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Temptation of the Best Kind- Chapter Two

What the hell was he going to do with Blair? He couldn’t believe that she had dumped all of her Друзья like that and then what she had done to Nate had been inexcusable. Chuck knew she was serious about letting everyone know that she was totally a different person then everyone thought she was.
But he still wasn’t going to have sex with her like she thought he would. He would never sacrifice his friendship with Nate for Blair. He might desire her a little bit but that was all. There were always other women available. Who needed Blair Waldorf?
Fuck. He had to stop thinking about her или he was likely to go insane. Why the hell was he thinking about her so much, anyways? The answer came easily to Chuck. He liked the person that Blair really was. She didn’t take any shit and she didn’t really care what anybody thought of her. He was the first person to ever seen Blair how she really was.
He needed to get her out of his head and he needed to stay as far away from her as possible. That was the only way either of them would be able to survive. But he had to admit that it did thrill him that Blair wanted him over Nate. Chuck knew that everyone thought he was just a sarcastic and womanizing pig, which he was most of the time but she didn’t seem to mind that. Blair didn’t want perfect Nate Archibald but he couldn’t concentrate on that fact или he was likely to go over to her place and have sex with her. He had to go find a woman, so she could take care of his needs and he could forget Blair Waldorf once and for all.

Blair leapt up from the couch, she was still in her dressing платье, бальное платье but she ran over to her best friend and gave her a big hug. “Thanks for coming over, Serena.”
Serena returned her hug but she couldn’t remember ever seeing Blair like this. She almost seemed giddy and happy, which would be very unusual. “No problem, B. So what’s up?” She didn’t want to bring up the topic of what had happened the other day.
Blair has no such qualms. “I wanted to talk to Ты about what happened last week. I meant what I сказал(-а) and I do really want for us to be able to be friends. I always have loved you, S. But we’re going to have a lot of work ahead of us because Ты have no idea who I really am.”
“What are Ты talking about, Blair?”
She ran a hand through her tousled waves. This was going to be harder than she had thought. “The Blair Waldorf that Ты knew doesn’t exist. I am totally different from that person that I was pretending to be. It was all a façade that I was hiding behind. I know how I’m supposed to act because I live on the Upper East Side and I come from money, and my parents always expected me to be little miss perfect. But I’m not.”
Serena ran her hand up and down her jean covered legs in frustration. “I don’t understand how all this time that I’ve been your friend that I wouldn’t be able to see that this was all an act.”
“Don’t blame yourself, Serena. I never have let anyone see the person that I have become and that’s my fault. Well actually, I have let one person see me.” Blair smiled while thinking about Chuck. “I’m eighteen years old and I think it just occurred to me that I don’t want to go through my life being fake and having too pretend to be something that I’m not.”
Serena nodded, trying to understand where she was coming from. “So how are Ты different from the Blair that everyone knows?”
She laughed. “Are Ты sure Ты have the time to hear all of the reasons.”
Blair launched into an explanation of everything. “First of, I don’t care what anyone thinks about me, and it doesn’t matter to me if I’m the Queen bee of our school. Popularity and things like that don’t make any difference to me. I’m also not as big of a сука as I pretend to be.”
“Keep going.” Serena muttered, although she couldn’t even comprehend what she was saying now.
She continued. “I’m kind of a thrill seeker, I like doing things that are dangerous and I Любовь getting the sense of excitement from them. I’ve never really liked romantic movies, like everyone seems to think. And here is a really big thing, I Любовь getting my hands dirty. I like camping and things that have to do with doing it by myself. I hate when somebody always tries to do something for me, I’d much rather do it by myself.
Serena gasped in horror at what she had said. “Camping? Are Ты serious?”
She nodded with a huge grin on her face. “I’ve never been еще serious in my life. Ты have a lot to learn about me, Serena.”
“Apparently, I know nothing about you.”
“We can change that though, it’s just going to take time.”
“I’m a little confused about something though. Ты never really cared for Nate?”
Blair shook her head. “No, I never really liked him. You’ve got to admit that Nate is so boring that Ты could cry. At least that’s how I feel. He was another thing that my parents kind of forced on me. They always thought he was the perfect boyfriend, but I know that he’s cheated on me many times. And not just with you.”
Serena flinched at the reminder of her cheating with Nate. “Are Ты saying then, when Ты found out that I slept with Nate that Ты never cared. Because Ты acted furious and I really felt bad about it.”
Blair gave her a sharp look. “You should have felt bad about it. You’re not supposed to sleep with your best friend’s boyfriend. But, I really was hurt that Ты would do that to me, I thought we meant еще to each other than that. Although, I can’t say that I cared that Ты slept with Nate. He means nothing to me.”
“Nate misses you, Blair. I think he’s really hurt how Ты just let the whole school hear how Ты don’t care about him.”
Blair stood and walked to her bedroom and Serena followed her. “I’m sorry that he feels hurt but I’m not going to get back together with him because of that.” She pulled a brush through her curls. “I wanted to tell Ты something, S.
“What?” Serena noticed the excited light in her eyes.
“I Остаться в живых my virginity two weeks ago.”
Serena’s eyes went wide. “With Nate?”
Blair pulled a face. “No. With somebody that I’ve always been secretly attracted to and it kind of just happened.”
“Do I know who it is?”
“Ooh, tell me.”
“I can’t.”
“I thought that I was your friend, Blair.”
“You are Serena; it’s just that I want to kind of keep it to myself for a while. I have to convince the guy that he has to take a chance on me. He’s proving to be a little difficult.”
“I really want to know who it is.” She whined.
Blair smiled. “All in good time. Right now I have to go and try to convince him that I’m worth it. He doesn’t have a chance of fighting me, Serena. I don’t know if Ты know but I can be very persuasive.” She laughed with glee.

“I can’t believe she did that to me in front of the whole school.”
He grimaced. “I’m sorry about that, Nathaniel.” He didn’t know what else to say other than that.
“What the hell do Ты think has gotten into her?” Nate asked.
Chuck wondered if he should even say anything, but he decided to anyway. “Do Ты think that maybe Blair has always been this way? Maybe she’s just realizing now that she doesn’t want the life that’s been mapped out for her.”
Nate let out a bark of laughter. “What’s wrong with Blair’s life? It looks pretty damn perfect to me. She’s got money, status, an acceptance to Yale, and a boyfriend. Now can Ты tell me what is wrong with all of that?”
Chuck regretted even bringing it up, but he wasn’t about to stop now. “Those things don’t necessarily make somebody happy. I don’t think Blair wants the life she has now.”
Nate looked at him amusement. “You don’t know Blair at all или Ты wouldn’t be saying such insane things.”
Anger flared in his gut. “I know Blair a hell of a lot better than Ты think.”
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
Blair chose that moment to squeeze in between them and sit down Далее to them. She laid her head down on Chuck’s shoulder, He was just about to заворачивать, обертывание an arm around her waist when he remembered that he wasn’t supposed to be doing that and they were in front of Nate. He moved away from her very quickly and Blair smirked at him.
“What the hell is going on here?” Nate asked, he noticed the tension between them and not to mention that Blair had her head on his shoulder.
“Nothing, at all.” Chuck muttered.
“Well that’s not entirely true now, is it?” Blair сказал(-а) with an innocent look on her face. Although Chuck knew she was anything but innocent.
“What do Ты mean?” Nate questioned harshly, he was still mad as hell at what she had done to him.
Blair turned her attention back to Nate. “I’m sorry if Ты feel hurt by the way I dumped you, but Ты had to know that it was never there between us. And to answer your question, I’ve been trying to seduce Chuck.”
Chuck blanched at her words. The only thing going through is mind was, fuck, fuck, fuck, and еще fucks. She was going to tell Nate that they had slept together and he would be so fucking screwed.
Nate look shocked for a moment, but then laughed hysterically. “I never knew Ты had such a sense of humor, Blair. Ты would never seduce Chuck in a million years.”
She narrowed her eyes at him. “I’m not joking Nate and I would like it if Ты would not tell me what I would или would not do. Because the truth of the matter is that Ты know nothing about me. Absolutely nothing.”
Chuck wanted nothing еще at the moment to go and give Nate a good hard slap right across the face. How dare he act like nobody would ever want him? He almost wished that she would tell him how she Остаться в живых her virginity to him in the back of a moving vehicle. But he acted like it didn’t faze him in the least.
Nate looked at both of them but noticed the serious look on Blair’s face. “You’re not kidding?”
She looked him right in the eyes. “No, read my lips and try to believe it. I want Chuck but the only problem is that so far he isn’t biting.” She grinned up at Chuck.
Chuck was about to grin back at her but he focused his attention on Nate instead. “Don’t worry Nathaniel; I’m not going to do anything with Blair. Ты know that I could never have a relationship with anyone. I’m merely in it for the good times and certainly not with Blair.”
“We’ll see about that, Chuck.” She told him softly.
Nate was still looking at her dumbstruck with the turn of events. “Why would Ты want Chuck over me?” He сказал(-а) it like it was the dumbest decision that she had ever made.
The anger was back in his face, but before he could say anything Blair hissed something at Nate. “Listen to me good Nate; I really can’t go into the reasons right now why I prefer Chuck over you.”
Nate smirked. “Because there aren’t any.”
His temper was close to snapping and pretty soon he felt like he was going to reach across the таблица and plant his fist right into Nate’s pretty face.

Blair laughed at him like she thought he was funny. “That’s not the reason, Nate. The reason is because there are too many things that why I prefer Chuck over Ты and I don’t have the time to get into them right now.”
“Tell me one, Blair.” Nate said, still not believing that she was serious.
“Fine. He’s not boring like Ты are. Chuck actually pays attention to me and the biggest reason is that he actually makes me feel alive while I felt dead with Ты for all the years that we dated. I never wanted anyone like I want him. Now, is that enough или do Ты need еще reasons why you’re inferior to your best friend?”
Chuck gaped at her; he couldn’t believe that she had just gone to bat like that for him. Her words caused a pleasant tingling in his stomach but they were ignored by him. “Blair.” He started, trying to warn her not to say anymore.
Nate сказал(-а) nothing and neither did Blair. She decided that it was time to leave. “I’ll see Ты later, Chuck.” She gave him a Kiss on the lips, but it couldn’t even be called a kiss, it was еще like whispering of lips but it left him wanting so much more.
She turned to Nate one last time. “I think Ты owe him a big apology and if I were him, I wouldn’t be so quick to forgive you.” She marched off.
Nate stared at her for a long time before raising his head back to look at Chuck. “You’re right, she really has changed.”
Chuck nodded; he couldn’t trust his voice right now because he was still pissed off at Nate.
“So, she has been trying to seduce Ты obviously, are Ты going to give in to her?”
He shook his head. “No, Nate.” He wanted to give into Blair еще than anything but he knew he couldn’t because he valued his friendship with Nate above anything. He was the only one who had always been there for him, whenever he needed him. “I wouldn’t do that to Ты and I don’t want Blair. I never have and never will.” He lied and he was surprised that he believed him. Because in all honesty, he had never told such a big lie in all of his life.
“I’m glad to hear that Chuck, I can take a lot of things but seeing my best friend and ex girlfriend together isn’t one of them.”
Chuck сказал(-а) nothing else but he walked back to class. Well, that ended it. He could never be with Blair because Nate would never approve of it. But it wasn’t like he wanted to with her anyways. He just wanted to fuck her again, that was all. Right?

He was going to have to do something about her, but what was the question? She couldn’t keep doing this to him. Every time he tried to keep his distance, she seemed to prey on him and try to get closer. She must know that he desired her and she was using that to her advantage. He had gone to her apartment to tell her to stop fucking with his life and to ruin someone else’s but he had surely encountered a surprise.
Dorota had informed him that Miss Blair was not there because she had chosen this день to go skydiving. Fucking skydiving!! Why would she do that? But Chuck already knew the answer, it was because she liked too. He had a lot to learn about her, not that he wanted too или anything.
He was on his way to find her now; he was actually really worried about her. Who the fuck even went skydiving if they didn’t have a death wish? He had to get to her before she did do it или she was likely to break her neck. Chuck didn’t like these feelings but he couldn’t help them anymore. He found that Blair was melting his icy сердце by the second.
His limo stopped at the airstrip and Chuck raced to the waiting airplane. They were just about to close the door when he peeked his head inside. He saw Blair getting strapped into a harness.
“Blair.” He barked out roughly.
Her face lit up when she saw him. “Chuck!” She squealed and launched herself at him. “What are Ты doing here?”
His arms wrapped around her against his own will. He knew what he was doing but he couldn’t help himself anymore. “I’m here to try and save Ты before Ты plummet to your death but I’m tired of saving you.”
Blair’s face got all squinty. “Who the hell do Ты think you’re talking too? Ты can’t tell me what to do and just so Ты know I’ve been skydiving hundreds of times. It’s such a rush that I can’t even describe it. Are Ты going to jump with me?”
He looked at her in astonishment. “Are Ты fucking crazy? Of course I’m not.” But as soon as he spoke the words the airplane took off and started to rise in the air. “What the fuck?” He screamed while looking around wildly.
She tried to bite back her laughter but she didn’t succeed. Laughter bubbled out of her chest. “It looks like you’re going to jump with me, Chuck.”
“The hell I am. I’ll just wait in the airplane while Ты jump. Are Ты sure that Ты I can’t persuade Ты not to do this?”
“No way. I mean who wouldn’t want to do this. I Любовь it, Chuck. We go up about 12,000 feet and Ты hurtle towards the ground at 120 miles per hour. It only lasts about sixty seconds, but it is so worth it. Please do it with me, they can strap Ты in my упряжь, ремень безопасности and we can go out together.”
“No.” He repeated sternly.
“Please?” She gave him her best щенок dog face.
“Absolutely not.”
Blair grinned. “I never thought that I would see the день where Chuck бас, бас-гитара would let someone get the better of him. Don’t Ты want to prove to me that anything I can do Ты can do better?”
He hated her, he really did. “Fuck it. Alright, I’ll go with Ты but only because I want to prove to Ты that I’m not scared to do it.” Actually he was pretty terrified.
She kissed him on the cheek with a big smile on her face and he grumbled about her making him do this. The instructor strapped him into her harness, and they waited until the plane was up high enough before they could jump.
As the plane climbed higher into the altitude, she grabbed his face and made him look at her. “Don’t worry about it, I promise Ты that Ты will be alright. I would never make Ты do anything that would put Ты in danger, Chuck.”
He nodded. “I’m going to trust Ты on that, Blair.”
The plane arrived at the required for them to jump.
The instructor asked them a question. “Are Ты guy ready to go?”
It was now или never. He chose now. “Yeah, we are.”
The door was thrown open and they moved to the edge of it. Someone was counting to three and on three they both jumped out of the airplane. It was absolute surreal. He had never experienced anything like this. He was still scared out of his mind but there was a certain sense of excitement that he didn’t expect.
The wind was howling in his ears and he couldn’t hear anything. He looked at Blair and saw that her mouth was open and she looked to be screaming in glee. About 45 секунды into the jump, she pulled the cord and their parachute popped out. They were about 4,00o feet from the ground and they slowly drifted to the ground. Chuck couldn’t find his voice and she didn’t attempt to talk either. He wasn’t as bad as he thought it was going to be. It was definitely something that he never wanted to do again.
About five минуты later they hit the ground. Once they had stopped Blair unhooked their parachute and let it fall to the ground. He collapsed right Далее to the parachute. Blair saw down Далее to him an anxiously awaited his reaction. “Well?”
He rolled her over. “It was actually kind of thrilling but I never ever want to do it again.”
She laughed at the expression on his face.
He pushed his body against hers until he was on вверх of her. “How many times have Ты done that?”
“On average, probably about once a month.”
He couldn’t quite grasp the concept of that. But something else was distracting him at the moment. He could feel her body beneath his and her breathing was strained. Her breasts were rubbing against his and he felt the arousal start deep in his gut.
He wanted nothing еще than to bury his tongue into her mouth and he saw that she was looking at him with the same unrestrained lust in her eyes. He kept his eyes on hers while his mouth dipped lower until it was just a hair breath’s away from hers. Just as their lips were about to touch he noticed that her eyes had taken on a look that looked like victory and that snapped him back to his senses.
He stood up abruptly and without looking at her, he stormed back to his limo which was still waiting for him. Shit. He had almost let her do it to him again and she absolutely knew what she was doing to him. She was bent on getting him to choose her over Nate. But that would absolutely never happen. Chuck would never give up his friendship with him for anyone, let alone Blair Waldorf. или would he? He prayed to anyone that would listen to him that he would be able to resist her but he didn’t know if he had the willpower to do it. But he would die trying.

To Be Continued…

A/N: Chapter number two is here and I like the idea of this story еще and more. And I hope Ты feel the same way. Blair and Chuck are so cute that it’s so very easy to write Фан fiction about them. I just hope that we get a good episode of Gossip Girl this week and not the shit they have been stowing on us for the last three episodes. Please no еще C/V или I might have to go vomit. Alright enough with my ranting. Let me know how Ты liked the latest chapter.
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