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posted by BB2010
Here's the final article! I got to say, I'm kinda bummed that not a lot of people participated in this but it is what it is :)

Favorite Aladdin
O 5
R 1
O and R 1

Personally, I thought Mena did a great job for the most part, but Аладдин was changed from being a confident smooth talker to a socially awkward dork (and I mean dork in a nice way). The original Аладдин had a couple awkward moments where he stumbled over the right words или сказал(-а) the wrong thing but they barely happened. Remake Аладдин suddenly became incredibly awkward at the drop of the hat at one point in the movie. Some people probably didn't mind that but it bothered a lot of fans.

Favorite Jasmine
O 2
R 3
O and R 2

Both versions of жасмин were great on their own but comparing the two together it's understandable why some people didn't like the new жасмин as much as the old one. The original жасмин didn't have as much screentime as Аладдин but she left a huge impact on little girls everywhere with her fiery spirit and her infamous quote, "I am not a prize to be won!" Remake жасмин had еще screentime just she didn't have as much spitfire as the original жасмин did. One user even сказал(-а) that they didn't like that жасмин became a "power-hungry politician". Naomi still did an amazing job as Jasmine, especially with the song Speechless. In the end, remake wins this one.

Favorite Animal Sidekicks (Rajah, Iago, Abu)
O 5
Rajah Remake 1
Abu Remake 1
Iago Original 1

The remake sidekicks, mostly Abu and Iago, weren't as funny или animated as the original. Remake Abu acted еще like a monkey and remake Iago acted a little еще like the попугай original Iago pretended to be, only smarter obviously. The remake sidekicks weren't too bad, they just can't beat the original

Favorite Genie
O 5
O and R 2

No one could ever replace Robin Williams as Genie in our hearts, not Dan Castellaneta или Will Smith. Will Smith is no Robin Williams but he made remake Genie his own without being disrespectful and he made the audience laugh with his own jokes instead of just copying Robin. Original Genie won our hearts with jokes some of us still reference to this день and his impressions of celebrities, while dated, are still memorable. Remake Genie didn't do impressions but he was still funny even if some of them aren't as quotable worthy as the original Genie (my personal избранное are "In ten thousand years, I have never been so embarrassed." and A: She's a princess G: Awe, aren't they all?)

Favorite Carpet
O 6
R 1

Like the animal sidekicks, remake Carpet wasn't as animated as original carpet. To be honest, the only thing I remember about remake carpet before the climax is just it making sandcastles and even doing the classic Дисней замок logo complete with "fairy dust" over it.

Favorite Jafar
O 6
O and R 1

Original Jafar was a scary villain even when he was so calm and collected, he had the right look and the right voice. Remake Jafar didn't give that impression, especially when he almost Остаться в живых his cool at the party. A lot of people had a hard time seeing remake Jafar as an actual threat and thought he was miscast. However, a lot of people did like his new backstory that he was a thief in the past who aimed higher. Some people didn't like it as much, saying it was еще of a lame rags to riches story.

Favorite Sultan
O 5
R 2

Like Maurice, Sultan was originally a comic relief dad who was then changed to be a еще taken-to-be-seriously dad. Some people probably prefer the seriousness over the silly and vice versa.

Favorite Cave of Wonders
O 7

Inside and outside the original Cave of Wonders is an iconic character and scene with the infamous quote "Who disturbs my slumber?" In the remake the Cave of Wonders looks еще like a cheap park attraction, it's mouth only moving to eat someone and even that wasn't too impressive and the inside was dark with only bits of treasure scattered around instead of being in huge piles. My husband сказал(-а) it reminded him of the Isla de Muerta cave in the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie and now I can't unsee it.

Favorite Arabian Nights
O 3
R 3
O and R 1

Two users who voted original/remake сказал(-а) that the "original/remake is еще powerful" and one wasn't a Фан of the changed lyrics and сказал(-а) the remake didn't pack the same punch. They're both good songs, some of the remake's changed lyrics helped the song be еще acceptable compared to the original (anyone remember the original lyric in the original Arabian Nights before they changed the lyric the first time?). There's just a lot of mixed Просмотры for this one.

Favorite One Jump Ahead
O 4
R 1
O and R 2

We're introduced to Аладдин in the original with this song and he's telling the audience why he does what he does. It's an animated song (both literally and figuratively) with a lot of comedy and action. In the remake we have already met Аладдин and is instead explaining this to жасмин while they're running away from the guards together. The remake One Jump Ahead is fun to watch and it is interesting to see жасмин included in this scene but it's not as great as the original. There weren't a lot of Комментарии about why they picked what except for one Комментарий that one user did like жасмин was a part of it.

Favorite One Jump Ahead Reprise
O 7

Mena was a good singer but this was definitely one of the times his Пение was pretty weak. I know I сказал(-а) it before but I'll say it again; the way he was Пение this song it was like watching a high school production. And in the original, this song was supposed to be depressing after Аладдин was looked down on for being a улица, уличный rat. The remake version doesn't give that vibe at all, it feels еще uplifting by comparison (I might not be using the right word for that)

Favorite Friend Like Me
O 5
R 1
O and R 1

The remake Friend Like Me was fun to watch with its own originality instead of completely copying the original and Will Smith did looked and sounded like he was really into it but once again, it doesn't beat the original. Though honestly, I'm glad the remake took out the part Аладдин almost kissed one of the girls.

Favorite Prince Ali
O 5
R 2

Original Prince Ali had a lot going on, with Genie shapeshifting, Аладдин looking like he was having fun and playing the part of a prince, great singing, just a fun song. The remake Prince Ali didn't have shapeshifting except Genie only dressing up in drag (which, compared to the original seemed really out of nowhere), Аладдин looked like he was embarassed или awkward and wasn't riding Abu the elephant, Will Smith's Пение being subpar compared to Robin William's singing, and was kinda boring. I can't speak for other people but honestly, I felt really bored when I watched this scene and was just waiting for it to be over.

Favorite A Whole New World
O 5
O and R 2

The only reason дана for this one is it sounded like High School Musical to that user. The remake wasn't as great as the original but both sounded beautiful. The original brings еще nostalgia though.

Favorite Jasmine's Reason to Go to the Marketplace
O 2
R 4
O and R 1

In the original жасмин ran away because she hated feeling so trapped and having her life lived for her while in the remake жасмин wasn't running away from Главная she just wanted to see her kingdom since she was locked up in her Главная ever since her mother was murdered. Both reasons aren't bad, though I have to Вопрос Jasmine's plan since she just left with no money and never planned on going back. So...what was the plan exactly? Still, not a bad reason to leave the palace forever it just feels like she could have put еще thought in this.

Favorite Аладдин and жасмин meeting
O 4
R 2
O and R 1

First impressions are important, and saving someone from getting their hand chopped off или getting their bracelet taken aren't too bad. In the original Аладдин sees жасмин is in trouble after she accidentally steals an яблоко to feed a starving boy and jumps in to help her. Using quick thinking, he tells the merchant жасмин is his crazy sister and "returns" the яблоко and they're able to walk away. In the remake жасмин gives some children apples and when the merchant accuses her of stealing she defends herself saying the children were hungry. The merchant then tries to take Jasmine's mother's bracelet but Аладдин gets between them and gently tells жасмин to trust him as he gives her bracelet to the merchant. As they walk away Аладдин reveals he was able to sneak the bracelet back and they make a run for it. While жасмин and Aladdin's meeting is cute in the remake in the original we see Aladdin's quick thinking and smooth talk at work and жасмин pretending to be out of her gourd and hers and Aladdin's interaction always brings a laugh out of the audience.

Favorite Cave of Wonders scene
O 5
R 1
O and R 1

As I сказал(-а) before, the inside and outside of the remake Cave of Wonders isn't as amazing as the original. There's some changes with action in the remake. In the original Carpet is messing Abu until Abu loses his cool and Аладдин finally sees it, in the remake Carpet is pinned under some rubble (how'd that happen?) and Аладдин helps it get free. And in the original Abu is the only one tempted by the treasure while Аладдин has a single short moment of weakness when he's almost tempted until Abu snaps him out of it. The escape from the cave when it's self destructing isn't as intense as the original and the special effects could have been better. Jafar's betrayal wasn't as scary as the original, only stepping on Aladdin's fingers so he could fall instead of brandishing a scary crooked dagger.

Favorite Genie Introduction
O 4
R 1
O and R 2

Remake Genie's introduction was pretty good, giving a serious introduction but then stopping to look around for the "real guy in charge". But in the original there's not just smoke, the lamp actually goes crazy a little and lights up and Genie comes out looking giant and intimidating until, "Whoa! 10,000 years will give Ты such a crick in the neck!" Remake Genie's intro was funny, but not as funny as original Genie's.

Favorite I Wish to Be a Prince scene
O 3
R 3
O and R 1

Both scenes were funny and the remake brought attention to the gray area that's involved with genies that never came up in the original.

Favorite Аладдин and жасмин reunion
O 3
R 3
O and R I

Okay so at the time I hadn't seen the remake yet so I didn't know Аладдин and жасмин reunited twice. So I'll talk about both of them jic. In the original Аладдин sneaks onto Jasmine's balcony and she's understandably angry to see him after what happened earlier and wants him to leave her alone. He is able to convince her to go on a magic carpet ride with him and she starts to recognize him. In the remake there's two reunions; one after they meet in the marketplace because he wants to return her bracelet and the other where he sneaks on her balcony and convinces her to go on a carpet ride with him. The first reunion is sweet, with him still thinking she's Dalia and they plan to meet again the Далее night, the other where she asks him where Ababwa is and he "helps" her find it on the map. While she's not a Фан of Prince Ali at first either, she's not as aggressive as the original. I personally haven't seen any talk about what anyone thought of the remake reunions или which one they prefered so it's hard to really say anything about this.

Favorite Magic Carpet Ride
O 5
R 1
O and R 1

In the original Аладдин and жасмин go out and see the world while in the remake they're flying around the kingdom. While it was nice to see еще of Agrabah and the visuals were very pretty, seeing the world and seeing the couple fly through the clouds Далее to the birds in the sky was way еще breathtaking.

Favorite жасмин tricking Аладдин into revealing who he is
O 2
R 2
O and R 2

In the original жасмин makes a Комментарий that it's a shame Abu had to miss out on the fun and Аладдин сказал(-а) it's okay because he doesn't like fireworks или flying before realizing his mistake. In the remake жасмин "sees" a monkey and asks if it's Abu and Аладдин says it couldn't be before realizing HIS mistake. Both versions were well done but there's always this one issue with the original that the remake fixed; why didn't жасмин Вопрос how Аладдин was alive after being told by Jafar that he was executed and feeling depressed about it for a couple days? In the original she gets aggressive and yells at him. Yes, he lied to her but how did she not Вопрос him suddenly being alive? One user who preferred the original сказал(-а) жасмин was being boring about it but personally I take that over original Jasmine's reaction

Favorite Kiss
O 7

The Kiss in the original looked like a real Kiss and it felt like there was еще of a connection between жасмин and Aladdin. The Kiss in the remake was sweet but it didn't look as real. It looked еще simple by comparison

Favorite almost drowning
O 2
R 5

One user сказал(-а) they thought remake Jafar was too talkative in this scene while another user thought that the remake scene was еще intense with the music. The remake version fixed another mistake from the original; there's no explaination why Razoul and the guards knocked out Аладдин and threw him off a cliff to drown him. Even if Jafar used his staff on them they would have looked like they were in a trance. In the remake if Jafar used his staff on the guards we know the people he's controlling don't look like they actually are in a trance when he's done. There might be mixed thoughts for this one but the remake still wins.

Favorite Aladdin/Genie argument
O 6
R 1

In the original Аладдин can't free Genie because he's scared that he won't be able to keep up the act on his own and Genie is upset while in the original if Аладдин is scared he's not Показ it, he acts еще cocky about it and Genie is disappointed. The remake Аладдин seemed very unlikable and out of character in this scene, and while original Аладдин feel like he could free Genie it's еще understandable because he's scared.

Favorite version of the lamp being stolen
O 5
R 1
O and R 1

Jafar originally being a thief make a good callback when he is able to steal the lamp from Аладдин without him knowing until it's too late. But Фаны preferred the original because Iago was еще useful.

Favorite Jafar's Hypnotism
O 6
R 1

The hypnotism in the remake was a little еще subtle but most of the time I couldn't even tell if the staff was actually on. The staff had a beautiful Дизайн but lit up like a child's toy. The staff in the original looked simple by comparison but memorable and the calm, creepy voice Jafar used sold the scene more.

Favorite Jafar Taking Over Agrabah
O 6
O and R 1

Ты guys, Jafar took over Agrabah during a musical number. Of course original wins this one. Okay that's not the only thing :P In the original giant Genie picks up the palace and puts it on a mountain and Jafar uses his powers to take control of Sultan, Jasmine, and Аладдин like his own personal puppets, turns Rajah into a cub and Abu and Аладдин back to normal, and then banishes Аладдин and Abu to the ends of the earth. Original Jafar looks like he's having fun and sounds so smug while when remake Jafar takes over he just wishes to be Sultan, to be a powerful Sultan, changes Ali back to Aladdin, and sends him to the ends of the earth. It feels a bit rushed and Jafar is еще serious than smug about it.

Favorite Banishment in Snow
O 5
R 2

In the remake we see еще of Aladdin's use of parkour to help Abu and the carpet save him after he falls through the crevice into the snow. In the original Аладдин finds Abu and finds Carpet trapped and we see him use his quick thinking to keep Abu and himself from getting crushed. As impressive as remake Aladdin's parkour is, original Aladdin's quick thinking is one of the memorable things about his character and one of the reasons why he's so loved.

Favorite Battle With Jafar
O 6
O and R 1

As great as the chase scene was with giant Iago with the shocking Carpet "death" scene...it's still just a giant попугай and after the chase is over the climax is still dull compared to the original. Remake Jafar does take control of everyone but instead of treating them like puppets they're just frozen. Even the part where Аладдин convinces Jafar to wish to be a genie is unimpressive but not as unimpressive as Jafar in Genie form. The original had жасмин in a giant hourglass, Carpet unraveling, Abu getting turned into a toy, (all while Jafar is making PUNS) and Аладдин fighting Jafar as a giant snake. It's one of most epic climaxes any movie could have. At least in the remake climax they left out slave Jasmine. жасмин may have taken one for the team in the original but she was still 16 years old flirting with an older man and Поцелуи him.

Favorite жасмин picking Аладдин
O 3
R 3
O and R 1

Both versions were very sweet, with жасмин running to Аладдин and he picks her up and spins her as she says she picks him in the original and with жасмин becoming Sultan, following Аладдин and telling him his Sultan orders him to stop, Аладдин asking if he's in trouble and жасмин responding "Only because Ты got caught." I'm sorry but I thought that line was cute.

Original - 170 1/2 (the half is from the animal sidekicks)
Remake - 70 1/2

Original wins again!
posted by random_camo
The Princess and the Pea

     The story starts long назад in a far away country. In the country there lives a smart and Храбрая сердцем handsome prince, named Antonio who has to marry a "true princess" to save his kingdom from peril. Princesses from far and wide have failed because of his jealous step mother, Queen Sonya who has placed a curse on the kingdom that's so powerful, only true Любовь can stop it.

The curse goes:
"If one does not feel a ruffle in her sheet, the kingdom will become dark and bleak. A princess of true grace and nobility, one of good faith and sensitivity, will destroy the wicked spell,...
continue reading...
In the movie Tangled, it's not made obvious whether Rapunzel's reunion with her parents takes place in the morning или afternoon. Analysis of the light and shadows of various morning and afternoon scenes shows that the reunion takes place at dawn, and may imply that Eugene and Rapunzel spend the night in the tower.

 7:00 AM, день 1
7:00 AM, день 1

Here we see the first shot of the tower after the opening prologue. Rapunzel states it's 7:00 AM. The light comes from the side, and does not directly shine into the door window. The waterfall is in a narrow shadow.

 Afternoon, день 1
Afternoon, день 1

This shot is from when Mother...
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posted by Swanpride
DISCLAIMER: This Статья solely consists of my opinions. I don’t think that it’s the only one which matters. I also don’t think that everyone has to agree. Just take it as a different perspective and feel free to share your perspective here. I don’t think that we’ll come to a consent about the matter I intend to address, but this might help all of us to understand where the other is coming from.

In the last week, there has been еще than one discussion about the use of the pick page here. I try to summarize some of them up: There are too many countdowns, this или that pick is stupid,...
continue reading...
As promised here is my sixth Статья which is about the swedish voices of the Дисней princesses. I will post Ссылки to each of them Пение so that Ты can decide your favorite. I will also write their swedish names (for a few of them) and let Ты decide which swedish name is your Избранное and the one Ты think is the prettiest. Image credit goes to as usual Elemental-Aura (top image) and princesslullaby (bottom images). Compared to the english one, this one was thougher to decide where each of them where going to be placed because they all have wonderful voices.

10. Tiana (voiced by Pauline...
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Here is my fifth article! I decided to write two lists about my Избранное Пение voices, this Список is the english voices, the Далее one will be with their swedish voices (same goes for their speaking voices which I will do after the Пение voices) because swedish is my first language and I grew up with most of the swedish versions of the princesses (except for Tiana and Rapunzel). For the swedish version I will post Ссылки to Видео so that Ты can choose a Избранное aswell. Image credit goes to Elemental-Aura for the beautiful вверх image and princesslullaby for the rest of the pictures.

10. Pocahontas...
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Well, I read other Избранное princess Статьи and thought I should make my own. This is my first article. Feel free to express your opinions, but please don't leave mean, nasty comments.

10. Aurora

I don't hate her, and I don't necessarily dislike her personality. But Aurora barely does anything. She basically sang, danced, and cried. Her personality just wasn't that strong. The three Феи were еще enjoyable. So Aurora did nothing to impress me in her whole 18 minutes.

9. Snow White

I found her to be a little еще interesting than Aurora. Snow White seemed to have been focused...
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Well, without further ado, directly into the article. If Ты don't know what this is about, please read my Назад Soundcheck article.

10. Sleeping Beauty: No long explanation needed, “I wonder” is simply too short to leave much of an impact. It’s a wonderful tune, but with a very basic text on it. Nevertheless, I seriously considered putting it slightly higher, because it fits Aurora's dreamy personality perfectly.

Fanpop says: Basically, boring. Also “It would have been better if it lasted a little bit longer, but it goes by really fast.” (founten). The voting for this category...
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One day, Snow White was in the palace gardening planting roses. Suddenly, she noticed something small and white hiding in the bushes. When she looked closer, she realized it was a tiny frightened baby rabbit. "Don't worry, I'll look after you," сказал(-а) the princess as she picked up the little rabbit took it inside. Within a few minutes, the rabbit had begun to feel at Главная and started hopping around the palace. Just then, Snow White look down and noticed her wedding ring was missing. She rushed to find the ring and together they started looking for the ring. However, they soon found that the rabbit...
continue reading...

10.Prince Charming
Rank Last Round: 10
blah too little screentime blah

"I wish Charming had еще screentime. That eye roll intrigues me. It means underneath that vacant, Ken-doll stare beats the сердце of an intelligent (or at least, easily bored) human being" (phantomrose89)

High Rank (1-3):
sweetie-94 (3)
KataraLover (3)

Medium Rank (4-7):
PrueFever (4)
fhghu (5)
MrsEmmaPeel (5)
princesslullaby (7)
callejahLUVSed (7)

Low Rank (8-10):
Pink_Love (8)
flina (8)
tiffany88 (8)
mergirl13 (8)
PrincessSnow (8)
Ashley-Green (8)
haynay24 (9)
Mongoose09 (9)
SailorM91 (9)
Maja2601 (9)
phantomrose89 (9)
rougeslayer17 (9)...
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10.Princess Tiana
Rank Last Round: 9
Not too big of a drop since last round, and honestly not too much of a shock. Tiana's rankings seem to stay on an even plane whenever I do these countdowns, I don't think she's even made is past rank #8. The fact is, дана the younger demographic on the site, Tiana is hard to relate her and I find her a bit one-note and dry.

High Ranking (1-3):
random_camo (2)
boolander25 (3)

Middle Ranking (4-7):
pretty_angel92 (5)
PrincessSnow (5)
tiffany88 (6)
mergirl13 (6)
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So a few days назад I created two Статьи about the Дисней Princes and Princesses Dreamcast chosen by the Fanpop users.

Now in this article, I'm going to make one for the Дисней Villains. :)

As of August 26, 2011, here's what the Фаны picked:

1. link
The Фаны picked: Sacha Baron Cohen

2. link
The Фаны picked: Michelle Pfeiffer

3. link
The Фаны picked: Uma Thurman

4. link
The Фаны picked: Shirley McLaine

5. link
The Фаны picked: Prince

These are all for now. I'll continue part two as soon as possible.

What do Ты think about these actors/actresses?
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 “This is my love,” she angrily said. “No matter what Ты do, Ты cannot kill love.”
“This is my love,” she angrily said. “No matter what you do, you cannot kill love.”
Назад PART


    The wind furiously blew through the trees. The spirits became angered with the horrid sound of the gunshot. It happened so quickly and yet it seemed like time had stopped just so Pocahontas could get to where she is now. Her arm burned with pain as blood dripped from her arm. Her eyes were intense as she glared at John Rolfe.
    “This is my love,” she angrily said. “No matter what Ты do, Ты cannot kill love.”
    John Rolfe threw the gun to the ground, ashamed that the blood on Pocahontas was his...
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posted by TotallyMe105
Warmth. It was the first feeling that Eugene Fitzherbert had
felt when re-entering the world. It was pleasant, yet oddly
uncomfortable, like it was healing a pain that he could already
no longer feel.

Soon after the warmth went away Eugene realized that
the petite brunette who was sitting in front of him had saved his life.
Saved him from the ultimate demise. Not from death, but a lifetime
as Flynn Rider.

Eugene felt that warmth now, but it wasn't the same. Sweat
dripped from his forehead and fell to the tile on the balcony
of the Corona royal palace. This was the summer sun causing him
the discomfort,...
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I'm assuming that all the people on the spot are here because they Любовь Дисней princesses as much as I do... But why do we Любовь them so much?

Every single Дисней Princess has a different personality, story and dream but they all share one thing (asides from beauty )... They are strong, brave, independent, empowering women.

Some people may disagree with me but honestly I don't cre because these are my thoughts and opinions and I want to share them.

In so many Фильмы these days, the main character are the men. The women are side-line characters, letting the men rule the storyline. They have no real...
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A/N: This idea has been in my head since I saw the movie and I really just needed to type it all out and see where it went. This is the tale of how Eugene Fitzhebert really got his name!

"He rode off on his stead..." Eugene was suddenly cut off by giggling coming from a 6 год old brunette perched on his knee, her изумруд eyes were closed as she brought her hands to her face to smother the laughter.

"What's so funny Annabelle?" He asked exasperated at his little sister. Eugene loved her but don't get me wrong sometimes she was just a little too much to handle.

Both of the children were currently...
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 (evil stepmother from enchanted) yeah, there's NOTHING unkind или evil about this woman AT ALL. /sarcasm
(evil stepmother from enchanted) yeah, there's NOTHING unkind or evil about this woman AT ALL. /sarcasm
aurthors note: I'm back with a new article! I just realized that on my last two Статьи that it has 2 fans! I didn't Фан it myself, so whoever two fanned it, Thank Ты very much! I'm glad Ты like my writing. =)

Anyway, we're going to start with comparing Ariel to ECHANTED. I have watched it and it is VERY funny. The main character is Giselle, who is kind of all the Дисней girls mixed. She has animal friends, cleans after people, and so on. Her prince is Edward, but instead HES the one with the evil stepmother. Apparently she's very kind to everyone. And It's a musical as Ты can imagine....
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#9. Золушка
Yep. Sorry,Cinderella fans. She's at the bottom of my countdown. I mean,it's not that I don't like her или anything. I Любовь her. She's kind and beautiful like all the other princesses and her movie is great,too. It's just that it seems like she's the most typical princess and has the most typical story. I understand it's very well known but still,it seems to be told еще than any other fairy tale. So,she's just not as exciting to me as the other princesses. But,hey,I'd choose her over Hannah Montana any day. ;)

#8. Aurora(Sleeping Beauty)
She's еще beautiful than Cinderella...
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 DreamyGal Productions
DreamyGal Productions
Ok, I'm bored at work and felt like Письмо something...I've done tons of articles, but never one about my Избранное transformation scene, so here we go...

7. Evil Queen transforms into an old Hag
 Mummy dust to make me old. To shroud my clothes, the black of night. To age my voice, an old hag's cackle. To whiten my hair, a scream of fright. A blast of wind to Фан my hate. A thunderbolt to mix it well. Now begin thy magic spell.
Mummy dust to make me old. To shroud my clothes, the black of night. To age my voice, an old hag's cackle. To whiten my hair, a scream of fright. A blast of wind to Фан my hate. A thunderbolt to mix it well. Now begin thy magic spell.

This scared the living daylights out of me when I was a kid, but now, looking back, it's a really great scene. It shows her in her secret lab (which is creepy but...
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Scene 1- outside of th stepsister's house.

Narrator: Once upon a freekin time, there was a tall guy named Carl, and a little girl(that's her daughter) named Hella. They used 2 been happy 2gether doin alot of stuf, havin such great memories, talkin, playin, and laughin at other people injurin themselves on AFV. One day, the 2 of them were going 2 visit Carls new wife at her old,tall,wrinkly,ugly(AND EVIL!) house(shes Hella's stepmom), Along with her daughters Anabella and Denaji(but no one cares about them since they have no life).

Scene 2-Hospital(fast forwarding a few days).
It was a pity that...
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Cinderhella или Hella- Main character, a loner, and is goth.
Anabella- Ugly stepsister who has no life.
Denajie(thats how it's pronounced)-Ugly stepsister who also has no life.
Stella- Stepmother and is an evil witch.
Bobby- Blue bird, friend of Hella's.
Peggy- Blue bird, friend of Hella's.
Jackal- Mouse, friend of Hella's.
Steve- A cat, Jackal, Bobby, and Peggy's rival. And Stella's evil companion.
Charles- A prince.
Rodney- The prince's klutzy servant.
Rebecca- Rodney's sister.
Other characters:
Knights 1 and 2- Princes servants.
Harry- Prince's pet horse.
Aliens 1,2, and 3
Rataman- A крыса made his name up.
Frogs- Crazy, yet they make a very evil weapon.
Witch- Evil and ugly, just like the stepmother and stepsisters.
Woman 1 and 2
Men 1 and 2
Some other People I didn't mention.