Гарри Поттер против Сумерек What would Ты like to do this weekend?

Pick one:
Play Quidditch with the Potters and the Weasleys
Play Wizard Chess with Ron
Play Exploding Snap with Фред and George
Play baseball with the Cullens
Meet the Weasleys and the Potters at the Burrow
Visit Bill and Fleur at Shell Cottage
Visit the Cullens
Visit the Potters at Godric's Hollow
Go shopping with Bella, Jessica and Angela in Port Angeles
Go shopping in Diagon Alley
Visit Hogsmeade with the DA
Go hunting with the Cullens
Have a дата with your dream man on Isle Esme
Visit Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes... Yay!!!
Go to La Push пляж, пляжный with Bella and her classmates
Coffee with Hagrid in his кабина
I'll be busy this weekend with Quidditch tryouts/practice
I'll be busy this weekend practicing Practical Defense with the DA
I have a meeting this weekend with the Order of the Phoenix
I have a Death Eater meeting at the Malfoy Manor this weekend
I'll be busy with Prom/Prom Shopping
I'll be busy, I've got an important meeting with the Volturi!!!
 lilcherrywine posted Больше года
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