Гарри Поттер против Сумерек this game had a choice of posters to decorate the room with but one of the choices was twilight and harry potter wasn't there!I mean,HP is кулер, охладитель than twilight was it fair

Pick one:
omfg! that&# 39; s SO unfair!
omfg! that's SO unfair!
liar! Twilight is! кулер, охладитель than HP!
liar! Twilight is! кулер, охладитель than HP!
It&# 39; s just the hype right now. It&# 39; s dumb, so I just...
It's just the hype right now. It's dumb, so I just ignore it.
Added by LadyLilith
huh?????- ??????? im confused
huh???????????? im confused
Added by jalynne405
is the choice you want missing? go ahead and add it!
 Sugartooth900 posted Больше года
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