Jon & Kate Plus 8 I miss the Показать

Crepage posted on Apr 03, 2009 at 07:09PM
I hope that the new season(if there is an new season) starts soon! That show eased my day or just made me laugh!

Jon & Kate Plus 8 6 Ответы

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Больше года TheGosselinsRox said…
big smile
dont worry there is. they anninced on the oprah show that it starts in may. so thats gret rite??
Больше года hbluva said…
I am excited for it! I hope that Jon and Kate can work things out!
Больше года Crepage said…
Thats right its great! I hope that this season is better than the others!
Больше года courtney7488 said…
Apparently, there's gonna be a new episode on 4/19. I don't know if it's part of the new season or not because it looks like a "going green" special. The commercial showed Jon and Kate putting what looked like solar panels on the roof of their house.
Больше года grannyg said…
Jon and Kate I miss your show. I understand you need a break from it all. But please please please come back!
I have enjoyed you and all the children. You all are amazing!
Since there are no new episodes on right now I have started reading the Twilight Saga. So please come back I need a break from the books.
Love you all, Take care , miss ya,
Больше года Crepage said…
I saw that but it looks like a one time episode!