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Lovely People, Can I thank anyone who has read или reviewed/commented on this Story, means a lot… this is dedicated to anyone who has liked или прокомментировал(-а) and what not on this story…Love Ты all, now don’t forget to tell me what Ты think. Leave me a message at the end :D

Chapter 4
He stood near the door, not with the usual pig-headed arrogance he usually possessed but with a sort of quiet confidence, not quite making eye contact but refusing to look at the ground. By this time the rest of the class was sat down, it was the smallest class, only having fifteen students so naturally it was in the smallest classroom. Hermione had chosen a стол письменный, стол in the middle of the room, no one sat with her, it was odd really, and the only other spare сиденье, место, сиденья then the one Далее to her was the one behind her, Далее to Lavender Brown. Normally Lavender would have sat Далее to Parvati Patil- her best friend- but Parvati was sat with her Twin Sister Padma. Both girls shoot Lavender countless apologetic looks but Lavender didn’t seem to care. With Padma being in Ravenclaw and not Gryffindor like her sister they very rarely got to talk to each other.

Draco stood near the door. He could sit with the Brown girl and risk being giggled at and flirted with throughout the lessons или he could sit with Granger who would most likely ignore him unless he started trying to wind her up. He opted for Granger, he knew she would be the most fun (and least Irritating) to sit Далее to, plus, she was a Muggle-born. She knew all about Muggles and would help him- he hoped. Draco had asked Professor McGonagall if he could Присоединиться this class as soon as he found out he would be allowed back to Hogwarts. Mainly to Показать people he wasn’t a “Lying, scum-bag of a death-eater” As he had been called many a time among worst things. Draco sauntered forwards, and dropped gracefully into the uninhabited chair beside her. She turned and glared.
“I don’t recall saying Ты could sit here.” She spat out, he knuckles going white as she clenched her quill that was already placed between her fingers.
“I don’t recall Ты saying I couldn’t.” Draco replied with a smirk. He didn’t make to Переместить from the сиденье, место, сиденья and Hermione сказал(-а) nothing. She just began to listen to the teacher drone on. Hermione rolled her eyes as Draco got out some parchment and a quill and began to scribble something down, facing the front once again, only a matter of минуты had passed and then she saw the pale hand attached to the arm of the boy she despised pushing the creamy coloured material towards her. She glanced down, written across the page in his neat hand was a note. Why do Ты even take this class anyway? You’re Muggle-born! Hermione once again rolled her deep brown eyes and began to push the note away when she glanced at it again. You’re Muggle-born. Since when had it been “Muggle-born” he normally referred to her as Mudblood. As these thoughts proceeded through her head, she sub-consciously pulled the sleeve of her халат, одеяние further down her arm, where the word Mudblood was carved so horrifically into her skin.

Hermione decided to write back, she was bored with the lesson already; the woman teaching them wasn’t even a teacher, as Hogwarts had been un-able to find a suitable replacement after Professor Burbage’s death. Using her own worn out quill she scribbled back quickly. Muggle-born Malfoy? What happened to Mudblood? Ты ever so darling Aunt had no problem carving it into my skin on the floor of your Drawing room! She made sure not to answer his Назад question. She felt slightly bad as she watched him flinch at the cruel words she had furiously scratched onto the innocent parchment. He glanced up at the brown haired witch, their eyes met for a mere moment before she looked away, missing the apologetic nature his eyes possessed in that moment. He didn’t write back, they spent the rest of the lesson in silence, both dutifully taking notes.

At the end of the lesson, after Hermione had written the Homework assignment down- What are the benefits of using muggle methods for complicated tasks?- She packed her bag as quickly as possible, beginning to walk quickly back towards the head dorms. She had agreed to meet up with Ginny at ужин to allow them both to get their homework done early. She made it back to the statue and сказал(-а) the password, entering the room, that’s when she realised that there was someone behind her. Draco Malfoy stood, Eyes void of all emotion. He stared at her, she waited, and he waited. Then he took a step forward.
“I’m sorry.” Hermione stood shocked, Draco Malfoy, Slytherin’s prince had just apologised to her! Gryffindor’s Muggle-born Princess.
“What for?” Her voice may have been harsher than necessary but she wasn’t used to this Malfoy, only the arrogant Snake who had attempted to make her life miserable for over seven years.
“For what she did to you, I heard Ты screaming but I didn’t watch, I never could, not when I saw it happening.” He cracked his voice braking and a lone tear slipped down his cheek, he wiped it away quickly, but she had seen it. He carried on talking. “Did it- Can Ты still see it, what she did?” Hermione didn’t answer, only walked a few steps forwards so she was only a tiny gap away from him. She slowly peeled back the layers over her arm and there it sat, scratched so barbarically into her smooth creamy skin. He reached out a hand, she flinched as he made contact, but she didn’t pull away, as he traced every letter with his long thin fingers.

Tears fell silently down her cheeks. Draco let her arm go softly, pulling back his own sleeve where the long thin line of his scar lay, he placed his arm Далее to hers. His tears joining hers for the Далее few минуты they seemed to forget out their pasts, Показ how much they had changed. Once they had stopped their crying and the hideous marks on their arms were once again hidden. They spread themselves out around the room, as if nothing had happened. Hermione had finished her essay within a half час of starting but as she packed her things away she saw Malfoy still chewing on the end of his quill, staring down at the Parchment that was near enough empty.

She shook her head, and began to walk towards her room before she heard a voice calling her back.
“Hey Granger?” Hermione turned, looking back towards the blonde boy sat by the window.
“Yes Malfoy?” He glanced downwards slightly, as if embarrassed.
“I’m not exactly sure of all this muggle stuff, think Ты could help out an old enemy?” Hermione rolled her eyes for what felt like the hundredth time that день but to both her and his surprise let out a small laugh.
“Old Enemy Malfoy? Are we not still Enemies? I pretty sure I’m still the same Gryffindor Muggle-born that you’ve hated since we were eleven.” He shook his head slowly, choosing his Далее words carefully.
“I never really hated you, well I suppose I did until third year, after Ты punched me in the face Ты received my respect as not many people would do that, from then on I would just say it was a strong dislike. But Granger, the war’s over, we’ve all changed our views, People have changed, you’ve changed, I’ve defiantly changed and if we’ve got to be sharing this place for the Далее год then I think we need to let go of the childish hostility that we have hoarded over the years.” She stood gaping at him, and just nodded. Where did this come from? This wasn’t the Draco Malfoy she knew but she went along with it, she knew he had changed, but how much?
“Maybe you’re right Malfoy, I mean maybe we should just, start again, that is if Ты could even bare to be classed as Друзья with a Mudblood.” The last word slipped out of Hermione’s mouth before she could stop it. Draco pushed back his chair and stood up quickly, anger written across his face.
“Don’t ever call yourself that again! I know it’s what I did, but that’s how I was brought up, I won’t say it, I refuse to say it and if I do, ever at any time feel free to Hex me или перфоратор, удар, пунш me as hard as Ты want, it doesn’t matter who your parents are, you’re you!” Once again Hermione stood gaping, speechless she just walked towards him and sat down on a chair close to him, he sat back down too and they spent the Далее час doing his homework, her trying to explain without making it to easy and just giving him the answers.

Just before 5 they had finished and all their things were back in their rooms. They stood silently and awkwardly in the middle of their common room, Hermione started walking towards the door.
“I сказал(-а) I’d meet Ginny for ужин so I better go.” She looked once towards the head boy then turned to leave.
“Wait up, I’ll come with you, I’ve got to meet Blaise anyway.” They were once again basked in the awkward silence that seemed to stick to them as if covered by glue. The hallways were surprisingly empty, but the odd person that did walk passed would take секунда или third glances to check if they were seeing things. Hermione breathed a sigh of relief once they reached the great hall and Draco had gone to sit with Blaise at the Slytherin table, Hermione wandered over to the Gryffindor таблица deep in thought, nearly missing the сиденье, место, сиденья Ginny had saved Далее to her.

The girls passed the Далее hour, eating slowly and listening to the gossip already spreading along tables, contributing to Болталка conversations every now and again. At around 6 o’clock a nervous 3rd год Hufflepuff arrived at the side of Hermione.
“The headmistress asked me to give this to the Head girl.” The girl hurried away before Hermione could thank her, after taking the note from her small hand.
Miss Granger could Ты and Mr Malfoy please come to my office after Ты have finished eating. Professor McGonagall. P.S The Пароль is Albus.
Hermione looked across the room Draco had finished eating and seemed to be waiting for his friend to finish. She took a deep breath, using a very weak Reducto curse to get rid of the note so no one could see the Пароль she told Ginny she would see her tomorrow, gave her a quick hug and walked calmly over to the Slytherin table, Draco saw her coming an looked up expectantly. Blaise just nodded politely at her but the figure with her back to Hermione didn’t realise anyone was there until she was right behind her. Pansy Parkinson turned around and snarled at Hermione.
“You shouldn’t be here, get back to your own таблица Ты filthy little Mudblood.” Hermione wasn’t going to react violently; she just smirked and сказал(-а) in a sickly sweet voice that could rival Dolores Umbridge.
“50 points from Slytherin for disgusting and offensive language aimed at the head girl.” The таблица all groaned as the emeralds trickled loudly towards the bottom of Slytherin’s hourglass. Pansy looked towards Draco.
“Drakie, Ты can’t let her do that, not to your own house…” She trailed off towards the end at the glare he was sending her.
“I’ve already made it clear that language like that won’t be tolerated anymore Parkinson. And don’t call me that infernal name. What is it Granger?” He started his sentence of harsh but his voiced softened as he spoke to Hermione.
“McGonagall wants to see us in her office as soon as we’re done with dinner; I’m going there now, so are Ты coming или will Ты come in a little while?” Draco stood up saying goodbye to Blaise and blatantly ignoring the pathetic looks Pansy was shooting his way.
“It’s fine, I’m already done, let’s go.” And ignoring the looks they were getting from all over the hall they walked out of the huge room and up the stairs, taking the long walk to the office. They were halfway there when Draco broke the silence.
“I’m sorry about Pansy; she doesn’t know when to give up sometimes. She had no right calling Ты what she did.” Hermione looked downwards sadly.
“It’s fine, I’m used to it by now.” Neither of them сказал(-а) anything else but Draco was thinking. Ты shouldn’t be. In a matter of минуты they had reached the stone Gargoyle that had been repaired after being badly damaged in the battle.
“Do Ты know the password?” Draco asked Hermione and she nodded, speaking directly to the lump of stone in front of her.
“Albus.” The stone stairs came into view and stepping on them the two teenagers were taken up the revolving stairs to a heavy wooden door. Draco knocked and a firm “Come in” was heard.

I'm also posting this on my Facebook page/group- A House elf украл, палантин my Hogwarts Letter -PLease go and like this page because it does need еще Фаны :D
"Mother! Let's go! We need to go to Diagon Ally!", Draco rushed his mom. "Alright! Alright! Don't rush! There will be plenty of things left to buy", Narcissa snapped at her son. They soon headed off for Diagon Ally.Draco read the letter.

Dear My.Malfoy
We are pleased to inform Ты that Ты have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and
Wizardry. Please find enclosed a Список of all
necessary Книги and equipment. Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.
Yours Sincerely,
Minerva McMGonagall
Deputy Headmistress
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft And Wizardry
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He’s back.

And Naperville was there to welcome him.

More than a thousand Фаны of the world’s Избранное wizard gathered at Naperville’s AMC Showplace Theatre for the midnight premiere of “link” It is the first installment of a two-part film, based on the final book in the J.K. Rowling series.

Many in attendance had pre-purchased their tickets weeks назад and started arriving at the south Naperville cinema as early as 6 p.m. Thursday. An час before the scheduled release, Фаны were seated in eight of the 16 theaters, and additional showings were scheduled for 3:15 a.m. Friday.

While striped...
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It was a beautiful, bright, sunny morning, and everyone was outside, having the time of their lives, for school was near. All except one boy on бирючина, привилегия, привет Drive.

Harry Potter sat on his bed, locked in his room, waiting for his owl, Hedwig, to return. She had gone to deliver letters to Harry's Друзья four nights назад and still hasn't returned.

The Dursleys had gone to a summer party. They were probably having a great time, while Harry was in his room. The party was supposed to last until midnight. Harry started to feel sleepy, then the room went black.

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posted by hannahbanana99
I first thought Harry Potter was really stupid. Then one день it was on Дисней Channel and there was nothing else to watch so I watched Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone. At the end of the movie I was shocked. I LOVED IT!!! I got the whole series of Книги and got 1-5 the Фильмы for Christmas. Now I read each book 3 times and probably know every single word for the Фильмы 1-6. I am so crazy for harry potter that i did this. There was a harry potter and the half blood prince movie Показ time at 3:00 a.m.!!!!!! Me and my cousin (18 yrs. old counsin) stayed up till 2:45 in the morning and went to go see harry potter 6 at 3 in the morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so intrested in the movie i didnt even fall asleep. We were the only ones in the movie theatre
Possibility one: Offer yourself as a babysitter for Hagrid's pets.

Especially recommended to: People who are not afraid of a painful death

Assumed probability of success: Depends on your skill

Possible reason for failure: Hagrid has just locked himself up in his cabin, refusing to listen to your offer, because of the latest attack on his self-esteem.

Side effects: Might break Hagrid's сердце if Ты get into a close relationship with him.

Possibility two: Dig up Voldemort's corpse, take a Polyjuice Potion with a part of him and Показать yourself in public.

Especially recommended to: good actors and actresses...
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Part two of my parody :) I do not own Harry Potter или A Midsummer Night's Dream.

Is all our company here?

You were best to call them generally, man by man,
according to the script.

Here is the scroll of every man's name, which is
thought fit, through all Hogsmead, to play in our
interlude before the duke and the duchess, on his
wedding-day at night.

First, good Filius Flitwick, say what the play treats
on, then read the names of the actors, and so grow
to a point.

Our play is, The Most Lamentable Comedy, and
Most Cruel...
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Genre: Angst
Rating: PG-13 (Just to be safe.)
Author: WolfAngel'JR (in FanFiction.Net -bendaimmortal here.)
Characters: Barty Crouch Jr., Barty Crouch Sr. & Mrs. (Caroline) Crouch.

Summary: The Crouch family, the день they save the son from Azkaban. Begins with a look into Junior’s feelings throughout his год in there but focuses on the день they save him. As always, in my very different interpretation. This is a one-shot.


A/N I know most people see them in a completely different light but no flaming, please because this view does make all the sense in the world and it is actually...
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posted by e2mma2weasle3
10 Ways to Annoy Bellatrix Lestrange

1) Suggest that Voldemort thinks that Pettigrew is a еще capable Death Eater than she is.
2) Send apparitions of the Longbottoms after her, never letting her rest.
3) Post Harry Potter Фан type things all over her Azkaban cell.
4) Keep bringing up her sister, Andromeda, in conversation.
5) Keep bringing up Тонкс in conversation.
6) Impersonate Voldemort and make her believe that he’s into peace with Muggles.
7) Cut off her hair and dye what’s left orange; Ты can tell her that her appearance improves with the “Annie Lennox” look.
8) “Confiscate” her...
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1. Relate everything they say to the Harry Potter Книги and/or movies.

2. Say they look like a Harry Potter character of the opposite gender.

3. Quote Dobby.

4. Hog the computer 24/7 while logged onto MuggleNet.

5. Read out loud to them whenever they can't get away from Ты (Example: When in a car или an elevator). If Ты don't have a book with you, recite from memory.

6. Give them Harry Potter merchandise for their birthday and Рождество and demand that they keep it and treasure it forever.

7. Rewrite their Избранное song with Harry Potter lyrics and sing it constantly.

8. Crowd their Входящие with...
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I have loved harry potter sinse i first saw the movie. I read all the Книги 14 times each. there so good. My favourite character is Lucious. he is so cool. i also like voldemort,hes cool. Its the best. I went to c the new movie and its soooooo good. I Любовь harry potter.it is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...
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OMG i just loved to wrote this chapter, i don´t know why, it´s a little bite sad but i really Любовь it.
Hope Ты like it
Please tell me what Ты think

It didn´t take me too much long to realize that who was coming was my brother and Filch, they were doing the usual round by Hogwarts to check if everything was how as it should be... whitout Sirius Black.
I remembered that Severus had, literally, forbidden me of getting out of my room after ужин time for being to dangerous now that Sirius Black had escaped from Azkaban and he was looking for a way to get into Hogwarts.
I looked at him again...
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Although I hate to admit it, it ought to be put into two different movies, much like the way Peter Jackson put content from the Two Towers into The Return Of The King.

It would mean that we'd get a much better movie than that last one which was like watching a car crash. (I had to look away.) The scenes look great, but we never get to see the events или hear the lines before being wisked away to see another set and be deaf to another set of lines we ought to hear.

I really don't want that to happen again, because lets face it, it sucks. Thus, two Фильмы would be better. The first three...
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Heyyy I'm back from holiday! I missed Письмо Статьи so much! Throughout holiday, I continued thinking of Fanpop and Статья ideas through my head. Oh, phew! I'm not running out of them. Because I analyzed Albus Dumbledore in my head and diary, and ready to post it on Fanpop.

If Ты read my other articles, Ты know that the Фильмы introduced me to the universe of Harry Potter. I might be a little late to it, since the club isn't really active than a few Фаны but still, I keep Письмо reviews. I really loved Dumbledore in the movies: He's that sweet, wise and smart headmaster of Hogwarts. When...
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There is a Популярное theory among non-Harry/Ginny-fans that Harry only fell for Ginny as a result of her giving him a Любовь potion. They claim that Harry's feelings developed too suddenly to be natural and that Ginny was obsessed and desperate enough to do this in order to win Harry. They also claim that the prevalence of Любовь potions and potions in general within Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince hints that a Любовь potion was used. The theory is particular Популярное among film-only fans.

The first problem with this theory is that Harry's behaviour doesn't match that of the only other example...
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The new Harry Potter game is all about the life in Hogwarts
Warner Brothers’ new mobile game celebrates the place that is as much loved by Фаны as the characters in the Harry Potter series

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery which has now been released for Android and iOS, is already topping the charts on the Google Play Store and яблоко App Store.
Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery which has now been released for Android and iOS, is already topping the charts on the Google Play Store and яблоко App Store.
Abhijit Ahaskar
Harry Potter Книги and Фильмы have been adapted into mobile and PC games many times...
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All who Died in Harry Potter(Most of Them Anyway)

Cedric Diggory, Professor Quirrell
Dobby, The Basalisk
Bilius Weasley, Barty Crouch Sr.
Igor Karkaroff, Aragog
Tonks, Bloody Baron
Professor Lupin, Helena Ravenclaw
Mad Eye Moody, Helga Hufflepuff
Bellatrix, Godric Gryffindor
Voldemort, Salzar Slytherin
Фред Weasley, Regulus Black
James Potter, Rufus Scrimigeour
Lily Potter, Gregorovitch
Severus Snape, Grindlewald
Ollivander, Vincent Crabbe
Albus Dumbledore, Lavender Brown
Sirius Black, Colin Creevey
Peter Petigrew , Nagini
Octavius Pepper
Charity Burbage
Bathilda Bagshot
Hi everyone, since the release of the book here in Malaysia a couple of weeks ago. Here are my thoughts and why I'm excited to get the soft cover copy of the book soon, as well as my expectations.

The Characters

Okay, since the characters are the same. Despite that it's set several years after the events of the Deathly Hallows, it also features Harry's секунда son, Albus in it and will continue the Potter bloodline in the story.
I am very happy that the majority of the old characters, including Harry, Ron and Hermione are all back. Not to forget, Draco Malfoy, Harry's nemesis and his son too,...
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added by shenelopefan
Гарри Поттер
Гермиона Грейнджер
Фан video
ron weasley
Дэниел Рэдклифф
added by alessiamonari
Source: harry potter galery ru