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When Ты have been in Показать business 35 years - when Ты have been a legend in Показать business for much of that time - Ты know how to make an enterance. At least Michael Jackson does.

The King of Pop doesn't simply arrive anywhere, and his appearance in a lush room at the pricey Beverly Hills Hotel is no exception. He is two hours late. He is preceeded by his bodyguard, whose security check includes peeks behind curtains and into closets and bathrooms. Then the guard dims the lights. When the door finally swings open, it is not Jackson but two small children who bolt into the room: Prince, 4, whose dark hair is bleached blond, and Paris, 3, whose brown curls tumble to her shoulders. Finally, their father arrives.

His image is ubiquitous - his sculpted face and doe eyes peer at us from супермаркет stands seemingly daily - and yet unique. He's slight, wearing a blue military рубашка and his trademark short black pants and white socks. And then there is his nose. His famous nose, which, on this day, is covered by gray bandages.

"It is analgesic tape," he says, quietly but good-naturedly. "For allergies."

With his children playing on the floor by his feet, he talks about his life, politely and with an amazing sense of poise and self-possession. He is a man at time indignant about the press but able to laugh at himself, which may be the most surprising thing about Michael Jackson. At one point, he doubles over giggling at the thought of how at concerts women have fainted in his presence.

And yet he is aprehensive. At 43, Jackson is at a crossroads in his career, urgently trying to transform himself from '80s Иконка to a player in the current pop scene. His first step in a climb back to the вверх were the two Последнее concerts at Madison Square Garden, his first public performances in America in 12 years. They have been edited into a two-hour Телевидение special titled Michael Jackson: 30th Annviersary Celebration airing Tuesday, November 13 (CBS, 9 PM/ET). He is anxiously awaiting reaction to his latest album, Invincible [at press time, its first single, "You Rock My World" had reached No. 10 on Billboard's Hot 100 Chart, while the video has been an MTV staple]. In addition, he has written and is producing a "We Are The World"-type song called "What еще Can I Give?"; its proceeds will benefit victims of September 11 attacks. And he will make a cameo in Далее summer's film sequel "Men In Black 2".

In the end, it was Michael Jackson the father, a man deep connected to his children and his own childhood, who left the most lasting impression.

"This Телевидение special celebrates your long career. Do Ты remember the first time Ты ever stepped onstage?"
I was 5 years old. And it was at a public school recital. We had to wear white shirts and short knickers. And I remember them saying, "Little Michael Jackson is coming up to sing 'Climb Every Mountain.'" I got the biggest applause. When I went to my сиденье, место, сиденья my grandfather and mother were crying. They said, "[We] can't believe how beautiful Ты sound." That's the first one I remember.

"It's rare for Ты to do a TV special."
I've turned down so many because I just don't like to go on television. I get embarrassed. So I'll do a performance, but I won't watch it until almost a год или two later because I'm always disapointed in something I did.

"The concerts that were filmed for this special were packed with big stars. That couldn't have been disapointing."
The [second] Показать was good. [The first show] was horrible because, technically, there were a lot of breakdowns and intermissions in between each act. It was very difficult. The audience was waiting and waiting and waiting.

"What does it feel like when you're dancing onstage?"
I am a slave to the rhythm. I am a palette. I just go with the moment. You've got to do it that way because if you're thinking, you're dead. Performing is not about thinking; it's about feeling.

TVG:"Do Ты plan the dance steps?"
Certain steps are set with my brothers. But when I'm alone, it's all improvised. Nothing is planned, ever. All the dance schools now teach kids to count, and that's completely wrong.

TVG:"What do Ты think about current pop groups like N'Sync? Are they imitating you?"
I think they're very good singers. I know them very well, and we hang out every once in a while and laugh and play. I have no problem with them imitating [me]. It's a compliment. Everybody has to start out looking up to someome. For me it was James Brown, Sammy Davis Jr., Jackie Wilson, Фред Astaire, Gene Kelly.

TVG:"The special feaures an appearance by Marlon Brando. How did he get involved?"
Brando's a good friend of mine. I've known him for about 20 years. He comes to my house all the time. He loves to play with the kids. I play with his grandchildren, and we Любовь to watch movies.

"Who else do Ты spend time with?"
Elizabeth [Taylor], Brando, Gregory Peck, these are very close Друзья of mine. Either they're much older than me или much younger. I've never had real contact with a person my age level. I think this happened because all my life I played clubs, since I was 5 years old. I saw people drunk, fighting, and it was just disgusting. When people say to me today, "Hey, lets go to a club," I go, "No way." If I go, it's not a party for me - too many autographs and photographs.

"Was that true at your postconcert party at [the] Tavern on the Green restaurant?"
It was worse then - I couldn't breathe because everybody [was crowding around].

"And Ты fainted?"
That's a rumor. It was sensationalism. [The press] made it up. As usual. They Любовь doing that to me.

"What did happen?"
Nothing. I didn't faint. Not even close. [The press has] done his for so long, and it's disgusting. [Gently, to Paris, who is skipping around the coffee table] Paris, Ты can't make noise. Ты can't - no, don't bump the table. [The reporters are] tape recording.

"Liza Minnelli also sang at your tribute concerts. Ты two seem very close."
I speak to Liza every week. We come from the same planet. Like Elizabeth does.

"What planet is that?"
It's called Capricious Anomaly in the Sea of Space. [laughs]. Gee, I can't name it. Just beyond our solar system, I think. But this is true, and this is not to be taken lightly: People who grew up as child stars have the same thing in common. You're cute, they Любовь you; Ты go through the awkward stage, they don't accept Ты anymore. Very few make the transition to adult star. And most of them become self-destructive. And it's very sad.

"How did Ты avoid self-destruction?"
I think religion entered in?

"Are Ты still a Jehovah's Witness?"
Yeah. I've done, Ты know, we call it pioneering. We do 90 hours a month. I don't do as much now because I'm busy. Ты go door to door. I wear a fat suit, pop-bottle glasses, mustache, buck teeth, and, like, an Afro wig. And I knock on the door and say we're Jehovah's Witnesses.

"This special is in conjunction with the launch of your seventh solo album, Invincible. Is this your comeback?"
I don't see it as a comeback. I only do an album every four years. It's just that I've been on hiatus, writing.

"The album features rap stars Wil Smith and Jay-Z. It's hard to imagine Ты working with Jay-Z, whose image is a bit rougher than yours."
[He] was just so sweet. And Ты hear these crazy stories about something [some of these rappers] did the Далее day, and it's hard to believe. I always see them to be very kind. Perfect gentlemen.

"What's the message of "Unbreakable", the first song on the album?"
That [I'm] invincible, that I've been through it all. Ты can't hurt me. Knock me down, I get back up. [To Prince, who begins to bang his Snapple лимонад on the coffee table] See the noise you're making? You've got to be nice and quiet.

"You are known from being eccentric. Did growing up in the limelight have something to do with that?"
[Smiling coyly] It depends on what kind of eccentricities you're talking about.

"People call Ты Wacko Jacko."
But that's not nice. They do that because they're jealous. I haven't done anything. I go to hospitals and orphanages. And we take huge bags of toys. I spend thousands of dollars. What's so wacko about that?

"Because of the way Ты are portrayed in the press, people wonder, "Is he strange?""
[Exasperated] I did Oprah. I did Diane Sawyer. [People] saw me. [The press] is just completely jealous. And it's just one of those things that I have to deal with.

"How do Ты deal with it?"
I turn it into positive energy. And I write about it; it's in my movement, it's in the expression on my face. And it becomes a part of me, part of my creation. And I try not to let it get to me. Because if Ты do, you'll go crazy.

"Your first video, for the single "You Rock My World", is actually a 15-minute short film. How did Ты come up with a gangster theme?"
I don't know - the idea just kind of happened. In Cuba. Hot summer night. A club run by these hoods. I just wish [MTV] would Показать the long version. The short version I don't like at all. It's not entertaining enough.

"How much are Ты involved in the video-making process?"
When Ты say Michael Jackson, people always think of an entertainer. They don't think of the fact that I write songs. I'm not trying to brag, but I write them, and I direct a lot of [the videos]. I don't think [younger artists] are aware of those things, which I think would be inspiring for them.

"When Ты were making this video, did Ты think, "I want this to be as good as the one for 'Thriller'"?"
NO, because I know I didn't have the time to execute that. There are ones that are coming up that will be better.

"Do Ты let your kids watch MTV?"
At a certain age I will, not now. They are going to have to be 15 или 16.

"Do Ты watch TV?"
I Любовь PBS, the Discovery Channel, The Simpsons. I Любовь Sesame Street. I could watch it for hours. But my Избранное Показать is Malcolm in the Middle. It reminds me so much of [my brothers and me] when we were little.

"Which character do Ты relate to?"
Malcolm. Mainly because he tries to fit into society, and he doesn't - like E.T. или Bambi, he can't adjust to other people's concepts. And I feel like that a lot of times. Once I'm offstage, I feel awkward, like this is not where I'm supposed to be.

"Which one of your kids is most like you?"
Both, but in different ways. Prince likes to tease, to the point where Ты want to pull his hair. I always used to tease my sisters all the time.

"And Paris?"
She's the tough one.

"How is their mother, Debbie Rowe?
I heard she's doing, she's fine. Paris is strong like Debbie

"Regarding your finances, there are rumors that Ты are bankrupt and that's why Ты charged high prices for the концерт tickets."
That's tabloid garbage. They make things up. They're looking for something to sell a paper.

"With the state of the world right now, Ты must be concerned for the kids. Ты were in New York when the terrorists attacked, right?"
Yeah, I got a call from overseas that сказал(-а) America's being attacked. I said, "What are Ты talking about?" They said, "Turn on the news." And I couldn't believe what I saw. And I screamed down the hallway, "Everybody, quick, get up, we've got to go." And everybody got dressed, and we got in the car and drove farther out [from the city].

"The attacks prompted Ты to write and produce an all-star recording of the song "What еще Can I Give" to benefit the victims.
I was sick over the notoriety of the attacks. I don't know if [television news] played it too many times, but we went from fear to hate to anger to vengeance. And I think the media had a lot to do with that.

"We hear Ты are planning to talk to President куст, буш about the song and its proceeds."
I talked to [Bush] senior. We have a phone call coming up very soon with the president. They told us that they're very proud of what I'm doing and that he сказал(-а) I'm an international hero.

"Your mission seems to be about helping people."
I've always done that, yes. It's funny now, because of the this [terrorist] attack, everybody is trying to regroup, find songs about this kind of stuff. I've done it all my career: "Heal The World", "We Are The World", "Will Ты Be There", "Man In The Mirror", about the planet, earth songs. And nobody was doing it but me because that's where my сердце is. I care. My biggest dream is to have a Children's Day, where children can bond with their parents.

"Do your kids travel with Ты everywhere?"
Everywhere I go.

"What will happen when they start school and can't travel as much?"
I'm going to build a computer school on the grounds [of Neverland, Jackson's estate]. With other children.

"So they can go to school online?"
Yeah. How can they go into society? He's Prince Michael Jackson. She's Paris Katherine Michael Jackson. It would be too difficult.

"Why do Ты think Ты have such an affinity for children?"
I'll tell Ты exactly where it comes from. Because I never had a childhood. When they're in pain, I feel their pain. And when they're in despair, I feel their despair. I have such concern about the plight and the state of our children today. If there was one день where kids could get with parents and bond, this would make such a difference. If I had that one день with my father, it would have made a difference in our relationship today - just the one day.

"What is your relationship with your father?"
It's much better now. He's a much nicer person now. He's mellowed out a lot since he's had grandchildren, Ты know. He has thirty something grandkids now.

"What did your dad think of the концерт special? Was he there?"
He was at the show. But my father, if he feels you've done a good show, he'll just go, "Good show". He won't say, "Oh, Ты did wonderful." I don't think he know's how to Показать affection. [Michael looks at Prince, who is crawling around the room with a rubber ball stuck on his nose, chattering and poking certain reporters on the cheek.] [Sweetly] Prince, shh! Ты promised me you'd be quiet, remember?

"What else do Ты want to do with your career?"
I Любовь movies. I'm going to direct еще and act more. I feel the most powerful artistic expression in the world is film. I want to do a film with Liza Minnelli. We are planning a movie together. It's about two struggling entertainers trying to make it; they get turned away everywhere they go. With some of the best dancing ever. I'm not joking. Because I see it, I feel it here. [Points to his heart. Meanwhile, Prince toddles across the room and sits at his father's feet. Paris crawls into Jackson's lap and sits there curled up, while he strokes her hair.]

"Michael Jackson as a father. It is an image we never see. Are Ты a good father?"
I try my hardest. I try to bring them a lot of fun. Once a год I dress up like a clown, with the whole gear - the nose, the paint. And I give them Конфеты and cookies. [ Prince smiling says : And ice cream]. And ice cream!
Later that день Michael went back to check on Saronia but she was still asleep.
So he left her be and left some apples for her.
It was late in the день so he decided to head to bed.
He went to sleep and started dreaming.
Michael was walking in a field. Where, he didn't know.
He saw a horse that looked like Saronia run by, but then vanish.
Then he saw a girl, a girl that looked to be in her mid 20's.
She was in a long, flowing white dress and had long brown hair.
She walked up to him and smiled.
"Hi, I'm Baylaa." She greeted.
"I'm Michael."
Then her face changed to sorrow. And the sound...
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 *somethings wrong here...hes wearing jeans again!! :o*
*somethings wrong here...hes wearing jeans again!! :o*
44-year-old Michael Jackson had a tough time with life. He hasn't found one lady who would understand him and his troubles. He sighed and looked in the mirror. "Next week is the album signing. I just have to make the best of it." He said, messing with his hair. Frank walked into his room and up to him. "Michael, don't forget. After the album signing is the tour." Frank told him. Michael nodded. Frank was about to walk out of the room, but noticed Michael's expression. "What's the matter, Michael?" Michael turned to him. "Frank, my life is getting harder. No kids, and I haven't found one woman...
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After michael took his душ and got dressed he then headed downstairs. "Good morning honey." Diane сказал(-а) as she walked up to him and kissed him. "Good morning baby." Michael сказал(-а) as he then gave her a Kiss in return. " about last night...." , " Diane it's ok, Ты don't have to apologize again." Michael сказал(-а) stopping her. "What's for breakfast?" Michael asked changing the subject. " um eggs, бекон, бэкон and toast." , "sounds good." Michael сказал(-а) as he made his way over to the table. "Hey Diane where's Alicia?" Michael asked looking around. " I think she's in the guest room..why?" Diane asked. "Just...
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 what he wore dancing with Aislinn
what he wore dancing with Aislinn
The Далее morning
Aislinn woke up and saw no Michael, but heard the душ running. "Showering as usual. Hm...I think I'll see about scaring him. Heehee..." She found a white rose and her fake нож that squirted out blood. She pretended to cut her throat and the blood squirted across. She did the same to her arms and placed the rose on her chest and acted like she was dead. Michael got out of the душ and changed and before putting his рубашка on, looked over at Aislinn. He was confused, but looked closely and saw blood. "Oh my god! Aislinn!!" He ran to her and was panicking like crazy. He shook...
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Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: Lisa Marie was good about at least visiting. So she had no problem going and doing some of the compassionate things of giving these children Любовь and making them feel special?

Michael Jackson: She had no problem doing that but her and I had several big arguments 'cause she's very territorial with her children. Her children were [her major concern]...and I said, "No all children are our children," and she never liked that coming from me. She was very angry about that. Plus, she had a fight with me one time when two little boys in Лондон killed this other kid and I was going...
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looking around she started to feel excited. all of a sudden the lights went down and Музыка started.then through the door swaggered a man dressed in blood red clothes. Tight red leather pants a silk re рубашка and red jacket. Dark hair in a braid and red lipstick. Jennine gasped when she saw his face. Holding a chair to steady herself she gazed in half terror and half lust at Michael Jackson. Oh my god she breathed great heaving gulps of air. the Музыка got louder and the girls started dancing around Michael.That familiar voice that Jennine so loved came through the speakers. smoothly making his way across the room he came ever so slowly to where Jennine was standing. Locking eyes with hers he spun around on one heel and grabed Jennine by the waist. Jennine melted as his arms encircled her and he thrusted his hips against hers. tango style they danced across the room while Michael didnt miss a beat. Пение perfectly whilst dancing.
Everyone heard Michael and the crowd stopped screaming and all of them watched MJ surprised.Michael was not singing.He was just sitting there,on his knees,thinking about Madeline.When Michael's team saw that he was no singing,they turned off the Музыка and someone took advantage of that silence and told him:"Mike!Mike!Get up!".But Michael couldn't hear him because in his head he could only hear himself screaming:"Why did Ты let her to go?!!Why?!!You idiot!!How could Ты be so naive?!!",then he sadly whispered:"You Остаться в живых her forever...",while crying.Then,Michael reached his chest and his head...
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In the autumn of 1992 in a small town from a small country,Madeline Blackeyes wakes up like always at 7 o'clock to get ready to go to her job.After she finished washing and dresing,she goes to кухня to make herself a breakfast,but she surprisely founds there her grandmother who says:"Good morning,dear!".Madeline hugs her and says:"What are Ты doing here?The doctor сказал(-а) Ты should not go outside или make too much effort!"."Oooh,don't worry dear,I'll be just fine!Besides,you're the one who should not make too much effort and go to work.Are Ты shure you'll be allright?"Madeline went to the...
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Michael then stormed downstairs and began to head towards the front door. "Michael Wait!" Janet called after him. "Michael joseph jackson Ты get back up here right this instant!" Michael's mother commanded as she stood at the вверх of the steps Далее to Ali who stood there with her arms crossed and a evil grin on her face. Michael didnt answer and walked right out the front door to his car and sped off. "My i wonder what has gotten into him?" Janet said. "Oh dont worry janet he's probably just stressed i mean he does have a tour coming up." Tito reasured janet. "I doubt stress from a tour would...
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On October 15, 2001, producer Quincy Jones was guest in 'The Oprah Show'. During the Показать Michael called in to pay tribute to his friend. Below follows a transcript of this segment:

Oprah Winfrey: [...] He's worked with everybody from Billie Holiday to Frank Sinatra to Michael Jackson. I mean, when Ты span that whole--th--that's not an era of music. That's eras. OK. Quincy doesn't know this, but there's somebody on the phone who wanted to be here today but could not. Most of the world knows him as the King of Pop. Say hello to Michael Jackson. Michael. Michael. So hi, Michael.

Michael: Hi....
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 What Jo wore to prom
What Jo wore to prom
When Michael stepped out the house. He paused and thought. 'What the heck did I do?' He ran to his house. And went to his bedroom. He started getting mad at himself and throwed stuff around. Janet came in. He almost throwed his подушка at Janet. "Hey, first Ты take my яблоко сок and now Ты try to kill me." Janet joked. "Please
leave." Michael said. "Why are Ты mad?' Janet ignored him and said. "Jo and me had a fight. I сказал(-а) things that I would never say." Michael said. "Well, why did you?" Janet asked. "She was bossing me." Michael said. "That's because she think's she can. It's a good thing...
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 The Розы that michael threw on the floor... </3
The roses that michael threw on the floor... </3
The Далее morning Diane awoke to the usual sound of her alarm. As always Diane got up, got into the shower, got dressed , put on her makeup and headed out the door to go to work. Once she arrived she unlocked her office and went straight to her стол письменный, стол and began working.

Diane didnt know how long she had been working when there was a sudden knock at the door. "Come in" Diane said. When the door was opened diane was outraged to see Mark standing in the doorway. "What do Ты want mark?" Diane growled. "Oh i just want a little something that Ты never gave me when we were together." Mark сказал(-а) as he...
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 Michael's phone
Michael's phone
Back at michael's trailer, michael lay in his постель, кровати glancing at the clock, which read 1:00am. Michael and alicia had been texting back and forth for over an час and a half now. Michael was beginging to get tired, so he told Alicia goodnight, and placed his phone on the nightstand. Michael then drifted off to sleep, but it wasnt long before the loud vibration of his phone awoke him. Michael groaned as he reached for his phone. "Ok who could be texting me this late at night....ugh! it better not be alicia." Michael opened the phone to find he had a text from someone. Michael glanced at the number,...
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When Breanna got home, she was not surprised to see that Ayanna and Jason were Поцелуи passionately on the couch. Michael must be psychic., she thought and cleared her throat. Ayanna blushed and stared at her sister.

"Well, it looks like Ты two are back together.", Breanna said.

"Yep,and before Ты even ask the wedding is back on.", сказал(-а) Ayanna.

"That's great. I'm so happy for Ты guys."

Ayanna hugged her sister. "Thanks, Bre.", she сказал(-а) and smiled.

"For what? What did I do?", asked Breanna.

"You talked some sense into me and made me realize that I really do Любовь Jason. I can't picture my life without...
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Like a comet
Blazing 'cross the evening sky
Gone too soon

Like a радуга
Fading in the twinkling of an eye
Gone too soon

Shiny and sparkly
And splendidly bright
Here one день
Gone one night

Like the loss of sunlight
On a cloudy afternoon
Gone too soon

Like a замок
Built upon a sandy пляж, пляжный
Gone too soon

Like a perfect цветок
That is just beyond your reach
Gone too soon

Born to amuse
To inspire to delight
Here one день
Gone one night

Like a sunset
Dying with the rising of the moon
Gone too soon
Gone too soon
Its very hard admitting this but it had to come out sometime so here it goes:

It started when I was 3. My older sister had made me a CD with Smooth Criminal on it though I never knew Michael sang the song. I would walk around the house talking about how someday I would meet the man who sang Smooth Criminal. My family thought it was cute but I was being serious. I wanted to so bad! It was my dream to meet him. Through the years I listened to that song everyday at every moment I could. Then came the день my father gave me my first ipod. My sister put Болталка songs on there and one of them was Thriller....
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posted by fayegaringan123
(This takes place in the BAD era...)

One late evening, the moon was shining brightly in the sky with billions of dazzlings stars twinkling beside it. It was just after midnight, a time where everyone in town should be asleep. But for 19 год old Ashley, this was a time where she could find peace and quiet. She looked at the twinkling stars wondering where he is right now. She remembered how they chased each other on the newly-cut трава in this same park. She remembered feeling so безопасно, сейф with him. Then she remembered that horrible moment. His car and him was shot by two killers. They could no longer...
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His first goal in life must have been to own a Конфеты store because he loved to play storekeeper. After Joe began giving him and his brothers a weekly allowance, he would spend every cent of it on Конфеты and gum. He’d come Главная with an armful of it, take a board and two bricks and place them in the doorway to the boys’ bedroom, place a cloth over the board, lay the Конфеты on вверх of it, and sell it to his brothers and sisters and Друзья for the same price he’d paid for it.

Michael was also a serious candy-eater and gum-chewer. Before he opened his “store,” he’d save his pennies so that he could purchase bubble gum at the concession stand at the Little League ball park behind our house. One night, however, he couldn’t find his penny for gum and he was so upset he started crying. “Mother, do Ты know what happened to my penny?” he asked. I knew the answer when I saw Marlon @Marlon_Jackson happily chewing away on a wad of bubble gum nearby.
I am sick and tired of hearing and Чтение about people comparing Michael Jackson and Justin Bieber. Now I like Justin Bieber too and I think that he is very gifted and talented. I can honestly see him progressing in the Музыка business as he gets older. But he will never be better than Michael. Michael is irreplaceable and nobody will never be to do any of the things that he did. I don't care who they are because it will never happen. So for people to even try to compare them as far as record sales, yotube views,concert, или Фильмы is so annoying to me and it really pisses me off. Like I сказал(-а) before, I don't have anything against Justin Bieber, but he will never be better than Michael point blank period. I mean come on. This is even worse than Kanye West saying that he's good enough to be "the new King of Pop." Hello?! What a joke! There is only one of King of Pop and that is Michael Jackson. This is also offensive to MJ's family, friends, and fans. Most of all it is offensive to MJ.
posted by mj4ever202
The men were interviewed exclusively by ABC-TV Good Morning America's correspondent Ashley Banfield, who spent three days with them. Do the men have monetary ulterior motives? Well, GMA did not pay them a cent for the interview. The confidants do claim, however, that they plan on Письмо a book together to dispel any myths или nasty rumors about a man whom they grew to respect and love.

Here is a small inside peek in to MJ's world as they knew it:

* Even though Jackson was charged in 2005 with child molestation but was later acquitted, all three men adamantly state that Jackson was not a pedophile....
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