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added by LeaderVladimir
Source: Nintendo
added by LeaderVladimir
Source: DeviantArt
added by LeaderVladimir
Source: Pinterest
added by glelsey
Source: Eric Krenz
added by Tatsuki33
added by LeaderVladimir
Source: DeviantArt
added by LeaderVladimir
Source: Twitter
added by LeaderVladimir
Source: Nintendo
added by LeaderVladimir
Source: Nintendo
Navi seems to be lost. In Majoras Mask, Link is actually searching for her. Me Вопрос is, is she Остаться в живых in the future или is she just fed up with Link and him not answering so she's gonna go and find another Kyokiri to annoy? It's a shame really. Then your stuck with Tattle and many others. So it seams that your stuck with them through out the series and Ты start to miss Navi's occasional, или forever on going, "Hey! Listen! Watch out!" So, does anyone have a clue on where she is? Link just kind of left her and went to the clouds.
added by LeaderVladimir
Source: Zerochan
added by LeaderVladimir
Source: Zerochan
added by Tatsuki33
added by darklink1279
added by darklink1279
added by tammav5