Hatter Wall

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cherryprincess сказал(-а) …
Hi I'm new in this group I liked hatter the very first time I saw the movie
they have made so many versions of Alice in wonderland I haven't seen
the movie in a while. I just got to see it again today on Youtube it brings
back memories of when I first saw it I like the end of the movie when
hatter comes back to be with Alice he сказал(-а) I missed you. Опубликовано Больше года
madhatter3 сказал(-а) …
Любовь hatter so much envy alice
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alicehatterfan прокомментировал(-а)…
me too at least u hav the same last name Больше года
madhatter3 прокомментировал(-а)…
yeah but that sooo doesnt matter Больше года
madhatter3 прокомментировал(-а)…
hello? Больше года
madhatter3 сказал(-а) …
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