Нейтан и Хэйли Club
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Нейтан и Хэйли
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Hi everyone!
Here comes the interview with
the Нейтан и Хэйли Фан Of The Month, Celine.
I'm really sorry for puting this
on the wrong spot before. I had to less information about it and i should have
asked for еще before publishing it.
I apologize to all of you!

I wanna start with a huge thank Ты to Terra, who asked me to do this interview.
And a really big thank Ты to Celine! It has been a honour to interview Celine. She is my best friend here on Fanpop and i'm very happy for here to be the NFOTM! All the pictures is picked by Celine, and she has acutally made some of them!
I also wanna apologize if...
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added by jennifer_02
added by Stelenavamp
Source: shellyjohnsons:@tumblr
added by kwiatuszek446
Холм одного дерева
haley james scott
nathan scott
Нейтан и Хэйли
nathan scott
haley james scott
Нейтан и Хэйли
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jamiem 7x19
Нейтан и Хэйли
haley james scott
nathan scott
Холм одного дерева
added by ashesandwine
Source: Нейтан и Хэйли girl's tumblr
Hopefully Ты are all familiar with the forum/picks going on in reference to this topic. Celine suggested I also make an Статья for ALL the reasons. Winners of each round are in bold. Показать the Нейтан и Хэйли Любовь over at the[link]

1. Because she's his dream & he's never letting go of her.
2. Because she's not going anywhere
3. Because they can survive anything
4. Because he didn't want another tutor...he wanted her
5. Because they give us all hope.
6. Because they're Always & Forever
7. Because she changed him!
8. because he could Любовь her forever
9. Because he never stopped believing in them
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Нейтан и Хэйли
haley james scott
nathan scott
Холм одного дерева
lucas scott
added by mcewen_girl
added by ashesandwine
Source: tumblr
added by ashesandwine
Source: Нейтан и Хэйли girl's tumblr
added by mcewen_girl
added by Crywolf_10
credit; haley bob
Холм одного дерева
Нейтан и Хэйли
nathan scott
haley james scott
james lafferty
bethany joy
added by jennifer_02
added by Slayerfest93
Source: http://greyslexie.tumblr.com/