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Daredevil Season 2 News: Jon Bernthal Preps for Punisher Role

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called Daredevil Season 2 News: Rosario Dawson Talks Night Nurse and Punisher
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
Daredevil Season 2 News: Jon Bernthal Preps for Punisher Role
Jon Bernthal is doing his Marvel Universe homework for his role as The Punisher on Daredevil season 2.
Netflix series is getting a second season. Make this article your destination for all your Netflix
Wondering how Jon Bernthal is prepping for his role as the Punisher on Daredevil season 2? Hypno Comics\' Instagram account showed off some of the books he picked up from them:
Take special note of "Circle of Blood" on the right. That comic was the first time Marvel gave the character a full color solo adventure, and it\'s more low key and hard-boiled than some of the over the top violence associated with the next thing Mr. Bernthal is reading:
Either way, it looks like this will be an extraordinarily faithful version of the character we know and fear.
season 2 will begin later in 2015, and Charlie Cox promises (in an interview with
“It’ll be the same timeline as the last show, so season two will come out about this time next year. Again, I’m imagining all this, but they’ll probably do Iron Fist or Luke Cage at the same time, followed by the other one [of the two] in the first half of 2016 and then maybe Defenders in the second half of 2016 or the beginning of 2017.”
in the second half of 2016 seems a little ambitious, but he totally admits that this is just speculation.
If they were a main character who survived season one, expect \'em back for season two. But here\'s what else we know...
In an absolutely perfect piece of casting, Jon Bernthal will play The Punisher o
 season 2. Bernthal who has played several gun-toting badasses, notably as Shane Walsh on 
, is a terrific physical match for the dark and tormented Frank Castle.
The official description of the character shouldn\'t surprise anyone: "a vigilante who aims to clean up New York City’s Hell’s Kitchen by any means necessary, no matter how lethal the results."
Rosario Dawson will return as Claire Temple (Night Nurse?) for 
“After working with Rosario in the first season, we knew instantly that we had to have her back for our second,” said Executive Producer/Head of Marvel TV Jeph Loeb in a statement from Marvel. “Claire Temple proved a fan favorite in Season 1, and we can’t wait for fans to see all the plans we have for her next.”
As part of the deal, Ms. Dawson will also appear in "any" of the Marvel Netflix series. So Night Nurse could also show up in 
Rosario Dawson has been chatting a little about 
 season 2, specifically about the addition of Jon Bernthal as The Punisher to the mix. "That’s going to raise the stakes so much more, because Matt Murdock almost behaves like the Punisher in the first season," she told 
. "[Matt] crosses the line quite often, so it’s going to be really interesting to see how they differentiate them and where that goes.”
She also spoke a bit about the differences between the Night Nurse of the comics and the Night Nurse of the show: 
“even just having Night Nurse and Claire Temple come together was already changing the Marvel Universe. So it just feels like, A) I finally get to join Marvel. I get to do it in a way that’s completely altering the universe, which is awesome. And then, B) I have no idea where it’s going to go, because here I was having a fling with Matt Murdock, and now Luke Cage is coming up, and Jessica Jones.”
“Based on the show we’ve created, which is very grounded in reality, I’d like to see Punisher maybe show up, a little bit of Elektra maybe. I wouldn’t mind Black Widow making an appearance, and you can’t think about Daredevil for too long without thinking of Bullseye. I don’t know when or if or how that would happen, but it’d be cool if it did."
This isn\'t the first time we\'ve heard the Punisher\'s name mentioned in connection with this show, and I\'ll bet good money that we get both Elektra AND Bullseye in
season two. We\'ll keep an eye out for official announcements, too.
We wrote much more about what characters and stories we might see on
) will fulfill that role. Jeph Loeb will also return as an executive producer.
“While previous commitments unfortunately prevent me from continuing on with
into its second season," DeKnight said in a statement, "I could not be happier that Doug Petrie and Marco Ramirez are carrying the torch. They were invaluable collaborators during our first season, and I for one can\'t wait to see what they do with the show moving forward."
The good news, though, is that we don\'t have to wait for the entire sequence of Marvel Netflix shows to run their course before we get more Daredevil. We can expect
season two in 2016. Along with this announcement, Marvel confirmed that we\'ll see
Despite initial rumors that Jason Statham was up for the role of Bullseye on 
 season 2, well...they aren\'t true. Whether the talks simply broke down or whether Statham (who hasn\'t had the kindest things to say about how Marvel handles action) was never really in the mix in the first place.
It\'s a shame, because he would have been perfect.
Daredevil Netflix Series: Marvel Universe Easter Eggs and Comic References Guide
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