Damon & Elena Club
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added by skatethebest
added by quinnbee
added by quinnbee
added by Aubreykarew
Source: Facebook
added by tina-kiss
Source: velvetmelodies.tumblr
added by lipglosssexy
posted by 20cosmogirl
I think I’m the only Delena Фан who doesn’t care about the Damon/Rebekah hookup- from the link

As long as that’s the worst thing he’s doing, I’m fine with it. All it will do is create еще tension between DE (angst has always been a major part of their relationship) and it’ll make Elena jealous. I don’t have a problem with either of those things.

You know what will bother me? The somewhat of a reunion that will happen between SE that will drive Damon to look for a distraction.

And people say why would he Damon sleep with her when she’s trying to kill Elena. Well, we don’t really...
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1.Both are both big brothers

2.Both are funny (sarcastic)

3.Both are еще attractive than their younger brothers

4.Both have the best one liner

5.Both are womanizers

6.Both like to party

7.Both are heavy drinkers

8.Both make the hard decisions and take on the weight in their shoulders

9.Both are smart

10.Both organize/ed great plans (even though sometimes it doesn’t work out)

11.Both are better fighters than their brothers

12.Both would do the extreme to save the people they Любовь and care about

13.Both of their younger brothers make their older brothers sound much worse than they really are

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posted by merzycullen
He was draining the girl in his arms dry. sucking all the blood and life right out of her. he didn’t feel remorse, He didn’t feel guilt. Because that’s what he does. He kills. He’s a hunter, which is why what happens Далее surprises him еще than anything.

He sees a car going towards the bridge at full speed. There was a family inside that car. They were about to die. Not that he cares, people die everyday. Why should he care? But that changed when he saw the girl inside that car. That girl looked exclacly like Katherine; the Vampire сука who turned him and his brother. She was long...
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added by buffyl0v3r44
Source: tumblr.com
added by Hellen20
added by RoseLovesJack
Source: Made by me
Елена Гилберт
Деймон Сальваторе
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Иэн Сомерхолдер
Нина Добрев
added by klausyxcarebear
added by RoseLovesJack
Bonnie opened her eyes and the candles expired. She stood and walked out of the square.
“I let him know” she said.
“Guys, I think Ты should see this” Keith said. Bonnie and Matt turned around to him. He was leaning against the таблица with a bunch of letters in his hands.
“What do Ты have?” Matt asked as they both walked to him.
“I found these in Jeremy’s pocket. I was looking for his phone, when these fell out. They’re from Kelsey to Veronica”
He gave a few to Bonnie and a few to Matt and he started Чтение the first of his own.

“Dear Ronnie,

I’m sorry I had to leave so...
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posted by HaleyDewit
The door of the Boarding House opened and Damon rushed downstairs. He had expected Katherine или Stefan, hoped for Elena, but neither of those three were standing in the doorway.
Bonnie raised her hand. “Before Ты get all hostile on me, let me explain”
Damon took a step back.
“As I’ve told Ты I know when I’m part of a conversation” Bonnie started. “Last night Ты and Elena had a fight, because you’re having trouble dealing with your issues. Ты and I both know most of that is on me”
Damon sighed annoyed. “Will Ты cut to the chase, please?”
“I want to help you” Bonnie...
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posted by HaleyDewit
They accelerated their steps, but Damon was have to carry and the огонь was catching up with them.
“Damon, please, try to walk faster” Jeremy asked. His neck and shoulders hurt.
“I can’t” Damon сказал(-а) weak. He braked.
“Damon, what are Ты doing?” Elena sighed. Her shoulders hurt too.
“I can’t” Damon repeated. “You have to leave me here. I’m holding Ты up”
“Shut up, Damon” Elena said, having no mercy. She forced him to keep walking.
“I’m going to get Ты killed” Damon said.
“Well, we’ll have to die someday” Elena said, Актёрское искусство careless, but she could hide the...
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