Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil Club
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Kick pushed Gunther back to the shelter on Ol' Blue. Later that night, Kick made a огонь to cook the fish, which were being cooked on a huge stick all at once. He handed some to Gunther, and he took a bite out of the рыба like a maniac.
"HOLY CRAP, MAN! WHERE DID Ты LEARN TO MAKE FISH?! THIS IS THE BEST рыба I EVER HAD!" Gunther screamed. He was so happy, he felt like he was going to expolode! He didn't have any Еда that tasted this good in days! They both most of the рыба within 5 minutes. Kick fell asleep in the shelter, while Gunther was still wide awake. When all of a sudden, he saw a медведь running straight torward their shelter!
"Kick! Wake up! A bear's coming straight toward us!....... I guess it was only a racoon....... Sorry! I'm kinda' scared of the wilderness now after what happened when Ты left me alone for the day. It sucks not being able to walk, Kick. I can get board in life easy like this............
Kick? Uuuugghhhhh! Where did he go now?"