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While the Princess Party line of DVD's had the goal of accompanying Дисней Princess-themed parties, the Princess Stories line has the much еще general purpose of serving as everyday entertainment for young girls everywhere. As a result, there's a significant dip in quality from the Party line to the Stories line. We're going to take and look and see just how bad that decline is!

DVD Content
Just like in my last review, I'll go over all of the categories of the DVD one at a time. But first, it's necessary to talk about the presentation. When Ты first pop in the disk, you're shown a young girl's bedroom from a first person point of view. The "main menu" is represented as a bulletin board in her room, and the menus for the various features are also shown as different parts of her room as we'll soon see. But the main attraction for this DVD gets the royal treatment:

 Menu for Story Selections
Menu for Story Selections

If Ты select "Story Selections" from the main menu, you'll get this screen, where Ты can manually choose which stories to watch and in which order. If Ты select "Play All" instead, you'll go through all of the stories in order. The major difference though is the presentation. "Play All" is recommended because you'll see extra Анимация of the jewelry box opening, the note from mom in front of it, and the four charms magically forming into a charm bracelet once you've seen all the stories. But no matter which option Ты go with, you'll see the Анимация of the charms opening and the princesses briefly introducing their stories, as well as saying goodbye once it's over. Ты view all of this from the perspective of the little girl in the room, so a child watching this would feel like these princesses are directly telling them the stories from their own bedroom.

Now let's talk about each of the stories and see how well they fit the DVD's theme, "A Gift from the Heart."

Wish Upon a Starfish (~21 mins)
 Ariel's Story
Ariel's Story
The розовый charm is for Ariel's story, which is an episode from The Little Mermaid TV show. In this episode, Ariel finds a figurine of a ballerina and wishes she had "two tails" so that she could dance like a human. Ariel sings a song about it, and then her and her Друзья meet a deaf mermaid named Gabriella and her interpreter, an octopus named Ollie. Gabriella sees Ariel Пение and wishes that she too could sing. Through her interpreter, Gabriella tells Ariel and her Друзья about a magical starfish that has the power to grant wishes. They all set out to find the starfish, facing some dangers along the way.
This episode has a good message. The twist at the end -- spoilers -- is that although the starfish tries to grant the mermaids' wishes, his magic doesn't seem to work anymore. Gabriella is upset that she won't be able to sing because she wanted to express herself, but Ariel explains that she already expresses herself beautifully. Gabriella then shows Ariel that she doesn't need human legs to dance, and the two proceed to dance together underwater. The moral is that Ты don't need magic to make your dreams come true, and it gets just enough focus in the last few минуты for it to stick in kids' minds. I think it fits the DVD's theme well too, since Ariel and Gabriella Показать each other how to get what they wish for as a result of their friendship.

The Big Surprise (< 5 mins)
 Belle's Story
Belle's Story

The golden charm is for Belle's story, which is actually not an excerpt from either of the sequels, but is instead еще like a slideshow. It's told in storybook format, with pages turning on the screen and text to follow along with. In this one, the beast has been locked away in his study for quite some time. Belle and Chip make him a wreath to cheer him up, but when they go to the study, they're unable to find him. Meanwhile, Lumiere and the beast are looking for Belle and are unable to find her, since she's wandering around the замок as well. They finally пересекать, крест paths; Belle presents the beast with the wreath and he immediately thanks her. He then gives her a storybook that he wrote, explaining that this was the reason he was in the study all that time. Belle is also thankful for her gift, realizing how special it is since it came from his heart.
It might sound like a charming story as it does fit the theme well, but unfortunately, the visual accompaniment is beyond cheap. Sometimes short clips from one of the sequels are shown, but most of the time, there are only stills on the screen. Whenever a detail is missing from the scene, like a character или item, they add Обои of the needed character или item. The art styles don't match though, so the Обои look like lazily tacked-on stickers! It is all voice acted thank god, but that's not enough to distract from the в общем и целом, общая shoddy quality.

The Избранное Gift (~6 mins)
 Cinderella's Story
Cinderella's Story
The blue charm is Cinderella's story. Sadly, this is of the same storybook format that The Big Surprise was. Here, Золушка doesn't know what to get the king for his birthday. She seeks help from her mice Друзья and the townspeople, but all the suggestions are for things he already has. At last, Cinderella's fairy godmother advises her to give him something from her heart. At the party, Золушка sings him a song that the fairy godmother apparently taught her. The king later reveals that of all the gifts he received, Cinderella's song was his favorite.
Again, it sounds like a charming story. And it's true that the visuals aren't as bad this time. They use clips from Золушка II, which had much better Анимация than Belle's Magical World, and also don't rely on those awful stickers. But there are still a few issues, the first being that the message is spoonfed to the viewer. When the king tells Золушка that her gift was his favorite, he says something like "While your gift was not the most expensive, it was priceless because it came from your heart." Honestly, I think they would have been better off if they cut that piece of dialogue and made the younger viewers actually think about why he liked it so much. But maybe this bit of dialogue was necessary because the song that she sings is "IF Ты CAN DREAM"! YES, the Дисней Princess theme of the time is what plays when Ты reach this part of the story! And it isn't even Cinderella's part of the song that plays here; it's the freaking chorus! I laughed so hard when I came across this. All I heard was this pop Музыка coming out of Cinderella's mouth and I was thinking "What?!!" XD
So Ты might have figured out what the секунда problem is! This one absurd detail completely takes me out of the story. I'm sorry, but when I hear pop Музыка playing when Золушка is supposed to be singing, I don't feel like anything is coming from her heart. And the best part is, her fairy godmother was supposedly the one who taught her this song! Is the fairy godmother like the genie, where she's suddenly aware of our universe? And does this mean that the other Дисней Princesses exist in Cinderella's universe? The Вопросы are endless!
Alright, alright. If I forget that song choice for a moment, I'd say that on the whole, this story's actually not that bad. The only issues are the spoonfed message and the very short running time, which Belle's story also suffered from.

Bad Mood Rising (~21 mins)
 Jasmine's Story
Jasmine's Story
The green charm is Jasmine's story, and it's an episode from her show, the Аладдин TV series. жасмин and Аладдин must visit kid ruler King Mamood of Korkistan(?). His mood actually affects the weather there, and as of late, he's been feeling down, resulting in poor weather conditions that prevent crops from growing. жасмин tells him a story to cheer him up, resulting in sunny weather, but he wants her to stay so that she can tell him a story everyday. She and Аладдин try to get away, but later жасмин agrees to stay with Mamood once it becomes clear that the people of Korkistan will suffer if she doesn't. Аладдин and Друзья must come up with a plan to sway the young king if they're going to get жасмин back.
This is another good story with a fitting message. Аладдин succeeds by -- spoiler alert -- requesting that he say goodbye to Jasmine. Seeing how much they Любовь each other, with some help from their friends, is what convinces King Mamood to free her. It actually puts him in a good mood. He quickly learns the benefit of doing nice things for others and sets out to perform good deeds. There were a few good comedic moments as well, so it's an all-around good choice of episode for this DVD.

 Menu for Bonus Features
Menu for Bonus Features

It's now time to look at the bonus features, and surprisingly, there aren't that many.

Magic Wand Play
Magic Wand Play is a lousy addition to the DVD. When Ты select this, Ты can view Belle and Cinderella's stories with a few small changes. The first change is that Ты now have the option to turn the page manually, but this is almost pointless because after Ты read a page, there isn't a pause; the story continues and turns the page automatically. The other feature is the ability to click on characters and hear their thoughts, but in both stories, there are only five instances where Ты can click on a character to do this. The worst part is that these extra thoughts add nothing to the story, with maybe one exception. In Belle's story, Ты can click on the beast and hear him say that Письмо Belle a storybook made him feel good inside. That does enhance the message, but everything else sounds like deleted dialogue that was thrown back in as a supposed "bonus feature." Don't bother to check this out (not that I thought Ты ever would!).

Princess Craft Time -- Charm Bracelet (~4 mins)
This is a video tutorial, following six young girls as they create charm bracelets, similar to the one shown after viewing all four stories. They're guided by an unseen narrator. (According to the DVD guide, it's Cinderella's fairy godmother.) The girls have to act a little, and they're not great at the start of the video, but once they're making bracelets, they're perfectly fine. They seem to have a lot of fun while making them, so their happiness throughout the video is pretty genuine. Ты can choose to either play the video all the way through или go step by step, so if Ты wanted to make a bracelet, that option would come in handy.
One side note: As Ты can see from the screencap, the girls are all dressed as Дисней Princesses. I like that not all of them were дана the princess they look the most like. They got a blonde girl to dress up as Belle, an Asian girl for Ariel -- it's just nice to see that they changed it up a little.

"If Ты Can Dream" Музыка Video
As I сказал(-а) in my review of the Princess Party Volume One disk, this song features all eight princesses. The voice Актрисы for the Renaissance girls all reprise their roles here. Everyone gets their own specific lyrics, but they all come together for the chorus. It has a magical kind of feel that matches the presentation of the DVD perfectly, so it makes sense to have this as a feature.

How To Be a Princess
This is the closest thing there is to a game on the entire DVD. Ты answer six multiple-choice Вопросы that all ask "what should Ты do" in certain situations. Most of them deal with manners, but some are a bit еще intuitive. For example, the first Вопрос explains a situation with Cinderella. She received a gift from a friend, and although she thanked her on the spot, Золушка still wonders if she should also send a thank-you card. When Ты select an answer, the fairy godmother tells Ты whether или not Ты answered the Вопрос correctly and then explains the reasoning behind the correct answer. These Вопросы stuck with me as a kid, so I'll definitely say it makes a good addition to the DVD.

There are just a few more, very short sections to go over!

 Menu for Magic Wand Play
Menu for Magic Wand Play

The wand is a shortcut to the menu for Magic Wand Play, but Ты can also get here from Bonus Features. Ты can either play both of the stories back-to-back или separately.

 Menu for Set Up
Menu for Set Up

In Set Up, Ты can change the language to either English или French. Subtitles are offered, but only in English.

 Menu for Sneak Peaks
Menu for Sneak Peaks

Sneak Peaks gives Ты access to the trailers and promos that play when Ты first insert the DVD.

Now that we've gone over the content, we can assess the в общем и целом, общая quality of the disk.
The stories are the main draw to this DVD, but on the whole, they're okay at best. The two TV episodes are the highest quality stories, but even then, Ты can quickly tell that they were borrowed from existing media and not made specially for the disk. The two storybook-style stories are much shorter and simply not up to par with the quality of the episodes. They're both very short, averaging just five минуты in length, and can appear very lazy. All of the stories have good messages and nice introductions, but they do not make this disk worth the purchase because the technical quality is rather low and the total runtime is only about one hour.
And unfortunately, the bonus features do not save the DVD. Magic Wand Play is in fact not magical and was put together very hastily. The other features are much better, though. The Princess Craft Time spot is perfectly fine and gives viewers directions for a pretty fun activity; the "If Ты Can Dream" Музыка video is of good quality and can easily be enjoyed by young girls; and How to Be a Princess is good for those young girls who enjoy taking princess-related Тесты and tests. Three out of four for the bonus features isn't bad, but they're not enough of a draw to make the DVD worth purchasing. The charm bracelet activity is fine, but Ты could probably find similar craft activities elsewhere. The Музыка video is also fine, but it can be found on other, в общем и целом, общая higher-quality Дисней Princess disks. And the princess Тест simply isn't long enough или fun enough to make this DVD even worth glancing at.
As Ты can tell, my в общем и целом, общая recommendation is to just stay away from this one. The stories are collectively pretty lacking, and the bonus features don't offer enough to salvage this volume of the Princess Stories line.

I also wanted to discuss how well this disk holds up, but...you probably already know the answer to that one. The Анимация of the two episodes is less forgivable now than it was in 2004 (when this came out), as is the quality of the slideshow stories. The bonus features for the most part are fine, but far too little in number. And because there are only four princess stories, half the members of the lineup at the time were practically excluded from the disk. Aurora and Мулан get their own Вопросы in How To Be a Princess, but Snow White and Pocahontas don't appear anywhere else aside from the Музыка video. As a result, this disk lacks the potential saving grace of at least featuring most of the princesses. If Ты have a younger female relative and can find this DVD for less than $3, it might be worth a purchase, but anything еще and you'll likely find this a waste of money.

And that brings us to the end of the review! Thanks so much for your time, and I hope Ты enjoyed reading. Have Ты ever looked at this DVD или are Ты just now hearing about it? Whatever the case is, feel free to share или just Комментарий down below!
 And it had such a nice cover!
And it had such a nice cover!
posted by Queenofpink
 Boring and Too Short
Boring and Too Short
The Дисней Princesses have the most amazing hair, like ever in my opinion anyways, though some еще so than others. So here's my Список starting at the bottom.
13. Snow White
Sorry Snow White but your hair is just boring. It's super short and I've just never been a Фан of short hair. I like that it's curly but that's pretty much it.

12. Tiana
Her hair is really only slightly еще interesting than Snow White's.I hate that she only wears it in a bun through out the entire movie, I wish she would wear it down. I like her curls though, they are cute.

11. Cinderella
I find her hair pretty bland as...
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A couple months back, I gave my past view on FROZEN. Now, here's my current view.

First of all, I've decided that I'm going to see the movie. I realized how good it might be. I've told my mom about it and she сказал(-а) it sounded interesting. I think it comes out on Thanksgiving. I might not be able to see it on Thanksgiving, but I will definitely go see it then tell Ты guys about it! I hope Ты guys like the movie as well! Now, onto Elsa.

At first, I wasn't sure about another DP joining, but now, I'm slowly starting to accept that. And to be honest with y'all, I like HER better than Anna! Maybe...
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 The faces you've probably been making throughout my entire countdown...
The faces you've probably been making throughout my entire countdown...
OMG, this is THE most useless, boring and tacky countdown ever done on Fanpop. But I'm still finishing this because I spent a lot of time doing it. Anyway, this is the result of my Best Дисней Princess Outfit Countdown. What I did was I first did Опросы to find the best 2 outfits from each DP. Then, I put them all together and did elimination. Since there were only 22 outfits at the start of the elimination rounds, I am only putting the places 22-1 in this countdown.

#22- Cinderella's Servant Outfit
Now, I was surprised this went so soon. I thought that people would get rid of some other dresses...
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 try to be pretty
try to be pretty
So I had boring time in my hands and it turns out as making finally my prettiest DP list. I think all DPs are pretty and so my Список has always been just big mess and I have never really made clear Список before. I'm not brilliant beauty reviewer and it's often hard to explain why someone is prettier than other. DPs case drawing also influenced my choices, I think it was quite good measure when I wasn't sure about order. When I draw it's easier to compare different features and normally it's also еще fun to draw beautiful characters.
I also have one request, I'll soon write english in high school...
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Hi. I'm new here and since everyone was doing this Список I decided to give it a try too. :) Thanks for letting me share this with you. :3

Okay then, number 10. Is Анастасия (Anastasia)
I have to admit she looks a little bit older than 18. Her appearance is a little plain, but still I like her fiery character and hair.

9. Is Ariel (Disney's The Little Mermaid, really sorry, guys) And she wouldn't even be on this Список if it weren't for her looks. I've always liked mermaids. (When I was little I pretended to be one) and she has lovely hair and an adorable face, but to me, she's just too perky, childish...
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Wow, it's taken me forever to write this but I've finally finished it! This was one of the most difficult lists I've ever written because I find all of the princesses very pretty. Let's just establish that right now - none of the princesses are unattractive, so please don't be offended if I say there's a certain aspect about one of them that I don't like. Enjoy!

11. Jasmine
People have сказал(-а) it before, and I’ll say it again: жасмин looks a bit like an alien. It’s her eyes. They get to me. They’re too slanted and the eyelashes seem weird. On вверх of this, her body is incredibly unrealistic....
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posted by dclairmont
 CELINE! Ты will rue the day!
CELINE! You will rue the day!
I was young, I was beautiful, I was hot, but then I was not. But with the sound of song and the touch of hair my beauty was renewed. I was renewed, I was young, I was hot, I was Mother Gothel. Cut! Those weren't your lines! Mother Gothel, this movie is about Rapunzel not you! Okay, directors, let's get one thing straight, I'm running this show! I need to be everyone's Избранное character, and I can't be the best villain without a back story. So, let me talk, или else.... Okay, okay, sheesh. As I was saying that цветок was my savior. My Избранное possession. My everything. I needed that flower,...
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I Любовь some of the DP songs,so I decided to share it with Ты all guys.Please don't give rude comments,its my opinion.And Ты know,choices always differ from person to person ;)

 ♫ #10-Once Upon A Dream (Sleeping Beauty) ♫
♫ #10-Once Upon A Dream (Sleeping Beauty) ♫
♫ #10.Once upon a Dream (The Sleeping Beauty) ♫

Disney Princess Starred in the Song-Aurora


♫ [Briar Rose:]
I wonder, I wonder,
I wonder why each little bird has a someone
To sing to, sweet things to,
A gay little Любовь melody

I wonder, I wonder,
I wonder if my сердце keeps singing,
Will my song go winging
To someone, who'll find me
And bring back a Любовь song to me.

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 Enjoy this Статья или stare at my eyes forever, mwahhahahaha
Enjoy this article or stare at my eyes forever, mwahhahahaha
It's been almost two months since I joined this club and wrote my first article, based on my Список of Избранное Дисней Princesses and boy has my Список changed. First, this is my opinion's and I know they're not that popular, but try to respect them, and two, I Любовь all the princesses, so even number 11 has a special place in my heart. Anyway let's get started.

11. Merida

Sigh, I honestly don't want to put Merida here, because I Любовь her so much. Sadly, I just can't put her any higher. I actually really like her spunky personality and her Любовь for her family. I find her relationship with her dad...
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I have been here for a few months, and I noticed that I did not post my opinion of the weakest to strongest DP Film. Since it would not be fair to put all of these films together (as they were made in different times), I will do it in eras. The Disney/Pixar Merger Era is where Дисней bought Pixar after their contract expired, and WDAS was slowly returning to their former glory, while Pixar was slowly losing their impact as the best animated company, as WDAS, DreamWorks, Blue Sky and others became big competition. The Фильмы that are in this era that I will be covering are The Princess and the...
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I've been listening to this album a lot of times and it's possibly my Избранное album of all time, pretty much all the songs are just amazing and something I noticed in all the songs (and scores since a couple of the tracks are only music) except 2 is that they could suit each one of the princesses so I decided to write an Статья about which one of the 11 songs that Форс-мажоры each princess the best. I will of course post Ссылки to each song so that Ты can listen to them, anyway let's get started :)

Snow White: Ghost River

Well first of all her name is mentioned in the song and her life...
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 Дисней Princesses
Disney Princesses
Hi! Here is my current Дисней Princess Список so I hope you'll like it! Let's begin with the bottom ranks...

11. Snow White
I do not hate Snow White but I also do not Любовь her that much! I hate her voice and her eyes. Yet, I Любовь her optimism! Even if how bad is happening to her she stays cheerful, and it is her best trait! She is also very caring and kind! I Любовь her but I prefer the other princesses more!

10. Aurora
Aurora is very gorgeous! But the lack of her screentime really affects my impression on her! I know that she has personality, but I do not find her interesting!...
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posted by LupinPrincess
People seem to either hate characters that are full of flaws (ariel merida) или hate characters that are too perfect (Cinderella, belle)

I feel like this has to do with how the princess reflects on ourselves...even if we hate to admit it

we like flawed characters cuz they have similar flaws to ourselves, the are еще human...or we like perfection to look up to as a role model...

или we hate flaws and act like critics, wanting the princesses to be better, или we hate perfection because we feel undermined cuz we don't meet the same standard или maybe because it's un realistic

What kind of princess do Ты like more?
A girl that deals with the bad inside herself and learns by the end of the movie...or
a girl that is almost perfect that deals with the bad around them instead?

Very interesting stuff....

Any thoughts?
So Мулан is my Избранное Дисней Princess movie but this is not about which movie I like more. It's about which movie is better objectively, I will try my best. I'm not going to nitpick every single little details because let's face it, no movie is really perfect. Besides, I hate going on and on because I'd rather cut to the chase. I'd Любовь to read your agreements или disagreements.

 10. Pocahontas
10. Pocahontas

The film had a lot of potential, shame it did not live up to most people's expectations. I absolutely Любовь the Анимация and score. But aside from those things, a lot of stuff happened out of nowhere....
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posted by BookWorm26
Chapter 1
It was an ideal place to have a picnic, go swimming, или eat an ice cream in North Carolina, but not such a good time for Emily Grimm. Sure she was going to spend the rest of her summer vacation in North Carolina with her crazy grandmother, but she wanted to go on the four week cruise with her family.

"Emily, I know that Ты don't want to be here, but it might be funnier than a cruise,"Her Dad said.

"Ya right!,"Emily muttered.

The car pulled up to a brick house. The driveway was neat, but there were no cars. Along the driveway there were irises and Розы that were in different colors....
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 10th Place
10th Place
Formal dress for this countdown are Princess dresses или honourable engagement dresses in Mulan's case that are worn for celebrations, royal visits, formal evening meals and simply as fancy attire to wear in the замок during the day

Ball Gowns, Everday oufits, Work outfits, Costumes, Home-made Gowns and Wedding Dresses haven't been included.

However if Ты would like to read about my favourite ball gowns please go to this link: link

10) Cinderella's Return to the Palace Dress

This one is dull. Although it seems softly pretty when she's in the carriage. Outside the carriage it looks horrible.

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Hi thanks for checking out my Статья i hope Ты enjoy it! Before I get started I just wanted to say that these are not ranked on which ones i liked best.

Snow White
My Избранное part in Snow White would be where the prince finds Snow White lying in her glass coffin and goes and leans down and gives her a kiss, and then after she wakes up he scopes her up and they go and live happily ever after, this part leaves me all tingly inside(:

My Избранное part in Золушка would be where she is Пение "a dream is a wish your сердце makes" and all the Животные are all chirping and the mice...
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Author’s Note: Hey Fanpop fans!
Here is another part of my Фан fiction “Disney Princess Awards”. I know, it took time to do it! I tried to do it еще interesting. I want to tell Ты that this part is a little long and еще romantic. I am sorry, but I Любовь romantic parts. I want to clarify that to me, Золушка is the leader of the Дисней Princesses. I know that some disagree, but I Любовь the idea of Золушка of been the leader. I hope that Ты like this part. Have suggestions? Please feel free to add in the comments. Please, write some comments, I want to know your opinions. Enjoy it!...
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 For credit check Part 1 of Aurora's story found in Princesses Switching Places: Aurora and жасмин Part 1
For credit check Part 1 of Aurora's story found in Princesses Switching Places: Aurora and Jasmine Part 1
Aurora's Story Part 2:
Aurora had enjoyed the night, it had been a wonderful ride to a new world she had never seen before. She couldn't hide her feelings not even when her father came into her room to tell her that she was going to marry Jafar because Аладдин had died, but that wasn't true because suddenly Aurora spotted him and was so overwhelmed over his return that she quickly ran to him and gave him a hug.

Her father was so happy over his daughter's choice that he letted the guards take away Jafar

Aurora looked at Aladdin, both of them smiled over the Sultan's decision, now nothing would...
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My little sister, she's nine years old, is really into Дисней Princess and she's been bugging to me let her do this all week. So If Ты want to see a child's perspective of the princesses, here Ты go. My Письмо is plain, her's is in bold.

10.Snow White
She's my #10 because her voice is very annoying. And I think she's really dumb but still think she's interesting.

Aurora is this low because half of the movie she is sleeping but she is still very pretty and charming.

Cindrella is my #8 because she stays with her step family even when they treat her like crap.

I really...
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