this is a awesome movie. i will tell you one thing this movie was not what i expected it to be. there are spoilers in this review so continue reading if you dare. ok let's begin. first off i can relate to this film my mom passed away last June with cancer and a brain tumor. so this movie got to me pretty hard me, and others can relate to this movie pretty hard. i just gave a spoiler by accident sorry. the story is great, the acting is phenomenal, the monster was really well done and the directing was amazing. every actor they picked was perfect especially liam neeson as the monster he has that powerful booming voice that just nails his message right into you're brain. this movie is great even though it put me into tears. it has a good message on how to deal with you're fears on loosing someone and learning to let go for their own sake and not you're selfish needs. been there done that and it is not easy and this movie plays that emotion very well. i'm not sure what the monster represents but i believe it was connor consciousness. if you have not seen this movie then i recommend you do rating 5/5