Dr. Blowhole Club
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1st January 2008

"This is an incredible plan that will for sure destroy the pen-gyoo-ens!" Dr.Blowhole was on his way to North Pole. "Are Ты sure this will work Doc? This plan of yours will take about a год and a half till we can actually destroy the penguins." "I don't care how long it takes, but i will get my revenge on the penguins and the humans! First we set up the ring of fire, then create the Diabologizer, and turn one of the lobsters in to a deadly weapon. And I will call it Chrome Claw!" The омар, омаров and Dr.Blowhole entered a room were the plans were all laid out. Dr.Blowhole picked up one of the blue prints. " Chrome claw will destroy the pen-gyoo-ens and the ring of огонь will revenge the humans!" "Doc, so who will become the Chrome Claw?" "Now that Ты suggest it why not…. you!" Then Dr.Blowhole pressed a button and the Diabologizer appeared and zapped the lobster. The Diabologizer suddenly exploded while zapping the lobster. "Uhh.. Now I have to rebuild it again!" Then from out of the dark, a big омар, омаров stomped вперед rawing really loud. "Yes! My first step of the plan worked, now all I have to do is set up the ring of огонь and turn this beast in to Chrome Claw." Dr.Blowhole called in a few lobsters and the lobsters put the giant омар, омаров in a big cage. "Doc, we have arrived at the North Pole, and are ready to real ease the drillers." "Excelent! Just watch out for…." Dr.Blowhole gulped in fear, "The killer whales.. Just then he had a small flash back…

This was when Dr.Blowhole was just a baby dolphin, a few days after he was born. He looked up and could see his mother Kate and his Father, he couldn't remember his name. His mother was laying on the sand with him and his Father came back with some fish. Blowhole saw his Mother and Father eat and he got hungry to and started to drink milk. He saw his Mother and Father Kiss and he smiled. Then they all heard a screen from their Pod. They looked back and realised that the Pod was swimming fast away from them as possible. Blowholes Mother and Father looked up and saw a big killer whale! Kate held Blowhole and swam away with Blowholes Father, but it was too late. They were too slow and couldn't catch up with the Pod. Kate still had a sore stomach because she had just had Blowhole a few days ago. Kate put her flipper to her stomach and сказал(-а) some thing to his Father. "I can't swim any more…" Just then a cave caught their eyes. They all hid in there and the killer кит could see them but could not fit. The кит started to bang hardly on the cave and the cave started to fall apart. "Its no use we are all going to get crushed by these rocks and die in this cave…." "No Ты won't." "What do Ты mean?" Kate looked worried and Blowholes Father looked down. "I Любовь Ты Kate. Take care of Blowhole." Kate hugged him and held Blowhole tight. He remembered his Father looking at him strait in the eyes and patting him on his head. " I hope Ты grow up to be a strong dolphin." Blowhole was still a baby and just smiled back at him. Blowholes Father swam out of the cave and the Killer кит went after him. Kate and Blowhole just stayed in the cave. Kate laid down on the sand because of her stomach herting. She started to cry and Blowhole some how understood that he would never see him again. Kate started to nurse Blowhole. They stayed there for three days, but Blowholes Father never came back. But the Pod did. They found Blowhole and Kate. They tried to get Kates mind off Blowholes Father, but she couldn't.

"Doc!? Are Ты ok?!" One of the lobsters disturbed his flash back. " Of corse I am! Now get the drillers and start drilling the ice!" The lobsters went back to their stations and got to work. Dr.Blowhole sighed and looked up on the big T.V screen and saw that the омар, омаров were just finishing drilling the first hole. "Doc, do we place the ring of огонь sets after we…." "DID Ты READ THE ACTION PLAN!?" Dr.Blowhole was angry,sad and scared and he really didn't know how he was feeling!

Months later...

5th July 2008

"Are Ты sure Ты don't know a дельфин called Blowhole?" "Hey! Ты have a Blowhole!" "Never mind." Doris dragged her self away from the clown рыба tank with a frown. Doris crossed out the New Jersey aquarium on the map. She was tired of eating human leftovers, she had been traveling by the sewer because she couldn't Переместить a lot on land. She missed eating рыба and decided to take a break, или else she would starve. She swam really fast, she wasn't that far from the coast. She entered the sea and she started to look for fish. "Hi!" "Ahhhh who was that?" "Me!" Then a spotted дельфин came out form the dark. " Sorry I scared you, its just, I just Остаться в живых my pod and I don't know were I am!" The spotted дельфин looked really young and worried. "Well, then I guess we are very alike! Im Doris! Its nice to meet you!" "Im J! That what other dolphins call me, but my real name is Jada!" "My real name is Lily, and Doris was my middle name. I don't know why but my mother changed it to Doris because the name Lily, reminded her about my Father too much." "I see that Ты are hungry? Can I Показать Ты a place were there is a lot of fish?" "Sure!" Doris and Jada swam together to the wide open sea. " So, how did Ты get separated from your pod?" Doris asked Jada. " I was caught in some nets, but the humans let me go. I came back to were my pod was and they weren't there. But I know they will come back for me! How about you?" "I didn't really get separated, I chose to leave. I had a boy friend, he loved mr and I loved him. It was the день he was going to ask me to marry him that we got separated. I was the only one that was determined to go look for him out side the pod. I miss him..." Doris and Jada stopped swimming. Jada swam in front of Doris. "If my pod doesn't come back for me, maybe I can help! I could travel with Ты and help Ты find your boy friend! " " and when I find my boy friend I could help Ты find your pod!" "We'll make a great team! Look! That was the school of рыба I was talking about!" Jada pointed to a big school of fish. "On the count of three, one two three!" Doris and Jada swam fast and managed to et a lot of fish. At the end, they were stuffed. "Mmmmm. That was delicious!" Doris smiled at Jada. "How does your boy friend look like?" " His name is Blowhole, and he's a gray bottle nose dolphin. He has a scar across his right eye, he was fighting a акула and that how he got it." "I hope you, I mean we find him!" "How about today we look for your pod and tomarrow we look for Blowhole and the Далее день we look for your pod and Ты know what I mean! Right?" "Yeh of corse! Can I call Ты Lily, since that's your real name? "Sure, now lets go look for your Pod!" Doris and Jada, have now started a new journey, to help each other find what they are looking for. They swam deeper in to the sea and started to look for Jada's Pod.

5th Augest 2008

Dr.Blowhole had finally finished building the Chrome Claw, and the lobsters were almost finished building the third ring of fire. All this work had made Dr.Blowhole tired, he was very hungry. He opens his mouth for fish. The lobsters Далее to him looked in the bucket and there were none left. " sorry doc, but were all out!" "Don't just stand there! Go refill it!" "But there's none left in the machine too," "How about the spares in the basement?" "None in there too Doc." "Well go in to the ocean and go get some!" "Right away Doc!" The омар, омаров quickly gathered up some other lobsters and went to go get some fish. Minuets passed and the lobsters still have not come back with Dr.Blowholes Fish. Dr.Blowhole took the speaker, "What is taking so long?!" The speakers were made so that people on the put side of the subrine can hear too. "We can't catch any, lobsters arnt made to eat fish! "We aren't made to hunt, we cant catch the fish, their too fast!" Dr.Blowhole just looked at the lobsters failing to catch рыба and got angry. Dr.Blowhole was hungry, but was scared of the Killer whales, he didn't have the guts to go out of the sum brine. "Is it safe…." Dr.Blowhole сказал(-а) through the speaker nervously. "No sign of the fairy tale whale!" "Its no fairy tale, I'm coming now." Dr.Blowhole got off his segway and in to the water. The lobsters watched him catch the рыба and was amazed. Dr.Blowhole hadn't been moving around for a long time so he did a flip in the air and catcher a рыба and went back in the water. "I think.. Ill go in now, the killer кит might sense me…" "There are absolute ly no killer whales here! If there were, the intruder alarm will be going off!" Just then the alarm went off. "This is what I'm talking about!" Dr.Blowhole rushed to the sum brine door, but suddenly from out of the dark, a killer кит came and tried to bite off Dr.Blowholes head! The killer кит had no interest on the lobsters, it just wanted to eat Dr.Blowhole. Dr.Blowhole swam as fast as he could. The lobsters started to go back in the submarine. "DOC IS IN TROULBLE! WE HAVE TO Переместить THE SUMBRINE!" The lobsters went in to the controlling room. "But if we Переместить the sum brine, the ring of огонь might get misplaced!" "Just Переместить it!" The lobsters had a little fight and were all panicking. Dr.Blowhole kept on getting flash backs of his father and Doris, that slowed him down and the killer кит catched up with Dr.Blowhole. The killer кит bit off his dorsal fin and swallowed it. Dr.Blowhole was bleeding badly, he started to fall on the sand. Dolphins can't get their balance with out their dorsal fin, and they can't swim! Dr.Blowhole found a cave and dragged him self to it and hid in there. He was crying, and the pain was going all per his body. He used his echolocation to see if the killer кит left, and it did. He was still crying and he started to make дельфин noises, the дельфин noises meant he needed help. The lobsters picked up his noise and found the cave. They shinned a light and saw Dr.Blowhole in the cave laying on the sand crying. Dr.Blowhole tried to look up, but he couldn't. The lobsters, haven't realised he Остаться в живых his dorsal fin.He was laying down on his right side. They opened the hatch, and waited for Dr.Blowhole to swim inside. But he just layer there. "Why isn't doc coming?" "I don't know!" "Well lets go and see." About 7 lobsters left the sum brine and swam to the cave. Dr.Blowhole was still crying in pain. He сказал(-а) nothing. "Doc, there is no sighn of killer whales now, Ты can come in." The омар, омаров said. Then Dr.Blowhole used all his strength to turn around, and lay down flat on the ground. The lobsters saw that he was missing his dorsal fin. Dr.Blowhole сказал(-а) nothing, and made no face contact with the lobsters and just looked down. "Thats gotta hurt…." "Doc won't be able to Переместить for the rest of his life with out his dorsal fin, what are we going to do?!" "Lets just take him back to the sumbrine." The lobsters tried to pick him up. "Awwwww…" Dr.Blowhole yelped, " So how are we going to do that?" "I don't know!" The lobsters were trying to find out a way to help Dr.Blowhole. "Well we could use the R.G.L (Re-groth-lazer) "But thats for only emergencies, and doc has been saving that for moths! And we only have one shot at this! We don't even know if its going to work!" Then Dr.Blowhole looked up "Just do any thing to get rid of this pain!" Then the lobsters went back in the sum brine and went to the вверх secret room, there was a big box in the middle with a lock. The lobsters unlocked the like, then punched in a secret code, then did a scan and finally open the box and got the laser out. They took the laser out side and stood infrount of Dr.Blowhole. "But theres only one of these in the whole entire universe! Are Ты sure we should se it now?!" The омар, омаров that was holding it just passed the омар, омаров and ignored him. "Doc, we arnt one hundred precent sure that this will work, and it might hurt a little, do you…" before the омар, омаров could even finish, Dr.Blowhole hole сказал(-а) yes. The омар, омаров zapped the laser on his back were it was bleeding and it did hurt, but Dr.Blowhole just tried not to cry. It ended and the lobsters threw the re-growth laser away in the ocean because it was useless now. "Doc?" "Im fine, just take me back to the sumbrine." the lobsters took him back inside and put a bandage around his back were his dorsal fin was, then placed him in his bed. " Well is it going to work!?" Dr.Blowhole shouted. "We aren't sure, it may take days to Показать actual improvement, but t will hopefully slowly start to grow back." The lobsters left and Dr.Blowhole stayed in his room. His fear of a killer кит just became worse. Mean while the lobsters went back to fixing the ring of fire. "Great now we are a whole месяц behind! We miss placed one of the rings of fire, and doc is unable to do any thing!" " Who сказал(-а) it was безопасно, сейф to come out……IT WAS Ты JASON!" the омар, омаров pointed at another омар, омаров called Jason. "Well… WHO сказал(-а) IT WAS A FAIRY TALE…. MATT!" Then Jason pointed at another омар, омаров called Matt. "WHO сказал(-а) TO Переместить THE SUMBRINE?!" The lobsters started to fight. Then Dr.Blowhole came in, laying on a кататься на коньках board to Переместить around, since he couldn't stand up on his scooter because of his missing fin. "WILL Ты PLEASE QUIET DOWN!!" Dr.Blowhole shouted. He used his flippers to roll him self down to the lobsters. "Doc, I thought Ты were…." "A missing fin won't stop me from revenging the pen-gyoo-ens and humans! We are a месяц behind! Now get to work!" The lobsters quickly got back to their stations. One of the lobsters whispered "Doc must really hate those penguins! He's badly injured and he wants revenge." "Shhhhhh, he's coming." Dr.Blowhole passed them and he tried to pull him self up, but he felt some thing on his back….

6th January 2009

Dr. Blowhole woke up with a strange feeling. He got out of постель, кровати and tried to pull him self up and he was able to go on his scooter. He looked in the mirro and turned around. He felt his back and felt his dorsal fin. It grew back. He looked in the mirro and smiled. He barged in the room were the lobsters were working on creating the 3rd ring of fire. "Finally, its time to catch things up a little!"
added by DrBsNumber1Fan
Source: DrBsNumber1Fan
added by DrBsNumber1Fan
Source: ME!
added by IamAngel624
added by NinaTheDolphin
added by NinaTheDolphin
added by MrsBlowhole
Source: Me!
added by Blowhole666
Source: Dr.blowhole
added by Blowhole666
added by SRMTHFG-Girls
Source: Me!
added by birath
added by IamAngel624
Does this count as an 'epic win?'
added by Blowhole666
dr blowhole
madagascar promo
added by Blowhole666
Source: Dr.Blowhole666
added by DrBlowhole1
Source: Dr. Blowhole
added by BlackKatGhoul
This is my Избранное song! :D
posted by SkipperXLisa
The footsteps of webbed feet got louder as Blowhole's enemy walked

right into the trap he had laid for him. Suddenly, a black-and-white animal

flashed across the clearing. Skipper came to a stop up against the smooth

gray wall. He then stealthily slid to a small door at the end of the corner in

the desolate

room. Once he got the entry to the Далее area, he cautiously brought his

flipper to the knob. Once he was almost touching it, he quickly grabbed it.

He then turned key to revealing a new territory. Once the wooden portal

was wide open, his foe stepped into range of his trick. The penguin's eyes

continue reading...
added by PillePalle
added by Blowhole666
Source: dr.blowhole
added by DrBlowhole1
Source: Dr. Blowhole