a couple of wrestling matches and maybe some arm wrestling, Jasper сказал(-а) in his head. I knew that Jasper wanted to relax Bella and not freak her out about rough play. Bella would probably worry about me getting hurt if Jasper сказал(-а) anything aloud to her.
“Thanks, Jasper” she сказал(-а) with ease in her voice.
Come on! The night is young and I’m ready to hunt me some grizzly bears!
Ugh! Why couldn’t Emmett think of something else besides his stomach?
Jasper rejoined us. He and Emmett began running in the direction of the jeep. I hesitated for a moment looking at Bella’s window. I wished so badly that I didn’t have to leave или hunt tonight of all nights. The longing to want to stay with Bella until the sun rose was overpowering the thirst that I felt in the back of my throat.
I saw Emmett slow down and turn toward me. I don’t think so! We have waited long enough, Edward! Don’t make me drag Ты kicking and screaming to the jeep! I swear I will duct tape Ты to the jeep and make Jasper calm Ты down!
Edward! Please come now! Emmett is really giving me a buzz kill here.
I turned my back on Bella’s house and started running toward my brothers. When I got closer, I could feel Jasper sending a wave of peace toward me.
“Don’t worry, Edward. Everything will be just fine. Trust me.”
Easy for Jasper to say, with Alice being at Главная and able to check up on him anytime. Emmett and Jasper really had no clue what it felt like to leave Bella behind. Rosalie and Alice could take care of themselves. I would be lucky if Bella made it through the night with no bumps или bruises. After all, it wasn’t as if my sisters slept anyway. I knew Bella would have a hard time sleeping. Why did I let Emmett talk me into leaving the night before the wedding? Why couldn’t we leave two days before the wedding?
"You can do this, Edward. Moreover, Ты will make it through one night without Bella," Jasper сказал(-а) to me as he climbed into the front seat.
As the three of us got into the jeep, I leaned over the backseat, still staring at Bella’s house.
I felt Emmett looking at me in the rearview mirror as he started the jeep.
“What, Emmett?” I gave him a quiet glance.
Edward, chill. Alice is watching out for her. Beside bro, Esme сказал(-а) that she would stop by from time to time to check on her.
Oh, great! Now we can start the party. Stupid me, why didn’t I think about that before. Ugh! I shouldn’t have had my family babysitting Bella. I should have been with her, not having a bachelor party. I should have been there humming her lullaby to help her sleep, watching her and taking in every bit of her sweet scent. I should have been feeling her smooth, warm skin beneath my stone cold hand. I suddenly felt an energy coming off Jasper.
“Jasper cut the crap. I’m not in the mood for whatever energy you’re trying to spread.”
“Sorry, Edward. I am trying to help Ты ease your anxiety right now.”
Easing my anxiety wasn’t a good idea. As Emmett turned the corner, and Bella’s house was no longer in sight, I felt alone and empty. It had been only ten минуты away from Bella and I was already losing my mind. I didn’t feel like celebrating the whole bachelor party thing that my brothers planned for tonight. I laid myself down on the back сиденье, место, сиденья of jeep and turned my back to them. I didn’t feel like talking или looking at them.
“Should we say something или just let him be?” Emmett asked Jazz.
“Just let him be right now. Ты push too hard and he is going to push back. Ты know Edward has a short temper.”
I sighed to myself and closed my eyes. I wished that I could sleep and leave the entire uncomfortable situation. If only it could be tomorrow already. I wished so badly that I could dream, dream about my beautiful Bella. I guess thinking about her would have to do for now.
I thought about her beautiful Шоколад brown eyes and her soft, sweet tasting lips. I loved how warm her pale skin felt against mine. I loved it when I was near and could hear her сердце hammering against her chest. I loved it when she сказал(-а) my name in her dreams. I loved it when she looked deep into my eyes; I swore she could see a soul somewhere in me. I loved her enchanting клубника scent that engulfed her entire body. My sweet, sinful Bella…I miss Ты as the sun misses the flowers.
“Edward, this night will end soon enough. It’s just one night away from Bella. Ты know the precautions Ты must take before the wedding.”
I wished Jasper wouldn’t feel what I was feeling. It drove me crazy having him so close to me. Especially when I felt like I was Romeo missing my Juliet. If I could have had an off button in my head for one night, that would have been sweet. I would have had complete silence to think about my Bella.
I could call Alice, so my mind would be at ease until tomorrow. I would if maybe she would watch Bella for me. I wanted to make sure that she was sleeping well for the night. Before I could even reach for my phone, it began to vibrate in my back pocket.
“Hello, Alice,” I сказал(-а) with a smile on my face.
“Edward, everything is fine. She fall a sleep sometime ago. She is doing fine,” she said. “Please tell me why Ты are giving the guys such a hard time. It’s not as if they are doing this to torture you, just for the hell of it. Ты know very well that they mean well and want Ты to have fun.”
“Thank you, Alice. Ты know that I don’t mean to give Em and Jazz a hard time. It’s just…” I sighed into the phone.
“It’s just what, Edward? One night? One night is all that we are asking of you. Ты will have Bella to yourself after tomorrow,” she insisted. Ты will have her when Ты finish saying ‘I do’ at the wedding ceremony. Ты will have her on Ты honeymoon--alone! Just the two of Ты at Esme Isle for who knows how long? Do Ты think Bella would be happy Ты see Ты moping like this?” Because I swear I will go over to Bella’s house and wake her up just to tell her that you’re not ‘having fun’. Don’t test me Edward!
Did everyone have to play that card on me? ‘Oh, let’s all tell Bella that Edward is not having fun.’ Everyone knew that when Bella was unhappy, I would do anything to make her happy again.
“NO! No, Alice don’t do that. Look, I will try to have fun, okay? Just promise me that Ты won’t wake up Bella,” I growled into the phone. I could hear Emmett and Jasper trying to hold back their laughter.
“Good. Besides, I have too many last минута wedding details to take care of tonight. Have fun, Edward. Oh…one еще thing! If I hear from my Jasper that Ты still choose to give him a hard time…well, let’s just say it will not pretty! Любовь you! Bye!”
I hung up with Alice and slowly got up from the back seat. Ha-ha. Alice, being so small and sweet, could be very intimidating at times. Suddenly I heard the guys laughing in the front seat. I tried my best to hold back from laughing with them.
“Alice can be one scary little creature, don’t Ты think?” Jasper said, laughing.
“Yea, Ты can say that again.”
Emmett looked in the rearview mirror and said, “So, what do Ты say, little brother? Going to have a good time with us или should Jazz get Alice back on the phone?”
“Do I really have a choice?”
“If Ты want, I can get her back on the phone again,” Jasper сказал(-а) over his shoulder.“Believe me, Edward. I don’t want to do that. Alice has enough on her plate right now.”
“No, Jazz that won’t be necessary. I’ll play.”
It only took an час and a half to get to North Cascades. Emmett seemed to be in еще of a hurry than he usually was when we went hunting. As soon as we saw the last car pass us, Emmett made a sharp turn to the right, and into the forest. He drove a couple of miles into the forest to get to the clearing.
We finally came to a stop in front of a rocky mountain. Before stepping out, I listened to everything in the forest. I could hear the water running a couple of miles away from us. I could hear the night birds chirping and the herds of prey running around. I listened еще narrowly, to see if any humans might be around, but it seemed luck was on our side. No one was out hiking или camping tonight. I checked my phone and saw that we were out of signal range.
“Edward, do Ты really need your phone?” Jasper asked as he climbed out of the jeep.
“Yes, as a matter of fact, I do.”
“Ha-ha! Little brother, what do Ты think is going to happen? Bella is going to leave in the middle of the night?” Emmett laughed.
“Hey, Ты never know what could happen,” I growled.
They just laughed, and we started heading toward the mountain. One quick jump and we were on top, looking at the landscape below us. Playing no mind to either one, I let my other senses take over. I picked up a strong aroma of a nearby mountain lion and his mate. I crouched down and headed in the direction of the sweet aroma.
Edward, Em and I will meet Ты back here in one hour. Enjoy.
I nodded at Jasper and started running. I felt the cool, crisp wind hitting my face, as I made my way through the forest. I felt free from any stress that I had earlier. I made my way to the two mountain lions within minutes. I crouched low in the трава and studied them for a moment. I saw the two, relaxing on the green ground. I leaned вперед a bit and saw them еще clearly. I took a long good sniff of them. I figured that letting them know that something was hunting them would allow for a better surprise of attack.
I figured separating the female from the male would be еще efficient. An attack on me would be less likely. I moved a bit in the трава toward them, that single movement drawing their attention. The two were on their feet, sweeping the forest with their eyes. With my vampire reflexes, I moved to a nearby tree, crouching carefully on the edge. I let out a growl to get their attention once more.
The male walked over toward the tree. I saw that the female started heading the opposite way. I saw my opportunity to take my prey by surprise. I pounced on my prey, knocking the wind out of him. I crouched down in front of the male and growled at him. He tried to take a swipe at my face as he roared back at me. I sensed the female heading back toward the two of us. I needed to attack quickly before an ambush could happen. I leapt in the air, knocking him over on his side; I sank my teeth into his neck.
I felt warm liquid running down my throat. The last couple of seconds, I heard fresh blood pumping through his body. My prey struggled under my grip, as I sank my teeth further into his neck. Within seconds, my prey, once vigorous, was limp and drained of all blood. I unhooked my teeth from his neck, just in time to see his mate readying for attack. I rolled to my side and crouched down in front of my Далее prey. Once more, I knocked my current prey to the ground, and sank my teeth in its neck.
Within thirty минуты of my first attack, the two had been drained of all blood. I decided to take a break from hunting. I started heading back in the direction of the jeep. While running back, I checked my phone. I saw that I had a faint signal, enough for someone to text или call me. I stopped running when I sensed Jasper nearby. I turned my body in Jasper’s direction and started running toward him. He was lying along a дерево branch, looking at his phone.
“Edward, I got a text from Alice a минута ago. Everything is fine and everyone, including Bella, is doing just fine. Tell me something, Edward…why is Alice texting at this hour?”
“Your guess is as good as mine,” I said.
“What’s really on your mind? I’m getting a feeling from you, and it’s not just anxiety about being away from Bella,” he said, still looking at his phone.
“Jazz, can I be honest with you?” I asked.
“You can always be honest and up front with me. What’s up?”
I took one step вперед and landed on the дерево хобот, ствол across from him. I leaned my back against the tree, stretching my legs out in front me. I sighed deeply and Jasper leaned forward.
“Em isn’t be coming back anytime soon. He got a good scent of grizzly медведь and headed north just after Ты left.”
“Jazz…I am worried about Bella after the wedding party. I’m worrying about the physical part of our relationship.”
I tried not to look at Jasper. In all the years that we had been together as brothers, I had never felt so ashamed to ask a question. I give Jasper a couple of минуты before I feel calm between us. I turned to look at Jasper, who was watching me intently; he had a calm expression on his face.
“Edward, I sense that Ты feel shame for the Вопрос Ты just asked me. Believe me when I say this. There is nothing to be ashamed of, Edward. I can understand why Ты have worries and even doubts, but I’m afraid I can’t really give Ты the Ответы that you’re looking for.”
I sighed and looked away. I guess I expected that.
“Edward, don’t misunderstand me, please. I can't give Ты Совет on how to control your strength during sex. Ты have spoken to Carlisle many times about that part. If Ты are asking for my opinion, I can tell Ты that a relationship is unimaginable pleasure.”
I turned back to him and saw a huge grin on his face. The thoughts running through his head were unbelievable.
“Come on, man. Alice may not be related to me by blood, but I don’t want to see her like that, please. Jazz, I don’t want to see anymore. Please think about something else.” I closed my eyes and chuckled to myself.
“Sorry, my brother. I can't help up it when I am this far away from Alice. Ты should be happy that it’s me here and not Em. Believe me. The visions that Alice got are way worse.”
“I know. Don’t forget that before Ты and Alice moved in with us, I had to hear and see the things those two would do. I remember the things that the two of them would destroy.”
We both looked at each other and started laughing. I should have been thankful that it was Jasper here with me and not Emmett. The things Emmett thought about, I didn’t think any normal person, human или vampire, could possibility be thinking of. I caught Emmett’s scent coming from just north of us.
What’s so damn funny?
We both stopped laughing and jumped down from the tree. Jasper planted himself on the ground, his back against the tree, still laughing. I got ready to pounce on Emmett. I always had to be on my guard with Emmett around. Sure enough, he crashed right into me, and we both fell to the ground. I was able to pin him and place him in a wrestling hold.
“Anyone plan on telling me what’s so damn funny?”
I looked at Jasper, trying not to loosen my hold on Emmett.
If Ты want to tell him, I am behind Ты one hundred percent.
Yea, right! I knew that Emmett never took anything too seriously, always the joker in our family. I Остаться в живых control over Emmett and was kicked back a couple of feet. I heard Emmett running at me; I quickly rolled to my side. I sprang to my feet and jumped toward the tree. Suddenly, I felt Emmett’s hand заворачивать, обертывание around my ankle and he threw me to the ground. Before I could get up, Emmett pinned me. I heard him laughing, and then he released me.
“So, little brother, enjoying yourself?”
“Yea, I guess Ты can say that. Although, I must say, ‘enjoying‘, would not the best word to use here. I would say еще like, content, in being here.” I said, with a faint smile on my face.
“Whatever, Ты say Einstein.”
Emmett turned his back on me and started heading toward Jasper. I sprang from the ground and jumped on Emmett’s back. I put him in another wrestling hold and heard Jasper laughing at us.
Oh, it a rematch Ты want then little brother. Bring it on! We have all night.
We did have all night. Alice told Jasper to tell us that we could not be back until an час before the wedding started. She warned me, two nights before the wedding, she would come for blood if I saw Bella before the wedding. The thought of seeing Bella on our wedding день kept me sane for the night. How beautiful my future wife would be that day. A wonderful memory that I would keep with me for my entire existence. I knew that after tonight, everything would be different…forever.
When the night was long gone, the Цвета of the день began to sweep the sky, and I became engulfed with ecstasy. The drive Главная seemed to take forever, even with Emmett driving like a crazy man. I laid in the back сиденье, место, сиденья and my thoughts on my sweet Bella. With the thought of our wedding being hours away, I became anxious. I knew that it wouldn’t take long for Jasper to notice my mood.
He sighed and turned to me. “Why so anxious Edward? I thought that this is what Ты have always wanted?”
“Of course it is! It never occured to me that this is what I was searching for throughout my existence.”
I was beginning to feel utterly human; almost grateful that I had found someone to send my life with. My "forever" within this world. The feeling of anxious turned to anticipation.
“Okay, Edward make up your freakin' mind here?! Which feeling is it: Anxious или anticipation, huh?”
“I’m sorry, Jazz. I have never felt human until meeting Bella. That amazing creature drives me crazy. I have never felt so many emotions in my life.”
I heard Emmett laughing in the front seat. Ты think your feeling human now?! Just wait until the honeymoon. Then talk to me about feeling human Edward. Believe me, little brother, the word ‘unsatisfied’ will take on a whole new meaning after tonight.
Jazz and I both sighed. I knew that he could feel what Emmett was feeling, too. However, if he only knew what he was thinking, it would be a completely different story.
“Em, do I really need to see anymore here? It was bad enough that I have to hear it. I don’t want to have to think about it…again!”
He sighed before laughing. “Don’t worry little brother, Ты will see soon enough. The unimaginable power that women have over men. We may not feel human hormones running through our bodies, but bro, we are men and that desire to make women and ourselves happy is what’s so overpowering.”
I really didn’t want to have this conversation with Emmett. Having this conversation with Jazz would have been еще reasonable. Jazz always took everything еще serious, especially when it to came to physical love. I turned my head slightly and looked at Jasper from the corner of my eye.
Um…Edward, Em is being serious this time. It is an odd feeling, isn't it? Something I never felt before. Do Ты think that one of those bears may have дана him something? Possibly rabies или something?
What the hell?! Emmett being serious for once?! Perhaps he did have a tainted bear. Perhaps I should call Carlisle and see if it that was possible. Jazz and I stared at each other for sometime. I sat up straight and looked out the window. I felt Emmett looking at me from the rearview mirror.
Edward, talk to me man? What’s going on here?
“Em…I don’t know what to say. I have never heard Ты be so damn serious about something before," I stated sighed. "Well, I mean I know how much Rose means to you. Nevertheless, I don’t know. It’s a little freaky, hearing Ты talk so…so passionate.”
He looked at me with narrowed eyes before roaring into laugher. He pulled over and turned off the engine. He turned back at us, placed his back against the driver’s window, and continued laughing for a couple of минуты before he addressed us.
“I may not be serious all the time. I find it much easier to make a joke out of our...this life style .... If Ты know what I mean. Beside little brother, I can be serious when I need to be. I have to be the joker in the house, 'cuz there are way too many of Ты serious people.”
Jazz and I looked at each other again. I had never seen Emmett like this before. He never took hunting down James seriously, nor when it came to hunting down newborns last year. Everything that Emmett did was always for fun или sport. I must admit seeing this side of Emmett was unusual. Regardless, I was feeling еще respect for my brother then I had ever in my life.
“I will say this, little brother, physical pleasure is секунда best to human blood. Depending on your mood, one will always have the upper hand.”
I saw Jasper cringe at the very thought of human blood. “It’s so sad to admit this, but I agree with that statement.”
We all sat there, silently, for a минута или two. I became speechless and motionless. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing from the both of them. I recognized that I needed to speak with Carlisle about this subject again. I knew of all people that he would make еще sense on the matter.
“Okay, everyone good now?” Emmett said, suddenly laughing. I’m starting to feel sick talking about meaningful things.
Without further word, he started the Jeep and we took off. The ride Главная was just that, a ride home. Nobody сказал(-а) anything.
I knew from his thoughts that Emmett thought about Rosalie and what she would be wearing for the wedding. Jasper thought about Alice and longed to be with her, as well.
My thoughts, on the other hand, were drifting in and out throughout the drive home, longed to hold Bella in my arms and smell her sweet scent again. However, my thoughts were also to speak to Carlisle, immediately.
We arrived at the house about an час before the wedding. I wasted no time in stepping out of the jeep. The moment I stepped out, Bella’s scent slapped me in the face. Oh, how wonderful it was to smell her once more. My сердце ached for her every moment I couldn’t be with her. A feeling of distress swept over me. I rushed to the front door of the house, yearning to see Bella. Even if it meant my neck on the line.
Walking through the doors, I saw that Alice has been working hard. Dozens of flowers, everywhere, engulfing every room in the house. Lights, white lines, endless amounts of candles, a white tent over a manufactured dance floor in the back yard. I made my way through the house to the kitchen. I found Esme in the кухня instructing some waiters. I saw the counters and stove covered in sliver holders. Alice worked hard picking out the Еда for the wedding.
I smiled to myself. Today would be the last день that Bella would be my girlfriend. In less then one hour, we would be husband and wife, together forever.
“Edward, I’m so please that you're home. Have a great time?” I looked up and saw Esme standing in front me, with a smile.
“You could say that. I’m happy to finally be home.” I bent over to Kiss her lightly on the forehead.
“That’s great, dear.”
“Do Ты know where Carlisle is at the moment? I would like to speak to him.”
“I believe that he is upstairs. Would Ты mind asking Jasper and Emmett to help me please?”
I nodded and turned towards the stairs. I saw Emmett and Rose Поцелуи and Jasper near by, leaning against the wall, shaking his head.
“Jazz? Em? Esme needs help with something,” I instructed.
“Oh, thank god! Watching and feeling what these two are feeling is making me sick.”
He began walking toward the kitchen. Emmett and Rose finally unlocked from one another, looking enthusiastically at each other. Emmett kissed Rosalie one еще time, briefly before following Jasper.
She turned toward me and smiled. “Edward, enjoy your bachelor party?”
I shrugged my shoulders. “Sure, if Ты like that type of thing.”
I began walking up the stairs. Suddenly I felt Rosalie grab me. Edward, I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Alice might be in a great mood, but testing her is not the right thing.
I smiled at Rosalie. I knew better then to test Alice. I placed my hand on вверх of her hand, loosing her grab on me.
“Don’t worry. I have no plans in seeing Bella right now. I need to speak to Carlisle. Trust me Rosalie.”
She dropped her grip and before I could take another step forward, she moved to the вверх of the stairs to prevent me from heading towards Bella's room.
I smiled and started heading up, again, but made sure to exaggerate my turned towards Carlisle's office. I gestured with my head that my plan was to speak to Carlisle and nothing more. She looked at me for a moment before nodding. I turned my back on her and walked towards the office door. I stopped, knocked and waited for an answer before heading in.
“Come in,” I heard.
I turned the doorknob and walked in. I found Carlisle sitting behind his desk, Чтение a book. He looked up, smiled and placed a bookmark in his book. He gestured for me to have a sit in the chair in front of his desk.
“Edward. I didn’t know that Ты would be back so soon. How was your night?”
“Fairly well. I feel much better now that I am home.”
“What can help Ты with today my son?”
I sighed deeply and looked out the window behind him. I haven’t really thought about how to word what I wanted to ask Carlisle. There had been so many discussions on this matter. I felt embarrassed by the mere thought of asking him.
“Whatever it is Edward? Please tell me. I don’t like to see Ты so trouble.”
“Carlisle, I need to ask Ты about Bella and my self…again. I need to ask Ты what I should…” I trailed off, looking away from him.
He stood up from his chair and walked over to me. He sat at the edge of his desk, watching me. He appeared so proper, almost perfect, sitting up straight, hands folded gently on his lap.
“I have told Ты everything Ты need to know. What еще is there?”
“How badly might I hurt Bella?”
He took a deep breathe, but did not seem annoyed.
“I must say it is pretty dangerous, as well have discussed several times before. Our physical strength is 10 times еще powerful then any human. Ты know very well that without caution, Bella can end up with broken bones, bruises, and crushed internal organs. Although, my son, Ты have nothing to worry about. We have spoken about this matter many times and Ты know what Ты need to do to protect your beloved. ”
I flinched at the thought of hurting my sweet Bella. My thoughts fade, as I couldn’t bare thinking something horrible happen to her because of my carelessness. I should rethink this.
I looked up at Carlisle and smiled faintly. I could tell that he didn’t believe that I had been convinced.
“Carlisle, I don’t know anymore about this. I have over come the temptation of Bella’s blood. I have spent years keeping her out of harms ways. Now to come this far and possibly putting her in danger once more. I don’t think I can do it… I don’t think I have that kind of faith in myself.”
“Edward, I know that Ты would never или could ever hurt Bella. Trust in yourself ... trust that Ты can do this.”
“And if what I can’t?”
“Edward, physical Любовь is a very powerful thing... a powerful emotion. It is not to be taken lightly, but it can be controlled. Ты know that and understand the matter in question. It’s unlike anything else that Ты have или will experience in the whole world. Любовь can alter the way someone sees the world. However, physical Любовь is something that can permanently change someone.” I have already seen that Bella has done that.
“Its just…” I heavily sighed, once more.
“Edward, my son, I have faith in you.” I have faith that Ты can overcome anything.
I felt sick to my stomach. Carlisle having faith in me was еще faith then anyone should be placing in me. What if I ended up hurting Bella in ways unimaginable? What would Carlisle think of me then? Would he think that I was a monster? A soulless being unable to control itself?
“Edward, I see that my faith in Ты is troubling you. May I ask why?”
I stood up from the chair and walked towards the window overlooking the wedding tent. I stared out, trying to find my words.
“I’m not sure that Ты should have so much faith in me, Carlisle. It’s so Невероятное that Bella has faith in me. I am a monster, a soulless creature that happened to fall in Любовь ... in Любовь with a perfect human. I shouldn’t be getting married to someone so innocent. I think that Bella has no real clue as to what type of person I am.”
I felt Carlisle’s hand on my shoulder, pulling at me to look at him. I turned toward him. He looked deep into my eyes.
“Your Любовь for Bella can overpower anything that could happen ... ever.”
I slightly opened my mouth to argue with Carlisle. I wanted to argue my side, but stopped when I realized that I had come to understand physical love, but afraid that for once, I was not sure what to really expect.
“Edward, I don’t wish to argue with Ты anymore about this matter. However, the one thing that I can say to Ты is…”
There was a knock on the door and he stopped min-sentence.
“Come in.”
Rosalie entered.
“I’m sorry Carlisle. Alice has asked me to make sure everyone, especially Edward, is dressed and ready for the ceremony.”
“Oh yes, of course. Yes, yes Rosalie. Thank you. We will only be a couple минуты more.”
I stared with narrow eyes, before she turned and left the room. Her thoughts showed nothing of Bella, only of herself. She smiled at us and walked out. I continued to follow her thoughts as she walked away from the office, in hopes that I would learn something about Bella.
I don’t like this color on me. Why couldn’t Alice have to pick a color that doesn’t match my skin tone? Ugh!
I chuckled to myself. Alice had been working very hard on keeping Bella вверх secret today. How crafty of Alice to keep something from me. I saw Carlisle smiling at me from the corner of my eye.
“Alice has been working very hard to have everything turn out perfect today. She has been the only one to see Bella all day. Soon enough, she won't be able to keep it all a secret much longer.”
“I must be going. Don’t want to keep my future bride waiting for me.”
I pulled myself away from Carlisle and headed toward the door. I heard him clearing his throat. I stopped and turned towards him.
Edward, may I say one еще thing before Ты leave?
“Think about it this way, my son, Далее time something troubles Ты in the near future: 'We like people for their qualities, but Любовь them for their defects.'”
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