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posted by Domilie4ever
Original timeline ... Hurley, Sun, Jack, and Frank have just arrived at the Man in Black's camp.]

LOCKE: Hello, Jack. I was hoping you'd come.

[Hurley hands Locke his torch.]

LOCKE: I think we have some catching up to do.

[Jack walks up to Hurley.]

JACK: Hurley. This was your idea. Ты alright with me talking with him alone?

HURLEY: [Handing Jack a gun.] It's all you, dude.

JACK: [To Locke] Alright, let's catch up.

[Jack and Locke walk away. They arrive at a clearing. Locke sits down on a log. Jack remains standing, facing Locke.]

JACK: Look just like him.

LOCKE: Does it bother you?

JACK: No, what bothers me is I don't have any idea what the hell Ты are.

LOCKE: Sure Ты do.

[Jack kneels.]

JACK: Why John Locke?

LOCKE: Because he was stupid enough to believe that he'd been brought here for a reason. Because he pursued that belief until it got him killed. And because Ты were kind enough to bring his body back here in a nice wooden box.

JACK: He had to be dead before Ты could look like him.

LOCKE: That's right.

[Jack nods.]

JACK: Who else have Ты looked like?

LOCKE: Jack, what do Ты really want to ask me?

JACK: The third день we were here I saw... I chased my father through the jungle... my, my dead father. Was that you?

LOCKE: Yes, that was me.

JACK: Why?

LOCKE: Ты needed to find water. This may be hard for Ты to believe, Jack, but all I've ever been interested in is helping you.

JACK: To help me? To do what?

LOCKE: Leave. But because Jacob chose you, Ты were trapped on this Island, before Ты even got here. Now Jacob's dead. We don't have to be trapped anymore. We can get on an airplane and fly away anytime we want to.

JACK: If we can just fly away whenever we want, why are Ты still here?

LOCKE: Because it has to be all of us.

[Jack looks momentarily emotional.]

LOCKE: What?

JACK: John Locke was the only one of us that ever believed in this place. He did everything he could to keep us from leaving this island.

LOCKE: John Locke was not a believer, Jack. He was a sucker.


[Flash-sideways timeline ... Locke is in an ambulance.]

EMT #1: [Talking into a radio.] Sinus tach at one-thirty. BP dropping. Last read was sixty-two over thirty possibly due to internal bleeding.

MAN ON RADIO: Any signs of neurological damage?

EMT #1: No response in lower reflexes.

BEN: That's because he's a paraplegic.

EMT #1: Ты know this man?

BEN: Yes, he's a substitute teacher at my school. His name is Locke... Mr. Locke. I don't know his first name, but he uses a wheelchair. Where is it?

EMT #1: Smashed to pieces. That thing probably saved his life.

BEN: I saw the man that did this... the, the hit-and-run driver. He, he was at our school--

EMT #1: When we get to the hospital Ты can talk to the cops. Do Ты know anyone we can contact for him?

BEN: I have no idea. Like I said, I barely know him.

LOCKE: Helen.

BEN: What did Ты say?

LOCKE: Helen Norwood. I was gonna marry her.

BEN: Well, you're still gonna marry her 'cause you're gonna be okay, Mr. Locke.

LOCKE: John. My name is John.

[An EMT opens the doors to the скорая помощь and Locke is wheeled out.]

EMT #1: Blunt-force trauma victim. Late forties, male. He needs a CT scan.

[Sun is being wheeled out of another скорая помощь right Далее to the one Locke was just wheeled out of.]

EMT #2: We got a gun shot wound here. Female, entry wound. Upper right quadrant.

JIN: [Walking Далее to Sun's stretcher.] Baby! Baby!

EMT #2: Yes, sir, I understand. She's pregnant. We're gonna take good care of her. Five-hundred cc's, external blood loss.

JIN: Baby!

EMT #2: External blood loss.

JIN: Baby!

EMT #2: We're gonna do everything we can.

SUN: [In Korean] No...No!

JIN: [In Korean] Sun, what is it?

SUN: [In Korean] It's him! It's him! It's him!


[Original timeline ... Locke and Jack are walking through the jungle.]

[Locke hears something and they stop suddenly, looking into the darkness.]

JACK: What is it?

LOCKE: Ты can come out!

[Claire appears and approaches them.]

LOCKE: Ты following us, Claire?



CLAIRE: 'Cause he's my brother.

[Claire smiles.]

LOCKE: Looks like Ты two have a lot of catching up to do. I'll leave Ты to it.

[Locke leaves, handing Jack the torch.]

JACK: Claire, I'm... I'm so sorry th--

CLAIRE: Did he tell you? That he was the one pretending to be our father?

JACK: Yeah. Yeah, he told me.

CLAIRE: Ты know, I pretty much gave up hoping that you'd ever come back. Now that you're here...

[Clare pauses, sighs, then smiles.]

CLAIRE: It's... it's good to see you, Jack.

JACK: Yeah, it’s good to see Ты too.

CLAIRE: Ты know, I-I never really had much in the way of family, so it…really means a lot that you’re coming with us.

JACK: Actually, I haven’t-I haven’t decided if I’m coming with you.

CLAIRE: Yeah, Ты have.

JACK: What do Ты mean?

CLAIRE: Ты decided the moment Ты let him talk to you, just like the rest of us. So, yeah, whether Ты like it или not, you’re with him now.


[Original timeline Man in Black’s camp]

HURLEY: He’s got a submarine?

SAWYER [whispers]: Keep your voice down, damn it. Yeah, Widmore’s got a sub. We’re using it to get off this rock.

HURLEY: Are we gonna tell Sun?

SAWYER: Kate’s telling her now. I thought we might want to avoid huddles.

HURLEY: What about Sayid?

SAWYER: Sayid ain’t invited. He’s gone over to the dark side.

HURLEY: Yeah, but Ты can always bring people back from the dark side. I mean, Anakin--

SAWYER: Who the hell’s Anakin? Look, just keep your mouth shut. Don’t say nothing’ to no one.


HURLEY: Hey, Claire.

CLAIRE: Hey, Hurley.

HURLEY: Ты look great.

[Sawyer looks past Hurley and Claire embracing at Locke and Jack returning to camp.]

LOCKE: It’s so nice to have everyone back together again.

2[Flash-sideways timeline. Sawyer eating an яблоко and walking in police station.]

SAWYER: Want an apple?

[Kate doesn’t respond.]

SAWYER: Hey, Schaub, I’m the one who brought her in. Wanna give us a minute?

[Officer Schaub nods and leaves.]

SAWYER: Katherine Anne Austen. Wanted for arson, assault on a federal officer, murder in the first degree.

[Background indistinct police radio chatter.] Funny, Ты don’t strike me as the murdering kind.

KATE: That’s because I’m not.

SAWYER: Ты be sure and mention that to feds when they get here.

KATE: There something Ты wanted?

SAWYER: Ты remember me? From the airport? We were on the same flight from Sydney.

KATE: Yeah, I remember.

SAWYER: Well, don’t Ты think it’s weird--you and me being on the same flight, having that little meet-up in the elevator? And a week later--boom, of all the cars in Los Angeles, Ты smash into mine. Almost like someone’s trying to put us together.

KATE: Are Ты hitting on me?

SAWYER: [laughs] It’d never work, sweetheart. I’m a cop, you’re a murderer.

KATE: I already told you, I’m not a murderer.

SAWYER: Yeah, well, I’m still a cop.

KATE: So, why didn’t Ты arrest me?

SAWYER: I did arrest you.

KATE: No, in L.A.X., the elevator, Ты saw I was wearing handcuffs.

SAWYER: I didn’t see any handcuffs. All I saw was a pretty lady who needed the door held open for her.

KATE: Ты know what I think? I think Ты let me go because Ты went to Australia, and Ты didn’t want anyone to know Ты were there. Should I tell that to the feds when they get here?

SAWYER: Oh, I like you.


MILES: Jim, got a live one. Come on.

SAWYER: Sorry, duty calls.

MILES: We caught a multiple homicide at a restaurant. Victims were a lowlife named Keamy and three goons on his payroll. Korean female GSW at the scene, and her boyfriend witnessed it, but he doesn’t speak English.

SAWYER: Any suspects?

MILES: Yeah, an ATM surveillance camera grabbed this jaboney fleeing the scene.

SAWYER: All righty. Put a name to that face. [Security tape film shows Sayid leaving a building.] That’s our bad guy.


[Original timeline, Locke’s camp.]

[Kate and Jack are together looking at Sayid across the camp.]

KATE: He’s different now.

JACK [nods]: Guess we’re all different now.

KATE: So what did Locke say to you?

JACK: He сказал(-а) that he wants to leave, and we all have to go together.

KATE: And do Ты believe him?

JACK: I’m not sure yet.

[Sound of a винтовка cock as Zoe walks into camp.]

MAN: Hands up. Stop right there.

ZOE: Where’s the man in charge?

HURLEY: Who’s she?

SAWYER: That’s Widmore’s number two.

[Locke comes out of a tent and smiles at Zoe.]

LOCKE: What can I do for you?

ZOE: Ты took something from us, and we want it back.

LOCKE: I’m sorry. I don’t know what you’re talking about.

[Zoe reaches for something in her back pocket. Rifles cock.]

LOCKE: It’s okay.

ZOE [speaking into walkie-talkie]: Do Ты have fix on my position?

MAN: Roger that.

ZOE: Показать them what we’re capable of.

[Whistling sound overhead, followed by a loud explosion. Everyone ducks, except Locke, who doe not flinch.]

ZOE: Ты have until nightfall to return what Ты took; или Далее time, we won’t miss. [Zoe tosses walkie-talkie to Locke, who catches it.] Call me when you’re ready for us to pick him up. [Zoe walks off.]

[Locke drops walkie-talkie to the ground and smashes it with the stick he had whittled.]

LOCKE: Well…here we go.


[Flash-sideways timeline. Claire enters a building and speaks with man at reception desk.]

CLAIRE: Uh, hi. I have an appointment with the Western Pacific Adoption Agency.

MAN: Fifteenth floor, and sign in, please.

CLAIRE: Sure. [Claire signs in. Looks up suspiciously at Desmond as he addresses her.]

DESMOND: Эй, there. How are you? Uh, we met at the airport. The, uh, the baggage claim.

CLAIRE: Oh, yeah, right.

DESMOND: Nice. I’m Desmond. Desmond Hume. Um, I never got your name. Uh…[looks at the sign in sheet.] “Claire Littleton.” So--So how Ты doin’?

CLAIRE: Um, I’m okay. Better now. I actually had a bit of a scare, ended up in the hospital.

DESMOND: Oh, no. I’m sorry. Are you…

CLAIRE: Oh, no. It’s all good now, so…Oh, by the way, uh, Ты were right. It’s a boy.

DESMOND: I have a nose for these things. Look, um…excuse me if this sounds a bit personal, but I couldn’t help noticing you’re going to an adoption agency….alone.

CLAIRE: Uh…yeah. You’re right. It is personal.

DESMOND: No, I just meant that Ты should have some--some legal representation.

CLAIRE: What, are Ты a lawyer?

DESMOND: No, no. But, uh, it just so happens that I’m on my to see one. Ты know, adoption contracts are complicated; and, Ты should be careful because Ты could find yourself in a situation that’s irreversible.

CLAIRE: Yeah, I-I don’t have money for a lawyer. [Desmond follows Claire onto an elevator, she presses 15th floor button.] What floor?

DESMOND: Um…I’m--I’m going to 15 as well. Look, this, um, this attorney I’m seeing--she’s excellent. Uh, Ты know, plus, she owes me a favor. So…why don’t Ты just come and meet her? Ты know, I think she could really help you.

[Claire and Desmond leave elevator.]

DEMOND: Look, I promise Ты it won’t cost Ты a cent. Please. It’d be my absolute pleasure.

CLAIRE: Uh, sure.

DESMOND: Great, this way. [Holds door open for Claire. They enter a law office and stop at receptionist.] Hi. Uh, Desmond Hume to see Ms. Verdansky, please.

RECEPTIONIST [types at computer]: Oh, yes, Mrs. Hume, she’s expecting you. Have a seat.


CLAIRE: Hey, um…thank you.

DESMOND: You’re very welcome.

ILANA [with an American accent]: Desmond! [They embrace and Kiss on the cheek.]

DESMOND: Ah, Ilana. Uh, Claire, this is Ilana. Ilana, I’d like Ты to meet a friend of mine, Claire Littleton.

ILANA: Claire Littleton, um…

DESMOND: I was hoping you’d be able to help her, um….

ILANA: I’m sorry…Claire Littleton from Australia?

CLAIRE: Um, do I know you?

ILANA: No, but this is a quite a coincidence. We’ve been looking for you. Desmond, do Ты mind if I speak with Ms. Littleton alone for a few minutes?

DESMOND: No, absolutely fine. Go right ahead.

[Claire follows Ilana away from reception area.]

editAct 3[Original timeline. Claire walks into Locke’s camp and goes to Hurley.]

LOCKE: Listen up, everyone.

CLAIRE: Hey. What’s going on?

HURLEY: People are trying to kill us again.

LOCKE: All this is happening a bit sooner than I’d expected, but these people have forced our hand, claiming we украл, палантин something from them, trying to provoke us into a confrontation. Well, if that’s what they want, that’s what they’ll get. Gather your things, we’re going to the other island and we’re getting on that plane. James, I need your help with something. [They walk away as Jack watches them.] There’s a лодка moored just a few hours down the берег from here. I want Ты to get it and meet the rest of us on the other side of these bluffs. [Locke shows James a map] We’ll all sail over to the other island together.

SAWYER: How come we’re not all heading for it together?

LOCKE: The bigger the group, the slower it moves.

SAWYER: All right. I could use another pair of hands.

LOCKE: Take whoever you. How about it, Freckles? Know anything about sailing?

KATE: I know enough.

LOCKE: Good. We’ll be waitin’ for ya. Sayid, Ты got a minute? [Jack watches Sayid follow Locke.]

SAWYER [whispers]: Give me a hand with something’? [Jack follows Sawyer] Listen up, ‘cause I’m only gonna say this once. We’re not going to that rendezvous point to pick up Locke. I got a deal with Widmore.

JACK: What kind of deal?

SAWYER: Just listen. First chance Ты get, double back, hoof it to this spot. [points to map] There’s an old dock. Grab Hugo, Sun and Lapidus. Kate and I will meet Ты there.

JACK: What about Sayid and Claire?

SAWYER: Sayid’s a zombie and Claire’s nuts. She gave up her ticket when she tried to kill Kate. And I ain’t gonna let that happen again. That’s Hugo, Sun and the pilot. Only them. Understand?

JACK: But, how am I supposed to get us away from--from Locke?

SAWYER: Ты figure it out. [Sawyer hands map to Jack and goes to Kate.] Ready to roll?

KATE: What was that all about?

SAWYER: Guy talk. [Kate looks at Jack as she leaves with Sawyer.]

[Locke and Sayid, away from camp]

LOCKE: I need Ты to go out to where I’ve got Desmond.

SAYID: I thought Ты weren’t going to give him back.

LOCKE: I’m not. You’re gonna kill him. And that’s not gonna be a problem, is it, Sayid? Ты do still want what Ты asked me for, right?

SAYID: Yes, I do.

LOCKE: Then, go do what I said. [Sayid walks away. Locke heads back to camp.]


[Sayid, gun in hand, walks toward the well. Points gun at Desmond, who is bloody and sitting in shallow water.]

DESMOND: So what did he offer ya? If you’re gonna shoot me in cold blood, brother…I think I have a right to know what you’re getting’ in exchange for it.

SAYID: He told me I could get something back I lost.

DESMOND: And what did Ты lose?

SAYID: The woman I loved.

DESMOND: And where is she now?

SAYID: Dead.

DESMOND: And what makes Ты think Locke can bring her back?

SAYID: I died…and he brought me back.

DESMOND: So, what will Ты tell her?

SAYID: What do Ты mean?

DESMOND: This woman--when she asks Ты what Ты did to be with her again…what will Ты tell her?


[Flash-sideways timeline. Sayid rushes into the Главная of his brother and Nadia. He grabs a bag and suitcase.]

NADIA [smiling]: Sayid. [Expression changes as she sees the suitcases.] What’s going on?

SAYID: Everything will be okay for Ты now. I took care of it.

NADIA: What do Ты mean? Where are Ты going?

SAYID: I have to leave.

NADIA: Did Ты hurt someone?

SAYID: Nadia, I’m leaving. And I’m never going to be able to come back again.

[Doorbell rings.]

NADIA: What did Ты do, Sayid?

SAYID [whispers]: Stall them.

[Nadia goes to the door.]

NADIA: Who is it?


NADIA: May I see some identification?

MILES: Can Ты open the door, please. [Nadia opens the door.] Mrs. Jarrah, I’m Detective Straume. I need to ask Ты some questions. Ты have a few minutes? [Miles sees the suitcases and looks at Nadia.]

[Sayid leaves through the rear door, but is tripped by a hose held by Sawyer, who points a gun at Sayid.]

SAWYER: That’s good, stay down. [Handcuffs Sayid.] Sayid Jarrah, you’re under arrest.

editAct 4[Original timeline. Sawyer peers out from the jungle to a лодка off shore.]

SAWYER: Thar she blows. [Sawyer and Kate walk onto the beach.] Ты ready to get wet?

KATE: Ah. Ты sure this is a good idea?

SAWYER: Ты see a bridge?

KATE: Going back to get Locke.

SAWYER: Of course not. It’s a terrible idea, which is why we ain’t doing it.

KATE: What?

SAWYER: We’re gonna ditch Locke. You, me Jack, Hurley, Sun and that pilot that looks like he’s stepped off the set of a Burt Reynolds movie.

KATE: When were Ты planning on telling me this?


KATE: Wait. Ты didn’t say Claire.

SAWYER: She ain’t coming. The Claire Ты came back for is gone.

KATE: I promised I would bring her back.

SAWYER: That was before she started drinkin’ Locke’s kool-aid. She’s dangerous, Ты really want her around Aaron? Let’s go. We ain’t got much time.

[Sawyer and Kate swim to boat.]


[Locke leads his group through the jungle.]

JACK: Hey, Claire.


JACK: How long have Ты been with Locke?

CLAIRE: Ever since Ты left.

JACK: So Ты trust him?



CLAIRE: ‘Cause he’s the only one that didn’t abandon me.

[Locke’s followers are walking single file and go in the direction that he points. Locke looks down the line and talks to Sun.]

LOCKE: Sun. Have Ты seen Sayid? He was supposed to catch up with us about a half a mile back. [She doesn’t answer.] Oh, the silent treatment?

[She takes out a note pad from her bag and writes]: “You did this to me!”

LOCKE [scoffs]: I’m sorry, Sun, but I didn’t do anything to you. [Locke touches Cindy’s shoulder.] James should be on his way by now. Just keep everyone moving to the beach, I’ll catch up with Ты there.

CINDY: Where are Ты going?

LOCKE: I wanna make sure nobody got left behind.

[Jack watches Locke leave.]

JACK: Hurley, wait up.


JACK: Sun. [Sun and Lapidus go over to Jack and Hurley. Claire is observing.] We have to go now.

LAPIDUS: Go where?

JACK: There’s no time. We just gotta go. Follow me.

HURLEY: Um, I think we should stick to Sawyer’s plan, или he’ll be really pissed.

JACK: This is Sawyer’s plan. Let’s go!

[Claire angrily watches as Jack, Hurley, Sun, Lapidus trot away.]
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