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First part

She gestured to a row of wooden
chairs against the wall. The looked like they belonged with someone’s dinning room
“Okay,” I agreed. I walked over to the chairs and sat right in the middle,
suddenly wishing I had a book. I hadn’t read anything for a while, outside of school.
And even then, when some ridiculous Любовь story was part of the curriculum, I would
cheat with cliff notes. It was a relief to be working on Animal Farm now. But there had
to be other безопасно, сейф books. Political thrillers. Murder mysteries. Grisly murders were no
problem; just as long as there was no starry-eyed,...
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ok pple tell me REALLY what u think
i'm a MAJOR harry potter Фан and i read all the booksmore than 5 times in english and in french and watched all the movies... i swear like еще than a HUNDRED times... exept one book ....
i was in Любовь with HP 4 really long and the idea of it to end and the fact that Фред and еще characters that i Любовь will die KILLED ME!!! i Любовь sirius SOOOOOOO much.. and Фред 2 and when dumbledore and sirius died i was DEVISTADED!!! i couldn't stop crying for a месяц for both of them!!!!
and when the last book was published i bought it in both languages the first день (btw...
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Before I begin, I’d like to set one thing straight: I’m not against Twilight fans. I respect Ты and your opinions. I just have different ones. These reasons are opinion and fact mixed together. Please don't disrespect me for my opinions. Also, warning: This will be long.

After completely the Harry Potter series, I looked for the Далее “big thing.” Being in middle school, the Далее “big thing” was the Twilight Saga. Sure, why not. I read them through once. I didn’t Любовь it. I didn’t hate it. It was just another book. I never laughed, или cried. It never pulled any emotion out of...
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posted by DivyaHarry
The Cullens are weird. Not in a vampiric sense but in common sense. They are trying to stay camouflaged but they keep failing. Lets review, shall we?

1. They go to high school over and over again. They try to blend in with the other non-sparkly, non-Adonis(y), non-vampiry and nonsensical humans. Aside from this, they pout in the cafeteria during lunch hour. Why? They could just eat their lunch elsewhere. They don't eat, so it's unlikely that no one has noticed them not eating.

2. High school is a crowded place. People keep bumping into each other at some point. Let's say the Cullens are very...
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posted by NataliaLidia
i persenally dont like ether series and heres why!!!

1) i am a reel vampire and i do not sparkl!!! stephanie shud have серовато-коричневый, dun, дун her reasearch before she wrote a book about vampires!!!
2) bella is a bad roll model!!!
4) edwerd is abusiv!!!
5) its unrealistic!!!
6) its badly writen!!!
7) edwerd is describd to much!!! it gets boring!!!
8) its boring overall!!!

harry potter
1) its not relatble!!!
2) its made for kids!!!
3)harry always beets te bad guy!!! he never looses!!!
4) harry gets away wit everything in skool!!!
5) they hav bad frends!!! ron leaves nd dosnt stay wit harry when peeps make fun of him!!!
6) its boring!!!
7) snape keeps his job even tho he bullys students nd is a deth eater!!!
8) dumbledoor doesnt reely care about harry!!! he leaves him at da durslys even tho they are abusiv!!!

both Фильмы hav bad actors nd the filmers didnt follows the boks the way they were suposed to!!!

80. In harry potter lots of girls fell in luv with guys. And i could not understand your writing. Ты sound drunk.

81. Reason why harry potter is better.

82. Ты just admitted that harry potter story is better. And this isn't a who would win: wizards или vampires.

83. Ты did not give one reason why harry potter is better instead Ты went on a rant on how much u luv it and Ты keep on insulting it. Let me deflect your insults. Harry potter is not nerdy just because he wears round glasses and sometimes smart. Edward is not real to Ты cause he is a flake. And again it doesnt matter if harry...
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To a Twilight vampire!
Bonnie Wright, the British actress who plays Ginny Weasley in the Harry Potter films, is set to tie the knot with her actor beau Jamie Campbell Bower (Cauis from New Moon).

The 19-year-old was spotted Показ off her "glittering engagement ring" to fellow guests at a Gucci party last night, according to reports.

As well as playing a vampire in New Moon, 21-year-old Jamie will co-star with Bonnie as the wizard Gellert Grindelwald in the final Harry Potter film, Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows.

The couple met only a few months назад and Bonnie recently gushed in an interview, "We just really clicked straight away. He's a great guy, and we just enjoy spending time together... He's really lovely. Everything is going great."

posted by KateKicksAss
After hearing some Дебаты on various spots around here, I've decided to thoroughly analyze an issue that I found kind of interesting, Voldemort vs. The Volturi.

By "Volturi", I'm talking about the main three, Aro, Caius, and Marcus. And on the "Voldemort" side, It's Voldemort, Bellatrix Lestrange, and probably a few еще assorted Death Eaters.

After throroughly analyzing this issue, I'm forced to conclude that the Volturi side would probably turn out Виктория-победительница in a fight, assuming they can get off their thrones and face the challenge, that is. My reasoning is as follows.

First off, in the...
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Эй, guys! I found this Статья written by someone on a website and I thought I would let Ты read it through. So im posting it.

first of all im a harry potter Фан and i Любовь jkr. and i think that this Статья is not sensible. but Ты all can read it to tell your views, so im posting it for Ты all to give your opinions.

This Статья shows out what position jkr holds in the сердце of the author.
Sincere Фаны of jkr may get a bit annoyed by Чтение this, but for those who always thought she was a bit of …..well read it! Interesting view points have been brought out here!
So before Ты go on,...
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posted by TeamSiriusBlack
Luna looked back and shouted, “EXPELLIARMUS!”
The Death Eater’s wand flew out of his hand.
“Nice shot!” Neville said, looking at her impressed. Luna beamed brightly, as the two continued to run. They both slowed as they neared a room filled with smoke. Neville ran in first and Luna followed close behind. They heard shouts coming from every direction.
“CRUCIO!” There was a scream of agony.
The last spell seemed closer and both ducked at the same time. They heard a thud as a body hit the floor. Luna ran over there, despite the spells flying everywhere....
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posted by snapeislove
The "jejemon" mania is spreading in my country like mad.

I am a Filipino and Im getting really upset because almost half of the 'jejemon' population is in my country. Even my Друзья greet me through text messages '.,inN DisZ qKinD oFv m4nN3Rr.,' and Im now confused if they're simply Twihards или just some bunch of lunatics. I am also sad because when I Поиск what 'jejemon' means it always come up with explanations that involve my country, am I gonna deny that I am a Filipino? will I curse them all because they're all proud of it? will I beg them to stop the stupidity? I know my options will...
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Okay so I've been hearing a whole load coming from a whole bunch of people, the majority being females, that Robert Pattison is hot. They say this like it is fact and when someone comes along and says he isn't it's like they don't get it.

They asked, "How is he not hot?" This is a еще formal format of putting it, but I got a whole bunch of responses which were very retarded. Well it has to do with personal preference.

So someone's opinion might clash with another person's opinion. Like how Twilight Влюбленные think in Twilight all the Вампиры really are hot. But someone else might come along...
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posted by cassie-1-2-3

*All credit goes to youknowit101. He's not familiar with html tags, so he asked me to perform all the fancy link tricks. All information was provided from him. Though, I did assist in editing; revising; and providing alternate wording, from this point on, Ты are hearing strictly from youknowit101.

Some of Ты do not approve of the Последнее Обои I have added to this spot. I claimed they were intended to provide a sense of balance to the obvious, unnecessary, counterproductive prejudice against Twilight. Here is a Список of Обои I've added, accompanied by an opposing image against Twilight....
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posted by AstridGoof8219
There once was a young adult woman named Astrid. One день in Spring 2008, her good friend, Rhonda visited her. She told Astrid about this book series called Twilight, Rhonda сказал(-а) that she read the Книги and that they were really good. Astrid then went to Borders and bought the three books. When she got home, she opened up the first book and started to read away. Astrid then decided that she liked it too. A день later, she read New Moon, only this time, Astrid didn't like it as much as Twilight. Wishing to continue Чтение after the slight disliking, she read Eclipse hoping it would be better...
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posted by hpotterforever7
Note: I did not write this, I found it off a website, and I don't want to offend anyone with it :)

Harry Potter Автор J.K Rowling has reportedly turned down the chance to present an award at this year's Oscars ceremony. She claims she is too busy Письмо to attend the звезда studded event, where she was offered the opportunity to present an award with Twilight Автор Stephenie Meyer. On J.K Rowling's official website, she is quoted as saying that Письмо is her main priority at the moment....but I can't help but wonder if it was Stephenie Meyer who was the reason behind her refusal.

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posted by LilysLittleTwin
Essay Three in my ‘What’s Wrong with Twilight’ или WWT series, is entitled “Bella is Messed Up”. We will be exploring what is wrong with Bella by examining her choices and actions. I may later test her on a psychoanalysis test.

One, she is pathetically whiny. Ты could open any page of a book and find one where she’s whining. TwiFans try to cover this up by pre-bookmark-ing a book at a page with a Описание of the setting (One of the so very few there are). She always begs Edward to turn her into a vampire, even when he blatantly refuses her pleadings every time.

Two, she is too...
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Okay, I'm going to give reasons why each book is better in this article. Then, comment, argue/contradict my points, and start a reasonable Дебаты (not a fight) on the Комментарий board, please!
I'm not a big Twilight fan, but I can try to come up with some reasons:
1.Bella's emotions are described in depth, leaving no area unexplored. We know exactly how she feels at every second, whether she is gazing at Edward или making noodles. (this could also be a drawback-you can't have a story be completely emotion and no story)
2.Love? Well, Edward and Bella are in a relationship where they...
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posted by HaleyDewit
Well,here's my first attempt to a short story :)

“Hey! Stop him! He’s stealing!!!!” the owner shouted. Ron ran as fast as he could, but he didn’t get far. Only a few yards from the Магазин he collapsed to a large person and fell on the ground. The ring fell Далее to him and the man understood what was going on. He picked Ron and the ring off the floor and dragged him back to the jewelry shop. “I think this boy has something that’s yours” the man сказал(-а) looking at the Магазин owner and he gave back the ring. “Thanks” the owner accepted in relief.
“What’s going on?” a familiar...
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posted by KatyLautner
Hey, it's me KatyLautner. I just wanted to say, I'm sorry to all Harry Potter Фаны and anyone I may have offended. I didn't mean to make any enemies, and I never ment for it to go this far.

We all have our opinions, people like what they like. And I should accept that a lot of Ты are Harry Potter fans, and that's cool with me now. I hope all Ты accept that me and a lot of other people are Twilight fans.

Sorry if I called Ты или any of your Друзья a nerd, a bitch, или anything else I may have сказал(-а) that offended Ты in any way.

I'm not saying I wasn't offended, because I was. But most of the people who offended me appologized, so I'm good with them now.

I think a lot of us have Остаться в живых sight about what this spot is for. Debating, talking about which book is better. Our opinions.

So, I'd like to start over. I'll try to give еще detailed and valid reasons why I think the way I do. I hope Ты forgive me, and want to start over as well.

(I didn't include plot, good characters, etc. because those are automatically included)

2. pirates
3. ninjas
4. An awesome pirate/ninja fight
5. Swords (preferably celestial bronze)
6. Closets (for Edward to hide deep inside)
7. giraffes
11. Butterflies
12. Chuck Norris
13. Jet-packs
14. kittens
15. strip poker :D
16. hand lotion
17. Sue Sylvester
18. sherbet
19. 20 фагот players :D
21. Jedis
22. Druids :D
24. A monkey called Jeeves who occasionally slaps Bella
25. YOU.