Joey Wheeler Club
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Yugi: “Hey Joey? Earth to Joey! Hey! Are Ты in there? It's your turn!”
Tristan: “Awww, isn't he cute when he's thinking?”
Joey: “Hey Tristan! Yugi here is teaching me how to play Duel Monsters!”
Tristan: “Drooly Monsters?”
Joey: “Duel Monsters, ya nimrod!”
Joey: “I'm telling ya, somebody's stalking us.” [starts running off]
Tristan : “Where are Ты going?”
Joey: “To stalk them!”
Joey: “Gooooo Drumsticks!”
Mai: “Uh...guys? Joey named his chicken.”
Joey: “It's a niwatari, Mai.”
Mai: "Whatever."
Yugi: “Look at this stuff! Конфеты bars.”
Joey: “Dibs on the Конфеты bars!”
Yugi: “Potato chips.”
Joey: “Dibs on the chips!”
Yugi: “Canned fruit.”
Yugi: “Soda”
Joey: “Dibs on the soda!”
[Yami plays a card face down under magical hats]
Joey [thinking]: "And I bet it's a trap card, but wait. Yugi knows me, and he knows I would think that, so maybe it's not a trap, maybe it's a monster card. But what if he knows that I would think that ... so it really is a trap? But what if he knows that I know the he kno ... ooohh, forget it, I'm just gonna attack.
Kaiba: “Any duelist late for registration will be disqualified. Mokuba, make sure Wheeler's late.” [walks away]
Joey: [yells after Kaiba] “Hey! I know an insult when I hear one! Look at me when I'm yelling at ya'!”
Tristan: "I brought along a nature survival guide!"
Joey: "Can we eat it?"
Tristan: "Don't worry, we still have my Great Outdoor survival Guide!"
Joey: "G'head, Tristan, eat all the pages ya like."
Bakura: "My Millennium Ring is pulling in this direction."
Joey: "Well tell it to pull slower!"
Joey: "All right yous brothers Paradox, me and Yugi are gonna clean your clocks!"
Tristan: [about Serenity] "Just tell me what hospital she's in, and I'll go see her alone. You'd just be a third wheel."
Joey: [twisting Tristan in an anatomically nearly impossible position] "I'll send Ты to the hospital!"
Tristan: "Ahhh!"
Joey: "Goodbye печать of Oriwhositz!"
[after falling out of Duke's car]
Tristan: "Maybe we're safer on foot."
Joey: "Give me a piggyback, and Ты got a deal."
Joey: "How dumb do Ты think I am?!"
Tristan: "You don't want me to answer that."
Joey: "Let me guess, you're putting on another funky Космос suit?"
Valon: "You're smarter than I thought."
Joey: “Yug!” [noogies Yugi] "Man did I miss this spikey little head!"
Tristan: "Are Ты sure that's Atlantis?"
Joey: "Hmm, big ancient city looking thing rising out of the ocean? Yeah, looks about right."
Kaiba: "Don't Ты have someone else to annoy?"
Joey: "No, not at the moment."
Joey: "It's Wheeler time, baby!"
Joey: [sees the spirits of Bakura's monsters] "Don't let them get me!" [hides behind Tea]
Tea: "Hey! Do I look like a human shield to you?!"
Joey: "I'm not gonna lie to you, yes Ты do!"
Joey: "That's Yugi Moto. He defeated Seto Kaiba. And I'm his best friend. [points to чай and Tristan] And these two are trespassers!"
Joey: "I'm bad, Ты know it. I'm bad, I'll Показать it."
Mai: Okay, give me all your звезда chips and I'll give Ты some food.
Joey: No way! Potato chips... I mean звезда chips are priceless!
Tea: What a weird dream...
Joey: This is no dream, this is me goin' insane.
Tristan: I just dreamed that Bakura went totally mental!
Joey: Same here. Last time I snooze with dueling cards under my pillow.
Bakura: Sleep well guys? [sweet face]
Joey & Tristan: BAKURAA!!! [they jump up startled and grab onto each other] Huh?
Tristan: Hands off!
Joey: Ты grabbed me!
[Yugi, Joey, and Mokuba meet at the fountain]
Yugi: Did Ты find out anything, Joey?
[Joey limps over with a dog biting his leg]
Joey: Yeah, I found out that I hate virtual dogs!
Solomon: All right, can Ты name the strongest duel monster?
Joey: No.
Solomon: Can Ты name the weakest?
Joey: Uhh, no.
Solomon: Ты do know what a trap card is, don't you?
Joey: Kinda... I have no idea.
Guard: Эй, you, what are Ты doing? Get out of there! Only official contestants are allowed on board.
Joey: How do Ты know I'm not official?
Guard: Because official duelists aren't trying to sneak into the ship through the lower hatches.
Joey: One potata, two potata, three potata, four, five potata, six potata, seven potata, more.
Kaiba: Just pick a door Ты geek.
Joey: Five potata, four potata, three potata, two, I, choose, YOU! *points at door* We have a winner!
*Marik walks in the door*
Joey: Hey! Hold it! I already called first dibs on that door!
Yami: Just pick the door that's closet to you, Joey.
Joey: But what about my potata song?
Joey: I'm gonna file this under the category of not good.
Joey: Lets hit the high road folks! I'm sure there's someone else trying to take over the wold back home.
Tristan: The scary thing is he's probably right.
Tristan: That was your last monster!
Joey: Your cheerleading skills need work.
Joey: I'm on Ты like stink on an elephant!
Joey: [talking about Yugi's duel with the Kaiba Corp dueling system] That ломоть o' утиль, барахло, мусор computer'll be running Главная to it's motherboard when Yugi's through with it!
Joey: [has just figured out that Madame бабочка is Mai in disguise] Ok, that's it. There's only one duelist that could be that annoying!
Mai: Ты did it! [hugs Joey]
Joey: Get off me!
added by Narusasu4EVER
added by Narusasu4EVER
added by Narusasu4EVER
added by Narusasu4EVER
added by Narusasu4EVER
added by Narusasu4EVER
added by Narusasu4EVER
added by Narusasu4EVER
added by Narusasu4EVER
joey wheeler
funny joey
added by Narusasu4EVER
added by Narusasu4EVER
added by Narusasu4EVER
added by Narusasu4EVER
added by Narusasu4EVER
added by Narusasu4EVER
added by Narusasu4EVER
added by Narusasu4EVER
added by Narusasu4EVER
added by Narusasu4EVER
added by Narusasu4EVER