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The story is told by the guy who organized MJ's концерт in Moscow in 1993. He shares his memories of Michael and the crazy venture that the Показать turned out to be at those crazy times.

When Michael came to Moscow in 1993 he was actually the first big звезда who visited Russia. We just got out of the Soviet Union, and the country was in a pretty bad state at that time. There was a lot of mafia, a lot of poor people, most of newly founded commercial firms collapsed или cheated on investors. No one trusted anyone. In other words, it wasn't the best time for a pop звезда to do a gig. But he was Michael Jackson, and he had to be the first in everything, right? On to the story...

Samvel Gasparov, a movie director, tells the story about MJ' Показать in Moscow in 1993:

'I heard about Michael Jackson for the first time back in the 70's. I even knew some of his songs, but I never was a fan. When I worked as a truck driver, I used to listen to Georgian music. Later, when I went to college, I grew to like Joe Dassin, Charles Aznavour, Tom Jones, and Engelbert Humperdinck. But I always knew about Jackson, and I knew that he was a good singer.

In the early 90's my dream was to make a movie called "Run brother, run". American filmmakers expressed some interest in the script, and in 1992 I went to Romania where we rented a foundation. As it happened, Michael Jackson was giving a Показать in Bucharest at that time, and I was introduced to his producer Marcel Avram by one of our mutual friends. Marcel asked me to help them tape Michael's concert, and I did what I could. It was a pleasure. The performance left me stunned. Jackson impressed me very much – he was a genius, that's no question. I was personally introduced to him, and I remember shaking his cool pale hand. On the секунда день at ужин I told Avram about my wish to make a movie in the USA and my need for money. I already had an offer for five Фильмы and lodging in the US by then. "I like you", Avram said. "If Ты want, we can bring Michael to Moscow. Then Ты can organize a Показать and make some money." I thought it would be cool, but I honestly didn't believe it was possible. But soon after that Avram sent his people to Moscow in order to check out Dessa, the company I headed at the time. It was one of the first Russian private companies created for the purpose of movie making, and I had some good folks on my team.

Suddenly the project came to life. Money was pushed to the background in my mind. I was full of enthusiasm, I wanted to bring that joyful event to people – after all, it was the first time a big звезда was going to visit Russia. Since the visit of Avram's delegation and till September 1993 we were busy with preparations. It was my first experience in Показать business, and I couldn't imagine that it would be that hard and unpredictable. I thought that all showbiz "sharks" would support me and help me with that project, but it turned out the other way round – they threw obstacles in my way and tried to prevent the Показать from happening. We felt that our efforts were not appreciated. We even got phone calls with threats. And we got attacked by the media: they wrote that I was the king of the liquor industry and the head of the Chechen mafia. They сказал(-а) I was organizing the Показать in order to sell водка on the stadium. It was a nightmare! They also wrote garbage about Jackson – that he was a pedophile, and that I was going to bring not him, but his impersonator who would lip synch to his songs. But all this crap only turned us on. We decided that we would make the Показать happen no matter what.

Preparations were under way. We did our best to deliver things that the pop star's team had requested. For example, they had asked for black leather furniture, 45 bicycles, and a few computers. We had to veneer the whole field of the stadium, rent cars, book a president suit in Metropol Hotel for Jackson with his personal security and inner circle, and rooms in hotel Ukraine for the rest of the team… All the way I had a bad feeling that somehow it wouldn't work out even before Michael arrived.

We met Jackson in Sheremetievo-2 airport and then worked with him closely during all 3 days till the show. Ты may be surprised, but I have no фото of us together. I remember – it was, I guess the день before the концерт – I saw a long line of American embassy employees in the stadium passage. Jackson was standing Далее to the wall, and those people approached him one by one in order to take a фото with him. With a forced smile he accepted their hugs. I just didn't want to be in that line. He was really nice to me and I could have used any other chance, but I just don't like that sort of thing. When everyone runs after you, it must be unbearable. I think Jackson liked it that I wasn't trying to "make friends" with him too hard. For example, I never strived to сиденье, место, сиденья closer to him, или start a small talk. I communicated mostly through his producer, security manager and doctor.

Michael was generally reticent and didn't make any decisions. During our meetings he sat in the corner and listened quietly. Negotiations were mainly conducted with Avram. It amazed me how this silent guy managed to drive the whole world crazy with his Пение and dancing. (That's me included – I had been literally blown away by that концерт in Romania.) So, when I asked Вопросы to Jackson, he didn't answer me right away. He glanced at Avram if the Вопрос was about the Показать или at the security manager if it was about a city trip, and only with their consent he answered "yes" или "no". He was surprisingly calm, unhurried and a little bit odd.

Once at 1 a.m. he requested to be taken someplace where he could try a borsch [Russian national soup], so all of us had to drive to a restaurant near the Danilov monastery. They served splendid meals, but he only ate borsch and was very pleased with it. On another occasion, during a city tour, he liked the uniform of a police captain and asked where he could buy a set like that. We talked to the policeman and he kindly offered to present Michael with a set of the uniform. Indeed, the Далее morning the uniform was delivered to the hotel, and that made Jackson childishly happy. He found everything joyful just like a kid

He had a big dream to take a parade on the Red Square, standing on the Mausoleum. Of course it was an impossible thing to do, but we tried to meet his wishes and organized a parade of Taman division in Alabino [military garrison]. The authorities helped us to build a tribune where Michael would take the parade. After that he marched together with the troops while his people were taping it on camera. That день he was beaming with joy.

He was like a big kid, really. I saw him sitting in his room, wheeling toy cars on the floor… Ты should have seen him around children! He seemed to turn into a different person; he was always happy to give them autographs. My good friend asked me to invite Michael to the ballet school his daughter attended. I didn't think he would agree, because his days were planned ahead – he was supposed to see the sights, go shopping, and meet the politicians and cultural figures. (By the way, many Russian pop stars asked me to introduce them to Michael, but I usually turned them down.) Nevertheless I conveyed my friend's request to Michael, and he agreed immediately. He canceled one of the city tours, and we went to the ballet school together. Children gave him a terrific reception; they danced for him and took photos. He was absolutely happy, and it seemed that he never wanted to leave. As to the president Yeltsin, Michael never had a chance to meet him, even though he wanted to, very much.

Ultimately, our "well-wishers" did a good job. Tickets sales were very poor. In fact, they were blocked in ticket offices: we made a few attempts to do a purchase ourselves, but every time we got "sold out" или "office closed" replies. On September 15, the день of the show, the stadium was almost empty. The rain had been pouring since morning. Near the subway station someone was spreading rumors that the Показать had been canceled because of the rain, so people went back Главная instead of getting to the stadium. Jackson was prophesied that he would break his spine if he went on stage that day. Then there came a Сообщить that Michael's team brought drugs to the stadium. Police officers with Собаки came running around the place searching for the drugs. Having found nothing, the police left, but as soon as they left a message about a bomb on the stadium popped up! So they came back now searching for the bomb… It was crazy. People who were trying to throw a monkey wrench into our plans, succeeded. I understood that it was the end of it. Meanwhile the intelligence agents dragged a police officer who was found under the stage stairs. As it turned out, he sneaked under the stairs in order to tape footage of Jackson going on stage for a family archive. The intelligence agents are tough guys; they decided he was a hit man, so they tied him up, broke his camera and took away his service gun… Can Ты imagine the condition I was in?! It was one thing after another!

So, it was raining, 50-60 people were standing in front of the stage under umbrellas, waiting. The концерт was already out of the question. There was dead silence. I was sitting in my office with my team, feeling like a bundle of nerves. The project had failed, I had lost. The money we had had before that venture were at least enough for a short movie, but that день we Остаться в живых that money too. I сказал(-а) goodbye to my dream of making movies… As I mentioned earlier, Dessa was the first private cinema company in the country. It wasn't like nowadays when every other rich guy can own a film studio…

It was then one of my associates came to me and сказал(-а) that an old woman was waiting for me. I was in a state of shock, in some kind of prostration, and I didn't care whom to talk to. So I let her in. She came in from the rain, soaked through and crying. She was holding this huge drawing in her hand. It was a drawing of Michael Jackson made by her daughter. Actually it looked еще like Che Guevara или Leo Tolstoy. The woman told me a horrible story about her daughter who was almost blind from birth – she could see only with one eye, and only 4% of vision. So she pleaded me to go to Jackson and take an autograph for her half-blind daughter.
I guess it was God who sent me that woman with the drawing… I took it and went to Michael. I swear I didn't think about the failed Показать then, или about the money I had lost. My only thought was, "What if this kid recovers her sight after she gets the Jackson's autograph, just from the sheer desire to see it?!" It happens, Ты know… I entered Jackson's office and saw Michael, who was sitting in his stage outfit, completely still, hands folded on his lap. Aside from him, there were his doctor, Marcel Avram, and chief bodyguard. They were surprised to see me with that sheet of paper and couldn't figure out what it was. I explained it to them through the interpreter. Marcel Avram exploded, "You must be crazy! You've just Остаться в живых insane money! You've done such an enormous job, and it's all going to hell! Don't Ты have anything better to do?" I said, "Yes, I may have lost, but I need this signature. What if this kid gets her sight back? Think of it as if I paid all the Остаться в живых money for the autograph!" Jackson, who was listening to our argument, suddenly сказал(-а) to Avram: "I didn't know my signature cost that much… I will perform. Just get people in there, please – I can't sing to an empty stadium. And we'll need a lot of towels to wipe the stage". Then he signed the drawing. I won't even tell Ты how that old lady greeted me…

I don't remember how I got to Vladimir Aleshin, the director of the stadium, with a plea for help. Thankfully, he understood the situation and ordered to open the gates of the arena. All the ticketless audience that had gathered around the stadium (thank God, there were enough people out there) rushed inside. Meanwhile, my people together with a police officer found a kiosk Магазин that was selling towels, broke inside (it was late night and everything was closed already) and took two packs of towels. We wrote an explanation note for the owners, and left the police officer there to guard the Магазин from thieves.

Today, many years later, it's hard to explain what I was feeling at the time. When we had Остаться в живых heart, everything suddenly came into motion. Jackson was going onto the stage. He had to go through a passage and up the stairs (those very stairs under which we caught the police officer earlier). Michael's bodyguard was escorting him, and they went extremely slowly – Jackson with his head bowed, incredibly calm. I thought, "Boy, how is he even going?" It seemed to me that he was walking up there for ages... He jumped out of the trap in the floor and froze on the stage in puffs of smoke. The rain poured down. The audience forgot to breathe.'

Let's interrupt the Samvel Gasparov's story for a минута and read the recollections of mrparker, a person from the audience:

"…I was standing in the first row of the Фан zone. I'd been waiting there for several hours already, soaked through to my briefs, sick of the Beatles Музыка that was playing on the empty stage. And suddenly these huge black guys are coming out on stage (they were really huge, like a house или something) and beginning to wipe the stage with waffle towels. And so they wipe it for 20 minutes… 40 minutes… Someone from the audience shouts, 'WHAT ARE Ты DOING? DROP IT! IT'S RUSSIA!!!'

Nobody believes that the концерт will happen. Everyone is POSITIVE that it's just another scam.

Then an exciting Музыка starts and the huge screens on both sides of the stage Показать Jackson as he is going through passages with this very determined look on his face. Then something explodes, a man in the golden suit jumps out from the hole right in front of me (in 5 meters или so) and freezes still on the stage.

Silence follows. 'It's a doll!' someone beside me shouts.

And then we see the steam coming out of the doll's mouth. 'Jam' begins. Jackson darts off and starts dancing.

I have tears in my eyes as I'm Письмо it now – it was that cool. It was that unreal. The whole 2-hour Показать flashed by like a few seconds…"

'I think he knew how to preserve his energy somehow and then pour it all out at the audience… Michael exploded in the dance like thunder in the sky', Samvel Gasparov confirms. 'And as if following his cue, hundreds of speakers exploded around, the whole stadium exploded. I haven't seen anything like that in my entire life. Tears of joy ran down my face. My friend approached me and offered me a bottle of vodka. I didn't even feel the alcohol at first, it seemed like cold water to me. I finished the bottle, got in the car and went home. I couldn't even stay at the stadium – I was so drained. I don't remember how I got home. That night my wife told me, "You won, the концерт is happening! Ты did your job well. Screw the money! We can sell the house and the cars if we need to pay debt. The important thing is that you've won. He is singing, people are hearing him!"

Of course we had no revenue from the show. I met with Avram the Далее day, and he only asked me to cover their flight expenses – Jackson didn't demand his fee, which was supposed to be еще than $400,000. It was a generous and noble gesture. I guess they understood that we simply didn't get a chance to do our job.

We saw them off to the airport and сказал(-а) our goodbyes. I didn't see Michael или Avram ever since. In 1996, when Jackson visited Moscow for the секунда time, I was out of town. If I hadn't been away, I would probably have paid him a visit.

That Показать in 1993 was a turning point in my life. It feels like I Остаться в живых myself for a while. Of course, I didn't dream of Hollywood anymore, and Dessa ceased to exist. I dismissed my team… It's a pity that it turned out like that. What did my then enemies achieve? Nothing. The Показать did happen.

Now everybody is talking about Jackson again. I think people should just leave him alone. I don't believe in all those dirty stories around him, I don't. He was a man who went up on that stage because of a blind girl, overcoming all the obstacles, and delivered perfection! The world has Остаться в живых a genius. It's so sad… There's no doubt that Michael Jackson will be remembered in history for hundreds of years, alongside with names like The Beatles and Elvis.'

It's not mentioned by Samvel, but the концерт was on September 15th, and on the 14th, the день before, Evan Chandler filed a lawsuit against Michael for sexual molestation. I can't even imagine how Michael must have felt on that unfortunate день of the show… It's during that visit, on a rainy day, in Metropol hotel he wrote Stranger in Moscow.
ok so i got the new mj album Далее to the experience.
the album is amazing and hopfully some of the songs will be heard on the radio and the following now series. the album has 10 songs.
1. Hold My Hand (Duet With Akon)
2. Hollywood Tonight
3. Keep Your Head Up
4. (I Like) The Way Ты Любовь Me
5. Monster (Featuring 50 Cent)
6. Best Of Joy
7. Breaking News
8. (I Can't Make It) Another день (Featuring Lenny Kravitz)
9. Behind The Mask
10. Much Too Soon
well when i looked on the back of the CD it сказал(-а) 9 of the tracks were origonaly recorded and made by michael himself they were all finished by using parts of the songs and extending them или looping them.
this is a great album but im not so sure about number 10 it sounds just like him или maby it was all looped to finish
posted by MJangellover
Magical Child

Once there was a child and he was free
Deep inside, he felt the laughter
The mirth and play of nature’s glee
Beauty, Любовь was all he’d see

He knew his power was the power of God
He was so sure, they considered him odd
This power of innocence, of compassion, of light
Threatened the priests and created a fight
In endless ways they sought to dismantle
This mysteroius force which they could not handle

In endless ways they tried to destroy
His simple trust, his boundless joy
His invincible armor was a shield of bliss
Nothing could touch it, no venom, no hiss

The child remained in a state of grace...
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The first U. S. shipment of Michael Jackson's posthumous album, "Michael," will be 900,000 according to retail sources. Sony is projecting first-week CD sales of 340,000 and digital album sales of 60,000. Those numbers are similar to debut-week sales of Jackson's album "This Is It," though that album had the marketing strength of a major motion picuture behind it.

Second week projections for "Michael," are set at 280,000 units, while digital sales are expected to slip from its debut week percentage of 15% to 8%. However, both of those percentages are better than the digital sales garnered by...
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posted by JanetJFan
I just wanted to tell everyone thank you. For what Ты may ask? Well For making me smile, making turn to this place when i am down. Thanking for everyone's support towards MJ & his family. I think The message on this Club is simple n its L.O.V.E.. Most of Ты remind me of my very own family, & I Любовь Ты all like Ты are my family. I Любовь Ты all very much , Your all amazing. <3

Now let's Go into MJ Omg is it just me isnt he the best,amazing,sexy,hotty, celeb to walk this earth! Omg i wish he was here, i miss him soo much but everytime i come on here i think "WOW he is the one, the one that brought us together, He did it he reached his message.L.O.V.E".. Please everyone carry on MJ's message n Contunie to Listen to REAL POP Музыка and that's MJ Music!!{{Not saying every other pop artist is bad some of the pop Музыка today is great, but MJ's was better}}
Любовь Ты All-
Jacinda a.k.a JanetJfan
posted by the_best_Lover
DUBLIN, Ireland — It’s half past four in the morning and I’m making my way to Dublin with Ray.

I have spent a fair amount of time in the back of Ray’s car in the last 34 hours. He is the driver, henchman for the fellow who owns the recording studio in the middle of no man’s land, Ireland. Not only is it a quaint studio built inside the grounds of an old stone classic Irish estate... it’s the new creative Главная of Michael Jackson.

And yes, I just conducted the first visit with Michael Jackson since he left the United States in June 2005. First off, let me tell Ты what this visit...
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posted by Cristina98
The Далее day.. she was at work.. she works as a doctor.. The door knocked..

Caroline:"Come in"
It was Bernard...

Caroline:"We need to talk.."

Bernard said:"Tell me hun.."
She gave hin an angry face..

Caroline:"I went at a bar yesterday.. and u know who i saw? I saw u holding a girls' hand.. and u were laughing together!"

Bernard froze..

Caroline:"Don't u ever talk to me again.. it's over.. i don't want to see your face again.. go Главная and take your things back were they belong.. get out! Now.."

Bernard:"No.. wait I can explain"

Caroline:"Out! Get out Ты fool!"

He went out.. Caroline took a deep breath and continued working.. Then the first word that came in her mind was "Michael".. She thought of him that moment.. she smiled.. then she continued working..
Good news for the Фаны of the king of pop – link, Ты can now sleep on Jackson’s постель, кровати in the Irish country mansion which was once the Главная of the late звезда and his kids, but, is now open to public. The estate owner Paddy Dunning is offering the holiday makers and the Фаны of Jackson to live life like the king of pop. Jackson’s Фаны can now stay at the Coolatore House for a weekend или so and sleep in Jackson’s постель, кровати for upwards of $1,500.
The mother of Michael Jackson, Katherine, do many projects at this time. Once prepared an album titled Never Can Say Goodbye dedicated to her son and now the information they want to undertake the production of a film about the life of the king of pop.

The film deals with the life of Jackson from his childhood until the death of large stars. The Katherine, in fact, intends to offer hundreds of hours of family Видео to Howard Mann, who wrote the album with her. These include hardware since the family moved from Gary Indiana to Los Angeles as soon as the Jackson 5 signed with the label Motown.

сказал(-а) even, that the Howard has paid richly-digit amount to the former partner of Michael, Marc Schaffel, for 26 additional hours of video material with the king of pop. The Katherine Howard and planning a series of films for Michael. The documentary "This is it in the preparation of the king of pop for the comeback, earned profits of 400 million U.S. dollars to the family.
posted by paloma97ppb
Yes, Now its 1 год without Michael Jackson, a год without the Man in the Mirror, a год without the king of the dance floor, a год without the Stranger in Moscow, a год without the Smooth Criminal. A год that people were not thrilled by Thriller...so many things. Millions of tears hearing “Michael is dead”. Thousands of people gather outside The Apollo Theater in New York, were he performed with the Jackson 5. Flowers, signs, teddies and candles adorn the entrance of the Jackson family home. An innocent man is gone, all false allegations only for his money. Is that fair? I don’t...
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posted by 12251
agust 29 1999, today is daddy 41st brithday. we left daddy alone all moring. i could not wait any longer so i went to go get paris out of her crib. then i walked by prince's bedroom and сказал(-а) come on prince were going to go wake up daddy. me and prince walked to the doorway that leads to daddy's bedroom. i opened the door and paris сказал(-а) da da while pointing to the постель, кровати where daddy was sleeping. i сказал(-а) are Ты ready prince. prince сказал(-а) ya i'm ready. i counted to 3 and we jumped on вверх of daddy. thats when i relized he was not really sleeping, he was faking it. when we jumped on him he grabed all...
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posted by 12251
april 3, daddy was carrying prince to the car running as fast as he could. then he ran back inside and got me and put me in the car. when we were all in the car daddy сказал(-а) miss debbie is at the hospital getting ready to have your sister pairis. when we got there daddy ran into the room where debbie was. daddy told me and prince to stay with the bodygarud. when daddy came out of the room he had the baby in his arms. he yelled thank Ты debbie. he told the bodygarud to grab me and prince and run as fast as he could so we can beat the press to the car. when we got outside daddy pushed his way...
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posted by 12251
thank Ты so much funnychick95 this one is for you.

im skiping ahead one еще time so let me fill Ты in on whats going on. it is december 1997 and close to Рождество and im almost four prince is almost one and debbie is preganant with number 3.

dec 12 1997, daddy was waling by princes bedroom and when he looked in prince was standing up all by himself playing with his train table. daddy ran and got the video camara and asked one of the neverland staff to video tape prince. daddy kelt down a few feet away from prince and held out his arms. he сказал(-а) prince come see daddy come here. prince walked...
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posted by 12251
march 17 1996 daddy began prep on my baby brothers bedroom. i was starting to become еще and еще clingy to my dad since all of the talk about a new baby brother has been going on. i was always on his hip, i dont know how he is ever able to do anything with me hanging all over him all the time. every time he trys to put me down for a nap i cry until he comes upstairs to get me ,then i would fall asleep in his arms.

march 20, dad planed a trip to Дисней world for 2 weeks. today was the день before we go on our trip. daddy is going to video tape me today and for the whole trip because this will...
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posted by reneemonique
He Knew.

Years назад Michael and I were having a deep conversation about life in general.

I can't recall the exact subject matter but he may have been questioning me about the circumstances of my Fathers Death.

At some point he paused, he stared at me very intensely and he stated with an almost calm certainty, "I am afraid that I am going to end up like him, the way he did."

I promptly tried to deter him from the idea, at which point he just shrugged his shoulders and nodded almost matter of fact as if to let me know, he knew what he knew and that was kind of that.

14 years later I am sitting here...
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Do Ты Remember
When We Fell In Love
We Were Young And Innocent Then Do Ты Remember
How It All Began
It Just Seemed Like Heaven
So Why Did It End?
Do Ты Remember
Back In The Fall
We'd Be Together
All день Long
Do Ты Remember Us Holding Hands
In Each Other's Eyes
We'd Stare(Tell Me)
Do Ты Remember The Time When We Fell In Love
Do Ты Remember The Time
When We First Met girl
Do Ты Remember The Time
When We Fell In Love
Do Ты Remember The Time
Do Ты Remember
How We Used To Talk(Ya Know)We'd Stay On The Phone At Night Till Dawn
Do Ты Remember All The Things We сказал(-а) Like I Любовь You...
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posted by 12251
march 15 today is my brithdy. daddy came running up the stairs to get me up he was so happy. he swung open my bedroom door swiped me out of my детская кроватка and into his arms. he сказал(-а) happy brithday sweetie. still in a daze of sleep i hugged my daddy. daddy let my stay in my pjs because it was my brithday. he carried me downstairs on his hip, he was still trying to get me happy for my brithday. when we got down the bend of the stairway daddy turned so i could see all gifts. daddy сказал(-а) lets go wake up grandma and grandpa for brefast. we went and woke them up and then sat down at the кухня таблица to...
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posted by overpoort
His whole life Michael worked hard to provide us with an authentique version of a -better & higher- way of living our earthly lives. With his Музыка he has дана us the perfect rhythm, in his words we find the way, will and power to come together at last. Accept Michael's work as your ultimate guide in life and let it b...e your stronghold in times when Ты miss M.J. too much.



The largest Michael Jackson Tribute in the world!
Millions of Фаны from еще than 165 countries
are coming together to become part
of Michael Jackson's Legacy.

1 DOT...
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posted by aitypw
Arriving at the end of another season on MTV take stock and closed in 2009 with an all-day tribute to one of the greatest Музыка Иконки of the past year, the King of Pop Michael Jackson.

The «Michael Jackson Day» receivers will run on MTV Sunday, December 27, 2009. The MJ is still living among us and attach a minimum tribute Показ once again the brilliant work of art, Музыка course, the eccentric character and the leading choreographer and dancer.

The musical genius and unique talent who touched many generations of loyal fan, we are able to watch video clips during the Музыка zones Wake Up and...
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 Paul Anka,Co-writer of ((This is it)).
Paul Anka,Co-writer of ((This is it)).
It appears that the Вопрос of whether или not Michael Jackson's children will escape the limelight will forever loom over the heads of the members of the Jackson family. Immediately following the King of Pop's death in June, his father, Joe Jackson, was asked if he anticipated Показать business futures for his grandchildren. Then, Papa Joe could not offer a straight answer, and that same uncertainty remains today..

When asked if Michael's children, Paris, Prince Michael, and Prince Michael II, will be featured in the reality Показать tentatively titled, "The Jacksons: A Family Dynasty," representatives...
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posted by Jill_17
"They may have gone three months since his death, but appears to be of concern to us on time.
Shortly before the release of double album''This is it''on Oct. 26 and the premiere of ...

homonymous film on Oct. 28, Sony will release enaolokainourio single by Michael Jacksonstis October 12 ...

The new song of Jackson will not be released as a separate single disc, but will play on all radios from 12 October, two weeks before the release of the official album. Its Название is''This is it''and to hear what the brothers do vocals Jackson King of Pop.

The new song''proves once again what everyone knows...
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