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Here is the Список of fanpop's Избранное princesses. I decided to omit the Список of usernames and where the princesses are ranked, because I find it to be indulgent and cluttered. I will instead link the Опрос where I asked everyone's Избранное princess: link

Disclaimer: If Ты see me quote myself, it's because I didn't have a sufficient quote on either the positive или negative side for that particular princess. Also, I simply picked Цитаты I thought were the best at summarizing the pros/cons of each princess, so some people may Показать up twice. I did try to diversify the user quotes, though.

11. Merida

Bringing up the rear to the surprise of no one is Disney's newest Дисней Princess. Often labeled the anti-princess, Merida's singular moment that drops her like an anchor to the bottom of a lot of lists is her perceived cold and careless attitude when it came to feeding her mom the magic cake. Others admire her refusal to get married even with the threat of political violence and argue that she does mature and learn to be еще humble.

"I Любовь Merida for a lot of the same reasons I Любовь Ariel. She's active. She takes her life into her own hands. She isn't afraid to be selfish. Watching her on screen makes me smile and laugh, and gives me the strong desire to go "let my hair flow in the wind as I ride through the glen, firing arrows into the sunset!" The thing that really pushes her to be a step above Ariel, though, is that I feel she actually learns from her mistakes and grows into a еще mature person by the end of the film. Compromise and listening to others is important, and I feel that these are lessons she learns in the end. She was on the verge of agreeing to the marriage until Elinor stopped her, and her tearful, heartwrenching apology to Elinor is an exceptionally moving scene where she fully acknowledges and takes responsibility for all her mistakes. "- MaidofOrleans

"While oppressing someone through a marriage tradition is bad ( Jasmine's case), going the route of "manipulating someone else's free will" is simply crossing the line for me. Ты can curse yourself, like Ariel did, in order to obtain what Ты want. But then the onus is on Ты for the fallout. Ariel certainly apologizes really well, and cleans up her mess. But going further than cursing yourself, and attempting to manipulate your parent because Ты can't make your own decisions? Nope. That's just wrong in lots of ways" -wavesurf

10. Aurora

As I did on my personal Избранное princess list, I can sum this up succinctly- Either Ты think Aurora is simply a plot device who may be charming but has little depth and that people stretch their imaginations to give her character, или Ты think she has еще personality than she is дана credit for and it's about looking at the nuances of her persona.

"Aurora is gorgeous. She is the classic fairytale princess. Ethereal voice when she speaks. Romantic, dreamy but secretly clever. As she knew the Феи where upto something when she left the cottage and she briefly broke the hypnosis and took control. She becomes еще mature in Keys to the Kingdom. I like Aurora's striking eyes, hair and triangular princess dress. I like her how mysterious she is."-PrincessAyeka12

"A charming enough character who is pleasant to watch, but also lacks depth and development. I prefer heroines who I can look up to in some way, and unfortunately I cannot find anything about Aurora which I look up to, particularly as I have never thought of her return to the замок as an act of nobility или self-sacrifice. " -JungleQueen13

9. Rapunzel

This was a shocking rank drop, because on the last избранное Список Rapunzel landed at #2. Her detractors say that her personality is almost insufferably endearing- the girl can do no wrong and even her flaws are displayed as adorable. However, those who have lived in abusive and restrictive households relate to her nervous and indecisive personality and call her very admirable.

"She is very beautiful and has one of the best personalities. She is one of the kindest princesses, she is very innocent, creative and multi-talented. I Любовь that she is one of few Дисней ingenues with green eyes. She is an awesome role model and one of the most admirable princesses. I wish my personality was еще similiar to hers." - Adelital

"She's too perfect. Just like Belle everything that could be criticized has a balanced off with her. Like "she ran away with a thief" yet she debates with herself over and over whether it's okay that she did that and she's just naive. None of her flaws are really flaws, she takes attributes from both sides of each coin so no one can say she's one way или the other. That или everything she does has some sort of justifiable excuse like "she was tricked" and "she's just too nice.". " -MissCinico


When I first started tallying up the votes, жасмин was in the вверх 3. However, as еще and еще people прокомментировал(-а) their lists, Jasmine's points ranked higher and higher. However- I would like to note that these Далее 3 princesses all ranked within literal points of each other, I'm talking 1 или 2 points. жасмин is only 3 points behind the #6 princess.
Most Комментарии on жасмин just seem to view her from two different sides of the same coin- while some Любовь her verbal wit and defiance as well as her refusal to be married to someone she doesn't love, others say she is rude, spoiled, and talks then talk of independence and resilience better than she walks the walk.

"She's my Избранное Дисней Princess, so I absolutely Любовь her. I used to have mixed feelings on her because frankly she never took any diplomatic action against what was bothering her, but жасмин is lovely. She wanted a different life so she ran away, but did so with a kind goodbye and a determination to make things better for her. She's always kind hearted and when she gets in trouble for being naive it's presented as a flaw that she wants to change herself, she doesn't want to be this clueless naive girl, which is why she runs away in the first place. Ultimately she returns to the life she swore she hated, because I think she realizes she can't really handle it, she's aware that her running away had the potential to hurt other people (when she thinks Аладдин has been beheaded) and doesn't go out again despite her own wishes to do so. I Любовь her sass and how even if she has this predetermined attitude for her suitors she can always Переместить past those notions. She's clever, bold, outspoken, and ultimately kind and selfless when it comes to the things that matter. " -MissCinico

" ..As soon as Аладдин is captured and she returns to try and save his life, she just... falls flat for me. She stands up for herself with her words, but not with her actions. I Любовь how sassy and sultry she is, but her inability to act on her threats keeps her pretty low on my list. "-MaidofOrleans

7.Snow White

Simply, Snow White's Фаны Любовь her positive outlook on life and the way she makes the best out of a bad situation. Her critics call her dated and too obsessed with finding a prince.

"Snow White is perfect! Well, no she has her flaws. But I have so much respect for her. Part of that is for sentimental reasons. That aside, Snow is the only princess seen praying. Considering that she had someone out to get her to kill her, and she still prayed shows that she has a strong faith which goes a long way. Holding onto your faith no matter how bad it gets is admirable especially because that can be so hard to do. I've Остаться в живых my faith еще then a few times, so for me, Snow is someone to look up to. "

"Snow White is unfortunately very dated and her endless optimistic attitude, while not unrealistic, is displayed with very little depth and she never overcomes other emotions to get there. She displays the trope and idealism of women being the nurturers who immediately cook, clean, and fix any domain they enter as well as the men who reside there."-princesslullaby

6. Tiana

(Again, Tiana, Snow White and жасмин were all points apart, like 1-2 points)
Tiana is seen as very admirable and a clutch in the Дисней Princess lineup because of her actively going after a career and dispelling the need for wishing on a star, an idealism Дисней has built their entire business on. She's a breakthrough in racial barriers and teaches the viewer that working hard for your goal is just as important as believing in yourself. Her disparagers, however, criticize her uppity and condescending attitude, citing her as mean, self-righteous, and judgmental. They have pointed out that she insults others dreams if they think differently than her and that she can actually be a bit flat in the секунда half of the movie.

" Like Ariel, Elsa and Merida, she has a very realistic personality with her flaws and qualities (which makes her loved by some and hated by others than those mentioned above). And for that, I Любовь her. Its strengths: to seek autonomy through work (which breaks down gender stereotypes of women who prefer to depend on male money), has her vulnerabilities (which makes her pessimistic many times), but does not let that define her as in that scene with the Facilier in which she refused to have an easier life (and with tricks) preferring like her father, to win her dreams in an honest way even being the most difficult. Another positive point (which again breaks with gender stereotypes) is the fact that she fell in Любовь with Naveen for who he is and not for his money (although at the time he was technically bankrupt because his parents had cut expenses). "- missdoney

"I don't like Tiana for many of the same reasons that I don't like Belle. Tiana spends her time launching into self-righteous songs (Almost There) where she defends her own point of view by putting down others whom she claims "are taking the easy way." Tiana has almost no empathy when she is angry, and gives луч, рэй a blistering put-down about his Любовь life. Tiana works hard, but I just wish Tiana had a nicer personality. Unfortunately, her nitpicking just angers me to the point where I totally skip dealing with her."- wavesurf

5. Ariel

This princess may be the most polarizing of all so her spot at the bottom of the вверх 5 is perfect. Ariel had by far the most first place rankings in the polls, but her секунда most common ranking was last place. Ariel really knows how to tear Fanpop apart. Villified for Актёрское искусство selfishly and recklessly and putting Atlantica in danger, people dislike Ariel's irresponsible actions. Those who do Любовь her adore her determination, grit, and realistic personality and find inspiration in how hard she works for her dreams.

"As others have already mentioned, Ariel is one of the most flawed characters in the lineup, and this is precisely why I adore her. She's very realistic and relatable, and far еще feminist than most people give her credit for. She's one of the only princesses who actively pursues her Любовь interest, rather than being the passive character who is being pursued. She is not afraid to put her needs before the needs of others. She makes mistakes. Nothing will stand in her way."-MaidofOrleans

"But unfortunately her flaws just made me not like her much. She was being irresponsible, ignorant (to listen her father's reason why she wasn't allowed to stays near human world), and she was very reckless to give her voice to Ursula (still don't get how she trust Ursula but not with her father или Sebastian). She never think about the consequence of her actions. And she seems never learn from her wrong decisions. She only cares to her self and her dreams. "- Sparklefairy375


I am honestly truly shocked she made it this high. This has never happened before in countdowns. While people in general seem to admire Pocahontas for her inner strength, bravery, resolve, and sense of adventure, most people who have her in the bottom fairly put her there because of her being a total desecration to the real person she is based off of.

"She's a wonderful character, but a sham when it comes to the historical implications. I really just wish they didn't connect this character/story to history... I feel like she should be able to make еще of her own choices though, I feel like with all her contemplation she should go with her own resolve, but she's almost always influenced by other people.- MaidofOrleans

"I find Pocahontas to be a likeable character because she has a great personality - fun, mischievous and daring at the best of times, while also displaying compassion and respect - and the way she deals with life's problems is incredibly realistic and relatable. She doesn't have the ability to jump up suddenly with the right solution in her head, she needs to take time to think things through just like the average person, and this makes it еще rewarding to watch her as she overcomes her struggles.
But that's only establishing why I really like her. The reason why I Любовь her is because of the inner strength she shows. I Любовь that she is willing to accept others despite their differences, that she was finally able to save John Smith in an act of courage despite her doubts, and that she made the difficult decision to remain with her people and help establish peace while John Smith returned to England. She really is an amazing character, and one who I find helps to give me courage when I myself am faced with difficult decisions. "
- JungleQueen13


A classic princess in the вверх 3!!
Золушка is seen as kind, caring, humble, and patient. She keeps her faith through her abusive situation and has a subtle sense of humor. I didn't see any Комментарии against her, only people pointing out that they prefer еще verbally outspoken princesses and that they just didn't relate to Cinderella's reserved nature.

"Cinderella has so many good virtues. She's extraordinarily strong, emotionally and mentally. She'd been under her step-family abuses for years and yet still very kind and very compassionate to every creature. She never sink to the same level as her step-family and is very patient, considerate and delicate. I Любовь how she always believe in her dreams and never give up hope. She did her best when she had the chance to go to the ball. She chased the opportunity. Prince charming didn’t come to her, Золушка went to find him. "- Urukyu

"Cinderella still is way too reserved for me and in fact I find her resilience even еще unrealistic than Snow White. She's almost ethereally calm at all times and perfectly graceful; she never ever ever loses her cool или her poise, even after the stepsisters rip her dress, she almost poses running off and crying on the bench. On вверх of that, I have nothing against her, but I don't really have any connection to her."-princesslullaby


No stranger to the вверх 3, Belle is lauded as one of the most relatable Дисней princesses. She is self-sacrificing, generous, compassionate, and refuses to settle for the boorish guy in town who wants her. She expects еще out of the world around her and out of herself. Those who criticize Belle find her to be condescending to her "provincial" town, lacking ambition, and cookie-cutter.

"Like Ariel, she's one of the few old princesses that I love. Her strengths are to seek to be autonomous regardless of the village's expectations about a woman, whether to value herself as a woman (when she refused the request of the sexist Gaston who downgraded women and everyone he considers inferior или when she imposed herself instead of submitting to the bad treatments of the Beast), Храбрая сердцем (she faced up to the Beast to free her father and the village that wanted to kill the Beast), she is intelligent and determined (desire for change and fight for what she believes), selfless and self confident"-missdoney

"I just think the screenwriting by Linda Woolverton made Belle into a really bland female, who had very little agency, and could only perform "stand up to angry men" in terms of a plotline. Belle became dull within five минуты of me watching her, and I was only eleven years old back then, when she first graced the screen. The criticism from Jeffery Katzenberg directed at Ariel ( and his promotion of Belle back in the day) made me loathe Shrek's Fiona, in ways that I cannot express. (Fiona is Belle all over again, only Dreamworks version). So, while Belle is legendary to most everyone, she is a Источник of annoyance to me. In my opinion, Belle gets praise she doesn't deserve, because she was created as "an audience satisfaction tool," and she never really has broken out of that mold. Inwardly, I shrug at her adoration. "-wavesurf


I think we all know why Мулан is in first place, and it's almost redundant at this point to put a Описание as to why she is first. I'll let the Комментарии speak for themselves.

"Mulan is a tough, strong woman both physically and emotionally, and fearless. I Любовь how she has the most development, from a clumsy, doubtful person to the Храбрая сердцем and heroic one. She was loyal and cares with her family." -Sparklefairy375

"When I first joined Fanpop many years ago, I didn't really like Mulan. I was confused as to why she was a part of the Дисней Princess Lineup, while not being a princess или marrying a prince. I even made a Опрос about it. Boy, has time changed! Now I adore Mulan, I think she's a great role model! Quick-thinking, not without humor and she cares deeply for the people closest to her heart!"- PrueFever

"What i like most about Мулан is she is not one to give up quickly. She's family oriented, selfless and respectful towards her parents. She tried her hardest, her best, on everything even when she doesn't like it. She's responsible and brave, humble, a quick thinker and funny. She's also relatable. Not everyone was born knowing what they want to do with their lives. Мулан represented an awkward, ordinary girl who during spectacles matures and become a better person.
I don't like Мулан because she saved China and everyone else, I liked her because she choose to do that despite all the risks, out of her selflessness and kindness and the genuine feeling of want to make her parents proud of her. It's not her duty или even her dream, but she did it anyway. She put others well being above herself and not self-centered at all. She's quite the role model. "

"She completely knocked my socks off when she showed up in 1998. I've loved Мулан ever since. I'm glad she brings a different "tone" to the lineup, and takes the emphasis off of constantly pursuing dreams. I also Любовь her humility and her knowledge of herself. Мулан didn't want glory, power, and prestige. What she really wanted was to prove herself enough to escape her own self-hatred. And she accomplished that in the most heartwarming way.. "-wavesurf

I would consider this a Список of fanpop's least disliked princesses.

If we rank instead the princesses by how often they appear in first place, it would go like this, in 2 parts:

1. Ariel, with 6 first place placements. However, her секунда most often ranking was 11th, last place, with 5 spots. I think this proves just how polarizing she is.
2.Jasmine with 4 first place placements. Her most common placement was 8th place (5).
3. Belle, with 3 first place placements. Her most common placement was 2nd place.
4-7. A four way tie between Mulan, Snow White, and Pocahontas, and Rapunzel. Мулан & Snow White's most common placement was 6th place. Rapunzel's most common placement was a 3 way tie between 8th, 9th, and 11th. Pocahontas' most common placement was 5th place. Absolutely no one put Мулан last, although someone did put her at #10.
Of these, I would say the order is Mulan, Pocahontas, Snow White, and Rapunzel. Although Pocahontas' most common placement was 5th and Mulan's was 6th, Мулан was never last and was еще often in people's вверх 3 than Pocahontas was.
8-9. A tie between Tiana and Cinderella. Tiana's most common placement was 3rd place, while Cinderella's most common was 2nd place. I would put Золушка in front of Tiana.
10-11. Aurora & Merida did not rank first in anyone's placements. Aurora's most common ranking was 7th place, whereas Merida's most common ranking was 11th place, dead last.

Using the lists and the common placements, I think we can come up with a Избранное princess lists. I would put Belle first because she is the only princess who is in the вверх 3 in both, and Мулан second. I would put Aurora & Merida as the bottom two. Between that is up to Ты guys, but I would put Ariel and Золушка towards the вверх (while Ariel is polarizing, she does have the largest number of Фаны on the site) and put Rapunzel and Snow White towards the bottom, with Tiana, Pocahontas, and жасмин ranking somewhere in the middle.

I think I would consider the Список something like this: Belle, Mulan, Ariel, Cinderella, Jasmine, Pocahontas, Tiana, Rapunzel, Snow White, Aurora, Merida.

But I could even switch some of those around!

added by dclairmont
Source: http://princessesandbutts.tumblr.com/post/67903284292/walts-princesses-renaissance-princesses
added by mhs1025
Source: Дисней screencaps
added by mhs1025
Source: DP wikia
added by sweetie-94
Source: sweetie-94
added by colorfulghost
Source: http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=109322
added by VGfan30
Source: http://www.khinsider.com/kingdom-hearts-x/cards
added by mhs1025
Source: Дисней screencaps
added by dclairmont
Source: tumblr
added by CyberFive
Source: The Little Mermaid's Facebook Page
added by mhs1025
Source: Дисней screencaps
added by LupinPrincess
Source: Дисней
added by sweetie-94
added by princess-palak
added by AudreyFreak
Source: tumblr.com
added by jainabieber7
Source: jainabieber7
added by sweetie-94
Source: sweetie-94