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posted by mitsuki963

ACACIA BLOSSOM - Concealed Love; Beauty in Retirement; Chaste Love

ACORN - Nordic Symbol of Life and immortality

AMBROSIA - Your Любовь is Reciprocated

AMARYLLIS - Pride; Pastoral Poetry

ANEMONE - Forsaken

ARBUTUS- Thee Only Do I Love

астра, астер - Symbol of Love: Daintiness

азалия - Take Care of Yourself for Me; Temperance; Fragile Passion; Chinese Symbol of Womanhood

BACHELOR BUTTON - Single Blessedness

бегония - Beware



BLUEBELL - Humility


CACTUS - Endurance

CAMELLIA Admiration; Perfection; Good Luck, Gift to a Man

CAMELLIA розовый - Longing for You

CAMELLIA Red - You're a Flame in My Heart

CAMELLIA White - You're Adorable

Конфеты TUFT - Indifference

CARNATION General - Fascination; Divine Love

CARNATION розовый - I'll Never Forget Ты CARNATION, Purple - Capriciousness

CARNATION Red - My сердце Aches for You; Admiration

CARNATION Solid Colour - Yes

CARNATION Striped - No; Refusal; Sorry I Can't Be with You: Wish L Could Be with You

CARNATION White - Sweet and Lovely; Innocence; Pure Love; Woman's Good Luck Gift

CARNATION Yellow - Ты Have Disappointed Me; Rejection

CATTAIL - Peace; Prosperity

хризантема General - You're A Wonderful Friend; Cheerfulness and Rest

хризантема Red - I Love

хризантема White - Truth

хризантема Yellow - Slighted Love

COREOPSIS - Always Cheerful

CROCUS - Cheerfulness

CYCLAMEN - Resignation and Good-bye

DAFFODIL - Regard; Unrequited Love; You're the Only One; The Sun is Always Shining When I'm with You

маргаритка - Innocence; Loyal Love; I'll Never Tell; Purity

DANDELION - Faithfulness; Happiness


папоротник - Magic; Fascination; Confidence and Shelter

папоротник Maidenhair - Secret Bond of Love

FIR - Time

лен, лён - Domestic Symbol

FORGET-ME-NOT- True Love; Memories

FORSYTHIA - Anticipation

GARDENIA - You're Lovely: Secret Love

GARLIC - Courage; Strength

герань -"Stupidity; Folly

GLADIOLUS - Give Me a Break . . . I'm Really Sincere; цветок of the Gladiators

GLOXINIA - Любовь at First Sight

трава - Submission

HEATHER Lavender - Admiration; Solitude

HEATHER White - Protection; Wishes will Come True

падуб, holly, холли - Defense; Domestic Happiness

HYACINTH General - Games and Sports; Rashness: цветок Dedicated to Apollo

HYACINTH Blue - Constancy

HYACINTH Purple - I Am Sorry; Please Forgive Me: Sorrow

HYACINTH Red или розовый - Play

HYACINTH White- Loveliness; I'll Pray for You

HYACINTH Yellow - Jealousy

HYDRANGEA - Thank Ты for Understanding; Frigidity; Heartlessness

IRIS - Fleur-de-Lis, Emblem of France: Your Friendship Means So Much to Me; Faith; Hope; Wisdom and Valour; My Compliments

IVY - Wedded Love; Fidelity; Friendship; Affection

IVY SPRIG OF WHITE TENDRILS -Anxious to Please; Affection

JONQUIL - Любовь Me; Affection Returned; Desire; Sympathy; Desire for Affection Returned

LARKSPUR розовый - Fickleness

LILY Calla - Beauty

LILY день - Coquetry; Chinese Emblem for Mothers

LILY Eucharis - Maiden Charms

LILY оранжевый - Hatred

LILY Tiger - Wealth; Pride

LILY White - Virginity; Purity; Majesty; It's Heavenly to Be with You

LILY Yellow - I'm Walking on Air; False and Gay

LILY-0F-THE-VALLEY - Sweetness; Tears of the Virgin Mary; Return to Happiness; Humility; You've Made My Life Complete

магнолия - Nobility

ноготки, календула, бархатцы - Cruelty: Grief Jealousy

MISTLETOE - Kiss me; Affection; To Surmount Difficulties; Sacred Plant of India; Magic Plant of the Druids

MONKSHOOD - Beware; A Deadly Foe is Near

MOSS - Maternal Love; Charity

MYRTLE - Love; Hebrew Emblem of Marriage

нарцисс - Egotism; Formality; Stay as Sweet as Ты Are

настурция - Conquest; Victory in Battle

NUTS - Stupidity

OLEANDER - Caution

оранжевый BLOSSOM - Innocence; Eternal Love; Marriage and Fruitfulness

оранжевый MOCK - Deceit

ORCHID - Love; Beauty; Refinement; Beautiful Lady; Chinese Symbol for Many Children

ORCHID Cattleya - Mature Charm

PALM LEAVES - Victory and Success

PEONY - Shame; Gay Life; Happy Marriage

петуния - Resentment; Anger; Your Presence Soothes me

PINE - Hope; Pity

мак General - Eternal Sleep; Oblivion; Imagination

мак Red - Pleasure

мак White - Consolation

мак Yellow - Wealth; Success

PRIMROSE - I Can't Live Without You

PRIMROSE - Evening - Inconstancy

ROSE Bridal - Happy Love

ROSE Рождество - Tranquilize My Anxiety; Anxiety

ROSE Coral - Desire

ROSE Damask - Persian Ambassador of Love

ROSE Dark Crimson - Mourning

ROSE Dark розовый - Thankfulness

ROSE Lavender - Enchantment

ROSE LEAF - Ты May Hope

ROSE оранжевый - Fascination

ROSE Pale персик - Modesty

ROSE Pale розовый - Grace, Joy

ROSE Red - Love, Respect

ROSE Single Full Bloom - I Любовь You; I Still Любовь You

ROSE чай - I'll Remember; Always

ROSE Thorn less - Любовь at First Sight

ROSE White - Innocence and Secrecy

ROSE White and Red Together - Unity White on Red Together - цветок Emblem of England

ROSE Yellow - Joy, Friendship

ROSEBUD - Beauty and Youth; A сердце Innocent of Love

ROSEBUD Moss - Confessions of Love

ROSEBUD Red - Pure and Lovely

ROSEBUD White - Girlhood

Розы Bouquet of Full Bloom - Gratitude

Розы Garland или Crown of - Reward of Merit; Crown Symbol of Superior Merit

Розы Musk Cluster - Charming

SMILAX - Loveliness

SNAPDRAGON - Deception; Gracious Lady

паук цветок - Elope with Me

STEPHANOTIS - Happiness in Marriage; Desire to Travel

STOCK - Bonds of Affection; Promptness; You'll Always Be Beautiful to Me

SWEET гороховый, горох - Good-bye; Departure; Blissful Pleasure; Thank Ты for a Lovely Time

тюльпан General - Perfect Lover; Fame; цветок Emblem of Holland

тюльпан Red - Believe Me; Declaration of Love

тюльпан Variegated - Beautiful Eyes

тюльпан Yellow - There's Sunshine in Your Smile

VIOLET- Modesty

фиолетовый Blue - Watchfulness; Faithfulness; I'll Always Be True

фиолетовый White - Let's Take a Chance on Happiness

VISCARIA -Will Ты Dance with Me?

ZINNIA Magenta - Lasting Affection

ZINNIA Mixed - Thinking (or in Memory) of an Absent Friend

ZINNIA Scarlet - Constancy

ZINNIA White - Goodness

ZINNIA Yellow - Daily Remembrance
added by mitsuki963
added by mitsuki963
added by mitsuki963
added by mitsuki963
added by mitsuki963
added by mitsuki963
added by mitsuki963
added by mitsuki963
added by mitsuki963
added by mitsuki963
added by mitsuki963
added by mitsuki963
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